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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4121756 No.4121756[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hey dude. i know that we are the least visited board and food is a waste of time to people but some of us really would like it if you could possibly give a sticky? for the love of god please dont make it "ck.booru.org" that shit sucks asshole!!!
in this thread we will be voting and debating on
a sticky to use.
i know you like /b/ the best and yeah that's all well and good but if it wouldnt be too much trouble id really like to see a sticky we can actually use.
so co/ck/s lets vote on a sticky to use! one that incorporates recipes for noobs and for god-tier chefs. and can include anything from how to cook rice to how to sharpen a knife
lets do this...

>> No.4121770 [DELETED] 

Should be basic cooking lessons rather than recipes. Like how to to chop things different ways and such. You need a strong foundation to build a house.

>> No.4121783

ok and thats where we start. we need knifework... like the difference between chopping and mincing and simple definitons of like low heat medium heat and stuff like that. anybody know any sites?

>> No.4121791

I really want moot to post "u mad" in this thread. Seriously.

>> No.4121800


Fuck off, nigger. This is essentially my post from the rice thread, plus faggotry.


>> No.4121802 [DELETED] 

just email the jew instead of being a shithead posting like an autist

>> No.4121804
File: 37 KB, 478x288, 1353190111651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ doesnt need a fucking sticky, you silly faggot. The only thing I can think of that would POSSIBLY make a good sticky is an infograph thread. I've heard people argue about making a Ramen sticky, that would be fucking stupid. We don't even get that many ramen threads anymore anyway, I'm pretty sure at least half of those were made by the same troll.

>> No.4121807


Forgot to sage.

Read a book, nigger, learn how to even so far as to into grammar.

>> No.4121808

Lawl u mad faggot

>> No.4121819


> how to sharpen a knife
> implying you take your blade to a grinding wheel, freehanding a new edge

> 2012
> not honing your knives before each use, then having them sharpened professionally once a year

>> No.4121821

op here, what the fuck you ungrateful little shits?
im trying to help and i get a bunch of whiney little assholes? yes you do need a sticky you fuckwits. most of these threads are always about the same things and most of it you fuckers are arguing about myths that a sticky would easily solve. seriously? most of the chefs i've met are nearly this bitchy

>> No.4121824


>> No.4121825 [DELETED] 

So obviously underage b&

>> No.4121827

loled when i checked the rice thread.

oh /ck/!

OT: id like to see steak filtered to dick, make it happen moot

>> No.4121829


Yes always about Tomatoes and Americans, this board is filled with Bored Europeans who have nothing better to do but hate on America, I say bring on the fucking sticky.

>> No.4121833

Most chefs I've met don't hang out on a 4chan cooking board. Take your fancy sticky ideas and stick em raht up yer arse-hole.

>> No.4121839 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 769x1024, moot_is_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> >the only reason moot doesn't give us a sticky even though every week one is requested is because this is the board he most frequents and our suffering pleases him

That fucking moot

>> No.4121837

OP here, I'm gayer than Freddie Mercury in a crotchless spandex bodysuit.

>> No.4121841
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For all the shit we give him Chris is an alright guy.

>> No.4121843



>> No.4121850

For all the shit we give him, Gary is an Alright Guy.

>> No.4121854
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>> No.4121860 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming every fucking thread

>> No.4121870

OP reporting in, now that i brought the entirety of /ck/ to this thread by linking it in every thread of the last 6 month (yes, even the archives), how about i give a round of blowjobs to everyone?

>> No.4121879



>> No.4121893
File: 69 KB, 350x295, bl_holmes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying fake OP could fit my massive hog in his mouth

>> No.4121900

op here.
welp. you guys are fucking assholes. one thing before i go though? you guys couldnt have used a sticky? and you guys bitch about not having a sticky and as soon as some anon comes along and tries to help you act like little whiney spoiled cunt brats and say no. i hope each and every single one of you gets cancer and dies a very horrible death. im serious. im not trolling im being dead serious. i HOPE EACH ONE OF YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES CONTRACTS AIDS AND DIES A VERY FUCKING PAINFUL DEATH. the fuck is the matter with you co/ck/s? dont you care about cooking? i see a thread up almost every other week asking for help about a recipe or what to cook. you dont think a sticky would have helped? im american and if any of you guys are european who disliked the idea of having a sticky i hope you country gets fucked beyond all belief

>> No.4121933 [DELETED] 

Ahahahaa, we made him cry.

>> No.4121935


art thou troubled?

thou art troubled.

>> No.4121940
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please shut the door behind you. and when I say please, I mean fuck off.

>> No.4121942

what a faggot

>> No.4121953
File: 7 KB, 201x168, choose4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I... on /b/?





>> No.4121956

you sound a bit flustered... should go hava nap

>> No.4121968 [DELETED] 

Blame OP. He felt the need to spam every thread on the front page with his bullshit and then cried when people told him he was shit posting.

>> No.4121975
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or was he...

>> No.4121980 [DELETED] 


No he wasn't.

>> No.4121981


Shitpost started with discussion of pizza and amerifags

>> No.4121987

I would welcome a sticky. OP, don't listen to the fags that are obviously from /b/.
The problem with a /ck/ sticky is that there's just so much information you could potentially put in one.
I like knifework (and general knife information) as an option, but as for actual food things I can't for the life of me think of where to start.

>> No.4121991
File: 447 KB, 1024x600, Just take it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here ya go

>> No.4121992

Hey, while we're all here, what do you guys think of corn chowder? I've had it a few times, and I only liked the French version... Anyone got recipes?

>> No.4121994
File: 35 KB, 500x429, oh-bane_c_821424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope OP is baned for shitposting and spamming threads.

>> No.4121998


10/10 thread, would read again. i love /ck/ so much, never change!

>> No.4122085


>> No.4122092


>> No.4122152
File: 28 KB, 336x448, the_keys_to_good_cooking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sticky this.

>> No.4122185

Any board that gets a sticky I stop visiting.

>> No.4122263

are you an autist?

>> No.4122272

I'm not that intense about stickies, but I definitely think they are stupid.

>> No.4122326

I want fastfoodfags/ramenfags/ all other uncultured swine to leave.

That stuff isn't food, and making ramen isn't cooking, its just following directions any monkey can follow.

>> No.4123002


Well, and implying any fucking monkey can read proper directions, why dont you throw all of the recipefags out of the window too, because fuck following directions.

>> No.4123003


>> No.4123014

Go eat more shitty ramen.

>> No.4123058

>i know that we are the least visited board

This isn't /trv/, fag. That board only exists because moot likes visiting Mexico.

>> No.4123061

/trv/ is faster than /n/

>> No.4123186

I am /b/tard. However at the same time I am a /ck/oksucka...

I like this board.

>> No.4123201

not every board needs a sticky

"how I cook rice" and "please I am student how do I feed myself" threads aren't nearly as commonplace as they were a few years ago, and they pop up infrequently enough that idc anymore

what's more I don't feel like hiding a thread on /ck/.

so, there.

>> No.4123203

we could have a sticky full of cheap tasty nutritous (in order of importance) recipes

that question gets asked here a lot

>> No.4123206

/ck/ probably could benefit from a sticky less than almost any other board.
If a person doesn't understand how to work an internet search engine to find something as mundane that would be in the sticky, ie how to cook rice, they probably shouldn't even be on this website.

A sticky for /ck/ would pale in comparison to something with merit like the one at /fit/ and /wg/.
If has to be a sticky, my humble suggestion would be a banner suggesting more OC.

>> No.4123209

>If a person doesn't understand how to work an internet search engine to find something as mundane that would be in the sticky

>> No.4123211


you are missing one of the main reasons to have a sticky: to answer frequently asked questions, such as:

how to season and care for an iron skillet

is it safe to eat rare meat? how about rare ground meat?

ramen recipes; inexpensive cooking

how to shop for and care for knives

/ck/ discusses these and similar topics every week, so a sticky might help reduce that.

>> No.4123216
File: 40 KB, 500x343, 1323900242-gimme_pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4123222


All of those things can be answered with google.