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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4116801 No.4116801 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone know of a recipe similar to that of the Baja chicken sauce from Quiznos?

>> No.4116829

it is such a tasty sauce.

>> No.4116848
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partially hydrogenized soybean oil, monosodium glutamate, natural and artificial flavors, natural and artificial colors, sodium benzoate, sodium hydrochloride, sodium phosphate, sodium manganese, sodium pyroxide, sodium nitrite, sodium nitrate, sodium benzoate, sodium lactate, sodium carbonate, sodium tetrahydraperiolixide, sodium tinnitus, sodium angus, sodium annato coloring and pepper, sodium monixide, sodium, oxygen, sodium ethylene, sodium argon, sodium yeast, sodium calcium, sodium iron, sodium zinc, sodium photons, sodium lard, sodium ethanol, sodium mootsodium, sodium hydrogen, sodium horse, sodium beans, sodium teats, sodium coloring, sodium presley, sodium acid, sodium salt, sodium oil, sodium eggs, sodium alganate, sodium butane, sodium propane, sodium wood esther, and semen.

>> No.4116856

I don't think that's right.

>> No.4116871

3 parts sauce, to one part baja. Add salt to taste.

>> No.4116878

I want to marry Liru from Magical Pokaan. Her favorite meat is Matsusaka beef.

>> No.4116896

I like you.

>> No.4116897

Sounds delicious, you forgot a very important ingredient though. Sodium butter, it goes between sodium photons and sodium lard.

>> No.4116898

French dip. Do want.

>> No.4116924
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I like you too. I have lived with her for almost 7 years in SL.

>> No.4116926

wtf does any of this have to do with baja sauce?

>> No.4116928
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Oh she is a great cook and conversationalist.

>> No.4116929
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Not sure how she gets those grill lines in a pan but hey...

>> No.4116933
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Oh she loves the meat. Trust me, I know ;)

>> No.4116936
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This is gonna be great.

>> No.4116938

We've met in a previous thread. The last one was on /a/ in a Dog Days thread. I said you seemed like an alright guy.

Either way, >>4116926 has a point.

>> No.4116942
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Hmm, I would of thrown a few more on.

>> No.4116954
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Really? Oh wow. I maybe only did this 4 times or so. Oh wait Quiznos? Well geeze, I had a really good coupon that they don't put out too much anymore. A buy one get one. No drink or chips required. A good deal but it expired on the 31st. They use to put those out all the time but since Quiznos's are closing left and right... I guess they aren't doing it anymore. Heck I gotta go 32 miles if I want one.

Prime rib sub, yum.

Anyways OP I can't help you much there but check out the coupon app for android and then download the .png's of the coupons from the sub shop you like so much.

Best I can do... Except post ~Liruuu

>> No.4116960

I have a question. I remember a few things you've mentioned previously, and I just want a sort of... window into things.

You're reasonably successful, you hang around on SL with a digital version of your waifu, and are seemingly living the dream (as far as people such as we can hope.)

Is it really that easy? Because I'm absolutely miserable, and just throwing my time into attempting to learn to cook because that and looking forward to game releases is the only thing that's keeping me from hanging myself. How did you land it so easy? Sorry if I'm seeming a bit weird here, but I'm honestly curious.

>> No.4116982
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Because you are serious I will be too. No, I am pretty well off but bored out of my mind in my free time. I use to hate/not know about anime till about 2006. It was so foreign and strange from what I knew and I hated it.

Anyways, I started liking pokaan and a few other animes. I got active in SL about that time and started creating avatars. You can still visit and chat there on my fan group Tonic Takeover.

Its not that easy. I really like Liru as a character. I think she is beautiful, independent and strong and a bunch others. In the interest to keeping this short, No... I am not like those people who call them "waifu's" or whatever. I like taking pictures/videos of her in SL. Thats about it.

I will admit I have bought just about every magipoka doujin and I even had a custom dakimakura made of her that I don't actually sleep with. I was just curious if someone from china would make it and have it look so nice.

About the realdoll? Yeah I tried that too.

>> No.4116991

Going to turn on sage just so I don't bump the thread, as it is very off-topic at this point.

When I was on SL, I stopped by your store a few times just to look at the merchandise.

I don't play it anymore, due to having a falling-out with the friends I used to ...explore it with? (I left my avatar in their house, and have written it off as an acceptable loss due to never wanting to bother them again.)

If you're bored, how do you stay sane? I'm supposedly very busy during the week (I work part-time as a carpenter's assistant), and spend the rest taking classes at the local college, yet I feel like I'm losing my mind completely. When I'm not busy, I'm bored to the point of pondering oblivion.

>> No.4117000

Furthermore, I am sorry you are so depressed. I am 30. I travel around hostels exploring the world when I am not at home doing PR and webdesign work for my fathers company. I have met with quite a few real life women but for one reason or another can't/don't want to hold on to them. There is always a flaw somewhere. I hate playing the game.

Though sometimes I act like I am in love with Liru... I guess I do but... I made her out to be something I wish I had if she was my travel companion.

Not sure where I am going with this but... Hey... Learn to cook some. Learn to eat sticky rice with chopsticks, travel if you can and try new things. Your on the right track.

The intimacy and feeling like you have missed out on stuff fades with age. I have done things 95% of the people here haven't done before.

See ya :)

>> No.4117003

Good night, and Happy New Year.

>> No.4117009
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Why I took this picture of Liru hanging clothes outside when it was snowing... I don't know.

>> No.4117015
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You too.