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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 281 KB, 1600x1067, broccoli+ham+grilled+cheese+sandwich6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4115776 No.4115776 [Reply] [Original]

Grilled cheese:

Butter or mayo for the outside of the bread? Do you use additional oil in the pan? What kind of cheese? Are veggies (other than tomato) permitted?

>> No.4115781

That looks awesome. Broccoli sounds like a good idea.

I usually just do butter on outside of bread, a good bread, and old cheddar.

I've done brie and apple, bacon and cheddar, and various cheeses... but I usually just do an old cheddar.

>> No.4115786
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a bloo bloo that's wasteful



>> No.4115836

Wheat bread, butter on both sides, thick slices of Havarti, uncooked pickles (preferably homemade), and a few thin slices of ripe tomato. Maybe a grind or two of black pepper & a little kosher salt if your pickles aren't very salty.

You're welcome.

>> No.4115852

>Wheat bread

Every bread I've ever had was made with wheat

>> No.4115854


>> No.4116218

melt butter in the pan, don't spread it on the bread. I make my grilled cheese with sharp cheddar, swiss, provolone and a small layer of sliced crimini mushrooms. Delicious.

>> No.4116349
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No oil
Whatever cheese and fillings you want, fuck anyone who says otherwise.
I try to keep it so that cheese makes up at least 50% of the interior, otherwise it doesn't really seem like a grilled cheese.

When I used to work at a hipster diner my usual grilled cheese was apple-flax sourdough [cut lengthwise along the loaf, not width-wise], cheddar, gouda, oka, onions and banana peppers cooked in chorizo grease, a chorizo patty cut in half and some raw, thinly sliced onion. Oh and garlic butter on the outside.

>> No.4117435

fry you up some bacon, drain most of the grease.
Saute some onion (vidalia), same pan.
dump onion on clean side of buttered wheat bread,
slap sharp cheedar on same, buttered bread top
with yellow mustard, on cheese side Gill to golden brown both sides

>> No.4117459

Goddamnit, /ck/. I'm trying to lower my caloric intake here.

>> No.4117475

Then chef john is a complete loser.

>> No.4117477

I don't even smoke weed and I think you're a retard.

>> No.4117483

You should take it up. You'd fit right in.

>> No.4117484

>mfw I know doctors, dentists, professors, researchers, a judge, lawyers, etc. that smoke weed

When you grow up you realize it isn't a big deal.

>> No.4117487

I wish I smoked weed instead of drinking like a sailor.

>> No.4117490

Translation: I don't know anyone in those professions but it's cool to claim I do and it's super double cool to claim they are pot head fuck up losers.

>> No.4117497

haha it is quite telling who your peers are!

>> No.4117550

Yeah, and I'm Secretary-General of the United Nations.

>> No.4117563

I am sure if you Google around you'll find stats showing the majority of Americans have smoked weed.

Lots of professionals smoke weed. If you get to know a lot of them you'll find this out.

While the professionals I listed are friends/peers, the judge was actually me being young and invading privacy. I was house-sitting for the judge and looked in her dresser in her room and found a mason jar full of buds.

Wasn't a good move on my part, but it was funny

>> No.4117572

Ewwwww i dont know what the hell these people are talking about but this is the ONLY way you should be making grilled cheese:
Two sliced of bread.
Butter one side of each slice of bread
Get the pan HOT on the stove
Place one slice butter side DOWN on the pan
Put a slice of proccessed cheese on top, i've also added bacon, tomato or a cooked fried egg but it can get a little messy
add the other slice of bread, butter side UP on top
Flip when the first side is golden brown
Finished when the next side is golden brown
Cut in half and serve with ketchup
this is the ONLY TRUE way to make traditional grilled cheese.

>> No.4117574

>proccessed cheese
Stopped reading.

>> No.4117577

You're disgusting. GTFO.

>> No.4117578

Plebs detected, enjoy your garbage-tier disgusting knock-off grilled cheese sandwiches

>> No.4117584

Please don't argue the benefits of cheese anologue products versus actual cheese.

>> No.4117585
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>uses processed cheese
>calls others a pleb

>> No.4117590

I have two rules when it comes to making a grilled cheese. It can be any variety of bread, cheese, and other ingredients. However:

1. It must be sliced diagonally (preferably bottom right to top left).

2. It can never be made with white bread.

>> No.4117603
File: 41 KB, 380x253, RIGHT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a properly made grilled cheese sandwich.
Please note the use of glorious processed cheese.
The cheese will melt as one , only adding to the ease of cooking this dish.
Once the cheese melts, it creates a creamy consistency that can't be matched by any real cheese, which combines flawlessly with the crunchy texture of the bread.
The way the ketchup would complement the warm, gooey inside is incredible.
This is the only true way to make a grilled cheese sandwich

>> No.4117604

>if I post about processed cheese again people will listen

>> No.4117606
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This is an IMPROPERLY made grilled cheese sandwich. (without processed cheese)
Just look at this sloppy disaster.
The cheese becomes a stringy mess that completely takes away from the crunch of the bread, not to mention it probably doesnt have a uniform melting point, and random extra lumps of cheese all over.
Anyone using anything other than processed cheese is clearly doing it wrong. That is an undeniable fact.

>> No.4117609
File: 48 KB, 383x239, ReubenSandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my grilled cheeses with swiss cheese, corned beef, sauerkraut, and russian dressing on rye.

>> No.4117613

I made some grilled cheese for new years using home baked sourdough, fresh mozz, tilamook cheddar, some gouda, and I actually grilled it on my new propane grill I got for christmas.

>> No.4117615

So the reason Americans love processed cheese is the bland flavor and homogenous texture?


>> No.4117617
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That's how I like mine, too.

>> No.4117618

Most Americans, and don't fool yourself, most people enjoy shit that's bland, with little flavor. They are scared of anything different.

>> No.4117624

Explains how people could actually eat well done steak

>> No.4117628


I'm sorry /ck/ but this is my favorite grilled cheese.

>However I must submit that grilled cheese has since childhood been my traditional go to sick comfort food served with chicken noodle soup (canned usually or at least incredibly bland) when bland is exactly what I want. If I'm feeling well I'd usually opt for a better sandwich to begin with.

>> No.4117629

When I make a grilled cheese sandwich im looking for a fast, EASY, tasty meal with little mess to clean up.
Not some over flavoured, stringy mess that takes three times longer than it needs to.
Not to mention using real cheese completely overpowers the taste of the ketchup and bread.
If i wanted to eat melted cheese, I would eat melted cheese. Simple

>> No.4117633

Look at you, apologizing to /ck/ for liking something. You do realize that this board is not the last bastion of cooking authority, right

>> No.4117634

This. It makes me sick to my stomach looking at these people trying to make a grilled cheese sandwich a fancy dish.
If you want something flavourful how about you make a sandwich that actually takes some effort?

>> No.4117635

Missing out on something good, you two.

>> No.4117639

I'm behind you all the way on this, fuck what they say, I've had enough of this elitist board for one morning. I'm going to make a grilled cheese just like this one (minus ketchup plus fried egg over medium)

>> No.4117641

Good for you Anon!

>> No.4117643

>using quality ingredients makes you sick to your stomach

>> No.4117651
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If any board is in need of a processed cheese movement it's this one

>> No.4117658


It was more of an apology that they'd have to deal with the fact that some people do prefer the bland homogenous cheese analogue and acknowledgment that /ck/ can never deal with that as /ck/ can't deal with well done steaks, ketchup, plain yellow mustard, or people who don't eat the rind of brie either.

>Sometimes I have ketchup too.

>> No.4117659


>> No.4117662

That is like saying we need to have a movement against hygiene, education, health awareness, etc.

>> No.4117666

But you guys being completely fucking hypocritical. You're saying people put you down for using processed cheese in your food, but put everyone else down for using whatever they want to make a grilled cheese?

How about people can just eat whatever the fuck they want, how they want.

>> No.4117668

What the fuck is going on in this thread

All you proles, get the fucking fuck out of this board

No one dislikes a processed cheese grilled cheese, but fuck, it's not the best. Not by a long shot.

>> No.4117672

>300 posts omitted

>> No.4117679

lol in another 4 hours you'll be right.

>> No.4117708


I've had a few more "enlightened" grilled cheese sandwiches. One I made for myself with Havarti and good bread, one from a restaurant with a mixture of cheeses, and one made for me by a friend with pickles and fancy stuff.

It's not like they were terrible or that I wouldn't always be open to experiencing new concoctions. But I never really liked any of them. I always thought "why not make a Reuben?" or something. If I were to crave a grilled cheese I'd make the pleb processed cheese one.

I don't feel bad about this. I think it is okay to prefer things that others would look down upon and if fact it is fucked up that people are getting judgmental about fucking grilled sandwiches. So long as you are willing to try new things, any preference is simply the way you feel and not right or wrong


>> No.4117746

Butter on the outside, real strong mature cheddar, thinly sliced avocado, tomato and red onion with a sprinkle of black pepper.


>> No.4117763

Are we supposed to be impressed?

Weed in general is a fucking retarded habit and has negative side effects regardless of what all the 420blazeitfaggot people try to defend it with.

The fact that someone of higher education does it, doesn't make it more acceptable. Obama supposedly fucks men, does that mean it's any less gay to take a dick to the large intestine?

>> No.4117790

If its such a retarded habit why are there people that are infinitely more successful than you that smoke it?

>> No.4117794

Because there are people who are infinitely more successful who smoke cigarettes, drink excessively, do lines of coke, fuck strangers without condoms, don't exercise, eat poor diets...

>> No.4117806

Well then I guess those habits can't be too bad assuming Im still alive without a health issue my success can't cure

>> No.4117815

>ctrl+f "velvetta"
>0 results
>thread hidden

>> No.4117821

>can't even spell velveeta
as expected of one who would even consider eating velveeta.

>> No.4117830

I usually take good quality bread, butter it on the outside, put a thin amount of mayo on the inside, a little bit of garlic, two slices of provolone, a bit of red pepper and old bay, and fry it.

It's honestly not an effort to make it a fancy dish or whatever, I just slap garlic and red pepper/old bay on everything and we've always had decent quality bread and cheese. I don't even remember the last time I saw processed cheese.

I actually don't know who eats that. My girlfriend came from trailer trash and she apparently didn't grow up eating it, either. Is it like a lower middle class suburban thing?

I'm genuinely curious and not being an asshole by the way.

>> No.4117832

>heating up mayo
I just threw up a little in my mouth.

>> No.4117833

I think it's mostly anyone that doesn't want to slice or grate cheese

>> No.4117842

Seriously, who would ever heat up eggs or oil?

>> No.4117847

The ultimate thing to eat while baked at night: grilled cheese on sourdough with cheddar, an egg over easy, bacon, tomato, and spinach.

>> No.4117871

It's different when they're mixed and seasoned
oh god i just thought of warm mayo

>> No.4117879

Honestly, whenever I make a grilled cheese I just shove some mayo and grated cheese (whatever I have) between some bread. Quick and easy, just like a grilled cheese should be. Plus, I'm a student so I don't tend to have the plethora of ingredients most people on here have.

>> No.4117883

Seriously, who doesn't like little curds of coagulated egg floating in a sea of oil? It's bliss.

>> No.4117971

Ok /ck/, I'm in a bind here and it's all your fault. I got a huge craving for toasted cheese and ham sandwich, but I don't have any conventional cheese. My choices are Feta, mature Tipperary Blue cheese, Cahsel Blue, or some nice Gruyere. What one would be the least terrible choice? Is blue cheese acceptable in grilled cheese sandwiches?

>> No.4117974
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>> No.4117975


>> No.4117984

Fuck it, I'm using the gruyere.

>> No.4118093
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>> No.4118177

Oh my fucking god.
Just dont talk alright?

>> No.4118179

>Butter or mayo for the outside of the bread?
Mayo???!!!??? Are you insane?

> Do you use additional oil in the pan?

>What kind of cheese?
Sharp cheddar

>Are veggies (other than tomato) permitted?
Sliced mushrooms, onions.

>> No.4118181

So edgy.

>> No.4118184

No oil.
Sharp cheddar.
No veggies.

Crazy I know.

>> No.4118196

isnt it meant to be pastrami? not corned beef

>> No.4118204

i used to eat rice mixed with ketchup. then dip chips in it.

>> No.4118205

homemade bread
butter in pan
mozzarella and garlic on the sandwich with a little salt
You have to put it in the microwave for 11 seconds after cooking because mozzarella has a higher melting point then american cheese.

>> No.4118208

Ever used turkey and bacon with some relish and mayo as a nice filler? Works wonders to calm a hungry crowd. I ended up making thirty seven or so for the new years luncheon we had at my house.

I always hate it when you run out of ingredients to make a meal

>> No.4118224

grilled cheese and bacon on rye, using the bacon fat, that is all, variations accepted

>> No.4119858

Sounds like what America wants.

>> No.4119883

>It can be any variety of bread
>It can never be made with white bread.
So which is it, faggot?

>> No.4119886

>trying to make a fancy grilled cheese sandwich
God, could you faggots make a grilled cheese sandwich anymore pretentious. Also, IT"S JUST CHEESE, NO VEGGIES OR MEAT.

>> No.4119903

put two pieces of toast in the toaster, one slot
so the outside is crispy but the inside is soft

Get out cheese of your choice (I use American simply because I enjoy the melty texture)
Apply to soft side of bread and run under broiler til melted as desired

Smush sammich so cheeses is touching (wonk wonk, hot cheese action)
2 minutes each side on medium heat on buttered skillet for application of final deliciousness

How I do it and bitches love my grilled cheese

>> No.4119931
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>being this genuinely stupid
Started my day with a great laugh, thank you!

>> No.4120189
File: 11 KB, 200x200, 1352717123583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should call it a processed cheese sandwich then, and make your own faggot thread.

>> No.4120196


>> No.4120199

Cream-y? Gooey?
Why should cheese take on those 'qualities'?

>> No.4120202
File: 7 KB, 250x250, heid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, if you're going to be all official and serious about the proper way, you have to fucking refer to your whitetrash sandwich as grilled processed cheese sandwich.
You can't tell people ther're wrong for using actual cheese in a grilled cheese sandwich.

>> No.4120205

Since FUCKING WHEN did grilled cheese sandwiches become about
>the taste of ketchup and bread
Cheese is the WHOLE POINT

>> No.4120210
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So this is 'peeling open processed cheese' vs. 'cutting a slice'?
Right, effort.

>> No.4120211
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real cheese on a grilled cheese = elitist

Fucking 4chan retard.

>> No.4120215

Ok? Why not try and broaden your horizons.

>> No.4120216
File: 48 KB, 950x584, bayne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obama fucks men?

Leave now.

And are you a fucking D.A.R.E. officer or something?
Weed is totally socially acceptable in most mainstream social circles these days.

>> No.4120217

I think of grilled cheese as a versatile concept. I change the type of bread and what I put in mine around depending on what I feel like or what is available. I do not, however, use mayonnaise to make a grilled cheese. I only use butter. A light smear on the inside of the sandwich and then some melted in the pan. I never squish my sandwich with the spatula. Sometimes veggies are ok, like sauteed mushrooms or an onion slice, maybe even a slice of avocado if you wish. Tomato is pretty good in it too, but good tomatoes not mealy tasteless ones. You have to be pick with tomatoes. I love to use various types of bread and cheese. Sliced brioche with swiss a slice of red onion, or sourdough with tomato and smoked cheddar. I get fancy and slice a croissant in half and grill it with sliced pears and a bit of brie or I go classic with homemade sliced white bread and thinly sliced colby-jack or cheddar cheese to dunk into cream of tomato soup.

>> No.4120218
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>> No.4120223

Nope. Reuben is corned beef.

>> No.4120225
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>> No.4120253

I don't actually use a pan at all when I make grilled cheese, I toast the bread, season that shit, throw chunks of cheddar on it (this is important as chunks melt better than slices). I throw it into the oven grill for 5 on max until the cheese is all melted and shit, then i add some ham and a modest amount of mustard. perfect everytime

>> No.4120263

margarine and 2 slices of white cheddar
also Bacon or sausage meat

>> No.4120338

sourdough bread, mayonnaise and butter on outside, and a few types of cheeses I find at store. havarti, Gruyer and cheddar are some of my favs. mayonnaise helps the butter not burn but the butter makes it golden. on bread not pan

>> No.4120362

have a sammich and chill out, dude

>> No.4120420

Same mad fag that is absolutely devastated realizing how poorly he has been making grilled cheese sandwiches this entire time
How pathetic

>> No.4122202

People actually put mayo on the outside of the bread? Why?

>> No.4122321

Butter on outside. Processed cheese. White bread.

>> No.4122331

>not using cheese analogues

Pick one

>> No.4122543

>put two pieces of toast in the toaster

Why would you toast your bread after you toasted it?

>> No.4122695

Goat cheese, roasted red pepper, cranberry relish, dense bread

>> No.4123519

Only advice I will give is to use olive oil instead of butter. Very tasty and healthier than butter or Mayo.

>> No.4123710
