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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 37 KB, 265x312, firstmeal4_2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4114660 No.4114660 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4114663
File: 134 KB, 500x335, milk_pepsi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4114664

It tastes fine, nothing great but it wasn't bad.

>> No.4114667

I haven't done it, but I imagine it being like a root beer/coke float.

>> No.4114669

>Orange Juice and Mountain Dew
It should be illegal to advertise it as such.

>> No.4114670

might be good with some vodka

>> No.4114672

i don't know what company does that but i assume the first meal is just refering to a breakfast item and knocking off taco bells commercials when they would brag about being open late and being the 4th meal

>> No.4114673
File: 74 KB, 412x550, orangedew-412x550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's from taco bell

>> No.4114674

>that last panel

I lose my shit every time. Don't know why.

>> No.4114676

oh god taco bell does breakfast now??? dear god the end is neigh!!!!

>> No.4114690

It's not

>> No.4114712

Livewire & OJ is superior.

Regular Dew and OJ is probably passable.

Source: I am 100% Grade A Neckbeard and a regular connoisseur of fine Dews.

>> No.4114726

not sure if want...Mtn Dew does contain OJ as one of it's ingredients though

>> No.4114780
File: 7 KB, 291x173, imagesCANBXD43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American gallon of milk
>Diet Pepsi
>American kitchen
>Polo T-shirt
>Fat Asian American teenager from the movie, "Up".


>> No.4114783

It doesn't matter.

This was popular in Japan. Try to actually learn about the world instead of pretending to.

>> No.4114788

>Diet Pepsi and Milk
>Popular in Japan
>Try to learn about the world instead of pretending to.

Look who's talking? Get over yourself to start the new year.

>> No.4115989
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Being racist to all cultures since everywhere. Because bacon log isn't grotesque. 75% lard.

>> No.4115992

Mixed just for me!

>> No.4116025

>Being racist to all cultures since everywhere

>> No.4116047

Taco bell breakfast is actually decent, I had it a month ago. The soda is alright, you could make it yourself. But the AM crunchwrap was awesome

>> No.4116093

when did taco bell get breakfast?

>> No.4116095

Right, it was america that raped nanking and ran unit 731, right? Fuck you, fuck all the rest of the weeaboos and fuck japan. They are filthy, duplicitous barbarians and I eagerly await the day the chinese deliver them the ass whooping they've had coming for centuries.

>> No.4116104

August I think, just a few types of burritos, AM crunchwrap, etc. Only like 600 stores though

>> No.4116119

does it taste good?

>> No.4116265

Duplicitious? Everything the Japanese do makes perfect sense. As long as you follow their belief that they are intrinsically superior to everyone else.

>> No.4116334

Don't forget the belief that they never have have to answer for any of the stupid shit they do. AH, WHERE SHOULD WE PUT MOST HONORBU NUCREAL POWEL PRANT??!!! I KNOW! RIGHT ON THIS FAURT RINE!!! YATTA!!! SAKE AND USED SCHOOL GIRL PANTIES FOR EVERYONE!!!

>> No.4116338

Uh huh. Everything they do make sense.

Also, you faggots need to shit up some other thread. Every country looks down on other countries. Quit being so naive and trying to say one country is more discriminatory than another.

>> No.4116354

I don't even care what your argument is, use a source that doesn't suck shit.

>> No.4116359

>Pop in the morning

I'm even 'merican and I'm disgusted

>> No.4116375

I don't get what the guy's beef with #2 is.
Technically, he is a foreigner right?
I don't know why he mentions that Japan is homogenous as a negative thing.

>> No.4116386 [DELETED] 

oh wow, someone on 4chan doesn't like a popular website. Please, show me your humor website, I'd love to see it. Oh, waht's that? You're just a shit talking sad sack that tears things down because you don't have the courage, ambition or talent to create on your own? Bummer. Have you considered suicide?

>> No.4116393

Dear god, the sugar content in that would make your teeth crumble

>> No.4116394

>you're just a butthurt h8r! xp
Keep crying that your favorite little "humor" site is basically like a gayer version of looking through wikipedia.

>> No.4116415

Oh wow...are you actually this autistic? Is everything black or white for you? DO you assume that people either hate or love something, with no shades of grey? What a sad little life you must live, you bitter little twat.

>> No.4116419


Are you a writer for Cracked or something? Why the fuck are you so offended that someone doesn't like the site?

>> No.4116423

I know, what is with that guy.

Also, sourcing a "humor" website that cites Wikipedia is pretty fucking sloppy.

>> No.4116427

You are suggesting us to read a site that sucks shit as a source, and when being called out that that site sucks shit, you chimp out on me, go full ad hominem on me, and then tell me to kill myself as if you have no social context of taking criticism.
If that isn't autistic then I don't know what is.

>> No.4116428

Cracked fucking sucks. Who requires their humor to consist of concise lists? What a lame format.

And that chink that can't stop plugging his book?

>> No.4116426

Do you really think that projection or sockpuppetry work? Is your ego really this fragile? I'm sorry I upset you, but healthy people don't get mad over differing opinions on the web. Have you considered therapy?

>> No.4116431


You're the one with the problems, mate, I think you need to lay off the Cracked.

>> No.4116433

It's not ad hominem if you genuinely act like an autist, hoss. I told you to kill yourself because you a sad sack and a waste of resources; it's a strictly practical thing. The world doesn't need any more bitter little nobodies shitting all over everything, it needs doers, creators, thinkers etc. SO i repeat: Kill yourself, you apparently aren't using the greatest gift ever given to be anything more than a bitter little pissant. You have my pity.

>> No.4116435

>ad hominem
Welcome to the internet.

>> No.4116437

Sockpuppets still aren't working champ. Quick why don't you project and grasp at some more straws, that will salve your ego, won't it?

>> No.4116444



>> No.4116445
File: 9 KB, 248x233, 1351402816606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tells people to kill themselves like it's nothing over rightfully calling Cracked shit
>calls other people autists
Also, Cracked may do, but think and create? Not really. It's basically reddit level bullshitting over stuff they find on wikipedia.

You should try to masturbate or something, let out some steam.
This should help for a faggot like you.

>> No.4116451

Still at it, eh junior? Points for persistence.You can twist what i said and attempt to put words in my mouth all you like, but nothing will change the fact that you are a miserable, talentless waste of life. I told you to kill yourself because i mean it, I 'm sick of you and all the people like you. You're all too cool for anything and everything, but when it comes time to actually take a chance and put your neck on the line, you pussy out. SO kill yourself. There are plenty of people that would put the resources that have been wasted keeping you alive to better use. You obviously aren't getting much enjoyment out of life; it's a win-win.

>> No.4116457 [DELETED] 

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.4116459

oh fuck that shit

>> No.4116460

ha ha! We hit a nerve in this young and aspiring Cracked.com contributor.

Good stuff.

>> No.4116462

>don't like Cracked.com:
>when it comes time to actually take a chance and put your neck on the line, you pussy out.


>> No.4116463
File: 14 KB, 500x394, 1344934210739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem like you spend all of your time on damage control for Cracked all day. Like NEET amounts of time.
It's like even a little amount of criticism will, and now has broken you psyche.

I really hope you can try to have a nice day, because I am genuinely afraid that the reason you're telling me to kill myself is because you want to do the very same.

>> No.4116466


Cracked is fam, yo. Juggalos 4 lyfe.

>> No.4116467

woah woah woah who gives a shit above japan i wanna hear about mountain dew and taco bell

>> No.4116468
File: 46 KB, 393x300, leavecrackedalone.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4116470


Okay, the projection and the puppets were cute at first, but it's getting sad at this point. Still waiting for your humor site, hoss. I'm really impressed that you're still attempting to project, but I don't need to hear any more about your depressing life. Maybe if you had a more positive outlook on life, you wouldn't be NEET, but you shouldn't assume that others are as dysfunctional as you are. I'm also sorry to hear that cracked apparently rejected your article.

>> No.4116473

So not only is he a NEET Cracked reporter that does damage control all day, he is a failed Cracked reporter as well!
Damn, your projection is staggering!

>> No.4116475

Still going with the puppets, eh?

>> No.4116476

His posts are amazing... I don't know how he isn't working for Cracked.com.

>> No.4116487

Quick, samefag harder, you might fool someone this time!

>> No.4116491
File: 46 KB, 221x221, 1344818383870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, the irony is within even my grasp

>> No.4116494

Doubtful. Especially since you apparently don't know what irony is.

>> No.4116500

I didn't think they covered "irony" in special ed.

>> No.4116501
File: 15 KB, 236x250, 1350443388086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither does Cracked.

>> No.4116510

Christina H pls go

>> No.4116511

The butthurt Cracked defender simply made this thread.

Good stuff ole chap.

>> No.4116514

Between that fucking song in the 90's and the goddamn hipsters, I don't think anyone actually knows what irony is anymore...how ironic.

>> No.4116516

No, i think that honor goes to you, captain sock puppet.
Protip: No one is fooled.

>> No.4116519
File: 51 KB, 406x480, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4116523
File: 40 KB, 500x500, AyqCpO1CcAAEXZP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lol'd.

>> No.4116526

Looks like OP's troll thread was a success, but not how he imagined.

>> No.4117325


>> No.4119693

>Diet Pepsi
>Coke glass

>> No.4122265

Here is a list of taco bell locations that are serving first meal during the test phase.


>> No.4122276


"I've made a huge mistake"

>> No.4122283

Mtn Dew was the energy drink before energy drinks. Only people born after the early 80's don't remember.

>> No.4122289

Mountain Dew was the first caffeinated drink?

>> No.4122293


No it was the first energy drink. All caffinated drinks aren't energy drinks. Don't start being stupid again, late-night /ck/.

>> No.4122302

As an American, I disavow every Taco Bell culinary abomination involving Doritos and Mtn. Dew. I see it as an embarrassment.

>> No.4122310


In the future we'll only eat sustenance bars made out of Doritos paste and drink water mixed with powdered mountain dew.

Get used to it.

>> No.4122322

>In the future neckbeards will only eat sustenance bars made out of Doritos paste and drink water mixed with powdered mountain dew.


>> No.4122325

>don't be stupid

Annnyways, describe what Mountain Dew offers for "energy" besides sugar and caffeine.

>> No.4122343


You're not listening to what I'm saying. You're trying to argue for no reason. Before red bull existed, you know it didn't always exist. Before SURGE and the energy drink craze. Back in the 70's and 80's Mountain Dew fulfilled the same role that those drinks do today. It had significantly more caffeine than other sodas. People drank it as a pick-me-up.

Fuck why do you guys have to have a 20-post argument about everything?

>> No.4122358

>Mountain Dew fulfilled the same role that those drinks do today.
People didn't drink coffee or tea for caffeine before Mountain Dew?

>> No.4122362


It had more caffeine than a cup of coffee.

What's wrong with you? People don't drink coffee or tea today? Soda invalidates it?

>> No.4122384

Please find a source with the caffeine content of Mountain Dew from 1970.

>> No.4122396


No. You're the one with the problem here. All I did was make a comment and you're the one finding so hard to believe. I didn't say that it was the only caffeinated drink before energy drinks and I didn't say it's the only thing people drank. But it was looked at in the same way we look at redbull today. Just because people drink redbull doesn't mean everyone stops drinking coffee or drinks only redbull.

Did my age comment piss you off?

>> No.4122436
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>> No.4122448 [DELETED] 

except that song is ironic you idiot

>> No.4122465

lol. Mountain Dew has never had more caffeine than the average cup of black coffee.It's always been about 55 mg per 12 oz. or less, which is significantly less than the 95-200 per 8 oz. of most coffees. Unless you're talking about something like Mconald's weak bullshit, which is only like 50 mg per 8 oz. A good strong green tea can actually contain more caffeine per oz. than Mountain Dew.

For whatever reason, though, hillbillies love the stuff. Mountain Dew is one of the leading cuases of tooth loss in the Appalachian region.

>> No.4122470


Mtn Dew has always had more caffeine than other brands though. I can look at the mayo clinic too.

>> No.4122471

>mixed just for you

But isn't it mass-marketed?

>> No.4122614

They take the one jug of mass marketed orange juice and mix it with the other jug of mass marketed mountain dew, thus technically "mixing it just for you".

>> No.4123418

tl;dr this thread

>> No.4123437

i thought that it was meth