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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4112039 No.4112039 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /ck/
So I just turned 25 and I'm preparing to move out of my parents house into my own place. Unfortunately I'm suffering from neckbeard syndrome, particularly in the food category.

I've been very poor up until recently, so I've gone down to the bare basics of eating. I'm talking you go from subway for lunch to all the way down to being lucky to have two slices of bread and a piece of bologna on it.

So what is the least costly most efficient food you can stand eating for weeks on end?

Pic related. I'm thinking these fuckers right here. I wonder if I can get by on less than 1$ a day. I could eat em forever.

>> No.4112045

Quit being a fucking faggot and learn to cook.

>inb4 hurr how does i cook

>> No.4112047

There are infographs etc.

>> No.4112064

I know how to cook, but it's a waste of time.

There are infographs on surviving on cheap food & listing foods that you guys never tire of?
I'll be looking but I'd be grateful if anyone can share here

>> No.4112063

It's literally not that hard to buy some rice, beans, chicken, vegetables, cheap deli meat, bread, milk, etc.

Like damn, half the people on this board think you need to be rich to eat healthily. Seriously, just learn how to make basic meals and shop for groceries.

Pro-Tip: When shopping, stick to the perimeter of the store. All shit food and impulse buys are in the aisles. Veggies, meats, and dairies are always on the perimeter.

As far as cooking goes, there are a bunch of vertical recipe threads floating around the internet. I forget the site but it's really simple shit.

>> No.4112071

Fucking leave you manchild.

>> No.4112074

Rice, beans, and multivitamins.

Acquire these things.

Next step is to get a sale paper from your grocery store each week and see what's on sale.

Start with easy recipes.

This really isn't that hard. Don't buy 48 packs of chicken patties. If you keep putting garbage in your system, you'll start to feel like shit. Please trust me on this; over the course of this semester, I've weened myself off of fast food and frozen foods. I've felt better, lost weight, and saved a metric fuckton of money.

>> No.4112075

OP I was going to dump a few infographs but then I read

>but it's a waste of time.

>> No.4112079

>It's literally not that hard to buy some rice, beans, chicken, vegetables, cheap deli meat, bread, milk, etc.
I understand, but is it really cheaper and more time efficient to buy bulk single food and not trying to memorize a bunch of recipes?

>Like damn, half the people on this board think you need to be rich to eat healthily.
Fuck eating healthy. I'm never sick, full of energy, and in good shape and all I've eaten is shit all my life.

>Pro-Tip: When shopping, stick to the perimeter of the store. All shit food and impulse buys are in the aisles. Veggies, meats, and dairies are always on the perimeter.
That's a useful tip, thanks!

>> No.4112082

>I know how to cook, but it's a waste of time.

Nevermind, get the fuck out and disregard my advice.

I underestimated your level of neckbeard. Fuck you.

>> No.4112089

My mistake I thought this board was about food

I thought you'd be above /fit/
So I have to be a vegan or chef to discuss a topic on here? Cool

And I was curious about foods you guys could eat almost daily.

>> No.4112094

Your mistake that you are too childish to think that spending 10 minutes to make a simple fucking meal is a waste of time.


>> No.4112102

I'm neither a vegan or a chef, but I'll be damned if I get ANYONE advice on how to fill their body with garbage.

I make meals for myself every single day, and it doesn't disrupt my life at all. It literally takes less than 15 minutes to prepare some really good simple meals.

Just get out.

>> No.4112105

You insulted the thing most people on this board talk about. What did you think everyones response was going to be?
Also you generally come off as a dick I'm surprised you found employment with communication skill of such low caliber.

>> No.4112107

You're 100% correct. It isn't difficult at all to figure simple shit like this out. I fell on hard times during my early 20s and again in my early 30s after my divorce. It took me all of two minutes walking through wally world to figure out what was a smart buy both economically and nutritionally.

It baffles me that there are people out there who can't solve this miniscule dilemma on their own.

>> No.4112112

well, if you're too fucking lazy to cook anything, how are we supposed to help? you've already singled out one of the cheapest fast foods you can find. just haul your fatass around town picking 1 dollar sandwiches and you'll be fine. anything more will take a minimum of effort your fatass isn't willing to give.

>> No.4112114

You haven't given me any reason why that would be more effective. I'm not childish, I'm approaching this with logic. I can cook a chicken patty or eat a big mac and afterwords have the exact same health, energy, WEIGHT. AND I save time. You talk about hurr just take 10 minutes to cook hurr. There are literally no benefits to taking more time, except wasting time.

Are you guys really jealous or are you all brainwashed vegans?

I feel bad for you normalfags

>> No.4112120

>again in my early 30s after my divorce

Come here my bro. I'll hold you.

>> No.4112127

Go back to /r9k/ and die you useless waste of flesh.

>> No.4112131

Alright, I suspected it before, but it's pretty obvious now. Troll thread, move along.

>> No.4112132

>"I'm not childish"
>entire diet consists of chicken patties, big macs, and five dollar foot longs

Yeah... okay...

>> No.4112137

>It baffles me that there are people out there who can't solve this miniscule dilemma on their own.
Anyone can take 5 minutes and figure it out, but I was wondering if anyone really took the time to look into the most financially efficient foods that you wouldn't tire of easy.

One last note: You can label the food I eat "trash" I label it efficient and delicious. Because as I stated I get no benefits from "healthy" foods.

Damn, you guys are hostile! Reread my goal above. I thought you guys would have a favorite food you could stand. And every thread I saw on the front page had KFC, TV Dinner, and unhealthy food. You win guys! Later!

>> No.4112142

and nothing of value was lost

>> No.4112144
File: 149 KB, 960x696, i dont wanna feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two slices of bread and a piece of bologna on it.

>> No.4112149

Since it was a troll thread anyway, can you dump the inforgraphs just to salvage it?

>> No.4112151

I can't wait until your winter break is over.

>> No.4112159

op pls go

>> No.4112230

I'm loving all of you so thoroughly right now.

>> No.4112232

>I get no benefits from "healthy" foods.


>> No.4112251

These kinds of threads are why I love you /ck/.

never change

>> No.4112332
File: 281 KB, 1000x1600, ck - The Basics.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an infographic from way back when.

>> No.4112413

The more packaging it has the more expensive it is.
You can stir fry almost anything.
If you have an internet connection you will never need a cook book.
Don't forget YouTube.
It takes marginally more time to make 10 servings than 1. It takes a lot more time to make 1 serving 10 times. Two big pots on Sunday and you get a variety of microwavable meals all week.

>> No.4112424

Jesus christ /ck/ where the fuck are your troll identifing skills

>Help guize pls tel me how to make food
>Even tho I'm on a cooking bored I'm gonna say cooking is too hard

Are you really this stupid /ck/?

>> No.4112425

Threads like this and posts like yours about them is why I hate this shithole

die soon

>> No.4112458


>tfw moved out at 23
>tfw moved back in this year at 26

hope you do better than i did OP. i know i'll get my shit together before 30, but god damn. it was like as soon as i tried to live on my own, it worked for a while, then they cut back my hours at my job and everything went to hell.

>> No.4113044

> tfw moved out at 23
> tfw moved back in this year at 26
> hope you do better than i did OP.

If a small change in your hours was enough to put you under then you were a fool to move out in the first place.

Protip: unless you graduate with a real degree and hit the ground running, live with parents until you are 30 (longer if not immediately starting a famil). If you move out when you are early-20's, you'll just struggle and bust your ass and never get ahead. Little things like a car repair or doctor bill will send you back on the rice/beans diet for 6 months. You're handing probably almost a grand every month for rent and utilities only to live in a noisey shit apt surrounded poor nig nogs.

Way I'd do it: live with parents, try to arrange to take over the basement so you have some privacy. Keep it rent free (pay YOURSELF the $750/month instead of a slumlord) by doing chores (cut grass, heavy lifting stuff, things that old people hate doing), hang out with them and don't be a hermit barnacle leech, and most important, don't be a prick with the partyin and showing them you mooch off them so you can live like a kid and hang with friends (go to their apt and do that stuff).

I socked away $26k over about 30 months not even trying while delivering pizza. Used that as downpayment on a $75k house (starting price was $150 the recession actually went my way). Now I own my "apartment", will have it paid off in less than 10yrs, even if I go on with a chump job.

>> No.4113177

Not the person you are responding too, but I had a similar situation as them. Had to move back home because my hours were cut. And by cut, I mean I went from 35-40, down to 15-20. I'd have been find with 30 hours, I could have scraped by barely (and with the help of food pantries) with 25. But it was impossible on 15-20.

>> No.4113180

Should be fine.

>> No.4113196


Wow, bro. Where the fuck do you live?! The fucking moon?!

>> No.4113200


When I was 17, I dropped out of high school. My parents told me to get a job or pack up and leave.

With few prospects, I decided to hook up with some friends and we rented a house together. Within a year, everyone's drug habits eventually meant we couldn't afford to stay there. Everyone split up. Some went back home, some went to stay with other friends.

I, on the other hand, was homeless.

It's hard to convey the sinking feeling I got from walking into a homeless shelter. You'll probably read that and not give it much thought, but I ask that you think of the last time you were absolutely scared for your life. Close your eyes and really imagine that situation and try to relive it until the feeling comes back.

It was absolutely the worst thing ever. It took years to rebuild my life.

I guess what I'm trying to say is be thankful and always remember someone has it worse. It's the only thing that kept me alive and sane.

Shit will get better eventually.

>> No.4113228

Somebody in another thread mentioned that homeless shelters give you decent clothes. Is this true? How bad is it in there? Glad that you got out of a terrible situation.

>> No.4113232


>> No.4113248

>give you decent clothes. Is this true?

They'll make sure something fits. They're not going to put you in pants too long or wide. They'll also try not to put you into something like a Power Puff Girls t-shirt unless you want them too. But sometimes you'll get a shirt and it says something stupid like, "I must be butter cause I'm on a roll."

I didn't actually have that shirt, but I saw someone who did. Embarrassing.

>How bad is it in there?

Depends on if you have a job or not. If you have a job, they'll put you in a place where you can get some quiet rest. If not, you go in with all the newcomers, unemployed and mentally ill. Lots of coughing, hollering (think turrets), laughing, etc.

You also shower naked with all the men. That's probably the hardest part to get used to.

I wouldn't recommend it and got out as soon as I could which was longer than I would have liked.

I had to sleep on the streets for a month before they'd even let me in. That first shower, the water around my feet was solid brown. The next person had to stand in that same area. And I had to stand in the same area of the person before me. It's disgusting.

Go to school. Eat rice and beans and save up money. Avoid that shit at all costs.

>> No.4113336

I know I didn't have it as bad as others, I was simply stating that a cut in hours can make a huge difference, if it is a lot of hours.

The most frightened I've ever been is when a man with a gun broke into my home looking for pain meds.

>> No.4113517

Anymore stories about how hard life it is in a homeless shelter?

>> No.4113734

Are you a lady? (I know, I know, we're not supposed to tell gender on the interwebs).

>> No.4113740

Beans and rice are going to be a staple. Also find a ethnic market, because if you don't you will be eating nothing but processed meats and foods and getting fat if you don't.

>> No.4113872

Not op, but I did enjoy this. I'm new to beans so using beans and rice was to actually make beans and rice. I really liked the idea of using beans to substitute ground beef and dehydrated potatoes to add more substance to potato soup.
Pretty obvious for some people, but even as a decent home cook I'm pretty uncreative. Thanks, it kinda opened my eyes on some possibilities.

>> No.4113911


I forgot but during my voluntary exile I wrote a blog post that could help you get by.

>> No.4113961


Well I do believe I forgot to post the link.


>> No.4113980

50 bucks a week on food is a really really low amount. i also think its irresponsible to encourage shopping at cheaper stores, as most of that shit is imported and heavily doused with pesticides.

>> No.4114018
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>> No.4114027

>but it's a waste of time.
lrn 2 shop and cook, get ingredients, and portion your meals. Cheapest way to live nigga. Lrn 2 nutrition and planning on a budget.

Hey OP what is your age, height, and weight?

Body type?

>> No.4114037

>Paying for another 102% percent of the meal price as a pointless formality
A-a-Americans d-do this???

>> No.4114038

What a fucking idiotic picture

>> No.4114040

I meant aside from the troll tip

>> No.4114068

why would you tip that much?

>> No.4114085

just get money from sucking dicks op

it's the only way

>> No.4114113

I said it recently and I'll say it ITT again: whole, 1¾kg (just shy of 4lbs) chicken. You get 7 meals out of it. That's a third of your week's meals. Depending on the price per kg/lb, it can be pretty cheap. I find that the price for chicken is comparable both back home and here in the US (at about €2,29/kg and $1,39/lb, on average).
One chicken can provide you with broth/stock, cooking fat and meat.

First, learn to break down the chicken into two leg-quarters, two wings, and two breast fillets, but remove the skin from body/breast before you fillet them off the carcass. Save the skin. Remove the wing tips (the little flappy-things at the ends of the wings) from the wings themselves.

Remove the skin from the leg-quarters.

Simmer the carcass and wing tips in a litre/quart of water, skimming scum as it forms from time to time, until the liquid is reduced by half: chicken broth, just waiting to be strained.

Chop up the skins and place them in a pot then add 2 litres/quarts of water. Bring to the boil, then simmer until the water is reduces to only a half litre. Strain out the skins and fridge both skins and liquid over night. Come morning, there will be a solid disc of fat on top of the liquid that is suitable for cooking. You can cook the skins on very low heat to render more fat from them and to crisp them up for a snack.

I'm sure you can think of things to do with two breast fillets, two leg-quarters and two wings, so I won't bother with suggestions for those, but if OP (or anyone else) actually would like some, ask and ye shall receive.

>> No.4114157

My mom actually runs a woman's facility that deals with homeless and/or addicted women and is an affiliate of a men's homeless facility. That being said, I have seen a lot of the homeless community in our city (roughly 3 million people in the metropolitan area), and they are not mistreated. People panhandling on the street make $60-$100 an hour and have many opportunities and methods to get food and clothing. The food isnt the best and the clothing is second hand, but the hardest part about being homeless is the lack of hygiene, and the weather.

>> No.4114177

What I don't understand is how a person can make that much money and still be homeless. I can only assume that the answer is usually substance abuse related, which is why I don't give money to homeless folks, and tend to avoid them. I realize this is a dick sort of thing to do, but I still don't want to waste time with people who have no interest in getting their shit together.

>> No.4114195

Thats exactly it. Homeless people dont need food, they want money for alcohol or drugs. There are some people who panhandle until they have enough to stay in a motel for a night, which is what I would do if I were ever homeless. But even then, the majority of people just look for ways to cheat the system, which is why they are homeless in the first place.

>> No.4114285

Yeah, at first I used to feel bad because I couldn't think of a situation I would want to be in LESS than being homeless. Then a drunk homeless guy nearly assaulted my dad while we were on vacation in Atlanta, and I started feeling less sympathy.

After living in a poorer neighborhood for a few years and literally seeing the same bums day in and day out, I feel like my heart has turned to stone.

My poorfag meal of the day? Curry. I made a pot big enough for like eight servings, at least, using a few stalks of celery, half of a fifty cent bag of carrots, four-five big potatoes, and two or three pounds of chicken thighs. The spice mix was a Christmas gift, but you can get enough for several big pots for just a few bucks. You can also sub the ckicken for more vegetables for an even cheaper dish. I just boiled the thighs, bones and skins and all, for an hour or so, then pulled out the meat and set it aside while I chopped the veggies.

Cooked the veggies in the broth/stock while I pulled the chicken from the bones. I now have the remaining bones simmering to make more stock, and I tossed all the meat into the curry. Add curry spice, salt, and pepper to taste. I also like a little soy sauce, but I'm weird like that. A more heavily spiced curry will stretch more, as will a thinner sauce, but you can pretty much play this by ear.

Serve over rice. Feel free to add veggies to taste, or depending ln what's on sale. It's a good way to use cheap produce that's close to spoiling. I had this for dinner tonight and feel so full and content for what was probably about $1 a serving. Which is a little expensive, but fuck man, I feel good.