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File: 42 KB, 550x375, carbonara[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4110777 No.4110777 [Reply] [Original]

I want to make carbonara. I have at my disposal:
>leftover christmas ham
>various spices
whats the best way to do this?

>> No.4110787

Italanon here, you're going to need some cream. Don't be tempted to cheap out and buy the regular stuff either, you need real dairy cream from the refrigerated section.

Not sure what those eggs are for, maybe you got it mixed up with fritatta? My nonna would laugh if she saw that.

>> No.4110810


Post nonna's recipe, plz. kthhxbai!

>> No.4110814

You don't need cream.

I would do up the onions in some oil or butter, toss in bacon, garlic, spices, al dente spaghetti, cheese. Beat eggs and take off heat. Mix mix mix.

I live using goat cheese or blue cheese with Parmesan

>> No.4110840

Does it have to be carbonara, or are you just utilizing those ingredients into a meal?.

>> No.4110846

yeah, im just utilizing those ingredients into a meal. its probably going to look like >>4110814

i also have carrots, potatoes, and cous cous

>> No.4110871


Do you have any tomatoes / tomato puree

>> No.4110894

i found a can of diced tomatoes that i could use

>> No.4110895

> Don't be tempted to cheap out and buy the regular stuff either, you need real dairy cream from the refrigerated section.
Ehh? There's cream you can get that's non-refrigerated?

>> No.4110939


Cook onions without colour for a few minutes, then add in bacon or ham, or both

after the bacon begins cooking, add in the tomatoes and get the spaghetti cooking

after the onions bacon and tomato begin to thicken the spaghetti should be done, add that in, spice however you like and eat it.


>> No.4110956

Does anyone here ever go and buy pancetta to use instead of bacon in carbonara?

>> No.4110963


Guanciale not pancetta.

>> No.4110974

Best carbonara doesn't use cream but lots of beaten egg yolks for dat 'creaminess' and hearty thick texture mouthfeel.

>> No.4111029

so what am i missing to make carbonara? just parmesan cheese?

>> No.4111226


Yes. Pecorino will also do just fine.

>> No.4111224


You are definitely not Italian.

>> No.4111255
File: 157 KB, 1600x912, 1330459531833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see. i will save it for another time and make >>4110939 instead

>> No.4111264

kill yourself, you are a liar

>> No.4111267

In Europe most milk and cream in UHT and sold in tetra paks unrefrigerated. Americans are hesitant to buy UHT stuff beacuse "dat's witchcraft in dem dere cartons if ain't need-a be in no freedge!"

>> No.4111271


>> No.4111280

> milk that is shelf-stable sealed for months
I'm not sure if I *really* want this. Does it affect what you can do with it, or the taste?

>> No.4111285


I feel sorry for you guys. We have those in America too, in the poor people section, because UHT pasteurization makes milk taste like ass. Everyone I know buys the stuff in glass bottles, yeah it goes bad quicker and it's expensive, but it's worth the tradeoff.

UHT is fine for stuff that's going to be cooked and mixed with a ton of other stuff so you won't notice the weird taste, but not for something I'd actually drink on its own.

tl;dr Europeans confirmed for not having taste buds

>> No.4111298

What is it with Carbonara always getting autists to bitch about how to make it right?
Like is it some sort of babbys first real meal or something?

>> No.4111354

What do people use the bacon grease for?

I had a friend who'd make cornbread in the pan right after.

>> No.4111764
File: 1.30 MB, 799x4450, 1330894686310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for you, OP. Enjoy.

>> No.4111777

What, no they're not

>> No.4112084

Cornbread is good, made in bacon grease. Bacon grease also makes a damn fine vinaigrette. And of course, bacon-bourbon pancake, SAWSE!

>> No.4112247


Bacon gravy. For fresh baked biscuits.

>> No.4112331


That's just a pleb or some shitty country European. I'm German and you can buy regular milk that goes bad pretty fast in glass bottles or tetra packs in the refrigerated section of every supermarket.

You can also buy "Vorzugsmilch" which is raw milk that's not heated at all and as fresh as it gets on farmers markets or via subscription right to your doorstep. It tastes godly. Too bad it's outlawed in the US.

>> No.4112339


In england everybody buys non UHT milk, and its refridgerated.

What bumfuck country do you live in where UHT milk in the majority?

>> No.4112341


I cook for a couple of jewish (though not absolutely hardcore) roommates. would using either chicken or turkey bacon work for this?

>> No.4112346

Yeah, you can buy raw milk from farm stores, but they have to put a "NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION" sticker on it. Same with the grass-fed beef.

>> No.4112353


France probably. It's hard to find refrigerated milk there.

>> No.4112359


Woah. In Belgium, France, Spain and Portugal, over 90% of the milk consumed is UHT

>> No.4112372

>hating on bacon

The Holocaust was totally justified. Moslems should be excuted too for this reason.

>> No.4112384



Crawl back into the pit of the Earth you crawl out of, you sub-human freak.

>> No.4112397

my understanding of carbonara is that you're supposed to combine the hot bacon and noodles with the raw egg in a seperate room temperature dish. then you add cheese and black pepper, but no cream.

>> No.4112404

>call someone a sub-human for making a joke
>act all morally superior

Cool hypocrisy you got going there dude.

>> No.4112409

Wait, people still drink non-pasteurized milk? It's almost 2013.

>> No.4112411
File: 103 KB, 214x600, uhtmilk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most Germans buy UHT

>> No.4112415

It usually ends up as part of the sauce for me.

>> No.4112416

Nope, you combine the eggs and cheese and reserve some of the water the pasta was cooked in and add them all to pan bacon was cooked in and toss liek crazy to cook but not coagulate the eggs, ading more cheese or water as needed until the eggs becoem custardy and creamy and cling to the spaghettis

Also, fuckloads of black pepper.

>> No.4112417

I don't really stand for violence much but crimes against bacon and other cured porcine products should carry a mandatory death sentence.

>> No.4112422
File: 82 KB, 468x460, castro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Belgian master race.

>> No.4112428

For shame, I did not know that. My countrymen are embarrassing me. Well despite that you can still buy normal milk everywhere.

>> No.4112435

won't the eggs scramble if you add them to a hot pan?

>> No.4112437

Danefag here, 0% UHT milk consumed, thank god, that shit sounds nasty as fuck

Hated staying in Germany when it came to milk, so fucking much fat in it, "Vollmilch" I think it was called, Danes are used to 0,5% to 0,1%.

>> No.4112451

The pan will have cooled down if you made bacon first. Keep low flame. If you just toss your spaghetti and eggs the end result will be lukewarm instead of hot.

>> No.4112464

>not liking whole milk
You're a pussy

>> No.4112487


I imagine you'd get used to the taste and perhaps even learn to like it, as the Belgians seem to have done. There's a guy at work who uses the UHT milk that the company buys for the coffee in his breakfast cereal. Thinking about it makes me gag.


The differences between pancetta, guanciale, and bacon really stand out with carbonara. None of those so-called bacon products that you mention would even work. Why make a dish that is all about the pork fat flavor for people who have a problem with eating pork? There isn't enough fat in turkey bacon in any case.

>> No.4113384

I've never had carbonara, does it taste like egg?

>> No.4113490


If done badly, yes. If done well, it has a subtle egg taste, in the same way that challah or chocolate chip cookies taste like they contain eggs, but don't taste like eggs.

>> No.4113705

I don't think I'd like that