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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4108466 No.4108466 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, I am snowed in here and am getting close to starving.

I have a half-sack of potato and about a 2/5 wheel of really good cheesecake. I'm thinking about making scalloped potatoes out of this. I figure I smear the long sliced taters with this fine cheese cake and add butter and flour, some cheddar I got left over and yeah.

Is this folly? Should I do it? Any tips?

>> No.4108478

do you mean cheese, or cheese cake? if it's cheese, it should taste pretty good. if it's cheese cake, not so much

>> No.4108497
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I mean cheesecake. And cheese too. I have both. Why do you think this is a bad idea? Could be awesome. What's cheesecake but cream cheese and .... that other stuff.

>> No.4108498

>I'm snowed in but I have lots of food
>Should I eat it?

Fuck off.

>> No.4108500

stretch your potatoes even farther, make potato soup. It might not be the greatest thing ever, but it'll help fill your stomach. Ration out your cheesecake, eat it before going to sleep to give your body a little extra fuel to keep warm while you aren't able to move.

>> No.4108507

>snowed in
>no tins, no dried goods
what kind of retard are you, i dont even live in a country where its possible to get snowed in, but I could easily last a week, maybe two without going shopping

>> No.4108539
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You idiots are missing the point. It's not a matter of life or death, just a matter of wasting perfectly good food. Sorry if you have never seen snow before or have to live in a country where starvation is a real thing.

>> No.4108545

The potatoes can be boiled and mashed...do you have milk? cream? something like that?

Alternatively, chop them up, toss lightly with oil, and bake for a bit. Serve with basil and pepper on top.

You could also make pierogies, if you have a few other things. That stretches potatoes pretty well. They're not that fun to eat without sour cream and fried onions though.

>> No.4108553

Why not just eat the potatoes, then eat the cake? Youre just fucking both up by trying to mix them

>> No.4108557
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Everybody seems to be ignoring the essential point here!!!

Potatoes with cheesecake? Will it blend? thcings

>> No.4109127

Bake the potatoes or roast them, halfway through either hollow them out, mix the potato with the cheese, put them back in, sprinkle cheese on top, eat, be merry, have cheesecake, make a snowman

>> No.4109607

If I may chime in here for a second.

okay, as for smearing cheesecake on roast spuds? that makes me shudder just thinking about it. Don't do it! don't waste your food on something so stupid! Now, cheese on roast spuds, that's some good eating right there.

wait, you have flour? and cheese? and butter?

okay, seriously, you are not starving at all. You're just goddamn lazy. If you have snow, you can make water. Dampa bread (aussie hardtack for you mob of foriegners out there) is pretty simple. Add flour, Add water, add a bit of butter and cheese for flavor and you have dampa.

Unless you're in the freaking yukon, I doubt you're going to starve. Now get back in that kitchen and make something for yourself to eat!

Captcha: Fending hellness
