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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 369 KB, 2000x1499, BeeF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4105097 No.4105097 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/
I made this for christmas dinner the other day?
It was my first time making a whole dinner.
It was Beef Wellington with Pommes Anna.
How those it look, cook wise and plate wise?
It tasted great!

>> No.4105101

I've never had beef wellington, always wanted to try it.... that looks good as fuck though, anon

>> No.4105104

the pastry doesnt really have a great color... try brushing it with egg yolk next time and for a sauce those 3 dashes look nice but its not enough u could also drape it arround the plate so u have more and it still looks great!
other then that your meat looks very good! i would cook it a bit less but thats just personal preference!

>> No.4105106
File: 480 KB, 141x141, approved.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made this anon? The potatoes look godly and are really well arranged.

>> No.4105107


Ever since I saw that I have always wanted to try it, Looks delicious but they dont have any restaurants in Toronto that make it. At least that I have found

>> No.4105119

saw a great version of that with i think chestnuts in the mushroom mixture! that looked to die for!

>> No.4105120

There are a couple of places in Montreal that make a good one, but I've never found one in Toronto either.

Now if I could only get my hands on some seal meat.

>> No.4105121

I brushed it with egg and sprinkled some sea salt on top. Might give it second brush next time! About the meat, yeah, that's about as rare I'd go. I checked internal temp, and it was barely over 160.

Thanks brah.

Yeah, I wanted to go all out for christmas dinner!Thanks!

I based this on his recipe, there a 9-10minute video. Did a couple of things differently, but mostly, it's his version.
And it is great. Mushrooms aren't my cup of tea, but the porsciutto and duxelle really make this thing work.

>> No.4105126
File: 108 KB, 625x458, potatoes-anna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you get the potatoes so yellow? Photochop? Recipes on the internets always show white-ish potatoes.

>> No.4105131

Why do you want to purposely want to plate like a douchebag?

>> No.4105133

second brushing should do the trick! overall i say nicely done bro! this is a great achievement!!!

>> No.4105136

thats called presentation...

>> No.4105137
File: 218 KB, 635x401, douchebag beef wellington.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to purposely want
>want to want
>calls OP a douchebag
Your greatest achievement is probably microwaved hot dogs.

>> No.4105142

looks good but minus the fresh rosemary on the plate next time. It looks forced not artistic. If you still want to put them at least do it radially. And do the sauce smear in a single semi circle. Or a couple curved ones going out from the center.

>> No.4105153

I didn't know how to make Pommes Anne, so I did it kinda by instict.
>Slice the potatoes really thin, use a mandolin, or a really sharp knife.
>Get them in a bowl of water to rinse off some of the starch.
>Get a pan and melt some butter, with garlic, rosemary, and a bit of pepper.
>Get muffin pan, and pur in half a tbsp of butter in each mold.
>Put a slice in each mold, brush with butter.
>repeat until you reach edge of the pan.
>if you have any butter left, sprinkle it on top
>Use the rosemary in the pan to top off the potatoes
>Throw in the oven (180*C pre heated) until soft and brown.
>Let them cool when done, put on paper towell to let excess butter out.

Feels good man.

As >>4105136 said, presentation. You can cook the best meal in the world, but as taste, smell and touch, I also believe that food must be a treat for the eyes and ears too. A meal in a loud crowded place won't be enjoyable, and a plate that shows effort, love and time, as well as a certain visual appeal standard, can really take your cooking to the next level.

>> No.4105163

saved. thanks!

>> No.4105169

dont u pre cook the potatoes? i always do that when i bake them? or is it because the slices are so thin they will cook well even without pre cooking?

>> No.4105174

I used to to that, but since the potatoes where room temperature (out overnight, and then washed with room temperature water) I skipped on it.
They seem to cook quite evenly

>> No.4105189

nice i will try it out when i use your recipe! the slices will be much better i guess!

>> No.4105238

Probably. The starch give them the soggy cake like texture, which is good, but removing some of it with the water bath helps to get crispy top and bottom layers, and softer insides.

>> No.4105245

is beef wellington good? It looks fucking amazing.

>> No.4105248

could be it i always just put on a movie skin the potatoes and dump them in the pan right away :P will try washing them next time!

>> No.4105249

It's delicious.

>> No.4105257

Looks amazing man!

Plating looks great, and the food looks wonderful. Only thing i dont like is the rosemary garnish, i think it would of been okay without it there.

But your food is centralized and you have height to it, and it is very neat and tidy. If I was served that at a house I would be wondering if I was in a restaurant

Keep up the good work

>> No.4105339

Beautiful plating, but as >>4105257 said, I not sure about the rosemary garnish. Unlike parsley or basil, it doesn't taste that good raw.

Also, if you're not going to serve enough sauce, don't put it in the plate. It sucks to eat an awesome combination of flavors and realise you only had enough for the first bite.

>> No.4105367

if OP is still here! what did you use for the sauce!? im dieing to try this out myself

>> No.4105370

pretentious twat

>> No.4105374

It looks like hipster cat food

>> No.4105393

I'm not a fan of the rosemary garnish either, but it felt unbalanced, so I HAD to put something on that side. The same with the sauce, which is just som djon mustard. There was more, but it wasn't a particularly complementing flavor. Pure decoration.

>> No.4105394

>Beef wellington
>Hipster cat food

Do you even eat?

>> No.4105397

The sauce is just some mustard, lightened up with olive oil. It's there for decorative use only.

>plating done with mustard and fucking rosemary
I'm sorry, I bet that you skip ketchup on your hotdogs, to keep it real.

Exactly what I was going for.

>> No.4105409

pretentious plate, check, pretentious portions, check, no vegetable, check
why the hell would anyone order this shit? isn't beef wellington a folk meal like toad in the hole? wouldn't it therefore make more sense to appeal to the people who eat to be fed good food not act like pretentious dicks and put more on the plate so you don't have beef wellington sitting in a small onion sized ball of pommes that makes the hole thing look like as small volcanic rock?

>> No.4105413


>> No.4105417

looks raw to me

>> No.4105443

o shit this tread is getting invaded by faggots!
op you did a fucking great job! personaly i would serve this with some haricoverts (i imagine you had a side dish aswell and if you would work on the mustard it would be a great base for a sauce to go with the beef and pastry! like i said a couple of times already! great job op! great job!

>> No.4105454

OP here, everyone had seconds. It's a matter of looks. I chose a big as fuck plate, to be able to center the food.
Why are you so butthurt ofter pretentious plates? Really? ceramic shaped in anything other than a round flat sourface is too fancy for you?
I did it because it looked nice, and it tasted great. Mission acomplished.
Yes, I mad.

Same to me, as I tend to like meat well done, but after trying this... medium rare for me.

>> No.4105458

Thanks dude! Really appreciate this!
Yep, it was a family/friends christmas gathering, this was just the main course, but people brought other meats (pork tenderloin) salads, potatoes...

>> No.4105464

no problem! next time u see a tread like this it will be mine! going to make this as a surprise for my dads birthday! thanks for the inspiration!

>> No.4105473

Looking forward to it!

>> No.4105475

Just out of curiosity, did you make the pastry yourself or was it storebought? Not that is matters, looks delicious.

>> No.4105477

>christmas dinner

Wait, is that the starter? There is one purpose to christmas dinner, stuffing your face.

>> No.4105492

Of course, I just don't care so much about the hipster homo presentation. That looks pathetic, especially those stupid square plates. I've seen cat food that more appealing than this junk. Why should I pay like 20x more for the same thing because some hipster weirdo is into it and drizzed his homo sauce over the thing and sticks it on a square plate. I love good food first, presentation and hoity toitness is pretty far down on the list.

>> No.4105501
File: 66 KB, 395x400, 1302287428245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go try a wellington before u start calling it junk homo (not op here just someone who thinks u should get the hell out of /ck/)

>> No.4105502

Storebought. I made this the 24th (here we get together the 24th, at night, so we welcome christmas) so no time for puffy pastry.
Of course. We had a lot, luckily!

>> No.4105504

What makes you think that I haven't you fucking presumptuous hoity toit?

>> No.4105521

even if you have its none of your business what other people like to eat... so still GET THE FUCK OUT!

>> No.4105550

Fuck you scumbag, you're posting on a public message board, expect to get comments. I never said that you shouldn't eat it, if you like cat food go for broke you dumb fucking yeast infected dripping twat.

>> No.4105560
File: 136 KB, 800x800, SADASFAS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here....

Someone is so, fucking, mad.

>> No.4105566

Yup, you must be right. Everyone that disagrees with you and wont pay for presentation instead of food quality and clenliness must be mad. You fail, now go hold your head in shame and cry.

>> No.4105570


>Everyone that disagrees with you

It's okay to disagree, or dislike food. But you gave zero constructive criticisms, and called it cat food.

If you want to play that card, at least tell him why you don't like it and don't just come out guns blazing knocking his dish.

>> No.4105586

OP, you've inspired me to try this dish. Imma practice it a couple of times in January.

>> No.4105589
File: 38 KB, 499x203, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It looks like any decent Wellington ever. What's "non-pretentious" plating to you? Because OP literally just put a slice of beef Wellington on a plate and garnished it with mustard and rosemary.

Imagine if your pleb-ass saw the shit they produce at El Bulli or Noma.

>> No.4105597

I wouldnt worry about non-pretentious plating bro. I think these other guys are just shit posting twelve year olds who think they know food

>> No.4105601

I can imagine the sqeal of rage emitted from the mouth of >>4105492 if he ever went to a place like Spago

>> No.4105640

plebs these days....

>> No.4105675

This was your first time making a whole dinner and you plated that shit like this was on chopped?

Looks good, man.

>> No.4105681

it doesnt look nice, it looks lonely and cold. only rich assholes think thats what plated food should look like

>> No.4105687

jesus fucking christ OP, I think you incited the anger of the Pleb Jew. He both hates good presentation as well as portions which come out of good recipes, which he cant stuff into his fat face like pork rinds

>> No.4105689

>lonely and cold
>rich assholes
What in the fucking fuck are you talking about? You sound mad as fuck, bro.

>> No.4105690

The point that you're missing is that I wouldn't go to a place like spago. It's not in my interest and I know tons of better places without the celebrity hoity toit baggage. To each our own.

>> No.4105692

>I agree with you point
>However, my individual feelings are different from yours
>allow me to loudly and obnoxiously yell at you about why you're wrong
>Once again, I agree with you

Are you an idiot or something?

>> No.4105697

>I agree with you point
>However, my individual feelings are different from yours
>allow me to loudly and obnoxiously yell at you about why you're wrong
>Once again, I agree with you

Are you an idiot or something?

Just because you love large portions of shittily cooked food doesnt mean OP needs to deal with it

Have fun eating under the highway overpass

>> No.4105701

Touched a nerve did I you fucking stupid beta, you have to post crap in green instead of just directly writing. That's exactly what I'm talking about, though I know the point has flown over your head, you're incapable of grasping it. Enjoy the celebrity, I want nothing to do with it and will enjoy high quality as I see it and when I'm paying for it, that's what matters.

>> No.4105707

Was this supposed to make a point?
>will enjoy high quality as I see it and when I'm paying for it, that's what matters.

You are fucking retarded.

>> No.4105712

>I have my own food beliefs
>Allow me to yell at you because yours are different
>For variety's sake ill also through in profanities that make no sense

Where did you learn your manners kid?

>> No.4105725

Did you drink too much cum last night after downing poppers and had your asshole widened? Seriously, you come across as not only a pissy little faggot, but one that has to post in green instead of just writing like normal human. What rock did you crawl out from under? Are you a paki or an indian, you're certainly uptight enough.

>> No.4105731

>blah blah blah insults
>I realise I've already lost the argument but I keep arguing like a child fighting off tears
>blah blah blah random racism

do you even know what greentext is?

>> No.4105761

Greentext, sure I know what it is, it's what you faggots that eat cat food looking shit use instead of writing for yourself directly. What's that question?

>> No.4105766


did school get out early today?

>> No.4105772

It's school break, man.

>> No.4105801

so you are a pleb and a schoolboy? mods? please? ban this commoner!!!

>> No.4105830

>this fucking post

it's posts like these that just scream "I am in middle school!"

>> No.4105842

i only have 2 gripes boss, rosemary is gross to chew on, it goes on the plate, it goes in the mouth. The second more sauce. You can hide sauce on the back side of the wellington and on the potatoes so they arent directly visible, and you can keep the decor sauce but the sauce on the potatoes and the decor sauce must go the same direction, in case its visible.

Other then that, the meat looks godly, i wanna fuck those potatoes in my mouth. Fantastic use of the rule of 3rds as well.

just... semen everywhere. nice work OP

>> No.4107244

OP here

>Let this thread rest overnight for the secret Aspie flavor notes to really come out.

Yep, first tiem. I mean, I cooked before, but I either cook for me, or I bake something for sides.

You are welcome to fuck those potatoes whenever you want!
But please, tell me afterwards so I can make a new batch.

>> No.4107669

Looks fucking tasty man!


>> No.4108567


>> No.4110641


>> No.4110656

This looks awesome. I am going to make a Wellington and some sort of fuckall fancy potatoes for tomorrow since I was sick as hell for xmas. Mine are not going to look half as nice as this. Also I sent a fuckwit to get me some pate today and he came home with some shit labeled 'pate' in a can. Anyhow good show OP.

>> No.4110662

There is a restaurant downtown that has it on the menu but I read reviews of it and it didn't seem worth the money. I snoop around Toronto for good yummy things that would be too wasteful for me to make as I live here too.

>> No.4110676

those are pretty easy. you sllce them thin, usually with a mandolin, stack them unevenly and roast. Sometimes they are lightly fried first, but the ones in OP's pic looks like they weren't. This basically looks like a pommes anna that was made in single serving size instead of a large cake tin

>> No.4110713
File: 1.92 MB, 3456x2592, IMG_5055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck your presentation

>> No.4111084

You should never put something to plate for purely decoration, or that's at least how I feel.
I don't want stuff on my plate that I'm not supposed to eat with the rest of the meal. Everything needs to have 'function'

>> No.4111089

Oh and otherwise, great job, looks delicious, would eat.

>> No.4111562

That shit looks yummy as fuck. you made that?

>> No.4111658
File: 62 KB, 550x821, hjh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda agree. No offense OP, but there is presentation and then there is faggotry.
I'm sure it was delicious though.

>> No.4111664

Very pretty OP. Your meat looks cooked to perfection. I could never do presentqtion like that.

>> No.4111670

I don't know what that cost the OP per plate, but GR's is $58 for a plate of Beef Wel, and some mashed potatoes. I'm sure it's good, though. People think they know expensive, and they don't even fucking know.

>> No.4111706

OP here... thread is still alive? Fuck yer.

Beef was about 41 bucks, and throw in around 25 for everything else used. It served 10.

>> No.4111731

OP, that looks amazing. Classy as fuck!

>> No.4111780

>no offense
>uses vulgar language
>no offense


>> No.4111782
File: 271 KB, 1000x623, Tequila Lime Chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Presentation thread? What do you think about our presentation, OP?

>> No.4111838

looks great, OP, but
>dat rosemary on the plate

fuck inedible garnishes, I know rosemary is edible but eating those sprigs how they are would be horrid.

>> No.4111885

rosemary and other herbs can be deepfried for edible garnish goodness

>> No.4112510

you can make satan's cock edible by deepfrying lol :P

>> No.4112933

That looks really nice. The only thing I'd change is I'd remove either the lime, or the parsley on top of the chicken.

>> No.4113661

>browses 4chan
>thinks "faggotry" is a vulgar term

I hear reddit has a cooking board.

>> No.4115148
File: 75 KB, 640x480, 1338427402812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread

>> No.4116594

Professionally i think you should have used a sprig of Rosemary instead of little pieces off a sprig.

The meat looks great, the pastry looks perfectly cooked with the filling.

The smear of the yellow garnish should be one big blob smeared across the top and not be little lines.

Overall looks like a great dish, just have to fix up the little things on presentation.
The plate is good with the organic shape of the meats circular shape.

>> No.4117182

Pastry looks like mediocre. Stop fucking putting shitsplats of sauce on the plate. It looks bad and you should feel bad. Fuck off with your gay stack of potatoes and little rosemary sprigs.

The Service Industry

>> No.4118285

Dear Service Industry,

Stop trying to force cardboard as the best possible serving option, and colored fat as fine cuts of meats


Everyone who is not a shit for brains.

>> No.4118302

>square plates
>streaks of sauce on the plate
Where's your foam, motherfucker???

>> No.4118365


Dear Concerned Customer,

I remember when I was a kid, and marbling was a sign of quality, and even supermarket sirloins were both flavorful and tender.

Now I work in the industry; and I know how irrational fear of change, difference, and some perverted perception of "healthy" meats is driving us towards less breeds of animals and leaner cuts from animals being provided with cheaper feed.

As I watch us fall farther, I take solace in the fact that media has provided you with the arrogance and misinformation to rob yourself of the greatest enjoyments of life, all while poisoning us all.


>> No.4118424

Dear Faggot,

Different strokes for different folks.

Yours Truly,
Go Fuck Yourself

>> No.4118435

Sois pas aussi juif avec la moutarde mon frère !

pic unrelated

>> No.4118462


There's condensation on the first plate on the first picture. Learn to use warm plates.

>> No.4118476

You also sawed the beef, unsettled the crust and striated the meat.

Your potatoes weren't consistent with the one in the picture. They weren't very well showcased and your wellington is set on them like a picture frame. I don't know if that was intended or not but you should also learn to asymmetry.

I like your simple plate decor, even if it's a bit passay.

Nice plates. Don't know how the ceramic sounds but they seem like they're quality.

This really needed something else to bed the wellington and offset the potatoes.

I give you 6.5/10.

>> No.4118507

It looks a bit plain, maybe a small little green salad to the corner would help? It all just seems so sparce, this big amount of food in the center, and then tiny amounts of rosemary and mustard/olive oil. I understand the attraction of being minimal but I'm thinking you did it a /little/ too much.

>> No.4118523

>whatever the french lol is.

>> No.4121425

>mustard jew