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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4102203 No.4102203 [Reply] [Original]

I like Lasagna

>> No.4102204
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>> No.4102207
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>> No.4102208
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Lasagna is tasty

>> No.4102217

...yes, continue.

>> No.4102222
File: 63 KB, 578x417, allahuackbar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lasagna is pretty good

>> No.4102224

/r/ing vegetable lasagna

>> No.4102227
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lasagna is meat

>> No.4102229
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i liek lasagna

>> No.4102231
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Someone put beans in lasagna once.

he dead now

>> No.4102234
File: 34 KB, 460x250, tim-hortons-lasagna-460x250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Tim Hortons.

>> No.4102235

what in fuck is that?
thats like hardly a mouthful

>> No.4102244

Tim Horton's "lasagna". The "lasagna" is about the size of rotini pasta. Very watery, much less substance or filling compared to their chili. Being a fast food joint, it's cooked ahead and kept warm in the trays to guarantee mushy pasta.

>> No.4102249

sounds absolutely horrible.
Luckily fast food joints don't serve lasagna here, so i have very few bad memories about lasagna

>> No.4102320

I love lasagna, but why is all THIS lasagna telling me bad things ;_;

>> No.4102359
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pic related

>> No.4102380
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There used to be a fast food italian place near me called Fazoli's. I suppose I repressed it, but this thread has reguritated into consciousness. That shit was pretty bad. Serving food that had the highest possible profit margins (flour, water, tomato paste, oregano, garlic, and a smattering of meat here and there... Doesn't get any cheaper than that), and they couldn't even get that right.

They also insisted on giving you something for free, as if they were being generous. It was a tiny fuckin pathetic dried up stale bread stick. The food would have been slightly more appealing if the just had no breadsticks.

One near me went tits-up quickly, but according to the googles its still around and with a new menu.

>> No.4102396
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>> No.4102424
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>be in Asia until Januarary
>dad making me some lasagna for when I get back

He's gonna freeze these whole damn thing and let me have it all to myself.

He also made me legendary Chicago-style pizzas. Thing weighed like 7 pounds.

>> No.4102503

I've never had lasagna /ck/ ;_;
What am I missing out on?

>> No.4102511

Tomatoes, cheese, noodle, maybe some meat and greens.

>> No.4102513

I thought it was impossible to fuck up lasagne and then I saw this thread.

>> No.4102516
File: 162 KB, 361x282, LasagnaItaliano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. best lasagna ever. any restaurant ever cannot top this only like 3 bucks to. best. fucking. lasagna. EVER.

>> No.4102519
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your dad doesnt care enough about you to make it fresh. enjoy your freezer burn and hateful father. faggot, he hates you weeabo ass.

>> No.4102529


No restaurant lasagna and certainly no microwave lasagna even comes close to a home-made one.

>> No.4102535

Where the secret ingredient... is love.

>> No.4102590


I seriously don't know what the restaurants do wrong with their lasagnas. It's not even as if it has to be made freshly. It's great cold or heated up again. I once had a good lasagna in a train station restaurant in France, but everything else was always disappointing.

Tiramisu and Apfelstrudel are the same. Although it's sort of justified for Apfelstrudel because you have to eat it immediately.

>> No.4102598

I actually enjoy the rolled lasagna from Olive Garden.

>> No.4103340

>microwave lasagna better than restaurant

Stop being content with shit you fucking faggot

>> No.4103351

Lasagna has always been bring to me, I don't know why.

I love pasta and all the ingredients that go into it, so it's not that, either.

>> No.4103364
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My dago boyfriend loves my lasagna and even said it is better than his grandmothers. Had two helpings and ate the leftovers!

>> No.4103368

>once had a good lasagna in a train station restaurant in France
idk why, but it sounds tastier knowing that it was from a train station

>> No.4103372

Were you born in 1920?

>> No.4103388

Is wop more modern?

>> No.4103394
File: 141 KB, 667x1000, f6060eda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marginally more modern, yes.

mild lols were had.