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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4102080 No.4102080 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: The most idiotic restaurant/stupid food trends bitching

>everything comes with a 'crostini'
>no sauces, only foam
>everything is served in or on custom dishes like little copper pots or in a special holder in parchment paper

What else?

>> No.4102106

/ck/ bitching about food & people who make food

>> No.4102118

you seem upset

>> No.4102133

Fucking mini everything.

>> No.4102138

everything has to be a fusion between 2 cuisines at LEAST 1000 miles apart

>> No.4102151
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People without celiac disease eating gluten-free food.

>> No.4102191

>The most idiotic restaurant/stupid food trends bitching
"No OP, you seems upsets."
And them OP was a fag

>> No.4102196

gluten free
organic produce (some is better, but mostly i dont care)
gourmet food trucks
micro brew pairing menus
bone marrow

>> No.4102277

SPICY <Generic Food Item>

Seriously, its just a fucking meatloaf, adding 3 spoonfuls of chili doesn't make it fucking special.

>> No.4102282

What about spicy food do you think is bad for you?

>> No.4102292

Nothing, i like spicy food.
But there is a point where adding spicy shit needs to stop.
and we have clearly passed it

>> No.4102295
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Oh god yes.
It's their excuse to serve me less food and charge me the same price.
Fuck you, i want a normal goddamn burger.

>mfw I order sliders

>> No.4102303

Every half assed "edgy" restaurant whose name is a normal word with one or several letters taken out

Also, the hipsters at the restaurants who charge you $25 to eat salad leaves and dressing arranged in a special way

Food sensationalism in general

>> No.4102343

>'deconstructed' food
Thankfully this one seems to be dying out.

>revolting food wins michelin stars
Fuck Noma and fuck The Fat Duck, I'd eat my own hand over half of the shite these audacious cunts get away with serving.

>> No.4102398

I watch the Food Network and they put sauce on with a spoon and slide the spoon. Or drizzle it outward from the center. Why.

>> No.4102417


presentation makes it prettier, which is worth more

>> No.4102455


they taste good but it's better when you make them yourself.

>> No.4102459

Don't they normally serve you three?

What shitty restaurant do you go to? sliders are like one burger split into three different burgers, each with a different flavor or whatever. They're awesome.

>> No.4102460

> Crostini served on a bed of shaved parchment paper and topped with ketchup foam

>> No.4102465

Learn to enjoy the beauty of the product for its own sake already. Dressed dishes are for estranged psychos who can't stand the sight of an apple or a roasted pig.

I mean what's next? a plate of wine? Drizzled? and then you're allowed to lick all that pretty off? For only 50$?

>> No.4102470

One restaurant I used to frequent had a habit of sneaking mushrooms into things that you wouldnt think required them. And I hate mushrooms. Can't even stand to look at them. I have to pick them out and then struggle to eat the food they came in.

One time I ordered duck a l'orange, and there was fucking mushrooms in it jesus christ what the hell

>> No.4102477

You clearly haven't been to either. They both taste amazing.

>> No.4102495

>I love mushrooms and put them in everything

want to come to mine for dinner anon?

>> No.4102506

Deconstructed food can be fine. You can't stick a lump of apple crumble and custard on a plate in a Michelin star establishment, but you might still want to use those flavours.

It's when they do it for the sake of it it starts getting stupid.

>> No.4102509

x done 3 ways always pisses me off in the when I go to posh restaurants. If I wanted 3 bits of fish cooked in slightly different ways on the same plate i'd have gone to the fishmongers.

>> No.4102542
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Why do these even exist, Sweden?

>> No.4102558
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"I eat overpriced small pieces of food for the experience!"

>> No.4102559

Spending 100 Euro on a Dinner you can make with 5 Euro

>> No.4102565

I understand what you mean. I am indian and all the food I ate from home is spicy, somedays I just want a bland meat pie with a hint of garlic and pepper or a nice juicy steak.

>> No.4102566

going down the road you're preaching, we should all be eating a flavourless greyish paste that provides all vitamins, nutrients, fibre and proteins necessary to maintain healthy body function.

god forbid anyone has fun with their food.

>> No.4102573

There is always a limit bro. I rather eat a big mac than Steak Tartare. I find that dish atrocious, pretnetious, tasteless and on a menu for no reason, it is utterly symbolic of the decadence and lack of quality that has seeped into cooking.

>> No.4102575

>Vegetarian restaurants
>100% of them (in Southern California) taste like dogshit

I'm not a vegetarian hater and I've definitely had great food. But I've been to a couple so far and they had the worst crap I've ever put in my mouth.

>> No.4102578

Thats because they dont know how to make vegetarian meals. They essentially dont know how to cook properly and use the correct blend of flavours and spices.

>> No.4102586

Non standard plates.
Smears of sauce in artsy fartsy streaks and dopples.
Food in shot glasses.

>> No.4102589

>Food in shot glasses.
What the fuck? Where? Pics

>> No.4102592

Food in a fuckin spoon in a cup on a plate with shit drizzled in a spiral

>> No.4102595
File: 12 KB, 244x173, buffet-finger-food-spoons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We understand your too fuckin stupid because you pay us $75 for this shit so we put it in a spoon but we are edgy and hardcore culinary masters

>> No.4102596

Fuck that I am off to BK to get me a triple bacon cheesburger meal and actually feel full for $10

>> No.4102597


not getting 2 whoppers with 1 large fry and zesty sauce. fuckin pleb

>> No.4102599

It's old news, but I still think boba drinks are a dumb trend.

Trendy fruit too. Dragonfruit, acai, pomegranate, etc. Yes, pomegranate is great, but you don't need to hype it for every time you want a red fruit flavor in your lineup.

>> No.4102601

Whoppers are lame. I rather be content than bloated. Triple Bacon Cheeseburger motherfucker.

>> No.4102602

This is what /ck/ has come down to. Blatant /b/ simpletons running their crazy mouth. Don't get me wrong doofus, that sort of food despite being bullshit for that prize, you can't properly know why it's bullshit.

>lol burgers and canned food in ck xD we so edgy and legit man! yeh

>> No.4102606
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Only just discovered this foam thing. So stupid.

Mine: super expensive empanadas or samosas or tacos. You're a food truck/stand at the farmer's market charging 5 times what I pay at the store around the corner. I don't care if your empanada has spinach and mushrooms in it, it's too expensive.

Also, food places that serve just one thing. Like just meatballs, or just sausage, or just cupcakes. Wtf. The worst I've seen is a new place on 8th St Manhattan called Populence that sells just popcorn. POPCORN. It looks like the most pretentious fucking place.

>> No.4102605

What does any of that even mean? That you eat food differently to normal people and that makes you special?

>> No.4102608
File: 197 KB, 1600x1200, beef tartare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've only had beef tartare a couple of times but I'm pretty sure you must have had a bad experience. It's a great dish, though I wouldn't want it as an entree.

Also, beef tartare (in its variations) has a bit of a history, so I'd hesitate to call it a symbol of anything modern.


Veganism is a very big trend in Southern California right now, so a lot of places are cashing in on the trend. Some of the newer vegetarian/vegan places are good, some are absolutely awful.


The eyes eat before the mouth. Taste is more important by far, but if the food doesn't look appealing, it will affect the experience negatively. Can some foods look good served/plated simply? Yes, sure. Can you take plating too far? Definitely. Neither of those mean that you shouldn't plate your food in the most attractive way possible.

>> No.4102611

That I eat good food. That's all.

>> No.4102613

Is the cupcake and cake pop thing over yet? Please say yes.

>> No.4102615

Your interpretation can be revised due to the factor of personal taste. Thus it can be argued that what you eat isnt good food, just consumable.

>> No.4102618

>food places that serve just one thing

I fail to see how that's a bad thing? Jack of all trades yet master of none is always the way i've seen it.

>> No.4102620

Good ingredients, with good cooking, and good synergy equate quality food.

>> No.4102624

Starting to wane but if you live near a place with people in their early twenties, you going to see a lot of it.

>> No.4102630

I'm in Melbourne and there are a handful of quite good vegetarian restaurants around. They're also usually significantly cheaper because the ingredients are cheaper (no meat).

>> No.4102632


>has existed since the 70's

the thing i hate the most: paying $200 for a 300 calorie meal. I don't care if it's the most delicious most pretty thing ever, there must be a logical paralell between quality and quantity.

>> No.4102680

Because it's a stupid business model, and it makes it difficult to go there. That sausage shop? Closed down. That meatball place? Closed down. That popcorn place sure as hell is going to be closed soon.

I dunno man, it just seems pretentious. Like some of those places, I enjoy the product, but how often do I want to go and eat just this one thing and nothing else, and will I be able to get other people to come?

>> No.4102901


why is that stupid? people without intolerances can eat whatever they want.

>> No.4102948
File: 91 KB, 600x440, ihatepopcorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has existed in every mall since I've been alive.

>> No.4102987

LOL people coming on /ck/ just to bitch.

>I am too edgy to like anything that is mainstream and I will knock it before I try it because its not the normal slop on a plate im used too.

Some things are dumb yes, but food is like fashion, its all about trends and they follow all the trends. Lets look at awesome trends instead no?

- Farm to table (fresh ingredients grown locally is awesome)
- Slow food


We have a whole gluten free menu at our work. 95% of people who order off of it do not have celiac. Most people dislike this trend, but it is great for people who actually do have celiac, that way they can try awesome food they would never have 5-10 years ago.

>> No.4102997

Beau Jo's employee here. Gluten free trend is bullshit, people act like they couldn't eat anything gluten free at any restaurant, they just don't know what gluten is. I can think of at least 5 indian restaurants or Mexican restaurants where I could get a gluten free meal for half the price of a gluten free pizza or something with gluten free on the label. I'm sorry, but it is very much a trend diet.

>> No.4102998

The only people who eat any of this shit are yuppie faggots and those who are just plain clueless.
Relax, fellas.

>> No.4103014

Glutten free makes my options more open though (making more things kosher).

>> No.4103017

>hipster bullshit

>> No.4103039
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deconstructed = lazy

a hamburger bun and a ketchup packet

>> No.4103045


Don;t disagree that it is a trendy stupid diet, but people with celiac or wheat allergies are definitely getting something good out of it.

>> No.4103104
File: 221 KB, 640x480, 1331068106305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new sushi place opens up
>everything has cream cheese in it

>> No.4103116
File: 114 KB, 640x427, $30 bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not as easy as you make it out to be.

Earlier this year, Domino's had to admit they fucked up. Their gluten free pizza is not really gluten free due to unavoidable cross-contamination.

We can order chicken and rice and laugh at the ignoramuses ordering expensive gluten free shit, but not because we're also eating gluten free. We are not.

Being celiac is pretty much the kibosh on all restaurant food.

Gluten free is a dumb trend, but the bullshit part is that it isn't actually meant for those who are truly intolerant.

>> No.4103175

This is the only time I find it acceptable. When you get 4 different style burgers. Instead of one burger split into four little turd burgers.

>> No.4103182

Yeah I've yet to go to a successful restaurant serving just one thing and not had it be exceptional.

>> No.4103191


I live in Philly. Any sushi place cheap enough to eat at on a college budget is loaded with cream cheese. Fuck that man.

>> No.4103193

As long as it's not spreadable processed cheese it's marginally more bearable.

>> No.4103197

I don't get the point of your picture? Food often looks like shit at some point in its prep. Just because its pricey doesn't mean it needs to look good at every step of the way.

>> No.4103213

Looks more like it boiled instead of baking. And if the filename is to be believed, cost 30$ as well.

>> No.4103212

It is fat, from a fast food place probably. It usually collects in grease traps that get taken away by a specialist company.

Here, it is in a bucket.

>> No.4103239

>everything comes with a 'crostini'

Just give me a real piece of bread or a roll, you nigger. I don't want a giant stale crouton with rank garlic butter on it.

>> No.4103272

That's just it. An apple looks gorgeous, a celery looks gorgeous, pumpkin, chestnut, beans, you name it. They're beautiful.

Cubes with 3 shades of pastel do too, if you're 3 and have been nagging to mommy for a candy for days.

One is food for grown ups, the other is marketing bullshit.

>> No.4103397

I was in Thailand and really enjoy dragonfruit ever since. I get them close to never though because they're pretty tasteless when you get them here (Germany).
Also, my uncle had just found out that my little cousin (4) is allergic to Gluten and he goes all apeshit and brings her food in a tupper container and literally tries to shield her from other peoples food.
That is not really the problem. The problem, same as with this gluten free hype is that a shitload of people don't even get what gluten is and how to avoid it and assume that it's some kind of artificial chemical poisoning their kids.

>> No.4103425

Since when is charcuterie a trend? People have been eating charcuterie since the 1900's...

>> No.4103543



I am not into raw or vegetarian food, but a co-worker took me to this place once, and I've been back on my own about a half dozen times. It's amazingly good. I love the mushroom soup. :)

>> No.4103549

>see place to eat
>see kobe beef sliders on menu
>keep walking by
>laugh at the thought of foodies spending money on fauxbe beef lesser burgers

>> No.4103570

Ha, I know one of the owners. Actually a very nice guy, but he can get more than a little annoying when he gets on his raw vegan soapbox.

Small world.

>> No.4103575

>food trucks
God every time I see them they are overpriced asian fusion shit or grilled cheese. I am happy with the cheap roach coach burritos from people who barely speak english.

>> No.4103577

Too many cupcakes in SoCal.