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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4101502 No.4101502 [Reply] [Original]

The tl;dr is I need to know what I can make/eat that is cheap as humanly possible with only access to the hot water tap of a gas station coffee machine and can be prepared rather quickly after being stored at around -20 degrees f.

>> No.4101506

Maybe some kind of bean soup? Idk OP I don't I've ever been in your situation before.

>> No.4101505

Oh and I know stuff like instant oats,.grits, and ramen...just seeing what else there is because I may have to deal with this for a month.

>> No.4101508

Ahem. That is, I don't think I've ever been in your situation before. Fail'd to proofread...

>> No.4101511


>> No.4101513

It's basically living out of my truck in North Dakota...it's the cold.that's the problem. I have a propane grill, but it is too cold to use it (the propane is still liquid when it comes out), otherwise I would be fairly good to go.

>> No.4101519

I don't wish it on anyone..had housing through my job, got Paris off after I paid a lot of bills, so yeah,.brokr and in the cold. I'll be able to get another job and housing, but it's just until then that I am worried about.

>> No.4101522

Laid off, not Paris...damn Swype

>> No.4101524

cut up vegetables into tiny cubes, fill bowl with hot water and add seasoning for soup, fill with your hot water, cover and leave to stand until vegetables are not raw and water is still hot enough to eat

>> No.4101536

Interesting...probably too expensive for every day, but every once in a while...

>> No.4101537

You have a truck and no housing in cold ass North Dakota...why not go south for the winter? It sounds like you have virtually nothing to lose.

>> No.4101539

Many fresh vegetables aren't that expensive mayn, buy a motherfucking bag of potatoes and live like the Irish did.

>> No.4101543

Because I'm in one of the few places you can make 100k/yr and be homeless...

Seriously, I expect to be working again before mid Jan and as soon as I get paid, get a place again.

>> No.4101551

You can cook food in your truck, you know. Wrap in foil, put in hot parts of engine, cook while driving. Potatoes would probably be kickass this way, if you drive long enough to cook them all the water.

>> No.4101554

When your budget might get as tight as less than $4/day, yes yes they are.

>> No.4101560

I'll keep that in mind if I have to drive anywhere, but damn this morning my water temp never.got over 90°f...

>> No.4101566

If you can get a good metal thermos, you can cook overnight in it. Just put food that would normally need to be boiled for a while in it, and fill the thermos with boiling water. Put the cap on, and set it on its side. About 7-10 hours later, you should have fully-cooked, and still warm food. Works well with cereals like oats and barley, but I don't see any reason it wouldn't work with root vegetables like potatoes and carrots. Would probably be able to cook raw meat that way, too, but I wouldn't risk it.

>> No.4101573

Boiled eggs will get you a lot of protein and nutrients and you can get a dozen for about a buck or a buck fifty. You can make egg sammiches, too, and even try your hand at poaching for a fancy poorfag meal.

>> No.4101576

Oh, and the vegetables might get stuck in the thermos, so be prepared to dig in there, but it should work.

>> No.4101581
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>> No.4101599


Thrift store here I come.

Hrm, but frozen boiled eggs? And how to boil them?

>> No.4101601

Motherfucker I live off of 4$ a day don't tell me how much vegetables cost. Big bag of onions, big bag of potatoes, peppers by the pound. Fry that on your radiator and you got a meal.

>> No.4101632

Failed to notice the less than?

Also, burning gas is just retarded. Fine if there is some place I have to go, but to sit there and rev the engine to defrost some rock hard frozen onions much less cook them? I might as well go to a restaurant.

>> No.4101656

I can't say I've ever frozen them after the fact, but you could thaw them out by wrapping them in fabric and keeping them close to you while you sleep. Wake up the next morning, have an egg sammich for breakfast. To cook, just pour the hot water over the eggs and let them sit. The exact time depends on how hot your water is (I'm assuming it's at least close to boiling), but you probably won't ruin them if you just let them sit until the water cools. Experiment a little, though.

>> No.4101676

Good point on defrosting...it'll be worth a try at least.
Thanks to you and the others.

>> No.4101725

Me again, found a better recipe for you. Pour hot water over the eggs in a thermos or mug with a lid. Let's sit five minutes, then replace the water. Repeat for a total of twenty minutes. The person here was using 195° water.

More on freezing; you can freeze uncooked eggs out of the shell, and you can freeze hard cooked egg yolks, but not the whites. I would make 6 boiled eggs at dinner time, eat three for dinner, sleep with three more and consume for breakfast, and crack the rest into ziploc bags in sets of two, let freeze, and add to ramen noodles to add richness.

>> No.4101748

Now there is a bit of brilliance.