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4094079 No.4094079[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are americans so fat?

Is it your fault?

>> No.4094080

i dont think so but i can never be sure

>> No.4094081

Why does the entire world envy us so much? Does your country suck so badly that all you can do is obsess over Americans?

>> No.4094085

But...europe is better...

>> No.4094088

I'm American. I think about other countries exactly zero times per month. Why do other countries constantly dwell on us?

>> No.4094093


oh man, you use that logically incorrect argument every time. Go be fat on another board

>> No.4094100

You're obsessed with America. I despise most of the world but I think about them almost never. Everyday you butthurt try hards are making posts about my country.

Face it, you envy the fuck out of me.

>> No.4094101


because we aren't ignorant

>> No.4094104

You mistake our apathy for ignorance.

>> No.4094107

You mistake your apathy for jealousy, and envy.

>> No.4094118

I'm fat because I eat a lot and don't move around very much, is there some other reason for it that Im not aware of?
It might be fun to try and mock a country for having a population but when the biggest epidemic is the fact that you have TOO MUCH food then that is a pretty good problem to have.

I also do not think about europe unless someone from europe is talking shit about america at which point I read up on wikipedia to learn something about the place they think is so great. for example I have no idea what the names of most european presidents/prime ministers/supreme overloads/ what ever the fuck they call them are because they are entirely irrelevant to my life

>> No.4094119

No. If I was jealous or envious, I would spend time thinking about places other than my beautiful and glorious United States - but I don't. I don't care if you and your entire country got nuked. If I saw that on the news, I'd simply change the channel and watch an NFL game.

>> No.4094123

>desperately rationalizing a gross lack of education

>> No.4094124

why are you so stupid education is in the head brain not the belly!!!! hahaha stupid euros!!

>> No.4094130

How do I know the world envies America? Because these threads last for days. All the dirty foreigners are attracted to threads about America like flies are to bug zappers.

>> No.4094129
File: 288 KB, 1600x1200, American-Patriot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does it matter?

Let us be fat and worry more about the citizens of your own country. :)

>> No.4094133
File: 25 KB, 550x425, AmericanPatriot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4094137


>> No.4094139
File: 257 KB, 467x546, 1356045752_olivia-culpo-miss-universe_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>USA winning miss universe pageant

Mad every other country?

>> No.4094145

So why is 1% of your population in prison? Why is NSA so powerful? Why does the TSA rape me and take prints of all my fingers whenever I try to enter your country?

>> No.4094148
File: 70 KB, 526x383, 1454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stop entering my country then dirty foreigner. We won't miss your ass here

>> No.4094150


1. because we don't have enough prisons.
2. is this a trick question?
3. because you are a filthy foreigner who needs to be monitored.

>> No.4094152

because we have police forces that actually enforce laws

>> No.4094154
File: 184 KB, 1680x1050, Diane-Lane-Nice-Smile-1680X1050-612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live in California and encounter a lot of foreigners.

Why do foreigners not have straight white teeth like most of us here is America?

Picture related because it is a beautiful smile

>> No.4094156

yep this anonymous murikkkan is ready to join the police state. seriously anyone ego thinks prisons are a good idea should visit one someday.

>> No.4094157

and this murikkkan is dumb because they don't know merikkkans are the most incarcerated people on earth

>> No.4094158



>> No.4094207
File: 143 KB, 720x481, 58988_1608876028815_1264341_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4094221

I'm a student so I see a lot of Americans. Why are all americans so fat?