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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4082576 No.4082576 [Reply] [Original]

>not making bread with your gf's yeast and milk

Do you even bake?

>> No.4082602

please respond

>> No.4082641
File: 615 KB, 1000x1200, Cowgirl38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her yeast? No. That's not even. Just no.
Her milk? Maybe.

The aversion to human breast milk is interesting. Cow, goat, camel, horse, reindeer, buffalo, yak, donkey and sheep milk are all pretty well accepted for use, but human milk? Nah nigga, dat's nasty.
People are weird.

>> No.4082643

So you'd have no problem eating human meat either, seeing as how you eat beef and pork and chicken and whatnot.

>> No.4082653

>comparing drinking something that is natural for humans to drink to cannibalism.

Try again.

>> No.4082654

Except human meat is very high in mercury, making it not very good for eating.
Human milk, on the other hand? Healthy as shit.

>> No.4082658

I wanted to make pancakes with my (rum filled) breast milk, but the husband thought it was kinda weird ;_;

>> No.4082659

Different guy here. Keep the brains away and I'd be fine with eating people.

>> No.4082663

>why can't you into bio accumulation?
Human breast milk is the most chemical contaminated food item available. It's because we are at the top of a food chain and we introduce chemicals to the bottom of the food chain and each level in the chain accumulates more and more of the chemical

>> No.4082672
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>points out that past infancy we'll consume practically all other animals' milk other than our own
>compares drinking milk to cannibalism

>> No.4082683

there's literally no difference other than what the media told brainwashed you with
cannibalism is just a buzzword

>> No.4082687
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>not cooking with your own semen

Do you even fap?

>> No.4082693 [DELETED] 
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>implying I consume flesh of any sort

>> No.4082710


I baked whole wheat bread last week. I was a bit disappointed with it because I used a light maple syrup in place of sugar or some other sweetener. The next time I bake bread, I am going to use molasses or something because I want a much stronger flavor to my bread.

>> No.4082739

>cannibalism is just a buzzword

Wow. Just wow.

>> No.4082798
File: 135 KB, 637x1001, Cowgirl23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Human breast milk has a very strange reaction from people. Many openly consume milk and milk products of various animals, yet will turn away in sheer revulsion from human milk.
It's a bizarre trait that likely has many factors, the high sexualization of breasts, the rise in formula feeding infants, and prudish (often hypocritical) attitudes towards the human body as well as sexual activity. All likely play a different role in turning a source of nourishment into some perverse and disgusting liquid many would shudder to think about.

Your cannibalism relation doesn't quite match up, seeing as milk is a product produced by the body for other humans to consume. It's a physical by product that is intended for consumption. Not exactly a fair comparison to actively farming for the sake of meat consumption.
To answer your question though, if the person is healthy, free from disease and drugs, and wishes to be consumed after natural death, I see no issue with it.
It is their body, and as long as they are not causing harm to another, they can do as they please with it.

I don't agree with simply eating anyone, consent is a fairly important thing.

>> No.4082861

I think it has a lot to do with the biological influence rather than the cultural, as you won't see grown up mammals drinking each others milk. From an evolutionary perspective, that'd be dumb, as they would literally be draining each other. Humans probably inherited that too. Drinking milk from other animals is just smart from a survival perspective, even though I think it's fucking nasty.

>> No.4085682

>vagina yeast

I'm pretty sure that's where beer came from.

>> No.4085914

Breast milk is about 95% water after so many weeks. It would work, but be like cooking with skim milk. Also, its very sweet. So the flavor is pretty different. But great for oatmeal.

>> No.4085922

This sounds like experience I can trust.

>> No.4085927

Vagina yeast isn't that bad, I licked the crust out of my friend's little soster's panties once when I was younger and found out later that say she had a yeast infection. Wasn't horrible.

Actually, I've found one food product that actually mirrored the flavor as i remember it pretty well: Bovril

Breast milk is tasty. One of my friends had me try hers on a dare. It was thin and tasted vaguely of cantaloupe.

>> No.4085928

I have a child on my boob at the moment, so...yeah... you could say that.

>> No.4085934

Yeast infection doesn't taste horrible? whut?
You drank breast milk from a friend, the only way that could happen, is if she was pregnant. Whut?
Someon bring the fullofshitpolice.

>> No.4085937

She would have had to have been pregnant. Probably within the last 2 years. Not pregnant at the time. That's not too unusual.

And I second the yeast infection not tasting bad. Ugh. No way.

>> No.4085963


It tasted like Bovril.

Also my friend wasn't pregnant, he had a kid 3 months prior and brought a container of it to work for me to try.

If you think either of those sound out of place for someone on 4chan you should probably go back to Facebook/reddit/Gaia/tumblr or wherever you came from.

>> No.4085964

The yeast doesn't work. Just stop this, /ck/ has been over this hundreds of time before.

>> No.4085966

*she had a kid

>> No.4085971

candida is not a suitable yeast for bread making.

2/10 i responded

>> No.4085973

also enjoy your thrush

>> No.4087156
File: 426 KB, 800x1231, cowgirl10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You drank breast milk from a friend, the only way that could happen, is if she was pregnant
>She would have had to have been pregnant.

Induced lactation.
No pregnancy required, no need to destroy a vagina, just a lot of breast massaging and titty sucking.
Also, some birth control pills can cause lactation in women.

>> No.4087173

Since when was bread made with milk?

>> No.4087183

oh God that porn video called milk fucking omg I love it when her tits are bouncing and she's squirting milk and screaming in ecstasy

>> No.4087191
File: 67 KB, 601x683, Cowgirl18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you be talking about the Japanese one with the fake breasts?

Some breads are made with milk. How do you not know that?

>> No.4087196
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If I was a lactating female I'd be using my own milk to cook all kinds of stuff. I mean I don't think its that weird. Do any girls actually do this? I'd have fun and experiment with it. If I ever get a qt wife-oo who is lactating I'll be milking dem teats like she's a jersey cow. She damn well better be into it, the thought of it simultaneously turns me on and makes me want to cook things. All at the same time. Can you make ice-cream from breast milk?

>> No.4087201
File: 117 KB, 500x707, Cowgirl57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Baby Gaga ice cream caused a stir in London.

Some women cook with it, most don't bother lactating longer than 6 months after their kid is born. Many don't even breast feed the kid for the minimal recommendation of 6 months.

>> No.4087215

my friend's mom would bake her and her brother muffins and such with breastmilk. She doesn't remember how they tasted.

>> No.4087294

please tell me it's not fake beasts because I can't deal worth the reality that a woman can't get the milk fucked out of her.

>> No.4087306
File: 553 KB, 800x1066, Cowgirl16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she hasn't expressed her milk that day, a good fuck (i.e. she orgasms) and a little breast rubbing could trigger the let down reflect and cause a dribble or slight stream of milk to flow.
But that video is fake. Squirting milk like that just doesn't happen.

>> No.4088063

Dude. When I let down, it literally sprays in multiple streams across the room. My poor kid gets blasted in the face and starts crying :(

>> No.4088069
File: 282 KB, 248x200, nope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4088253

>tfw you will never get a breast milk facial