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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 8 KB, 424x240, cucumber-American.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4079851 No.4079851 [Reply] [Original]


I have a sneaking suspicion that my pervert slob of a roommate is stuffing my cucumbers in his ass at night and then putting them back in the fridge when he's done. My question is: Is there a way to test for fecal matter on produce? I don't particularly feel like smelling or tasting them to find out.

I read on a website that if you sprinkle some baking soda onto a fecally-tainted piece of produce, it will react with the wax and poop and begin to foam. Sounds like an urban legend to me.

>> No.4079855

Feed therm to him and see if he eats it.

>> No.4079854

what the shit rofl

>> No.4079856

Give your roomate a blowjob late at night when he is sleeping.
If his cock tasted like poo he is gay.

>> No.4079853

Just peel it, stop being so uptight.

>> No.4079857

rub it down with some wasabi and wait.

in the mean time enjoy practicing your blowjob skillz with shit covered cucumber

>> No.4079858

You can swab and culture the sample but most things are contaminated.

You can also just wash your cucumbers with dish soap. I think there's even some that's melon-scented but I usually use antibacterial.

>> No.4079859


Just set up a camera and film it.

>> No.4079860

I used to have a couple of ugly roommates who would use my mineral oil (which I used for the butcher block) as sex lube. I was pretty grossed out but I figured I'd just let it go, since I almost never used the stuff.

That escalated of course, and they started using my extra virgin olive oil as sex lube. I started locking my stuff in my room after that.

Roommates are fucking horrible. Never again.

>> No.4079898

Wtf man lube isn't that expensive is it?
Surely olive oil is a terrible idea

>> No.4079904

>olive oil lube

Dude, what the flying fuck.

>> No.4079910

Lube can be pretty expensive, especially silicon-based stuff that is good for anal sex.

>> No.4079945

no, see, you've got it wrong.

the thing you should be incredulous about is the use of his expensive extra virgin olive oil without asking, not that they used olive oil.

like, what the hell do you think people used before fucking astroglide?

>> No.4079948
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This sounds good, but the smell of wasabi would give it away, instead get yourself some scotch bonnet (habanero) peppers slice those in half and rub them on the skin.

The only way to tell is either by smell, if he didn't wash it or to grow a culture of bacteria after swabbing the cucumbers, then identify the bacteria that grow. However this requires access to a basic biology lab.

Hmm I was thinking you could wash the cucumbers in distilled water (need distilled as chlorine could kill the bacteria present on the cucumber), in a bowl you don't need/like, then take that washing water and put it into a water test bottle. Make sure you wash you hands really well before doing this, use latex gloves if you have them, because you don't want to contaminate your sample water with the bacteria on your hands. You can get these water test bottles from your local municipality for testing well water. They test for coliform and e. coli bacteria. E. coli should be present if it was in an ass. Anyways write down a rural address of a friend and take the water in to be tested. If you did this with the water you washed the cucumber in they should be able to tell you if there is E. coli present. If there is there then maybe your roommate is guilty. You also need to keep your sample water refrigerated until you bring in into the lab to be tested. The reason you need a rural address is that they won't test water that is city water for obvious reasons.

What do you people think of the water testing method for finding E. coli??? I think it could work.

>> No.4079956

going straight ancient greek/roman.

>> No.4079963

Infect your roommate with pinworms or tapeworm, w/e, and then swab the cucumber skins and check with a standard microscope for worm eggs.

>> No.4079978
File: 483 KB, 500x221, 176176176.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god now! then OP swabs them, and just by sheer luck misses all the eggs. OP then eats the cucumber and then infects themselves with the cyst stage of a tapeworm, and ends up with worm cysts in her brain and all over her body in her muslces. BAD IDEA :O!!!!!!!!

>> No.4079981


>Oh god now!

edit: Oh god no!

>> No.4079986


That's just pork tapeworms, brah. Chillax. But, OK, Don't do pork tapeworms if you're planning on eating the fecal cucumbers.

>> No.4079989


OR: put the damn cucumbers in a plastic bag and tie it with an unconventional knot. Make it super tight.

If the bag suddenly grows a hole or ties itself with a new knot, there you go.

>> No.4079994

I would just pretend the bag is condom and still use it with cucumber. Just wipe it after.

>ask a girl who's had a FUCK ANY PENIS-LIKE OBJECT phase

>> No.4080000


Bedpost? ever?

>> No.4080021
File: 53 KB, 411x379, ramune23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bed has no posts ;__;

I tried doing ramune bottles but the special finger place made it hurt, so I just turned the bottle around and fucked it bottom up.

>> No.4080022

dat bedpost get!

>> No.4080023


List them, please.

>> No.4080031
File: 13 KB, 225x149, co_wp_p12_new.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many to list, but I've been trying to get my hands on these bottles (not the jug).

>> No.4080032
File: 30 KB, 214x200, stop+_3c672ad2531bf7d5b0513f214b408bab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stahp ,this is not my masturbating time.

>> No.4080033
File: 63 KB, 456x548, 0xK06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feeling! >>4080000

yes finally! only took 5 years!

>> No.4080037
File: 88 KB, 1662x1336, adwadad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic related?

>> No.4080040

Nah, I worry about them breaking apart and getting stuck inside. Same with carrots. Bottles are always the better bet, but gotta watch out for sharp edges on unfinished plastic.

>> No.4080041

Hahaha, I remember that phase. Hit me kind of late in life, I was using everything from large highlighters to thermoses.

>> No.4080042

Dont put anything to big in there anon cause what if you meat a smaller penis sized guy? You dont want to stretch all out anon.

>> No.4080045

but memory foam doesn't squeak

>> No.4080050
File: 556 KB, 1536x2048, bedpost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can one tell if someone is experiencing this phase?

I like turtles!

>> No.4080051

Thermos?! Wow... yeah, the feeling of cold metal is great.

It recovers quickly, don't worry. One day I had a can of coke inside, and the next day was my boyfriend's penis with only 2/3 of the can's diameter.

>> No.4080053

This although it could be type of memory foam topper.

>> No.4080054

The bed frame might......

>> No.4080056

Uhhh if she's... 8-13 years old?

captcha: very safedes(u)

>> No.4080058
File: 67 KB, 500x347, Lookslikeitstime To Oil Up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4080064

I don't like cleaning up after oil. If water doesn't do the trick, I deemed it too big.

>> No.4080071
File: 1.88 MB, 480x270, 1354495604321.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was hoping you would say single women who tend to buy lots of cucumbers and zucchinis at the grocery store.


>> No.4080077

I used the ones with the plastic covering.

>> No.4080080
File: 4 KB, 120x140, flavor injector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, that too, and when my boyfriend has to leave before finishing inside.

<-- It's just not the same.

>> No.4080104

Please refrain from mentioning your sex and/or gender while visiting /ck/. Although you may not be aware of this (although I think you are), many people posting on 4chan are not in an intimate relationship.

Therefore, referring to your femininity can be highly offensive to others, as they visit /ck/ to have fun and intellectual discourse, not to be reminded of their shortcomings (as perceived by society).

I hope you remember this in the future and refrain from using any key words that can be used as gender identifiers. It really is not that much to ask and will prevent threads from degenerating into flame/troll disasters.

Some of us also choose to be single and our virginity is not a badge of shame. The inherent superficial and highly opportunistic behavior of women is not attractive to every male, and therefore we do not have to be constantly reminded of your kind while on /ck/. It is not necessary and can be considered, "attention whoring" (a very just term).

Thank you very much,

- /ck/

>> No.4080116


i'm a man who has never had any sexual attention paid to me and am masking my shame at this by pretending to be speaking for the majority of this board's users. I am then following it up with the obligatory "not a badge of shame" part to make myself feel better.

don't speak for /ck/, asshat. While I agree the sexual posts shouldn't be on a worksafe board, telling people to avoid gender identifiers is you being a whiny little bitch.

>> No.4080118


When did this become copypasta?

I hate you.

>> No.4080117

Isn't this a pasta? Not sure where it originated, but I've seen it used on other boards.

>> No.4080128

Requesting someone post the sexual Mario Batali & Alton Brown copypasta. I feel this thread needs it.

>> No.4080133

So I've never had physical contact with a woman, who fucking cares? I come on /ck/ to socialize and look at food porn, not be forced to face my socially-dictated "inadequacies" by some stupid cumdumpster attentionwhore.

Wow, I haven't had a gf yet I lead a fairly productive live. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE. I may not be happy 50% of the time and I may be on anti-depressants, but I'm doing pretty fucking good considering the situation. I was born into a family rife with mental illness, my father divorced and left us for his perfect little family, I weight 320 lbs mostly due to my meds, I couldn't finish college, and I don't have many friends.

So what. I manage to force myself out of bed most mornings, work, and have my own condo. It may seem like a pittance to selfish cunts like you but it takes twice the amount of energy to maintain what I have than it would take the average person. Not everyone can be rich and famous and have hundreds of "lovers".

Some of us were dealt a shit hand but we are still trying to be in the game and keep it going. I've thought of suicide at least 1,000 times but I'm still trying and it is hard but at least I'm giving life my best and not rubbing my luck or misfortune in others faces like you you fucking fag fuck.

>> No.4080178

Is this pasta?

>> No.4080188
File: 53 KB, 500x333, 1355155626784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this pasta
>those replies

>> No.4080189

im not going to pretend that a professor would let OP have access to their lab just to see if they are eating ass cucumbers

just buy your roommate a butt plug and a dragon dildo

>> No.4080190

It's not funny. We were having a great thread about girls voluntarily shoving mag lights and broom handles up their junk.

>> No.4080192

what? why do i not remember this one?
i need to lurk more often

>> No.4080237

I discovered sorbolene cream is really good for anal. Better than any proper lube I've used.

>> No.4080246

It was from around 2008 iirc. Only saw it posted a handful of times.

>> No.4081457

This is a hilarious thread.

>> No.4081474

excellent pasta would read again

>> No.4083950

I lol'd.

>> No.4084039

>excellent pasta would eat again


>> No.4086653

Do they smell like lubricant?