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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4079595 No.4079595 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever starved /ck/? After college i moved to a big city, but couldn't find a steady job. I bought things on sale that were big on fat and protein. I ate a lot of eggs, bread and milk when I could. Sometimes whole milk was on sale for $1.00. I wasn't able to afford juice, fresh vegetables, or snacks of any kind. Other times when I was hungry, I would go to sleep instead of eating. I lost 40 pounds. My mother bought me a plane ride home for the holidays, she told me I looked like "death warmed over".

I'll share my favorite "i'm starving" poorfag recipe:

3 cups cooked rice
1/2 caramelized onion
handful of cooked frozen peas
1/2 diced cooked chicken breast

I could eat that for days. Makes me sad to taste it now.

Share your starvation story and cheap ass recipes, /ck/.

>> No.4079605

i save money by cutting up whole chickens and boiling the bones for stock.

>> No.4079606

Op again.

Ironically my previous job was a cook.

But the city had some wicked rules among restaurants. they expected new cooks/chefs to work for free for a month, off the books, before they would hire you on probation pay. Most of the time they would make you work then at the end of the month say "Sorry, you're not the kind of cook we're looking for" fire you and do it all over again to the next guy.

It was god awful. I now hate and distrust people, having to remind myself to back off.

I have to remember that not everyone is a monster all the time.

>> No.4079611

poor friggen kids they are starving

>> No.4079617

>Most of the time they would make you work then at the end of the month say "Sorry, you're not the kind of cook we're looking for" fire you and do it all over again to the next guy.

I've been through that before.

The longest I went without food was about a week. It was miserable.

Nowadays I always keep 50 lbs. of rice and beans in storage. I haven't starved in about a decade.

>> No.4079620

i had a security job where they wouldn't always pay me it really sucked then i got a job as a night stoker which was great but i still wasnt paid verry much i worked with a guy who was living in his car.

>> No.4079621

>I've been through that before.
isn't it dogshit? they make you work odd the books because it's illegal.

>> No.4079625

Maybe you should have majored in something useful.

>> No.4079630

aren't you cute. I probably make more than you do now.

>> No.4079631

Yeah, my check said "contract work" or something.

The deal was that I was in a "probation period" and I would get increased pay after 30 days.

I was desperate so I took the job. They had me cleaning the nastiest shit. I was more-than-happy to feel productive so I didn't mind it.

>> No.4079649

>Have you ever starved?

Have you ever heard of a food bank?

>> No.4079655
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> mfw I shot my third deer of the season and assured myself I won't starve, even if I don't buy another item of food, until next season.

I grew up in a family that hunted and gardened, and I do these things to this day with my wife, except she doesn't hunt. So no, I've never starved.

>> No.4079686

Op here. I went to the government place to get some free food out of desperation.

They looked at the whitey in front of them and said "Oh no honey, we can't do anything for you." They did give me a box of "emergency food". There was a peanut butter salmonella outbreak at the time. The woman told me "Just don't eat the peanut butter, baby".

It was honestly the most edible thing in the box, sadly. I had saltine crackers, "vegetable medley in a can", powered milk, seriously off-brand, undrinkable fake "Tang", sausages in a can, and a small bag of rice.

I choked most of it down, but it honestly wasn't fit to be called "food".

Also, fuck you, like you ever ate food at a food bank.

>> No.4079689

>implying people can hunt in the inner city.

I guess if you're into cannibalism?

>> No.4079759

poverty is sad.

>> No.4079762

Pidgeons! Thousands of pidgeons!

>> No.4079766

and disease like you'd never imagine.

you couldn't cook that shit out. and the SMELL.

>> No.4079786

This is fucked. Why doesn't America have a liveable minimum wage?

I know you said that you couldn't find a job and that the restaurants were screwing you over, but there are posters here who are saying they were working and couldn't afford food or were living out of cars.

That ain't right,

>> No.4079787

I have. I live in Canada, though, not a nigger-infested shit hole.

>> No.4079791

>they looked at the whitey in front of them and said "Oh no honey, we can't do anything for you"

What do you mean by this?

>> No.4079832

pasta..so much pasta: ramen and angel hair

>> No.4079872

they said I wouldn't get any assistance because I was white. That's what I mean about that. They thought I was joking. Seriously.

>> No.4079875


It's not the minimum wage, it's the high premium cost for fruits, vegetables, and anything even remotely healthy.

>> No.4079885
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This... what is wrong with America?

>> No.4079886

rice and beans master race

>> No.4079890

Not OP but where I live minimum wage is 7.25 and rent for a studio is around 700. Yea the minimum wage is really fucked up.

>> No.4079891


And OP wasn't even getting paid to work. Maximum horseshit right there.

>> No.4079899

Eh depends on where you live. I live near one of the largest ports in the country so it's pretty easy to eat fresh and cheap.

But if this is like one of those things where you only have $2 to spend on food that week then yeah you won't get far.

>> No.4079902

I had severe food poisoning last week, and after throwing up 12 times and literally pissing out of my ass for 2 days, I was the hungriest I've ever been in my life. I had nothing left in my body besides the little amount of water needed to survive. I'd call that starving.

>> No.4079907


>2 days

Nope. That's called dehydration.

>> No.4079911
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>doesn't realize food poisoning leads to dehydration

>> No.4079914

extra crunchy peanut butter
cock sauce

i've gone weeks without food before. it gets easier after the first few days. still awful.

>> No.4079920
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I have OP

but I was 10 years old, my sister was 15 and my mother had to support us alone, she got her pay delayed during 2 weeks in wich we had almost nothing to eat.

Literally the day she was supposed to get her pay, we only had one onion, one potato, some rice and pasta and a can of tomato paste

We rationed the pasta and rice with the can of tomato paste and onion and they lasted for 3 days, just eating once a day the three of us

The potato was next and if made us last one more day

Next day we raided the house in search of pennies and my mother got some borrowed money, so we went to the supermarket and got the food we needed but we kept rationing eating 1 time per day, mostly soup of rice with some vegetables in chicken stock to make it richer.

pic related just without the chicken chunks

>> No.4079921

>it gets easier after the first few days

That's because you start digesting your own body.

>> No.4079924

duh. but the pain is manageable after the first few days.

>> No.4079940

Given that you're not in Toronto, I'm assuming you live in some frozen, boring, redneck-infested wasteland instead.

so edgy

>> No.4079941

Check your privelage cis scum, welfare and free food is only reserved for the niggers, help for whitey b waycis

>> No.4080210

the answer is dumpster diving, ive suggested it before but the OP chose starvation. you can sometimes hook up with others online and go foraging together.

>> No.4080226

I just straight ate out of garbage cans for like 3 weeks. It was ok. I didn't get food poisoning and didn't lose too much weight. The worst was finding a bag that really felt like food but actually contained a dirty diaper.

>> No.4080230
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I haven't had problems with this starvation thing before but I've seen it first hands when I went back home to the Philippines, children begging on the streets or even going into restaurants hoping that someone would buy a meal for them. It literally broke my heart (I was in middle school at the time).

It even affected me more when I learned that my best friend (we're still friends) wasn't getting food everyday, they had a family and was starving. So as a family we tried to give them some money and food so that they could survive. The parents would have nothing of it and chose to let themselves starve before they would "take help from rich privileged people". So then from that day on I just always brought two lunches to school, one for me and one for my friend. And always kept the locker stocked with various foods that wouldn't go bad that she could hide in her room. Lots of jerky.

No one should starve and have to wonder where or when their next meal is going to be.

>> No.4080245

I remember my first day of moving out and renting a room in a house with 6 strangers for being closer to college. It was winter and I had no car, but campus was beside a lot of big box stores including a big grocery store. So I could walk home from campus with groceries which took 15-20 mins. This was my initial plan that never happened.

First day there I set up my room. I was pissed because I got no wifi reception... I had to do something to keep busy and ended up befriending one of the guys who moved in at the same time. With no food we ended up ordering a pizza... Second day we ordered another pizza. Third day another pizza. Then we were short on money. He thought of pooling money together for shopping. He had a car so we drove to a Costco and bought big box of Kraft Dinner, 100 count hot pockets, tub of butter, frozen bread, huge carton of eggs, and those big packages of italian sausages. Total came to 150ish. I was short, but he covered my end on his credit card and I would repay him and if I couldn't repay him I would give him my xbox 360. (Ended up selling my Xbox360 to him for 200)

We survived on that with tap water for 2 months. I went from a healthy 160 lbs to a 140 lbs.

Then we had a new guy move in. His dad owned a farm that raised pigs, cows, chickens, and a few other animals. He brought a freezer and had it loaded with all sorts of meats from his dads farm. I asked the landlord if we could build a grill and picnic table in the backyard. He was cool with it only if we built it to his specifications. He provided the materials and we ended up building this sweet grill and little gazebo with a table to eat in. Construction roommate did most of the tough work. After we built it we ate grilled meats every other day with kraft dinner. Shot back up to 160 lbs.

>> No.4080311

Me and a few friends went backpacking in the backcountry of the San Juan National Forest in Colorado.

In a classic case of, "but I thought steve brought it" " well I thought nick brought it", we left behind half the food we were going to bring.

It was about two weeks of mountain hiking with ~40lbs packs, on halved portions (which had already been small to begin with, due to weight constraints)

Not to mention that the pre-packaged meals that our meal-planner had bought were so vile that we could barely choke them down even in our starved state.

So not the worst experience in the world, but I was fucking gaunt when I got back

>> No.4080398

When I was a kid, we went hungry often, because we were poor as shit and lived in a trailer. We lived in the middle of the woods, though, and could get apples that my mom would cook into a lot of different things, plus rabbits/deer from friends that would hunt near our home and bring us portions of. I don't remember much of it, but from what I'm told we lived on those apples for a week or two at a time sometimes.

At about 13, my mom had 2 more kids she couldn't afford and at one point we had to choose between food/formula for the younger children and food for me, 13, my brother, 14, and my sister, 18. We had a lot of potatoes for a month or so, but not much else.

Once I moved out on my own, I've only ever really 'starved' twice. Once was the first year I moved out. I had 2 extremely well-off and really slobby roommates who would throw away pounds and pounds of meat and fresh vegetables and fruit like it was nothing (They hardly ever cooked and their families always filled the fridge for them). I remember almost crying when I watched them throw it away. God, I hated those assholes.

The second time was last summer, and it lasted about 2 months on one meal a day of rice, or rice and beans, or plain pasta. We only went with absolutely no food for about a week and after that I got sick for the first few days I ate again.

Needless to say, I hoard beans and rice like a motherfucker now.

>> No.4080516
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I don't know what kind of shitty food banks you guys have where you live, but the one in my town always has nice stuff. Juice, cereal, canned milk, frozen meat etc. They even give out stuff like soap and razors and shampoo etc.

I do live in the USA. Then again, I don't live in a poor people hating big city.

Also, there's this thing called food stamps.
Churches and different types of organizations will help out sometimes as well. You just have to use your brain and look around.

I do agree minimum wage is too low and food is too expensive though.

Still. Ya'll is dumb. Acquire streetsmarts. Or just common sense.

>> No.4080522

Hey Americans come to Australia then complain

My bread costs $6.50 from a generic bakery chain
2litres of milk is $4.50

$11 for bread and milk wtf?

Also got some shitty small hardly even ripe tasteless tomatoes today for fucking $10.00 a kilo :/

>> No.4080525
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wheat prices are about to skyrocket according to a article just released today

pasta will soon be a luxury food

>> No.4080529

Don't you niggers have centrelink or whatever for help? Or is that only if you have kids?

>> No.4080532

Centrelink don't control food prices mate

Besides who the fuck would want to be on centrelink anyway? You'd end up dying on the streets on $200 a week wage or whatever the fuck they pay you these days.

>> No.4080548

Sorry, I live in good europe.

>> No.4080554

At the end of my first year living alone, I had no income and almost no savings - I sometimes resorted to eating rice with ketchup. It wasn't a nice period I lost 10+ kilos in 2,5 months.

>> No.4080568

some would argue that "street smarts" wouldn't rely on others for a handout.

Relying on others to help you or support you sounds naive.

>> No.4080574

sauce for this pasta. nao.

>> No.4080581

Nah, i've always had the ability to work and keep my shit together. Never starved, never needed socialist programs to feed clothe or house me.
I guess the system needs people like me to pay for fuck ups like you in tax reveue, though.

>> No.4080585

you people are pathetic

>> No.4080590
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Hey, all, torn asshole Anon, here. I am currently "starving." Catching those up on my situation, I have had a tear in my rectum for about 6 months now, brought on by a sudden fuck up in my GI tract that has me going 8+ times a day. It made bowel movements painful beyond belief.

Though, recently the tear isn't that bad and seems to be healing, but a new issue has arisen in this GI snowballing fiasco. I tried to eat less and less as possible because I didn't want to shit. This seemed to cause a fuckton of mouth ulcers (though it may be crohn's, I have to get that looked at) to crop up in my mouth and throat that are now even more painful than the tear.

The simple act of swallowing (even if I don't have anything to swallow) is dreadful, my uvula is covered in their white blotchiness, rendering it swollen three times its normal size and looking like a piece of chewed up gum. At night, my mouth hangs open and drys out in my sleep, further irritating the ulcers and allowing bacteria to incubate. I completely stopped eating foods, and almost stopped drinking liquids.

I've grown weaker, have unexplained fevers and I sleep most of the day. My mind is slipping. My joints hurt (again, could be crohn's or my body eating up their proteins). My body is failing.

I am left with my ultimatum. I have 4 weeks to get my nutrition back on track or I will be placed in a nursing home with a feeding tube for the rest of my life. I have lived in a Hell for the past six months and I need to fight against the pain and turn this around.

>> No.4080594
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Mad samefag

>> No.4080604
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Don't wait for 4 weeks. Get into a hospital or nursing home now. Those places aren't repositories for broken people, they're centers for rehabilitation. And rehabilitation can be as simple as helping a person get back on a suitable nutrition scheme. Wait for those 4 weeks, and you might have a kidney failure or something else, and it will be too late.

If getting into treatment feels too difficult, contact a parent, a friend, a sibling, any relative, and ask them to help in the process of getting there. If they can't do this, contact a social worker, a priest, a neighbour, anything. This isn't a time to be shy about what debts you will incur or who you will inconvenience, this is a time to take every action available to ensure survival and, even better, to gain a new lease on life.

>> No.4080609

Nah, but you remain a poorfag . Face facts, anyone in a first world country who ever experienced starvation as an adult is a fuckup who has lost the plot. You can keep yourself fed on the government dole if nothing else.
If you're a BR or some other third world peon and actually live in a region where food distribution is unreliable, the my apologies. But if you live in NA or EU and couldn't keep yourself fed, you're a fucking loser.

>> No.4080611

Is that deer?

Jesus fuck that looks delicious!

>> No.4080613

Just so you know, unless you are over the age of 60, your story is completely unbelievable.

>> No.4080619

The doc told me I wasn't sick enough to actually go into the hospital. It's really confusing. How can I be 4 weeks away from a nursing home and not be sick enough? We tried getting in, so I could get an IV pumping me full of nutritional goodness and better taken care of, (I'm still at home with the parents, but they work very late and can't be there to help me half the day).

Luckily, I'm starting to get food down better. Ate a good bit of mac and cheese yeesterday, which has lot of bang for your buck when it comes to calories.

I also forgot to mention that I'vve lost 70 pounds throughout this. I could make millions off of the "Torn Butthole Diet."

>> No.4080624

Well, it's up to you to believe and for me to sit here and try and eat jello. What hurdles in my situation are so fantastic that you couldn't believe?

>> No.4080628

Potatoes ( usually less than 20cents/lb)
with some chopped onion

Bulk oatmeal was 33 cents/lb so I always had that for breakfast

White rice w/ any variety of beans or lentils, the rice was like 10 cents per lb and beans and lentils usually were between 40 and 80 cents per lb. I ate for cheap and rarely felt like I was starving

>> No.4080680

Nice recipe, OP. Personally, i starved in middle school to lose some weight (I know, it's not the right way, Anon, yadda yadda)
Also, after I moved out, sometimes I only eat twice a day (breakfast, combined lunch & dinner). Couldn't get away with that at my parent's

>> No.4080683
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>be 9
>mother attempts suicide
>gets hospitalized and is in coma for 3 weeks
>don't want to tell anybody
>everyone thought someone was caring for me
>in reality I lived alone in that time
>eat 4 year old nuts and other stuff
>eat moldy marmalade
>eat ketchup
>completely out of food after a week
>always tell myself that it isn't that bad
>have no relatives or friends in that area because we just moved
>don't want to steal because that's wrong duhh
>not aware of the food in dumpsters behind super markets
>play Zeus and Poseidon all day trying to act like everything is normal while having horrible stomach aches

And to this day I have never spoken about it with anyone, not even her. I just moved out one day and never talked to her again.

>> No.4080688

>be poor as shit growing up
>eat the stale pastries and candies that the landlord put out for squirrels and such
>all my shame

>> No.4080705

ITT: people who should have done the world a favor and died off or committed suicide.

>> No.4080708

Eating twice a day is best imo. Three meals is completely neccesary, the most you'd need at lunch is a bite to give your stomach something to chew on.

>> No.4080709 [DELETED] 
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>poor people are cancer
typical american

>> No.4080710

Im the poorest fag in poor town.

Rigatoni pasta with no sauce, sometimes no pepper when I haven't been out to steal spices.

>> No.4080712

ITP: people who don't live in the same world as you and I

>> No.4080716

You could easily sue for malpractice, having a GI tract that fucked is definately a problem

At the least, force him to explain why you're not dying

>> No.4080742 [DELETED] 


I know, right? Poor people do more wonderful things for the world than rich people! When will people realise that love and kindness are so much more important than money and things and jobs?

>> No.4080746 [DELETED] 

Poor people are the symptom, not the cause

>When will people realise that love and kindness are so much more important than money and things and jobs?
Confirmed for 12-year-old

>> No.4081120

you'll probably starve to death someday.

goodluck with that.

>> No.4081580

I have been reading this thread attentively and I am shocked with the episodes of hunger that the majority of people have experienced here. I suppose that you live in the USA and I am absolutely shocked!

I live in Portugal (EU) and although we are a poor country according to the "rich country" standards, we have almost eradicated hunger in our country. Every school and college has a canteen, if you cannot afford to eat there the meal is subsidised and there are many food banks providing free meals for indigent people. I cannot believe that so many normal people from such a rich country as the USA has experienced hunger!

My family is a normal middle class family and I am fortunate enough to have never experienced hunger in my life. We are not rich, we cannot afford to go on holidays every year and our parents have spent a considerable amount of money in our education but we have never experienced hunger.

Your society is shit! You defend people's rights to bear arms (despite all the school shootings) yet you refuse to have a public National Health Service or to provide poor people with a minimum of subsistence.

Fuck you America!

>> No.4081636
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Damn this thread is giving me feels. I don't like feels. Go away feels.

>> No.4081651

>According to an article written by abraham lincoln, the killings in connecticut will double the prices of liverworts!

>> No.4081659

You mean the price is at an all time low in the us?


>> No.4081669

proof your story is made up.
I couldn't be paler and I still used the food bank. As a single dude. Not even like a family or anything.

and true fact, the majority of people on welfare and going to food banks in the US? White people.

>> No.4081671
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i also have been to the food bank multiple times and am just some white guy.

pic related, its me.

>> No.4081691

Hitoshi san sugoi

>> No.4081712

Welp, this is probably the best thread to ask this in.

How do food banks work?
My local food bank says I can receive food only once a once a quarter, and that's fine. But how do i go about getting the food, and about how much would one typically receive?
Do they check to see if I'm unemployed?


>> No.4081722

>you can sometimes hook up with others online and go foraging together.

>too poor to eat
>better hop on my computer and use my internet connection to find out what to do

>> No.4081723

it varies based on individual policies. Typically they'll want some kind of proof of income or lack thereof. If you're on unemployment, that will do. if a paycheck stub shows how much you make, you then tell them how many you have in your household (you might be required to prove that, if you make an outlandish claim). From this income/mouths to feed ratio, they'd determine your eligibility.

At my bank, after proving eligibility, you got a card good for a pick up once a month for the rest of the calendar year, and you'd need to prove it again in January if you still needed it. Every shelf would have things available to you, in a X items per person way. ("2 cans of pear halves per person" "one bag brownie mix per household") kind of thing.

On your way out, you'd get your card stamped for the month, and the worker might spotcheck you to be sure you aren't taking more than you should.

Additionally, there was a second section near that checkout where bakeries and green grocers would leave soon-to-expire goods, which anyone can pick up in any quantity they want, since they get refreshed with something different pretty much every day, and it ddoesn't matter if the old stuff goes bad right there or in your kitchen.

It really was a helpful leg up when I needed it, but you can't live off it. It just helps you stretch a food budget.

>> No.4081727

Thank you, that helped a lot.

>> No.4081753


Depends where you are.

Have to say though, a lot of people in this country (just an observation mind you, I work in the housing industry) have a serious issue of living within their means.

I have yet to enter a rental unit in seven years where the occupants have worse quality stuff than what I personally own, and I would say that financially, I'm better off than the vast majority of our tenants.

>> No.4081760

its because our culture is afflicted by the credit markets. just spend an hour watching cable tv or listening to the radio. its nothing but lending commercial after lending commercial.

people get all this nice stuff by putting themselves 5 years into debt.

our culture is designed around spending money you don't ahve

>> No.4081765


Really depends on your food bank. The one I regularly volunteer at has absolutely no requirements. Walk in, get food (though you are restricted as to how much of each product you can get) and leave.

Yes, this is abused, and a little part of me dies every time I go to the small mom and pop stores in Chinatown and see our goods on the shelves, but on the other hand, it would be extremely difficult to starve in my hometown.

>> No.4081824

Things I've done for food, out of desperation:

>Invented "Fast Food Safari:"
Walking the streets Friday/Saturday night after 2am looking for discarded takeaways. In 4 expeditions over a few weeks I found: half a pizza, 3 quarters of a garlic bread, a few portions of chips with chip spice, a half eaten cheeseburger and chips and A FULL 2 pc CHICKEN AND CHIPS WITH SALAD under a bus shelter - after it had rained! It was dry!

>Taken milk bottles from people's doorsteps after the milkman had been. Only took from people with more than one bottle, and only took one. Still feel shit about it though.

>Invented "Pasta Parsley:"
Spaghetti and parsley. That's it. Ate most of it. Fucking disgusting.

>Found a bag in the street (while on safari) that contained a few cans of food with Russian writing on them. Got them home and it was sardines or anchovies or pilchards or something, in tomato sauce. Found a few fish eyes in it that grossed me out.

Not me, a housemate did this:
>For months we peeled potatoes over the washing machine that had a layer of detergent powder spilled on it
>Pile of months old potato peelings on washing machine because we were foul teenage alcoholics
>Housemate deep fried them (didn't even wash the detergent off) and ate them
>He called them "scallions" and said they were nice
>He's still alive

>Years later I looked "scallions" up in the dictionary and it's a Welsh onion

>> No.4081950
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>This thread
Holy fuck!

>> No.4081951

Op, here. I come from a upper-middle class household. After college, with the barest of income, I had money to pay bills and feel hungry. And cold.

I have friends who were in the same boat eating out of trashcans in New York.

The government doesn't help.

>> No.4081972

I didn't make it up. I asked if I need to sign something or show proof of income and the people told me "We can't help you". I went from government office to government office (on their directions). I didn't meet this or that criteria.

There was a similar scheme for "emergency rental assistance" so you wouldn't be thrown out in the snow homeless. It was impossible to meet the standards BEFORE the paperwork process started. First you were required to have an eviction notice. Then you file the paperwork. If you're approved, 6-8 weeks later you would receive a single check for $480 dollars, regardless if your rent was $1000 a month. You were kicked out well before 6-8 weeks.

Look, you can give me your bullshit statistics and your "white people are on welfare" shit, but I don't care. I'm telling you what happened to me, in my city.

>> No.4081992


No offense - your points are valid in many ways - but Portugal also has roughly 1/30th the population of the US.

>> No.4081995

that's why I am greatly thankful for the Sikh temples around my area. they serve food every monday to thursday at one temple and one on sunday. and the food you receive is in huge portions and is healthy as fuck. they even let you bring tupperware to take home more if you want. surprisingly I never see any homeless people there either, just a bunch of hipsters.

>> No.4081998

>my mom had 2 more kids she couldn't afford
I'm sorry but your mom is a terrible person. Why on earth would you even think about having children or even having sex if you cant even support the children you have at the moment

>> No.4082008

OP's a liar and butthurt. J'sezzin'.
Foodbanks are rarely run by gubment in the US. Of the many foodbanks in my area, three of which I volunteered for, only one /might have been/ gubment run (I'm not sure who runs it, but the name implies it is a government program), and I don't live in some pissant rinky-dink town, either.
Furthermore, it is unlawful for any assistance program to turn anyone away on basis of race, religion etc, so while it's /possible/ this /might have/ happened (OP being turned away because he's white), it's exceedingly unlikely it did. There's a Jewish-run foodbank in the area that caters mostly to Muslims because kosher food is permissible to those who eat halal.
I can't say much about OP's experiences with emergency housing. What I can say is that I know that in my city, it takes at least 60 days after filing before an eviction can be enforced and it takes 30 days of non-payment before the landlord can file for eviction in the first place. That's 12 weeks.

>> No.4082010

In Canada you're legally not allowed to evict someone during the winter months. Wouldn't NYC have something similar since it gets cold there too?

>> No.4082011

lol, the us is swimming in money. It's priorities.


go and read up.

>> No.4082014

There's a Gurdwara down the road from me, but I've never known them to do that. The Hare Krsna/ISKCon centre far away from me does that, though. I've never been, mind you, to either, but I know that the ISKCon place does it.

>> No.4082015
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I have crohn's disease.

One of the symptoms in a flare-up is a loss of appetite.
Until a couple months ago (officially), I was on Prednisolone, a type of steroid. It gives me quite an appetite and solidifies my poop a bit.
It turned out that I was completely dependent on this drug for any sort of appetite.
I would NEED at least one 5mg tablet to summon the appetite to eat anything on a given day. On days when I did not take it, I would only manage to eat about half a bowl of rice cereal and be full.
A couple of weeks ago it got really bad, I had diarrhea and regular vomiting (and even shat blood a few times) and became afraid of eating again.

I went 3 days without eating anything whatsoever. Partly due to fear, partly due to lack of appetite and partly due to sleeping so much (lack of energy).
After this I was placed on a liquid-only diet (that means non-creamy soups and some special nutritional milkshake) for a number of days.
Not sure if it counts as starving if you don't feel hungry.

Pic somewhat related, its the special nutritional milkshake thing.

>> No.4082016

Hi. I'm >>4082008
I forgot about that! You're not allowed to do that in NYC! You're right! Yeah, OP's a bullshitter.

>> No.4082020

nyc isn't the only American city in winter. Many places kick people out in winter because "freedumbs".

>> No.4082021

Stop calling my story bullshit. Jesus, fuck, you hipsters need to learn that NYC isn't the only fucking place on Earth.

>> No.4082024

have you tried marijuana?

>> No.4082035

Name a city that routinely has winter snows in the US where eviction is legal during the winter season. I think you're bullshitting because too many points in your stories (they are just that: stories) are fishy for it to be true.
I don't know why you're lying to us, but you are and it's stupid.

>> No.4082047

Chicago was one. The cops gave up doing it "against" stated law because they were short on man power and people were being evicted because of their landlords defaulted on their mortgages. It wasn't due to "not paying rent".


best link I can find.

>> No.4082059

I've never truly starved involuntarily, but I do have a pretty good and nutritious recipe. Ramen fish soup! In most cities I've been in a package of ramen is about 30-80 cents, and a tin of sardines will be about 70 cents or a dollar. If you go easy on the sodium/msg packets that come with the ramen, this could also be considered nutritious and quite sustaining. Good luck to all of you.

>> No.4082078

Well, OP has to find only one link proving that there is a city in the US that routinely gets cold enough in the winter months for there to be snow that allows evictions during those months. Only one. OP can then claim to be from that city. Doesn't prove that he's from there, mind you, but I don't think he can find that, either. L/T laws, while generally being very state-to-state and even county-to-county within states, also have certain codes that are universal. While I'm not certain, I believe winter eviction protection is one such universal thing.

>> No.4082196


>1/2 diced cooked chicken breast

What the fuck are you doing? Use chicken legs, or better yet, chicken necks, hearts or gizzards. Chicken breasts aren't cheap.

There's a few things to I do when I'm really broke. First, meat is a condiment. Fatty meat specifically. Lean is always more expensive. Onions are a must, because of vitamin C and flavor, as are potatoes and beans, because of calories.

One recipe I especially like is called "fricassee" by my family. It's quite simple. Dice a piece of salt pork that's as big as half of your palm, or a third of it if you're serious about being really, really broke, then fry it in a big pot (You don't need to add fat, it's fat enough already). Add one diced onion and fry as well. Then, just dump a shitload of cubed potatoes (I'm thinking maybe 6-10 potatoes depending on their size) in there, and fry with everything else. Add a bit of pepper if you feel fancy (no salt, salt pork takes care of that for you), then just fry the potatoes until they become somewhat translucent. Then, add about half a cup of water, and cook over low heat for a while. You can't really overcook it, as long as it doesn't burn, but the low heat should prevent that. The potato starch and the water will make some kind of really thick gravy. You want that. There's essentially no meat in the recipe, but it'll still taste like pork. It's actually really, really good.

Also, you know how baked beans require molasses, mustard powder and all of that fancy shit? Wrong. Put a bit of salt pork, an onion and some pepper (again, pepper if you feel fancy) into a pot of white beans, and bake for a few hours. That's all you really need.

Also, in case that's not clear, salt pork is essentially heavily brined pork belly. Like wet, unsmoked bacon. I guess it could sound weird if you haven't heard of it before, but it's a lifesaver if you want to put some life in your broke as fuck meals.

>> No.4082245

Hey sorry mang. I'm >>4082010
I was just saying what the law is up here, and for some reason I thought all this took place in NYC. No idea why, sorry about that.

>> No.4082279

Browsin past, got curious, so I went to Google:

> Can a landlord evict a tenant in winter?
>Yes. The time of year has no legal effect on eviction. But some circumstances may affect eviction proceedings. For instance, special requirements may apply to tenants of federally subsidized housing and housing for the elderly.

>Cold weather usually doesn’t stop an eviction. It doesn’t matter what time of the year it is or what the temperature is like - the landlord can still evict her.
>The idea that it can be too cold to evict someone is not true. There are other common myths about eviction. Some others are that families with children can’t be evicted, or that families get extra time to move when they are evicted. Another myth is that an eviction notice is no good if it’s not notarized.

>Can a tenant be evicted in the winter?
>There is no law against evicting a tenant in the winter.

>> No.4082306

And if you're low on cash why aren't you buying $1 loaves you can buy anywhere from Coles to local markets and $3-4 milk from supermarkets?

>> No.4082318

lol no. I've never starved even though I live off of $100/month as a food budget. lrn2save

>> No.4082327

I, a eurofag in one of the most expensive EU countries, am astonished you koalafuckers are getting shafted harder than us.

I can buy 2 litres of milk for ~2 aussie dollars and decent quality bread, depending on what kind of course, for about 3-4 of your roodollars.

>> No.4082332

Oh and tomatoes - maybe 5.50 roobucks domestic and sometimes less than half of that for foreign tomatoes (1kg). Ripe ones.

>> No.4082337

Fuck are you talking about? Vegetables are crazy cheap. Go to the produce section anywhere and buy a single piece of anything and it'll cost mere cents, more than likely.

>> No.4082344

now make a meal out of that single piece.

>> No.4082355


I buy an entire sack of tomatoes (15 or so) from my grocery store marked down to $.99.

You damn sure can get fresh vegetables for far cheaper than you can buy meat.

>> No.4082360

Doesn't help when local businesses lock all their dumpsters up, even when it's full of shredded books.

>> No.4082367

When I was in my second year at uni, my roommate suddenly decided she had to move out of our apartment, and turned off all the utilities that were in her name. At the time, I couldn't find a job (I lived in a town with 1 major uni, 3 colleges, and several trade schools, so unskilled labor jobs, like for college kids, was at a premium and hard to come by). I didn't have any family to help support me, so I lived in the dark, no electricity, and cooked dried pinto beans (my neighbors gave me a 10 lb. bag) over Sterno for about 2 months before I finally got hired. Cold showers, pinto beans, and sheer agony. Great times.

>> No.4082371

I lock my dumpster at work to stop random people putting their rubbish in there, it costs me money to have the truck come and empty it.
I couldn't give a shit if people want to eat out of my dumpster, larger corporations are just abiding by the law.

>> No.4082377


I did an internship in Chicago for 4 months last year (culinary school in NY). I worked at the best Mexican restaurant in the city, the tradeoff was that they paid me around $150 a week.

An old roommate of mine coincidentally lived in Chicago, and he let me stay there. I still split rent with three other guys, but the rent was still something like $400 a month.

I had already rolled into Chicago on fumes, as moving to/living in New York had drained most of my money.

The experience was well, well worth it, but with rent and the weekly train ticket, I never had more than $50 in my bank.

I allowed myself to "splurge" on a $20 a month 24/7 gym. I also had two days in a row off every week, which meant feeding myself rather than eating at the restaurant.

My solution? Rice, beans, eggs, and pickled jalapenos. Also, PB&Js.

I bought big bags of brown rice, as well as dried black beans.

I'd cook a week's worth of rice, cool it and store it, and do the same for the beans. Some weeks I'd have black beans, some I'd change it up with pintos. When I had a little extra money I'd buy some chorizo (lived in a Mexican neighborhood) and tomatoes and make frijoles charros.

Eggs are expensive compared to rice/beans, so I would only eat them sparingly. Usually scrambled with chiles, onion, garlic, anything aromatic tossed in. Chiles, pickled jalapenos, etc., were always at hand. You tend to eat spicy food slower, and so you can get away with eating less.

>> No.4082379
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I also bought jams or jellies when they were on sale, same with bread (freeze it and thaw it if need be) and peanut butter. A PB&J was my daily breakfast, with a thick smear of peanut butter for the calories.

It was a strange thing to be in NEED of calories. Like seriously.

Ok, so after that retardedly long post, here's my "recipe" for frijoles charros:

1 lb dried pinto beans, soaked overnight
1/2lb Mexican (fresh) chorizo
2 large roma tomatoes, diced
1 small onion, diced
1 bay leaf
water (or stock if you're a ritzy fucker)

1) Saute the onion in oil until soft (or caramelized, your choice) in a small stock pot or large sauce pot
2) Add soaked/drained beans and water just to cover
3) Add chorizo, tomato, and bay leaf
4) Bring to a boil, then simmer until beans are tender
5)Season heavily with salt

Note: I like to cook this until the beans are somewhat overcooked, some are starting to break apart, and the liquid has reduced to a nice, thick, stewy consistency. Normally you can just cook it until the consistency resembles baked beans from a can.

Note: If you want to go a slightly different route with this, begin by browning the shit out of the chorizo, remove it from the pan, caramelize the onion, add the tomato, caramelize that, then add the beans, water, etc.

It'll give it a much darker, richer flavor, but I prefer the version where everything is just simmered.

Pic slightly related, it's the food I was making at work while I was eating on a $15 a week budget.

>> No.4082380

>turned off the utilities in her name like its a bad thing.

You expect her to pay for you or something? scum.

>> No.4082387

He's just a poor, uneducated luddite who can't into shopping (Also buying bread from a bakery chain? It's not the 1950s any more, who still buys their daily bread from a bakery let alone a chain). That said, for some unknown reason milk does cost a lot more than you'd expect it to in Aus.

>> No.4082391

No, you fucking moron. She turned them off without giving me notice. I would think that was implied, you idiot. You don't just move out and turn utitilites off without letting your mates know you're doing it, fucktard. Had I known, I could have been planning for it.

>> No.4082403

Used to eat sugar because I was hungry. Dollar a kilo.

>> No.4082425

>they expected new cooks/chefs to work for free for a month, off the books

What. How in the fuck is that legal.

>> No.4082430


>> No.4082438

>brown skin
>brown eyes
>brown hair

>> No.4082468

Fuck, I'm in Alaska and I'd have to drive probably a hundred miles into the interior or down onto the peninsula before I could find anywhere to hunt.

>> No.4082479

Actually, you do need the molasses. Without it, the beans will turn to mush.

>> No.4082505

nigga, go kill some squirrels

>> No.4082586

I bet those kids wished Obama had taken Trump up on his bet.

>> No.4082656

>Be poor
>Buying milk and eggs
Shit nigger, what are you doing?
I live on maybe 40 bucks a month comfortably

>> No.4082667

eggs and dairy are amongst the cheapest protein source available. There's being poor, and being poor while hurting yourself by eating shit.
same with people living with white rice and vitamin supplement. Sure it's cheap, but you are hurting yourself.

>> No.4082668

My parents neglected the shit out of me, I starved for the first 18 years of my life on and off, my body seems to be super efficient or at least used to it because I can go days without food and not even care
>Turn 18
>Go on welfare
>I suddenly have shit loads of food
Thank you based government

>> No.4082670

Beans/seeds/nuts whatever are a million times cheaper

>> No.4082699


haha O WOW.

>> No.4082702

What kind of bizzaro world do you live in? I just bought eggs and milk = over 5 dollars each, they'll last me a few days tops
I also bought peanut butter ($4) it'll last me a month
A lb of sunflower seeds ($4)
I don't buy beans but they would be literally pennies

>> No.4082717

>I just bought eggs and milk = over 5 dollars each, they'll last me a few days tops
this is like, impossible. Unless you eat 24 eggs per days and drink your gallon in the day.

>> No.4082719


Those things are cheaper anon. If you'd stop living off of those hotpockets your mom brings to you every day, you'd know this.

>> No.4082723

Well if you used 2 eggs a day it'd only last 6 days
And milk goes damn fast if you drink it

>> No.4082727

>I just bought eggs and milk = over 5 dollars each, they'll last me a few days tops
>peanut butter ($4) it'll last me a month
yeah, one spoon of candy a day sure is filling and replace a meal
>A lb of sunflower seeds ($4)
still doesn't make a meal and eating enough of that shit to cover what a yogourt would do is just plain nasty;

So yeah, you really like to brag about hurting yourself.

>> No.4082731

You act like if I don't eat eggs and drink milk I'll spontaneously combust
Also, milk and eggs don't make a meal either

>> No.4082735
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You can eat like a king on 40 bucks a month.

I went mostly vegetarian starting in the summer because I wanted to eat healthier and cheaper. My food bill went down to nothing AND I finally lost weight I'd never been able to lose with exercise and diet.

Its funny watching my peers not believe me when I tell them the huge quantities of food I can buy and how little I actually spend on things. They don't buy stuff like 20+lbs bags of rice or beans, but I do. It'll last me months and cut the price per ounce at least in half if not more.

>> No.4082740

Me and my brother are both on welfare and I just find it hilarious, he goes out and buys hot pockets and that kind of stuff and brags about what a good deal it is while he ends up having to spend 60 bucks a week and is getting more and more in debt
I try to explain to him that that stuff isn't actually cheaper in the long run but I don't think he's capable of that complex of thought.

>> No.4082749

>one pound of %96 lean ground beef
lol, no. most of that is pretty accurate, but you can not get ground beef even 85% lean for that price.

>> No.4082750

I've been too poor to afford food, but I'm just not willing to lay down and die. I have no qualms about stealing food when I'm hungry - it isn't immoral.

>> No.4082758

>You can eat like a king on 40 bucks a month.
no. Unless you are talking about the king od hobo, that stuff his face with cheap booze and boiled pasta.

>> No.4082759
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>Those prices
Holy shit, I should just hop the border everytime I want to go shopping
That stuff would cost me a solid 30-50 bucks

>> No.4082760

dunno. Around there turkey meat can drops to something like 5€ per kilo.
Those prices reeks of fallacious math, though. Like, they spent 216$ to get 10 time this, then divided price.

>> No.4082766

No offense but so what? America is the richest country in the world and is worth 51% of the world economy. We are poorer than the poorest of your states yet out quality of life is somewhat better nonetheless.

>> No.4082770


I live off of fresh fruit, vegetables, beans, rice, and eggs. Food is freaking cheap. I'm sorry you think your restaurant food and processed food is cheaper or food meant for kings.

>> No.4082771


No, the price for ground beef is correct. At least here in Florida.

>> No.4082772


He has no frame of reference and no experience cooking and planning meals. If he learned to buy basics and started to cook he could save tons of money.

>> No.4082779

He just can't seem to grasp the concept of quantity
It doesn't help that him and my mom are basically twins and she'll back up and nonsense he spews

>> No.4082797
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>boiled pasta.

Was that supposed to sound unusual or something?

>> No.4082799

>He doesn't crush his pasta into a dust and snort it

>> No.4082805

You can buy milk that cheaply because of EU subsidies for milk.

>> No.4082820
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>> No.4083497

Milk was cheaper before joining the EU and before we started using the euro as a currency. Pretty much everything was.

>> No.4083579

i starved during childhood. mom's boyfriend would lockme in a room and not feed me until she got home. at 9 pm. then i ate whatever shit he made. mosy often it was egg noodles with tuna and a shitload of flour. it was disgusting. when i was 10 he left and i continued to starve because mom was a fat fuck and ate everything. my favorite thing to eat then was a can of corn butter and lemon juice from the microwave.

>> No.4083586

shit look at the typos

>> No.4083872

Yeah, because everyone is nice and follows the law. Including slum lords you naive, entitled, freegan, liberal, hipster schmuck.

>> No.4083879

$100 a month? you must have a hell of a farmer's market (for which you pay for most of your produce with sexual favors).

fucking $25 a week is lower than welfare. Are you eating bowls of roux with tap water?

>> No.4083884

>only eating vegetables
>starving like Op and most vegans, only the vegans like it.

>> No.4084932

It wasn't.

Also, ironically but expected, as the meltdown in 2008 happened all of the business and labor watchdog groups (both government and private) downsized their offices or all-together shut down. There was no one to complain to. You just put up with it or face getting blacklisted.

Also, what I'm mentioning is an unethical scam. Those people gave a fuck about what "legal" means.

>> No.4084935

That's what they get for gambling.

>> No.4084958
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>be homeless in major city
>only thing i have is my backpack filled with clothes,a pot,a machete and some other shit
>only food i can get is what i steal at markets or if i'm lucky enough to get a simple job during the day to buy some oats or something
>sometimes don't eat for weeks straight
>still comfy and free as fuck

10/10 would live on streets again

>> No.4084972

Me and a friend got lost in the jungle in Thailand for 4 days with only a packet of fucking crackers and 3 bottles of water. There was a mudslide and we the which demolished the whole pathway for about a mile and we got lost.

Luckily it was monsoon season and we managed to collect the rainwater in the bottles which could've given us the shits etc but fortunately we got through it alright. The worst part was having to live off of crackers for 4 days whilst hiking around mountains in the heat.

Moral of the story - bring a guide and plenty of food.

>> No.4085014

Eating out of trash cans in large cities is easy. Sitting in front of fancy restaurants, places I'd eat if I had the money. Waiting. Somebody would eventually toss their "doggy bags" in the closest trash can, upon leaving said restaurant. Why? I don't know. But I've never eaten so well. When I didn't do that I would eat still-hot pizza from the trash behind the best pizza places. I knew when they closed. Sometimes I would be out behind the place at the right time and they would just hand it to me and my bros. Food waste in the US is a fucking joke. You can eat better off others' waste here than most people can eat with full time jobs.

>> No.4085023

sure bro

>> No.4085058

Sadly, this is actually true. So much good food is thrown out here and so much awful food is bought and sold because most of us can't afford "good food". If you are poor, I tell you you cannot comprehend the amount of perfectly fine and delicious food that is thrown straight into the trash for various reasons. I've worked in and around food for most of my life and the things I've seen tossed into the garbage would break your heart.

If you are well off and can afford to send your steak back to the kitchen because they cooked it medium instead of medium-rare, well then you cannot comprehend the absolute bottom tier foods that most of the working class are eating. We (they) (us) would love that steak you sent back, even if it isn't that warm anymore. Restaurants and grocers throw away so much though.

>> No.4085082

I used to work for Publix supermarkets in florida a long time ago, and yes it is true, SO much waste. I guess the people that run the shit would rather throw away hundreds of dollars of unbought food than one person not get the exact thing they are looking for.

>> No.4085106

Egg noodles, tuna, peas. Add mayo if you're into that. Or substitute chicken for tuna and cream-o-chicken for mayo for hot meal. Essentially the 2-bit whore of culinary art: cheap, easy, and done in a couple minutes.

>> No.4085136

There are plenty of programs like you described here, but the problem is alot of people wont do it, or spend their money terribly and are hungry yet dont qualify

>> No.4086365

i can't say it was "good food", but at the fast food place i worked at, when it was closing time they would throw away everything that wasn't eaten, and if anyone tried to take some home they would be fired