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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4072618 No.4072618 [Reply] [Original]

>walk into Sweet Tomatoes
>the entire staff is speaking in Spanish

>> No.4072631

Learn Spanish, work at a different kitchen or consider a different profession. If you were only there to eat then suck it up, the world isn't white.

Captcha: ethnitys change

>> No.4072634
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>Feeling like an outsider in your own country

>> No.4072644

>Learn Spanish, work at a different kitchen or consider a different profession
Only the last option is reasonable. I live in THE illegal immigrant capital of California, every kitchen, and I kid you not, is filled with guys who know little more than "hello" and "thank you" in English. And it would take years to get up to speed with Spanish first language speakers. Hold on, let me put my life on hold for 4-6 years while I learn Spanish so I can cook at Dennys/Marie Calendar's/IHOP/Outback Steakhouse.

>> No.4072648

Well they deleted it, but someone claimed it would take 4-6 years for them to get up to speed in Spanish.

Maybe if you were dropped as a child.

>> No.4072649

Why would you even want to be a cook at those places? Why do you think freshly arrived Mexicans are doing it? Noone else really wants to. If you really wanna work in a kitchen I'm sure you can find a good indepenenant family owned place that would be more accommodating to your situation.

>> No.4072656


I just wish they spoke Colombian Spanish. It's so beautiful to listen to and precise. I can hardly understand Northern Mexican or Californian Spanish.

>> No.4072661
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>feeling like the mudslimes taking over is only a matter of time

>> No.4072665

Beaner detected, being fluent in a language doesn't happen overnight. Does this board have anything else to offer aside from single moms and the very wetbacks I'm describing?

>> No.4072671

Where I live the family owned places are Pho shops and taqueria's. Everything else is the shitty chain diners aforementioned or fast food.

>> No.4072679


Agreed, fluency is one thing but enough to get by in a specific work environment? Not that hard.

>> No.4072687

You're telling me you don't have any pizza parlors, sandwich shops, burger joints, bbq places, steakhouses, or seafood places that aren't a damn chain?


>> No.4072690
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>Get job at A&W as fry cook
>All the other cooks are Filipinos
>Can't understand anything they say
>Second day at work one of the woman cooks comes up to me and says: "Oh, I forgot we have to speak YOUR language now."
>So fucking angry I can't do anything but force a fucking smile like she made a joke
>Shunned by all the cook staff
>Find out my schedule has been moved to times where I'm still at high school making it impossible to get to work in time
>Talk to shift supervisor about it
>She's Filipino too
>"Oh no problem must have just made a little mistake"
>A week later
>Find out I've been fired for coming in late constantly (I never did, I am beyond fucking punctual)
>Have to come hand in my uniform and gay little poker visor hat to get my final check
>Alright that tears it
>Cut uniform up with knife
>Throw it in a puddle
>Piss on it
>Bring it in wearing work gloves
>Grab my check
>Manager is pissed as fuck
>Spit on the floor and leave

I used to be such a good kid. I just wanted to make money for school.

>> No.4072705

Ya know, there are laws about workplace discrimination now.

>> No.4072711

I used to work in a kitchen and there were 3 illegal Mexicans. At first they never spoke to me. I then asked one of them for a cigarette and he said "sure, take" and handed me his pack with the lighter in it. They understand English to some degree since we have many interchangeable words that just have Os and As on the end of them in Spanish. You also have to realize they get a lot of American marketing thrown at them being in the states so they will pick it up fast. They do speak some English, but they prefer not to use it as they are scared of butchering it.

Those guys would work like crazy. Really perpetuated the lazy American, hard working Mexican stereotype in that kitchen. People would call in and take off days knowing one of the Mexicans would take their shift. Manager didn't mind them working overtime since they weren't on the payroll. They would rack up 60 or 70 hours a week due to "lazy american" syndrome with no overtime bonus.

Any time I see an illegal working in the service industry I know that they get the job done.

I remember a Golden Corral near my place before the illegals began working there. They never had an A rating. Bathrooms always dirty, food was never consistent in flavor, they overcooked the meats, veggies, pastas, salad bar was a mess. Bunch of lazy shit working. New management comes in and hires illegals to work in the kitchen. Place has a solid 100 rating, buffet is never short of anything, everything cooked properly. Turned the place around. Though this is just anecdotal and I'm not sure how it may be in other restaurants. Go to NYC and all the high end/rave review restaurants have a 90% illegal mexican kitchen staff.

>> No.4072718

>Implying anyone is going to give a shit about a white male being treated poorly

>> No.4072720

I had no idea how to go about that shit and I got a new job a while later so I kinda lost all interest in any kind of further action.

>> No.4072722
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ITT: Whiners

Picture related

>> No.4072724

.....They do. Acting like people don't and not even trying is pathetic.
Look at where all the hard work got a lot of Asian American families. I tell ya Mexicans are going to rise up in society pretty quick.
I'm Irish, German, and Norwegian.

>> No.4072730

We do not have a single pizza shop that isn't a shitinyourmouth chain. If you've ever heard of Me N Eds, which has gone down in quality, we have that. Pacifica Pizza is another, but they're starting to suck...

Everything else you listed is a chain. Only sandwich shops are Port of Subs/Quiznos/Subway.

Burger joints are the usuals, In N Out/McDonalds/Wendys/Burger King/Carls Jr/Jackin' The Box

We have two local bbq shops that are family owned. We had a third, it closed down because no one spends money in this town, unless it's the taxpayer's dime with EBT.

Seafood, oh, you mean Red Lobster?

Steakhouses: Ruth's Chris(everyone seems to have a funny Spanish accent that works there...hmm), Flemings(fuck yes CHAINS), Outback Shithouse, Tahoe Joes(local chain I think), Sizzlers.

>> No.4072747 [DELETED] 

I used to work in East L.A. in the warehouses that distribute produce, and ALL the workers were either Spanish speakers and English speakers. The only English speakers were usually the white bosses that would rarely show up, usually only to yell and be a pain in the ass, and the niggers that would steal trash (dirty vegetables or palettes) to sell on the streets. It was amazing how we communicated in some sort of Spanish-Chinese-English pidgin and it was one of the most fun environment to work in. Whenever I go into a grocery store or a fast food place I avoid the white kids like the plague because they're lazy, rude, and don't appreciate their jobs. Especially at the grocery store, I love watching the fast-working Mexicans bagging my shit like if they were going to get deported if they didn't. I also enjoy taking my time explaining to the cute Philippina what I want in my sandwich at the Subway.

>> No.4072756

I used to work in East L.A. in the warehouses that distribute produce, and ALL the workers were either Spanish or Chinese speakers. The only English speakers were usually the white bosses that would rarely show up, usually only to yell and be a pain in the ass, and the niggers that would steal trash (dirty vegetables or palettes) to sell on the streets. It was amazing how we communicated in some sort of Spanish-Chinese-English pidgin and it was one of the most fun environment to work in. Whenever I go into a grocery store or a fast food place I avoid the white kids like the plague because they're lazy, rude, and don't appreciate their jobs. Especially at the grocery store, I love watching the fast-working Mexicans bagging my shit like if they were going to get deported if they didn't. I also enjoy taking my time explaining to the cute Philippina what I want in my sandwich at the Subway.

>> No.4072759

I used to work in East L.A. in the warehouses that distribute produce, and ALL the workers were either Spanish speakers and English speakers. The only English speakers were usually the white bosses that would rarely show up, usually only to yell and be a pain in the ass, and the niggers that would steal trash (dirty vegetables or palettes) to sell on the streets. It was amazing how we communicated in some sort of Spanish-Chinese-English pidgin and it was one of the most fun environment to work in. Whenever I go into a grocery store or a fast food place I avoid the white kids like the plague because they're lazy, rude, and don't appreciate their jobs. Especially at the grocery store, I love watching the fast-working Mexicans bagging my shit like if they were going to get deported if they didn't. I also enjoy taking my time explaining to the cute Philippina what I want in my sandwich at the Subway.

>> No.4072760
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I agree, I've worked with Mexicans at several jobs. Those guys will work any shift and will work their asses off. I actually now have a ton of respect for them now, I used to not like them. Some of them can be assholes if you are white, know no spanish and don't work hard. If you work hard and respect them as equal to you they can be great people.

For awhile I worked third shift unloading pallets of groceries and stocking coolers at a grocery store, I was the only white there. The guys were very suspicious and apprehensive of me at first, they acted like they didn't speak English and didn't really want me to help with anything. But after I busted my ass working alongside them and brought em breakfast a few times as a friendly gesture I guess decided I was "OK" and started talking to me. They all spoke English pretty well, they had me fooled. They'd still talk to one another in spanish but they started switching to English alot of the time to include me in the conversation. Great bunch of guys really, all older Mexicans. I ended up making friends with em and would go get beers after work with the group, even went fishing with them a few times. Turns out most of em were related and the ones that weren't were from the same town in Mexico, they all came here together 20 years ago and are just decent humans trying to make a better life for them and their kids. I don't work there anymore but still drop in from time to time to have lunch and catch up. I guess my point is that you shouldn't be afraid of them, they're just workers who usually speak a different language. Respect, work hard, and treat em as equals and they might surprise you.

>> No.4072762

i speak decent Spanish and mandarin

stop being a typical faggot american and learn something other than english

and jsut becasue they speak their native language it doesn't mean that all of them don't speak enlgish

>> No.4072766

I don't get it... Sweet Tomatoes is like kryptonite to racist white trash. Was OP forced to go eat there at gun point?

Managers will always hire illegals because they never fucking complain, always come in early, are expendable, and are paid less in cash under the table; Not really a big amount taken, the manager will usually keep the part that would have gone to taxes. Illegals are starting to wake up and not accept ultra low wages and would rather move to another state in this economy. Greedy managers are suffering.

>> No.4072769

>and jsut becasue they speak their native language it doesn't mean that all of them don't speak enlgish
Could you start with learning English first kiddo?


>> No.4072770

>walk in to taco johns
>the entire staff is speaking in english

>walk in to burger king
>the entire staff is speaking in Korean

and so on

>> No.4072771

This is why I hate to travel to other parts of the country. Especially the coasts.

>> No.4072773

>muh reverse racism
>muh superior heritage

>> No.4072774

I worked in the printing industry in Texas. I was trained in precision printing by gatorade and miller lite. When I showed up at the company printing all the TV guides for the Dallas and Fort Worth newspapers, I was a walk-on press operator. Not a single person spoke English - or so they claimed. But when things started to go wrong and I jumped down their fucking throats, they suddenly understood and made everything right.

What I'm trying to say is don't tolerate substandard performance. They could be speaking alien but if they want to keep a job and keep getting paid, they will learn -right-the-fuck-now what words mean in a different language.

>> No.4072777

there are always illegal chinese or mexican is restaurants but they do work hard op

you dont see chinese as much becasue they are more reserved than mexicans but there are SHIT LOADS of chinese people working

stop being a fag

>> No.4072781

>get job at 2 star italian style restaurant
>2/3 of the cooking staff is filipino

>> No.4072782

Is this where all of the butthurt CNN watching, Obama cocksmoking faggots hang out? I'm disgusted that it's an impossibility to even have a shot at a job somewhere not because of ability or experience, but because of a cultural and language divide. That defaults me to the status of toothless hick. Grow a fucking brain.

>> No.4072793

I learned to spic spanish as a convenience and benefit to myself. I sure as fuck didn't NEED to. If I'm in charge, you better know what fucking directions I'm handing out or you're hitting the got damn pavement in short order.

Believe that.

>> No.4072794

White people could get those jobs just fine, the people hiring you are white and would like there to be more white people, it's just that they know the foreigners work harder for less money.

Take your garbage to /pol/

>> No.4072806

>implying I haven't been told outright that if I don't know Spanish I wouldn't be a fit in the workplace as only Spanish is spoken in the kitchen
Continue living in your lovely little entitled white bubble in Washington or wherever the fuck you're from, this shit is a reality in California, at least where I live.

>> No.4072809

Common misconception. Foreigners do not work harder - not by a long shot. And their performance is absolutely terrible. They do, however, work for shit wages. Their wage demands may seem appealing intially but their performance and QC suck as much ass as a Chinese assembly line.

Benefits to hiring illegals?


>> No.4072813

Record them and report discrimination.

>> No.4072816
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>this much asspained liberal face-saving on my forechons

>> No.4072817


Yep, took as about as long I I'd thought for this to turn into a full on /pol/ thread.

>> No.4072819

I'll make sure to do that next time. I was on break from my own job and flabbergasted I heard something so ridiculous.

>> No.4072824

Yep. Someone must have alerted the /pol/ morons that people weren't supporting only white people.

>> No.4072825

you cant repost discrimination if speaking Spanish is a "requirement" or a preferred "skill"

>> No.4072829

oh man its like im watching a Fox news report

>> No.4072831
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Its reversible though. It's almost impossible for an immigrant to get a job working customer service and retail for the same reasons, they don't speak the language that well. Thats why they are all back in the kitchen. Your frustration at having a hard time finding a job in a kitchen is the same frustration felt by a Chinese dude who really just wants to work at a shoe store. Its almost impossible for him to work that job because of language barriers so he ends up working in a kitchen or a warehouse where he'll have no contact with the general public.

And if you expect everyone here to always speak Jesus's chosen white English language then you are a toothless hick. Either grow a pair and adapt to the people who generally work the job you want or find something else to do. If you have a problem with workers speaking in the language they are comfortable with the feel free to never eat out at a restaurant again. Or drive on a road again, immigrants built that. Go ahead and burn your house down, that too was constructed by a bunch of black-tongue speaking orcs.

Fucking grow up man, or get out of your shitty whitewashed town. Thatisn't the real world.
>INB4 accusations of being mexican, chinese or black
I'm white, grew up in a 99% white town. I left because I couldn't stand the mindset.

>> No.4072833


Alright I'll just keep a tape recorder on me running whenever I'm doing work-related things.

>> No.4072838


Come on, if someone is going to move to another country, they really need to learn the language.

>> No.4072841

Thank you for the compliment. I'm sure it's a rare thing though. I would guess most of your time is asking for forgiveness for being a white person or being from the United States. Obama has trained you all well - bow to everyone. You are not worthy.

>> No.4072845

But there is no official language in America.

Also, the accent is still a huge barrier.

>how dare anyone besides white people succeed in life

>> No.4072854

>And if you expect everyone here to always speak Jesus's chosen white English language then you are a toothless hick.

Where did you get this from ANY of the postings in this entire thread? Are we reading from the same threads, friend? The frustration vented by the OP is the difficulties faced with getting a shitty, simple food service job because he's the black sheep, the guy on the outside looking in, because he doesn't speak a language that is becoming increasingly common in a lot of the restaurant's kitchens in America.

Where is all this posturing coming from?


>> No.4072859

>implying the language of America can't change
>implying that change is a bad thing

>> No.4072860

>But there is no official language in America.
National language English

>> No.4072861


I sympathize with this perspective, but you seriously have no idea how ridiculous immigration to the US is. A friend of mine is a very accomplished Dutch professor and nurse, and it wasn't easy for her. Imagine how it is for working class people who don't already speak the language.

I don't understand why the hell we aren't bringing in tons of Mexicans under an Ellis Island setup. Most are hardworking family oriented people. I guess it's because they're brown skinned.

>> No.4072862

No one ever said it couldn't change, in fact, my post alluded to it clearly changing. White people will be extinct soon enough, English is on its way out. All hail Mandarin and Spanish.

>> No.4072865



>> No.4072867

it wasn't a complement

fox news people are fucking retards

>> No.4072868

>I don't understand why the hell we aren't bringing in tons of Mexicans under an Ellis Island setup. Most are hardworking family oriented people. I guess it's because they're brown skinned.
> I guess it's because they're brown skinned.
Rachel Maddow called, she wants her Looney Toons back.

>> No.4072870

What's wrong with the country changing?

>> No.4072872

Sean Hannity called, he wants his loony toons back.

>> No.4072873


Don't forget those Romanists, then.

>> No.4072875
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I agree. But when you are living in an un-air-conditioned shack and drinking brown water and working in the fields 12+ hours a day learning English in your free time isn't exactly top priority. Top priority is getting the fuck out of there so your children don't have to live the same pitiful existence. And once they get here life will be better for the children but the parents are still working 12+ hours a day, only instead of a field it is probably in a kitchen or doing construction. When you work that much and have a family to raise, you really expect them to learn the language overnight?

I get upset when people here don't speak English too but you've gotta look at the world through non-American eyes. The people are working hard and doing the best they can to provide for their kids, its not like they are working 8 hours a day in an office where they don't really do much and can sit around all relaxed and learn a totally foreign language. Shit, they have more important things to do. They gotta work and work hard.

Its aggrivating when people can't speak the countries language but this is why I get upset when people hate. Its easy for us to sit around and learn a new language because we have it easy and have lots of free time. If you can't be bothered to learn at least the basics of Spanish then who are you to bitch about them not speaking perfect English the minute they step foot in the US? Fuck.

>> No.4072876

I coached my assistant press operator to take over my job. He was a Mexican.

I advocate performance - not color. So go fuck yourself with your promotions of minority disenfranchisement. I don't care who can fill my slot - as long as they are qualified. Most of the time it was white folks. Sometimes it was black and hispanic.

What offended me? Sub par performance.

What offends you? The color you don't like - in this case, white.

>> No.4072885

English isn't the official language of the USA. Look at all the immigrants who came to America before world war 2. They were peaking German, Polish, Italian, French, Eastern European languages, etc. That generation didn't speak English and you can still find some of them scattered across America. They had to create their own little communities to function in America. The smart ones learned English to take advantage as being the middle man between communities. It was their children who grew up being bilingual.

With the current illegal "invasion" the coming generation of their anchor babies will be speaking English and unlikely to work service jobs with their college education.

Give them a shot just like we did with the nips, chinks, gooks, wops, polaks, krauts, frogs, and jews you racist beta faggots.

I don't give a fuck what language they are speaking here. If they can hand me my change, take my order, cook my food, clean my shit, build my homes, pick the fruit, slave for nothing to get by and support a family it doesn't affect me because I will always be in a better position. I'm a white man in America. They are brown and constantly hiding from police.

>> No.4072886


food for thought:

Change does not have to be a good thing either.

>> No.4072896

Who wants to be the outgroup? This isn't a fucking JRPG where being the underdog with multiple belts hanging around your waist and pants with twenty zippers is fucking awesome, being part of the underdog/outgroup is fucking balls.

>> No.4072898

if illegals are taking your jobs maybe you should reconsider your level of education.


>> No.4072900

No one here is attacking white people you fucking retard. Sticking up for immigrants isn't attacking white people. Everyone agreed discriminating against an American because they don't speak Spanish is crazy.

Stay delusional.


No it doesn't, but I fail to see how the spread of another culture into America is a bad thing. It's been a melting pot since European immigrants were discriminating against other European immigrants.

Eventually, society will look back at this treatment of Mexican immigrants and laugh, while discriminating against another group of them.

>> No.4072905

So you are saying minorities are treated poorly?

I thought they were stealing all these great jobs from white people.

>> No.4072906


There's a good Ken Burns documentary on the Prohibition. To think that it used to be Germans and Irish who were the dangerous foreign influences. Sad, really.

>> No.4072912

>unable to get through school because I can't afford it because I can't get a job to support me while I earn my degree
>did not live the life of the privileged white shitbag, where mommy washes and irons all my clothes, cleans up after my jizz rags, and let's me stay in her snuggly clean home rent free for 4 years while I attend college


>> No.4072915

>I don't give a fuck what language they are speaking here. If they can hand me my change, take my order, cook my food, clean my shit, build my homes, pick the fruit, slave for nothing to get by and support a family it doesn't affect me because I will always be in a better position. I'm a white man in America. They are brown and constantly hiding from police.


>> No.4072918

Best post in this thread. Said everything I've been trying to.

>> No.4072922

Also, /ck/ confirmed for best board.

>> No.4072924

Look how they're being viewed by so many in this thread. They're viewed as a number, a commodity, an easy way to earn a buck, you exploit them for needing work to buy scraps of food to feed their children who are receiving a free education thanks to American taxpayers, free food benefits paid by yours truly, with the sole intent that maybe their children will go farther than they could.

Of course they're being treated poorly. Not by everybody, but their mistreatment is not just hurting them. It's never that simple. Please review the original post.

>> No.4072925
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Don't wanna be racist, but...
>Desperate for job
>Go to only place I see hiring
>Open interviews (need appointment? wut?)
>Create appointment, come back next week
>Black guy just finishing
>Overhear his interview
>Convicted felon, armed robbery, no work experience
>He leaves
>My turn
>Lay down my work experience, schedule, and express how eager I am to get any job at all
>They'll call me in a week if I get the job
>Week goes by
>No phone call
>Go back
>Same black guy is running the register during the shift I signed up for

>> No.4072926
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Thank god someone else here is sane and understands. First generation of any ethnic group will probably not speak English and will work long hours doing shit labor. Second generation will be bilingual, they'll go to public schools and the more intelligent will get higher education. Its still hard for them because of poverty and still being outcasts. Many of the gang bangers and criminals are second generation, this is due to poverty, living in a bad environment and still being outcasts. Third generation and up will begin integrating so that they are more American than foreign, English will be first language and they'll accomplish more. The longer they are here the more they'll integrate, they'll also be bringing along their family culture and whatnot.

Same as the Germans, nips, chinks, wops, polaks and everything else you mentioned. Given enough time they'll just be Americans.

>> No.4072934

The only exception seems to be black people, and that's because they've developed a culture of wanting to be different from white people (understandable given our history prior to 1980)....which apparently means trying your hardest not to escape the slums or succeed.

>> No.4072944
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Fuck moving out of the ATL, I'll make it big selling dope.

>> No.4072951

Of course, the white reaction to this doesn't help either.

>Look at that black kid
>He's speaking normally
>Doing well in school
>Plans for the future
>Lol, stop acting white Tyrone!

>> No.4072954

Not so much of them developing a culture as what I would like to think is the media exploiting their culture into some sort of rebellious phenomenon. They remind me of a black James Dean. Eventually we'll move on to a new subculture being exploited and with current trends it's a more electronica-music, drug taking culture rising up. For christ's sake weed is now legal in some states. How will it make all those "hard nigga thugs" with blunts in their mouths look. They're just law abiding citizens enjoying a good smoke.

>> No.4072955


It's institutionalized slavery, it's like a culture of "come down to our level, don't try to escape, bitch".

>> No.4072962

Yep. My black friend caught a lot of shit for it when he was in middle school and elementary school. Pretty sure he's at least an aspie, so being a hood doesn't really come naturally to him.

>> No.4072964


>> No.4072968

>Live in fucking Maine
>White people everywhere
>Never really worry about immigrants
>Get a job bussing tables at a restaurant
>Owned and managed by Dutch folk
>Chef is Belgian
>Line cooks are Jamaican
>Hostess is Thai
>People ask me what my accent is

And suddenly, I'M the outsider.

>> No.4072969

Do we REALLY need to go through this again? Read the fucking thread.

>> No.4072977


This is a sociologically recognised system, you know.

>> No.4072978

I really wish the stormfags would stay in /pol/ where they fucking belong.

>> No.4072984

You must be new here

4chan has always been racist

>> No.4072988

Thanks for the link, interesting that the Filipinos of all people had the phrase that most accurately described the situation.

>> No.4072991

please fucking school me, champ...

>thinks snacks was a stickythread on /ck/

>> No.4073874

>Look at where all the hard work got a lot of Asian American families.

You mean becoming doctors instead of working less than minimum wage jobs?

>> No.4073877

>it's only racist when white people do it.
Fuck off back to reddit, racist scum

>> No.4073881


dude, do you live in fresno?

>> No.4073882
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I find it terribly ironic that Americans continue to complain about the mexicats while they're actually the only people working real jobs in the entire country.

>> No.4073883

That is exactly what I meant.

>> No.4073896

it may be different where you guys live, but i live in fresno, california, and white people are literally the minority now.

at my current job as a cook, the kitchen has a full time staff of 6. 4/6 are mexican. The other white guy is an aspie and just sticks to himself int he corner and washes dishes while talking to himself. the mexican guys are cool and all know english fluently and teach me things here and there about how to say different things.

the thing with fresno though is there are so many non bilingual immigrants that 80% of food service jobs (outside of fast food chains which are manned by the white teenagers or middle aged black people) are hispanics who will work for less. the 20% are the white or super whitewashed bilingual people that are in management positions and have went to school.

my situation is this: stay where i am making 11 bucks an hour forever and hate it, find another job as a cook making less money and liking it, or taking out 30k worth of loans and wasting 2 years in culinary school to earn 12 bucks and slowly work my way up to managment.

i'm rambling.
tl:dr fucking businesses take advantage of the immigrant population, fucking society puts an emphasis on college degrees, and i'm stuck in the middle of the two

>> No.4073919

>have a degree
>manage children because I'm a trained classroom teacher
>have transferable skills from degree
>try to get manager position
>can't get it because I don't know spanish
>some other incompetent fuck that can't even cook and do the proper procedures gets it instead because he's a spic

>> No.4073924

>being white male


>> No.4073930

>talking to that hispanic guy
>you can't understand at all what he says
>you just smile and nod

>> No.4073941

I know this feel

>> No.4073960


>tell story about being a little shit
>thinks the reason he got fired was because of being white

It was probably because you're a shit.

>> No.4073976

>baww I can't comply to job requirements baww evil spanish speaking people taking muh jerbs

Just learn Spanish. It's an easy-ass language for an anglo. Hell, do something even better and throw away that useless asswipe degree and start a business of your own.

But no, people like you are more likely to "Occupy Tijuana" or some other bullshit rather than apply yourselves.

>> No.4074046

Except all that hard work ethics doesn't get passed on. The younger hispanics are both shit at work and shit in school.

>> No.4074050

If the languages are so learnable due to similarities then why can't they learn English?

>> No.4074069

You should be the one to do extra work because you already have White Privilege. It's only fair.

>> No.4074073

But I'm not white. Also I had to learn English. Too much effort for Mexicans?

>> No.4074087

studying is hard when you work 80 hour weeks

>> No.4074088

0/10 get the fuck out

>> No.4074101

That's what you get for hopping the fence!

>> No.4074102

Central coast?

>> No.4074105

Probably. He probably doesn't even get Roundtable Pizza!

>> No.4074247

OP here, I live in Frenso, California, this is the Sweet Tomatoes on Fresno Street near Herndon. How unlikely and yet likely at the same time?

>> No.4074250

Poster of >>4072730, yes, I am an unfortunate Fresnan.

>> No.4075230


ha random. fuckin small world. fresno isnt horrible, but yeah full of chains and beaners.

i actually live off maple and herndon.

me n eds HAS gone downhill! i'm glad someone else notices it too. tahoe joes isnt horrible, pismos grill is pretty good but pricey, full o bull is awesome, qn4u sucks anyways im glad it closed down.

check out the black guy who barbaeques off clovis avenue at the cheveron way out past the airport. best bbq in town.

anyways i'm rambling from excitmenet of meeting another fresnan online. it IS super hard to get a food service job here. but sweet tomatoes sucks anyways. if you have anyexperience at all table mountain pays well and makes some decetnt stuff. check out belmont country club, copper river country club, some of the retirement (not convalescent) places have food service fairwinds at woodward park is one of them. theyre never hiring since their so small but cracked pepper, campagnia, lela's and trelio are always good to bug.

whatever you do dont spend the money on the IOT culinary program. it's 32k and every single graduate ive met from there sucks

>> No.4075328

>going to Panda Express
>never been before
>get stressed out in new restaurants especially ones with lots of options
>lady behind counter can barely speak english
>can't understand her
>say aloud "i don't understand what you're saying"
>my friend interprets her poor english
>pay and sit down
>friend calls ME an asshole

>> No.4075354

Affirmative action for you

>> No.4075401

I live in a town that's going through an immigration explosion of Koreans and Mexicans.

I feel daily guilt that I've not kept up with my Spanish as I should, though I stumble through it when speaking to the two Mexican women that work with me at my job at a sushi/hibachi restaurant.

Honestly, the way I've gotten close to Koreans is through the food itself. My fellow coworkers are so ungrateful when the chefs cook food for the entire staff to eat before we open. Some of it is so good that we should put it on the menu as a featured entree, in my opinion. All the cooks want is a simple "thank you," or an acknowledgement of an ingredient in a dish.

I also love pickled and fermented things, which relates to Korean dishes. And fish. I get free sushi just because I appreciate the fish so much. Thank God I grew up on the coast.

If you live in the US, try to speak with your coworkers. They are probably stumbling through the English language as well. Stop being an annoying prick and admit your ignorant to the language--I sure as hell am.

Though I'll admit, Korean is a fuckton harder to learn than Spanish. Even one damn word...

>> No.4075403

Yeah and I bet at the time you were a punkass kid still living with your momma, and the guy needed to get back on his feet.

I'd hire felons over kids any day.

>> No.4075499

>wanting to hire a felon
Never forget