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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4072233 No.4072233 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, I finally decided to make some homemade hooch for extra cheap. I was inspired by the pomegranate that turned into wine when I forgot about it for a month or so.

Pic most definitely related. I bought a quart of apple juice, added 3 cups of sugar, a tablespoon of dry active yeast, and covered it with a balloon.

Can't wait to see how this turns out. Any of you guys ever do something like this?

>> No.4072242

No. buy my roommates are hipsters that microbrew shit beer.

>> No.4072249

I've made some damned fine hobo cider that way.

Next time use brown sugar instead of white, and add cinnamon, clove, nutmeg and allspice to it. Apple pie cider.

>> No.4072251

jenkum thread?

>> No.4072263

>look up jenkum
>urban dictionary is top link
>look at defintion

I no longer wish to consume my hooch.

pfft, I'm doing this because it's cheap as fuck and can reach 12-14% alcohol. If you get some super charged yeast or whatever online, you can hit 20%+.
Sounds good. I figured I would start at the bare basics and go from there.

>> No.4072283

good plan. nice thing about homebrewing. The only limit is your imagination.

>> No.4072314

You were supposed to poke a small hole in the balloon.

I made some ghetto wine recently out of grape juice, tastes like grape juice and sourness.

>> No.4072317

I haven't seen that instruction anywhere. That would prevent it from being air tight....

>> No.4072343

Doesn't have to be air-tight, just not "open" to the elements. You don't want random microorganisms to infect your fermentor. A pinholed balloon provides a positive pressure airlock. lets CO2 out and keeps out the fungus, wild yeasts and other bacteria

>> No.4072361

Since you're making the cheapest shit, make sure you siphon out all but the bottom inch, filter several times, freeze-crush-collect liquid-repeat a few times, and flavor with some lemonade mix or something.

When served ice cold it will be... palatable

>> No.4072369

Well I like watching it inflate, so I'll keep it the way it is for now.
That's the plan, I'll have to look up freeze crushing though....I was just going to decant it a couple times.

>> No.4072383

Just throw it in the freezer, it will come out like a slushee.

I just used a sieve and a fork over a bowl to start trying to get all liquid out as I could.

I did that over the course of two days just freezing, crushing, refreezing, and so fourth until I got sick of it and decided to start drinking. I've heard that it ruins the flavor to freeze it, but who cares, it's going to taste like old liquid bread anyway.

>> No.4072389

Sounds more like that would separate the alcohol from the liquid versus filtering out the yeast.

>> No.4072390

It'll be a bit sweet, but not unpalatable.

>> No.4072393

Yeah, that's the point.

It should be filtered before you start doing it.

>> No.4072394

By the way, I'm one of the guys making fun of you in the other thread. Think nothing of it, just good fun....for me at least.

Eh, I'm ok with it being lower proof. I might rethink that if it ends up tasting really horrible.

>> No.4072397

Is the freezing really necessary? I'm pretty lazy and just want to get drunk. Can't I just siphon out the liquid part and drink it?

>> No.4072401

From what I've read in this thread, nope. Just filter out the liquid and drink.

>> No.4072407

Just filter and drink, you'll be fine. better to bottle and age for a while though.

No worries. I'm laughing my ass off.

>> No.4072427

I've aged beer and whatnot before, but never homemade cider. You don't need to do anything special I'm assuming?

>> No.4072432

Any tips for brewing mead for the first time?

>> No.4072443

I wouldn't call what I'm making cider. Sure it's apple juice fermented into alcohol.....but in such a hooch sort of way. Apple hooch is the proper name I think.

>> No.4072447

Nope. Age just like beer.

also, be sure to use enough honey. I go with 12-15 lbs for a 5 gallon batch.
Mead yeast loves a mildly acidic environment, so add a bit of citrus juice to your fermentor before pitching your yeast.

>> No.4072450

umm...that's cider. Apple hooch is cider that's been cold distilled into applejack.

>> No.4072461


Ghetto Cider then? That seems like an appropriate name for this.

>> No.4072468

Hobo Cider is what we called it. There's a visual recipe pic floating around. gimme a minute and I'll dig it out.

>> No.4072478


Unrelated question, anyone else getting a temporarily offline error on the main page of /ck/?

>> No.4072483

Never mind, it's better now.

>> No.4072490

Crap, I can't find it.

sorry man

>> No.4072496

That's alright, it can't be too different from apple juice + sugar + yeast. At least I have the preferred nomenclature down.

>> No.4072501


So I decided to google image search that term as well.

Fuckity fuck I forgot one of them ponies is named that.....and I had safe search off. Blunder of the century.

>> No.4072510

About how long should I wait before killing off the remaining yeast and filtering it? Or should I just let the yeast die off on their own and then filter it?

>> No.4072528

neither. Once the balloon stops getting bigger (3 or 4 weeks) bnottle the clear portion of the cider and age in a cool, dark place for a couple of weeks.


Sparkling cider.

>> No.4072537

What if I just filter and drink it? I know it won't taste as good, but I'm just going for quick liquor here.

>> No.4072550

that'll do you. beware the fruminous fusil though.

>> No.4072557

>fruminous fusil
The furious and fuming flintlock musket?

>> No.4072568

fusil = fusil oil = methyl alchohol

Makes for a NASTY hangover. common byproduct of fermenting fruit (especially grapes) and distillation, aging helps to get rid of them.

>> No.4072583

> dry active yeast
seriously? like fucking bread yeast?
thats gonna taste like ass

>> No.4072588

Yep. I've heard some don't mind the flavor, but some hate it.

I'm not really doing this for flavor as of right now.

>> No.4072597
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>not brewing your own jenkem


>> No.4072603

Please, stop making that comparison. It really is quite revolting.

>> No.4072646

It really is.

>> No.4072662

If you REALLY want quick boozahol, mix 6 cups of sugar in 1 gallon of water and add a 1/2 cup of lemon juice. Mix thoroughly and pitch the yeast. Allow to ferment for 30 days, then siphon off and drink the clear part.

This is effectively rum. Weak, funky rum, but rum.

>> No.4072663

Anyone else do a ghetto brew like this? How did it turn out?

>> No.4072668

Shouldn't need to ferment quite THAT long. Like 5-7 days is what I'm reading everywhere.

Also, apparently you can buy some super yeast or whatever that'll do it in 48 hours.

>> No.4072686

You can, but it tastes like COMPLETE ass. it's the stuff distilleries use to make high proof mash out of corn to distil into booze.

I have and it turned out pretty good. I used proper cider yeast though. I once used baker's yeast to brew up some ginger beer. it tasted....OK. a little doughy, but palatable.

>> No.4072701

With the amount of sugar I put in (3 cups) do you think it's possible the yeast will die from the alcohol content getting to high before they die from running out of sugar?

>> No.4072765

I certainly hope so. Otherwise all you'll be left with is a very dry, flat tasting liquid that feels acerbic on the tongue and has little taste.

However without testing the juice you used I can't tell you what amount of sugar you should use.

Also, baking yeast is NOT the heartiest of yeast species. The best you can hope for is about 8-10% ABV. If you used a Super High Gravity Ale yeast or Champagne yeast, and you kept a slow feeding cycle, you could easily go as high as 14-30%.

>> No.4072779

Yeah, I know. I plan to see when the yeast starts to die off from alcohol content, and then I'll filter and "enjoy."

>> No.4072789

Also, the layer of yeast at the top is growing quite quickly. You seen in the first picture how it's above that first groove in the bottle? Now it's pretty much at the bottom of it.

>> No.4072807

This guy says true.
It won't ferment if you keep augmenting the pressure inside the tank

>> No.4072836

It will actually. The balloon will relieve a lot of the pressure, and the CO2 acts as a buffer against oxidation.

flocculation (the "die off") of yeast is NOT a sure sign of the cessation of fermentation.

Stick with age. It's highly unlikely that any fermentation will last longer than 4 weeks.

>> No.4072917

I have a semi related question. I made some mead about a year ago and I was told to age it. Problem is that I aged it in the garage and my garage is not insulated. It has been in the heat of summer and has gone through at least 2 freezing winters. The question I have is the mead still good or should I toss it.

>> No.4072929

What % of alcohol would you expect it to be in 5 days or so?

>> No.4072941

not enough to get a nigga drunk

>> No.4072985

From what I'm reading, it varies widely, but you can have a fair amount of alcohol per ounce in just 5 or so days. Pretty much you wait for the yeast to settle at the bottom. Then you filter, and sometimes fermentation continues.

>> No.4073076
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Iz dat sum Jenkem?

>> No.4073092


>> No.4073119
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i knew i saved this for a reason.

>> No.4073128

I hate you guys.
I never needed to know that was a thing.

>> No.4073146

I will never understand why people do this. Booze here in Canada is at least 2-3 times the price that it is in the states, and still, even at my poorest, lowest points in life, I have never-ever considered making this stuff.

>> No.4073147
File: 11 KB, 350x262, polls_pruno_3842_234930_answer_2_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wizzup /ck/

check out my sack of toiletwine

when i get out in 6-10, imma hook you foolz up

>> No.4073150

I really don't understand this. Even on 420chan I still don't get this.

>> No.4073174

>nasty hangover

it makes you blind then kills you, hardly a hangover

>> No.4073187

I'm making mead. I racked it after two months, and sampled it. It tasted ok, besides the yeast which were still growing. But holy shit, I had some strange dreams that night.

>> No.4073191

Welch's frozen grape concentrate, sugar, and yeast. I let it sit for 7 days. It was definitely drinkable and got me drunk.

>> No.4073195


If you do it as a hobby it can be nice. I don't do it myself but my mom made wine, not to save money but like I said, as a hobby. Better than anime, at least.

>> No.4073197

>I will never understand why people do this.

Because alcoholics like the fact that a gallon of drinkable alcohol can be made for under $5

>> No.4073250

You're dense as fuck. Dosage, man, dosage!

Alcohol will get you drunk and then kill you by that logic.

>> No.4073270

Are you supposed to mix the ingredients?

How long do you have to wait?

How the fuck do you get an inflated balloon on there?

>> No.4073271

ive tried this, altho i did manage to create a small amount of alchohol after fermenting it this way (yeist, fruit , sugar, baloon , bottle etc) it tastes really slimy and gross , got me barely buzzed before making me throw it all up. would not try again

>> No.4073286

The balloon inflated due to gas created by the fermentation of alcohols. It creates pressure in the closed environment and thus the balloon expands

>> No.4073291

>Are you supposed to mix the ingredients?

Think about that question for a second.

>> No.4073601

Did you separate the yeast?

>> No.4073606

You pretty much wait for the yeast to sink to the bottom and then freeze kill any remaining yeast and filter it out.

>> No.4073608

If you are underage, poor, or want to try making it yourself, this isn't a bad idea.

>> No.4073612

>3 cups of sugar
jesus christ... does all booze take this much sugar?
that's repulsive, no wonder drinkers get so fat!

>> No.4073618

The sugar doesn't stay in the mixture, it gets eaten by yeast. The reason boozers get fat is that a gram of alcohol contains 7 calories, compare that to the 4 from a gram of protein or carbohydrates. You get 9 from a gram a fat though.

>> No.4073620
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>> No.4073621

it's like science

>> No.4073622


Watching the yeast grow is pretty cool as well. It's like a lava lamp, but with really small bubbles. It starts off like the discolored (not the white area) layer at the top in the picture, but it has spread throughout the whole bottle now. The yeast particles float down from the top as bubbles of CO2 rise to the top.

>> No.4073644

actually alcohol turns to sugar in the bloodstream, and youd get fat from it because it cant be used for muscle rebuilding after breaking it down, its a carbohydrate but an almost useless one, so youll get some energy from it but then it just kinda sits around in your body as your body tries to use other sources of fuel for it's functions

beer drinkers are usually the ones with huge pot bellies after years of abuse because they eventually have to go through dozens of cans just to feel the effects. and it sits there waiting to be used but the body would rather feed off the food youve eaten that day instead

>> No.4073646

That sounds about right.

>> No.4073688

So I poked a little hole in the balloon to create that positive pressure whatever, it's working great. The balloon inflates to a certain point, at which the hole opens up to let out the gas.

This has allowed me to get a good whiff of the mixture.

Holy shit, it smells amazing.

>> No.4073728
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Sorry folks, sex and life called me away.

Dunno. it may have weathered the fluctuations well, or else it may have been rendered into undrinkable plonk. Open that shit up and have a taste, it's the only way to know for sure.

NEVER throw out free booze.

Not enough to bother drinking, mayhap 2-3%

Until recently, I could make better beer than I can buy. And now that I can't, I'm motivated to up my game so that I can make better than I can buy again. Curse you Duchesse du Bourgeone! Curse you Arctic Devil Barleywine!

Straight methyls WILL kill you and make you blind. You know what the neutralizing agent for methyl alcohol is? ETHYL alcohol (the stuff that gets you drunk). You know what the side effect of neutralizing methyl alcohol poisoning is? NASTY FUCKING HANGOVER.

If you REALLY wanna have strange dreams, add a handful of sweet gale to your secondary. It's an herb that promotes lucid dreaming.

Actually it CAN be used for muscle building, but who gets drunk and then works out? Also, research indicates that it's not the beer that gives you the so-called "beer gut" but the proximity of drunken people to cheap, fried, fatty foods.

Friends don't let friends drink and eat deep-fried twinkies wrapped in bacon.

Congratulations OP, you are now a Man and a home brewer. just wait until you step up to making 5 gallon batches. Or 10 gallon batches. Or until you build your own semi-automated brewrig.

>> No.4073737

It's ok, I was gone for hours as well, I had to sleep.

I'll scale up production once I have more time and space. Until then, I'll sample some of my sister's creations. She's made beer, blackberry wine, and blueberry wine.

>> No.4073754

Good deal OP. Welcome to the wonderful world of fermentation enthusiasts.

Damn! Is your sister single? How does she feel about whiskey?

>> No.4073757

She is both a lesbian and in a long term relationship, sorry.
Getting her a 5 gallon carboy for x-mas.

>> No.4073763

Well fuck. Oh well. Good call on the carboy. consider also the corny keg as a possible gift.

>> No.4073860
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I have been fermenting stuff since forever.

However sweet gale promote lucid dreaming? How much do you need? What does it taste?

>> No.4074052

Bump, I want to talk to more people who brew at home, no matter how simple or how fancy.

>> No.4074116

>Actually it CAN be used for muscle building, but who gets drunk and then works out? Also, research indicates that it's not the beer that gives you the so-called "beer gut" but the proximity of drunken people to cheap, fried, fatty foods.
No you get fat from all the calories from drinking far more liquid with lots of calories you wouldn't have if you weren't drinking. Beer gut though is caused by constantly over-eating and over-drinking making your stomach to stretch to be able to handle how often you are constantly filling it past it's normal size.

Try to down 12 cans of any liquid without hurling. Than remember how many times you knock out a 12 pack in a few hours.

>> No.4074220

Yeah, I've started doing this stuff too, although I've been using glass carboys, rubber stoppers, airlocks, and wine yeasts. I've just started a gallon of 3/4 concord grape juice and 1/4 pomegranate juice.

I also distill (when I made a thread mentioning this I got attacked over legality). I've made moonshine, and I plan to make brandys in the future.

>> No.4074249

Hey co/ck/ sauce,

I'm looking to make some hard apple cider. I have some unpreserved non-alcoholic apple cider in a 1 gallon glass jug, what steps do I need to take in order to cider-ify it.

From what I understand I have to add yeast & sugar and allow it to ferment and then rack it, but I'm not sure about specifics. Can anyone fill me in on the processes?

>> No.4074259

Just a tablespoon or two in a 5 gallon batch will do the trick. No noticeable flavor in beer, not sure about mead.

Liquid only stays in your stomach for a few minutes to an hour or two depending on how much absorbent food/dairy you have in there. Most people will vomit from over-drinking (fluid consumption) before they start stretching their stomach from liquids. I've only know one person to kill multiple sixers in a sitting. most folks drink a handful of beer then go piss it out.

It IS illegal. but fuck it. so long as you're not selling it or making massive amounts of the stuff, you should be OK. I've been interested in distilling myself.

>> No.4074270
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what part of the plant? could you be more specific...

>> No.4074277

OK. dissolve 4 cups of brown sugar in 2 cups of apple juice. Mix the sugared juice with another 9 cups of juice and then add to the glass jug.

Pitch your yeast and cover the top of the jug with a balloon. Poke a hole in the balloon. Store in a cool dry place (closets or a pantry work well).

When the balloon ceases to inflate and the must ceases to bubble, siphon (rack) the cider off into a pitcher or another jug, add any spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice) adjuncts (sweet gale, sliced apple, marijuana) and more sugar (brown sugar, honey, caramel). Cover the jug with a new balloon and puncture it.

When the bubbling stops, siphon the CLEAR portion of the cider into bottles and cap, age for 2 weeks to carbonate, or drink right away for still (uncarbonated) cider.


>> No.4074278

It's the leaves. You can buy the dehyraded stuff online or at your LHBS.

>> No.4075321
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i was always a real poorfag so i would just get a huge ass container with juice and suger with yeast and wait for about a month or two
pic related

>> No.4075324

>mfw sound advice

>> No.4075326
File: 11 KB, 250x250, 1355461103565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you don't have a face

>> No.4075343

FUCKING THANK YOU! I've been looking for that infographic for three gods-bedamned days.

>> No.4075346

I did exactly this recently.
> Only let it ferment a month, should have gone longer I think.
> Result was very drinkable.
> really sweet and apple-ey but too weak I thought.

>> No.4075348

btw my "airlock" was two napkins covered in plastic wrap rubber banded to the top of the bottle

>> No.4075364

That's a more than adequate airlock. For more fun, Don;t pitch the yeast. Instead leave out a couple of cups of the must in a bowl, covered with a couple of layers of cheesecloth. When it starts to smell "funny" add it to the fermentor. This is called "wild brewing" and uses the yeast and other organisms in the air to ferment the cider. It can produce some truly funky flavors, but it can also produce some wonderful ones as well.

Sour beers? caused by lacto bacteria. That weird flavor that belgian beers have? Caused by Brettanomyces bacteria.

I head about a woman who brews her own beer using her vaginal yeast.

>> No.4075366
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>mfw I dont have a face

>> No.4075410

Now I'm always going to wonder what beer brewed with vaginal yeast would taste like.

>> No.4075487

Probably a little fishy

>> No.4075488

It probably tastes a little fishy.

>> No.4075534

>making these dodgy backyard spirits
>not in prison or elsewhere that you can't get booze
>risking methanol poisoning, infections and whatnot
>just want cheap booze lel


>> No.4075635

"Good to see that whatever board you have a look at, you still know you're on 4chan."

By the way, what gives the vagina a fishy smell is not yeast, it is Gardnerella vaginalis. And not all pussies smell like fish.

>> No.4075670

OP is back!

The foaming has finally died down about 1.5 days in. It's still bubbling away, but foam layer is only on the very edge of the bottle and is quite thin compared to earlier.

Still smells good, but less like apple juice and more like yeast.

I'm 20, so I can't get booze normally. Making my own instead. Also, I just like making things like this. I've done naturally fermented pickles before as well.

>> No.4075690

>can't get booze

holy shit I forgot you americlaps cant buy piss until 21

that must be balls

>> No.4075695

It is. Thankfully, my parents generally agree. However, I'm living on my own right now, and I'm socially......afraid, so no booze for me.

>> No.4075784

OP clearly wasn't distilling.
>methanol poisoning
Well, maybe if he was brewing with certain fruits, i.e those high in pectin or gets incredibly unlucky.
Generally speaking, easy to spot, but probably the riskiest part.
Personally, I haven't had any infections doing somewhat larger brews (23L), and haven't heard of any that weren't caused by a slip up in sterilising practices.

>> No.4077814

Point. There are NO bacterial or fungal infections that can survive in fermenting beer that can harm a human. It might make the beer taste like the piss from a dead man's ballsack, but it won't HURT you.

Well, damn OP, that blows goats. Good for you making your own.

>> No.4080095


>> No.4080107

Well if you really want an update...

Yeast has settled to the bottom, still bubbling and inflating the balloon though. Very little foam on top now, but it's still cloudy.

Going faster than expected.