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4068868 No.4068868 [Reply] [Original]

I always get heartburn from fried fries. I hate it because i love them.
What does your body do after consuming certain foods?

>> No.4068877

i get the shits whenever i eat mushrooms
egg nog also makes me have painful shits
and apples make me fart but i think that happens to everyone

>> No.4068884

Yeah, apples are about 75% air. You either burp or fart. Or both if your lucky

>> No.4068886
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A part of sweating a lot when I eat too spicy food, I never get any side effect from any food.
And I've tried my fair share of weird things.
Even sundried lama meat didn't give me the tourista.
But that's probably because I'm french and that I've lived in Japan for several years.
All the cheese and weird algaes have probably turned my intestines into a bunker full of deadly bacterias.

>> No.4068893

>fried fries

>> No.4068904 [DELETED] 

>Yeah, apples are about 75% air. You either burp or fart. Or both if your lucky
You don't actually believe this do you?

>> No.4068920

i get headaches from mashed potatoes.

>> No.4068934

A glass of apple juice I had at disney world made me almost shit myself.

>> No.4068935


Was it due to the price or actual illness?

>> No.4068939

Something was wrong with the juice. It was at some princess breakfast so I was waiting for others to get out of the stalls while trying not to shit myself in front of somewhat attractive women in princess gowns.

>> No.4068963

MSG gives me headaches and palpitations. So no ramen for me. Also, no Chinese anything. Thank God I can still eat Thai food.

>> No.4068991

vicious stomach ache after eating most citrus fruits or apples

I don't know why; my body can't handle the acid or something like that.

>> No.4069001

I think everyone who doesn't eat super spicy food everyday gets the sweats of it.

>> No.4069003

prove me wrong.

>> No.4069007

Blue cheese makes me vomit almost every time I eat it, even if it's in a dish.
It's a shame because I really like the flavour.

>> No.4069010

>implying Thai food doesn't have MSG
I mean... it doesn't have too... but nearly every mae puts a bit of it in everything she cooks.
Source: grew up down there.

Maybe Thai restaurants in America or Europe or wherever you live don't use MSG (and that would explain why I don't like it as much as home cooking and why I don't go out to eat Thai, ever), but I don't know any Thai to not use it.

>> No.4069011 [DELETED] 

>apples have lots of air so they make you burp and fart

Sound logic there.

>> No.4069057

>prove me wrong

Look up the nutritional analysis for an apple here (Apple, raw, with skin):

Notice that per 100g of Apple there is 85.56g of water. Thus, an apple is 85.56% water. That means that even if we assume that the ENTIRE rest of the apple is air (no fiber, no sugar, no vitamins, no nothing) the maximum amount of air that it could possibly contain is about 14 percent.

>> No.4069072

The spicy chicken sandwiches from Chick Fil A always makes me take a horrible, gigantic dump by the end of the day.

I love the food though so I don't mind it.

>> No.4069077

Tea and Red Wine give me headaches that pain killers don't fix.

>> No.4069084

Dairy makes my farts deadly. If you could contain my cheesy/milky/yoghurty farts and use them as smoke grenades, you'd own the world.

>> No.4069105


araesch assort

>> No.4069112
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>mfw you're lactose intolerant

>> No.4069239

I heard that certain fruits and vegetables are easier to digest, so they push any air in your system out faster. To be honest I only heard of it happening with salads, but maybe apples are doing it too.

>Or maybe I have no idea.

Anyways, OP poptarts sit in my stomach for hours like shards of sickening glass.

>> No.4069292

All's I know is I've never had a problem after eating Thai.

>> No.4069296

>The sauce on big macs always makes me vomit.
>Bagels make my sugar drop something horrible.
>Red wine gives me awful migraines. Generally, most booze gives me an awful headache if I don't drink until I'm drunk.

>> No.4069316

There's this one local sandwich shop that has the best fucking club grinders I've ever tasted in my life. They go through me like a greased-up skinny guy through a waterslide though, less than 5 minutes after eating one I have to take a monster shit.

>> No.4069320

Tomatoes give me a runny nose.

>> No.4069325

I get really groggy and sleepy after drinking coffee. It's like my body just ignores the caffeine and thinks drinking a hot beverage = naptime.

>> No.4069466

Avocados make my mouth swell up.
Mountain Dew gives me gas.
Those Brandy Beans things make me vomit even if i have one.

>> No.4069513

Do you get the same reaction with tea? Because I do...caffeine that isn't accompanied by the ton of sugar knocks me out.

>> No.4069532

that is really weird. never hear that before.

>> No.4069536

If it's hot tea yeah, but cold tea wakes me up (just for a little bit, then I go right back to where I was before I drink it)

>> No.4069546


MSG has been conclusively proven to not give people headaches or palpitations. If anything, you've developed a false sense of anxiety at from the anticipation of eating food you believe to contain MSG.

>> No.4069565

bananas give me a weird itchy feeling in my throat sometimes after eating them.

>> No.4069579

Does it happen with any other kind of fruit? You might have oral allergy syndrome.

>> No.4069862

Nope, just bananas for some reason. It's not anything serious, it's just annoying.

>> No.4069991


>Eating chemicals is OK because studies funded by chemical companies told me it's OK!

Just like all that research in the 40's that said smoking was good for you, right?

Just like all that research in America that says HFCS is the same as sugar and mutant-DNA foods totally won't cause cancer, right, right?

End Foodchem.

>> No.4070015

Corn Flakes make me need to shit. Every time.

>> No.4070046

After eating pretty much anything deep fried, I violently throw up and my stomach hurts so bad I cry and can barely move. Of course I can't get into a GI doctor until January 17. And that appointment was made about a month ago.
Whenever I drink hot drinks like hot chocolate or mochas, I get a terrible stomachache and the shits.

>> No.4070049

I get sick from eating fast-food fries and most burgers.

Not in a 'they taste bad' sort of way, but in a 'my stomach will invert itself' kind of way.

>> No.4070055

Maybe you got the kiddy apple juice, which is loaded with tons of sugar.

>> No.4070057


dude MSG and products containing it are found in damn near every asian kitchen, and they aren't keeling over and dying. holy shit, even mayonnaise in Japan contains the stuff. Are you honestly saying that Japan has an unhealthy populous?

Your HFCS/sugar argument is silly, since fructose is chemically a sugar. I think you'd better learn some basic science before you start trying to argue with it. Otherwise you're basically just

>those evil corporations, man! Like, dude, we totally gotta rage against those companies! Stop being a slave to the corporate overlords, man!

>> No.4070121

Well since its the Christmas holidays Evan Williams Eggnog is being sold and it is delicious.

The next morning I am usually cramping for 2hrs and making constant trips to the toilet. Not fun. Not fun at all.

I love cereal but cannot use regular milk due to the *sprays* later (mainly use vanilla almond milk now). Weird thing about it I can eat a metric ton of cheese with no problems at all. Go figure.

>> No.4070174

That'd be the tarantula eggs hatching.

>> No.4070182

Red wine makes my poo black. Carrots give me nice big smooth healthy poos.

>> No.4070191


Yeah, Monsanto's business practices ae shady as fuck, but the whole point of GMOs are to prevent bugs from killing crops WITHOUT pesticides. And the enhanced growth/nutrition is kind of necessary since we have to feed 7 billion fucking people. Even if GMOs did give you cancer (which they don't), the other option is letting half the planet starve/die of malnutrition where they wouldn't live long enough to get cancer anyway.

Meat hormones and preservatives are another matter but don't be hating on GMOs if you don't understand them beyond Wikipedia and Oprah-mom scaremongering.

It's like trying to explain evolution to a Texan, Jesus fuck.

>> No.4070194


That's not weird at all. The problem is lactose, which is a sugar. The sugar is consumed in the process of making the cheese so none is (usually) leftover.

>> No.4070195

I remember doing that when I went to disney world when I was like 7. I still remember Ariel being a fucking hottie.

>> No.4070197

Hey thanks didn't know that.

>> No.4070202
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I have this weird thing where if I drink liquor, or more than a couple glasses of wine, or a lot of beer (but it has to be quite a lot, but for some reason, non American beers don't take as much), where my face feels all flushed, I get kind of dizzy, and in general, feel silly. People tell me I act dumber then too, but I feel like it makes me feel really smart at the time.

It's fucking weird, but I don't actually mind it.

>> No.4070224

So you are a silly drunk?

>> No.4070234

If I eat something that has chicken or beef broth/fat in it, I get violent heartburn and explosive Mexican tapwater shits (been veg for 8+ yrs so not terribly unusual, but still a nasty surprise at times)

Wicked heartburn and bile burps (though very rarely full-blown vomiting) from too much hot drinks. Soup, as long as there's something non-liquid in it, is fine, but I avoid taking more than a few sips of coffee and tea at a time because of this.

Popcorn gives me dry heaves and hiccups, not sure why. Not giving up my fucking Smartfood though I avoid popcorn in movie theaters so I'm not HEEEE-UUUUURRRP like an asshole every few seconds.

I randomly developed a peanut allergy when I was 17. Took me a while to realize what was causing it, but my esophagus swells shut when I eat more than a few bites of something with peanut in it. I can breathe ok, but can't swallow my spit at all and if I try to take a sip of water or something to wash it down I just puke. But since it doesn't want to come up (being swollen partly shut by this point) it's a huge production of loud gasping, heaving, and not much coming up. Think watching a cat cough up a hairball. Once that subsides it's only a matter of time before the violent shitting starts.
Fucking immune system, I just want some goddamned Reese puffs.

>> No.4070236

What is a drunk? I told you, when I drink liquor, it makes me feel weird. Like, all dizzy and shit.

>> No.4070242


> nor frying fried fries

please, enlighten me, friend. How do you fried your fried fries?

>> No.4070245

>> protip for any eurofags here - try to get yo self some Love Hearts candies from Swizzels Matlow.

A roll costs less than an euro and lasts through 15-16 heartburns. Also, they are delicious.

>> No.4070248

>drink alot of beer (non-domestic usually more alcohol %)
> drink 3 or more glasses of wine
> drink liquor

My guess is like what >>4070224 said...you are drunk.

>> No.4070252

what the fuck is drunk

>> No.4070272

Red wine gives me horrible headaches about 25mins after drinking it. No exceptions. Even if it's one sip. Toasts are the bane of my existence.

Someone I worked with told me it might be a reaction to "sulphates" but I dunno. That sounds like a weird fakey thing to have a reaction to and I can guzzle white wine like there's no tomorrow (which there usually isn't if I drink more than 2 bottles)

>> No.4070277


inebriated: to make drunk; intoxicate.

>> No.4070284

a LOT of people struggle with this. It might even be a latent migraine. Be thankful it wasn't something worse - like leprosy.

>> No.4070297 [DELETED] 

Lots of red wine makes me short of breath the following morning. Pretty sure it is GERD, because some foods trigger heartburn and if it is really bad I get short of breath.

When I was younger I drank tons of red wine, but now I can't have more than a couple glasses. Just doesn't sit well with me.

>> No.4071235

Pho makes me feel bloated as hell after, always.

>> No.4071239

As far as digestion goes, I just can't stomach fried food anymore. Let me some terrible oil aftertaste in the mouth for hours and I feel like I'm passing some burning acid through my intestine until I shit it out.

>> No.4071243

>the whole point of GMOs are to prevent bugs from killing crops WITHOUT pesticides.

More like the point is to not have to use pesticide because the plant create it itself.
Supposedly safe for us but really creepy in concept.

>> No.4071244

>Carrots give me nice big smooth healthy poos.

Carrots are really low on fibers they don't make shit smoother at all, unless you usually have some bad diarrhea problems.

>> No.4071279

Wrong, 100g of carrots has 3g of fibre, most of it soluble

>> No.4071281

lel food is made up of chemicals, better not eat it!

>> No.4071288

Whenever I eat cookies, cakes, etc, there's about a 60% chance I'll end up with severe intestinal discomfort, constipation, and eventual diarrhea.

No clue what causes it! It's really annoying, though.

>> No.4071297


i've been that way for years. just get some adult diapers and tell ppl to fuck off.

>> No.4071303

Eh, I could deal with constipation and diarrhea. They're not that inconvenient for me... It's the horrible intestinal cramps that get to me. Feels like I'm trying to pass fireballs through my bowels.

>> No.4071314

Onions make me fart

sure I also fart after eating beans;
but its the worst after digesting some onions

after two hours;...the wind blows-...
which is sad because I actually like onions

>> No.4071317


>> No.4071320

Yeah that's what I'm thinking. Don't know for sure though. Haven't seen a doctor in 10+ years.

>> No.4071324


errbody farts, even pretty girls.

do it like the vietnamese: turn your ass towards someone and smile as you launch a bomb. most people love it.

>> No.4071950

My eyes hurt because onions

>> No.4072151

me too. what the fuck are silphates?

>> No.4072211

Sulpher Dioxide, and red wine has less than white wine. So it's not those.

>> No.4072237

Sulphate.... SO4 2-

Often meant when talking about it, substances which has active ends with sulfate, for example tensides (common in wine, part of the bitter/tart taste).

>> No.4072297
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well today has been particularly bad, as i sit here, butt-blasted, waiting for the inflammation to die down so i can go have a cigarette.

yesterday i ordered myself 6 extra spicy tacos for lunch (mexican not taco bell) after not eating much for a few days and followed that up with half a medium roundtable italian garlic supreme for dinner when i realized i didn't have anything to eat at home. and i washed that down with half a bottle of black label and a giant shot of cointreau (don't judge me) and about 4 beers.

this morning, in my first few minutes of consciousness (5:30), i found myself on the toilet (squatting on the pot, as usual), spraying out liquid chud mud. it burnt, quite badly. after two cups of coffee around 20 minutes later, it was right back on the toilet. luckily i had time for a nice, ass-cleansing shower before work.

a few hours and a cup of coffee later, back in the john at work, same as before, vile smelling, thick, brown, vomitous black liquid, squirting out, each with a fart of it's own (for all in the office to hear).

using my best judgement, i had a spicy chicken burrito for lunch. i usually only eat half and save the rest for later, but for some reason pounded down the whole mother fucker today. after about 30 minutes of severe belly pain, my abdomen was communicating with me again.

>it's time

hardly any came out, and at least it's solid now, but i had to wipe so much that there was blood on the toilet paper. i thought maybe rubbing some "soothing aloe" lotion on the paper and applying directly to the hole and surrounding areas would help.

it did not.

so yeah.. eh.. that was my day so far.

>> No.4072320
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>> No.4072342

Coffee and chocolate make me sneeze. Eggs make my stomach hurt really bad then I have to shit and hour later.

>> No.4072349

lol it's so funny cause I made a judge face right when she said big shoot of Cointreau and she.perfectly predicted my reaction.

>> No.4072363

I've tried applying aloe to an area that burned, but was also bleeding.

Full of regret. I proceeded to apply benzocaine.

Ok, it was my armpit. I sweat a lot, and tried shaving my armpit hair once. I tried using my electric shaver......yeah that just rips out long hair. So I had my armpit hair ripped out and was bleeding.

>> No.4072370

spicy shit makes me shit water the next day most of the time but not always, I still douse hot sauce on just about everything as I've deemed it a worthy trade.

lactose intolerant, so more bad pooping accompanied by awful bloating and farts that smell worse than baby shit

>> No.4072371

I always make sure I don't have any plans the next day when I choose to go to my local mexican restaurant down the street.
I can eat anything spicy and be fine, but if it contains jalapenos I will be shitting liquid fire the next day. Habaneros don't affect me that way, and I don't get it. The awful part is how much I love jalapenos ;_;

>> No.4072466

most people are. if you get gas from dairy you are lactose intolerant.

>> No.4072472

this happens to me too. i was confused for years(dont give a fuck i love them)

this happens because the bananas are unripe. i always thought i was allergic.

>> No.4072474

it wouldnt be necessary if we didnt feed most of our produce to livestock. damn this board is really uninformed about shit.

>> No.4072476
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who told you GMO food is safe? because this rat may feel otherwise.

>> No.4072499

GMO have been around since the 1800s. Mendel did it. Every fucking farmer with an orchard did it. Get over yourselves.

>> No.4072500


yeah you can totally trust the results of the study that didn't actually make the full data available for peer-edited review, that's not shady at all!

>> No.4072543

since then fertility has gone down and cancer has skyrocketed. im not seeing your point here.

>> No.4072552

>implying monsanto isnt shady

suit yourself. id rather not take the risk.

>> No.4072553

Yeah, because something that is poisonous to one species is automatically poisonous to all others. Just like how dogs can't eat chocolate or turkey and neither can we!

>> No.4072575

>this corn is bad for rats

>> No.4072849

didn't say that. I said that just because it's bad for rats, doesn't necessarily mean it's also bad for humans.
>plebs can't into reading comprehension

>> No.4072871

try drinking a glass of milk before or after
>stomach acidity

>> No.4072963

spicy foods give me the hiccups
ketchup gives me wicked bad heartburn
This cereal that had yogurt bits in it gave me so much gas I was farting every minute for hours on end for a few days before I realized what was causing it. luckily they were odorless.

>> No.4073122

Bananas always made me cough after eating them.

>> No.4073508

Rats are prone to tumors. You could feed them organic heirloom shit and they'd still get tumors.

>> No.4073523
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Insta headache.

>> No.4073527

What. The. Fuck.

>> No.4073743

What is that? i have never seen it before. Real beans or some weird kind of candy?

>> No.4073746

Well, looking at the picture, they are candy coated peanuts.

>> No.4073821

When I eat too much sugar it feels like my cheeks start to sweat, like around my cheek bones.

>> No.4073843

I've had Chrohn's disease since childhood so everything i hate turned to concrete in my guts. I had my colon removed a few years ago, you guys have no idea how big a relief it is never to have to take another shit again in my life

>> No.4073845

You'd think i'd be able to spell it correctly by now

>> No.4073870

Unless its a gluten sensitivity and that's how his body responds