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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4067988 No.4067988 [Reply] [Original]

So, anyone got stories to share about summer camp and how shitty the food was there? I've got one for ya.

>10 years old
>Spending my summer as a scout at a piece of shit camp called Camp Kidney
>the server at the cafeteria is this ultra-hippy who considers all non-organic, non-vegan food to be the work of the devil
>served disgusting as shit tofu dogs every Monday
>at one point, he had three campers help him out making tofu dogs, but he ended up flipping his shit and leaving camp for a few weeks, during which said campers took over the cafeteria and served the most delicious hot dogs ever
>had an entire fucking fridge full of soda (even though that's also of the devil) that, for some reason, he had a security system set up just so he could keep campers away from the very thing he despises
>any time this was brought up, he would incessantly shout, "SODA IS FOR LOSERS!"
>scoutmaster had to go on a diet to gain weight
>when he went to the cafeteria to bulk up, he informed the hippy that he was trying to gain weight
>hippy flips his shit

>> No.4067994

>going to get lunch one day
>all that was for lunch was a plate of raw fucking broccoli, nothing else
>ask for dressing
>spritzes it with water, yes, FUCKING WATER
>those campers that made Hot Dog Day bearable go up to get their lunch
>them being imaginative, they imagine the upright broccoli sprigs to be a miniature forest and start making up scenarios of woodland critters in the broccoli forest
>flips his shit again and serves them a reconstituted meat product in a can
>them being imaginative, they use it more for play than food and craft some pretty neat stuff out of it (even crafted a little meat man which the campers idolized for a brief period)
>those three were never seen or heard from again after the Meat Man incident
>all the campers assumed Meat Man got them

That's my two cents. To be fair though, the hippy did teach that one douchey kid anger management one day, and it seemed to work, if only briefly. Still, worst cafeteria ever.

>> No.4068013

is your name lazlo?

>> No.4068025

You know, now that I think about it, that's the name of one of the kids who was never seen or heard from again. How on earth did you figure that out?

>> No.4068033

I'm just thankful I was in the scouts. You had to bring your own food/fish for it or you'd starve.

>> No.4068069

>go to a school camp
>preparing to go hiking
>we prepare a meal
>two pork sausages on potato slices, with pumpkin and carrot between the sausages, all wrapped up in aluminium foil
>go on trek
>stop for lunch
>place aluminium foil wrap on top of a piece of wood above the fire
>wait around 15 minutes
>take it off wood
>unwrap it
>it's fucking amazing
Try it sometime

>> No.4068091


>> No.4068146

>mfw I worked a couple of summers in a camp kitchen

Fuck the day one of our carts decided to loose a wheel as I was bringing out sloppy joes. Whole pan of sloppy joe mix on me, the rest in a pile on the floor, and we have only two pans of the stuff (small service that night)

The boss sees it, closes the kitchen door, and just scoops it back into the pan, salvaging it.

Don't even feel bad because fuck those kids

>> No.4068169
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>thing at summer camp where they encourage each table to finish all the food on their plates
>for no other reason then to say you're in the "clean plate club"
>supposed to be like "only get as much as you need!" not "we'll endlessly serve you chicken nuggets!"
>one kid far too overzealous about it
>eats the bowl of ketchup with a fucking fork
>mfw wanting to vomit

yes the ketchup was in a bowl, no idea why