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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 87 KB, 500x333, beers[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4062945 No.4062945 [Reply] [Original]

/ck/, I just cannot get into beer. People drink this shit all the time, but it's sour and nasty.
I really want to, though. I want to be able to crack a beer and share with my girlfriend, not mix two rum and Cokes.
tl;dr: How do I learn to like beer?

>> No.4062947

>tl;dr: How do I learn to like beer?

Work 12-16 hour shifts at a job you hate.

>> No.4062950

try drinking beer.
yes, i know you said you tried already.
that wasn't beer, that was pisswater.

>> No.4062958


If you think the beer you have had is "sour" then never go into wilds, well certain wilds.

What beers have you tried and what do you want in a beverage?

>> No.4062961

I've tried non pisswater beers, though.
I've tried Anchor Steam, Guinness, Red Tail, Fat Tire, and the shitty American mass-market lagers, like Pabst and Coors.
Nothing stuck. I get about halfway through the bottle and stop wanting to drink it. It's like cold coffee.

>> No.4062963

Start on light stuff like corona with lime, I guess.

You may never get into it. Beer usually DOES taste bitter and like mouldy old grains... many people like that while others don't.

Practice might not make you enjoy the flavour more than your girly drinks but you'll get used to it. With a little luck it'll start to grow on you.

The main appeal for many people is that it's cheap, not too sugar-packed, easy to drink a lot of, and for some reason unlike mixed drinks and spirits - if you get really sick from beer you're not put off for life.

>> No.4062968

I bet you drink tea and coffee with cream and sugar, don't you sissyboy?

but really, it's just not your thing, let it go. rum and coke makes me feel like puking on taste but the sharp bitter tangy flavor of beer is really appealing to me. I also like bitter black coffee and only eat savory food, it's just a taste thing.

>> No.4062973

Coffee is sugared, tea is always plain.

I do like gin and tonics, though. That's not a girly drink, right?

>> No.4062983

If you answer: >>4062958

I can try to help. Also, where do you live.

>> No.4062987

You will probably learn to like it sooner or later. I never liked the taste of vinegar until I was ~23. Now I enjoy it more often than not.
Be sure that the beer is cold.

>> No.4062989


maybe you just don't like beer. Some people don't.

I'm a beer fanatic and home brewer. I hate whisky though. I'd love to be classy as fuck and sip on a glass of scotch, but I just can't stand the taste of whisky of any kind. Maybe you're like that with beer

>> No.4062992

Try more types of beer. Beer varies widely in flavor.
I personally can't fucking stand wheat beer, malt beer or most forms of pale ale, but I consider few drinks more reinvigorating than a nice cold stout.

>> No.4062995

What's with the different tastes in alcoholics though? I really enjoy good vodka but I find martini or rum absolutely disgusting.

>> No.4063001

why not get hard cider OP
comes in individual bottles, no mixing required, no beer taste

>> No.4063006

It never used to be but girls are trying to make it a girly drink these days. Still safe though, I think. It seems to just be any kind of mixed beverage that could be construed as a rudimentary "cocktail" which people see as feminine.

>> No.4063008

It's an acquired taste, OP.

>> No.4063019

You can wean yourself onto whiskey. I did. Start off with a whiskey liqueur like Drambuie first... start with ice, then less ice, then You'll eventually enjoy it alone. Then go a little stronger like Jim Beams Red Stag.

Remember, though it's frowned upon by some pretentious cunts, ice helps a lot. One thing whiskey snobs DO do is add a splash of cold water to make it more palatable (unless its like really prime stuff)... which makes turning their noises up at ice seem hypocritical to me.

>> No.4063022

I'll second this one. Not many beers I enjoy particularly but a good stout is amazing.

>> No.4063027

lrn2 Lambic

>> No.4063033

There's a reason for that though. Ice closes up the flavor and smell of the whiskey. This makes it easier to drink, but you don't really taste nearly as much in it as you would if it were room temperature. You add water (usually also room temperature) in small amounts because adding water actually brings out more flavors that would otherwise take a long time of sitting in the glass to develop. Whiskey, being high in alcoholic strength and generally aged a fair while, can be quite 'closed' when you first pour it, especially if it's a new bottle; water will help open it up. It can also cut the burn of alcohol and allow you to taste things beyond that, which is very helpful if your whiskey is cask-strength- these can run 50, 60, even 70% alcohol so a splash of water to tame the burn and release the flavors is generally necessary.

>> No.4063043

that goes for any food/beverage. people don't get that uppity about the temperature of, say, beer... people are always raving on about ice cold beer.

>> No.4063048

If he's complaining about sourness, real lambics aren't up his alley.

>> No.4063056


that's because some beers taste better ice cold, usually american craplager

The people who insist on beer being ice cold do so because the beer they drink would taste like shit if it got warm.

>> No.4063061

Just do not force yourself to like it. If you do not like it despite having tried it several times, it may not be for you. If you feel you just have not tried enough to get the full picture of all the different beers out there, then go to a Total Wine and try assembling a six pack of all different types and styles. It took me a while before I found out I did like beer, it just took going through several different styles over a couple of years to really appreciate beer as a whole. I am a bit of a beer snob as a result, but I do not see this as a bad thing. Just means I want actual taste in my alcoholic beverages.

>> No.4063062

True, cold does limit the flavors you get from anything, but that happens to varying extents depending on what it is you're consuming.

Also, they might get 'that uppity' about the temperature of beer if it cost them what a bottle of good whiskey costs... and on top of that, part of the purpose of beer is to be a refreshment, which to me (for a drink at least) means that it should be at least fridge-cold, whereas whiskey generally isn't something you drink for that reason.

Nothing against beer, I love both, but they're meant for different things.

>> No.4063067

I recently had a Sam Adam's Double Bock at both ice cold and a good deal warmer. It was still delicious, and despite myself always preferring beer on the cold side it was quite refreshing when it was warmer

>> No.4063099


Genuinely good beer tends to be.

The warmth allows the complex flavors to come through.

When I was new to drinking (as in, too young to buy it for myself) and drank shitty beer, I was grossed out by the idea of warm beer. Then when I got older and turned into a beer snob, I realized that good beer actually tastes better warm.

Heck, a lot of really good beers have recommended temperatures on the label

>> No.4063130

Help me /ck/ I used to Drink real ales all the time and loved it. Then one day i just couldn't anymore and having a mouthful of that brown nectar makes me want to vomit. I want to like ale again!

>> No.4063174

Eat something with your beer, like chicken. Also, try some easy to drink beers like honey lagers.

>> No.4063211

I'm guessing you were mostly drinking English bitters and brown ales? That seems to be most of the "real ales" I remember seeing when lived over there. Try a different style. Or find a good beer shop with some American microbrews, you should find more variety that way.

>> No.4063252

how about trying light beer?
yeah it's more expensive and mostly of them are pretty much watered-down beer, but that might work
also you can try drinking it while eating
or, you can mix beer with something, salt and lemon are good options too get used to the taste

>> No.4063334
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This was the beer that got me to love beer. Well, this and Newcastle.

>> No.4063386
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its really simple op

step1. stop being a little faggot

step2. enjoy beer/the full range of your palate

>> No.4063388

Why force yourself to drink a beverage that's expensive compared to juice, milk and soda?

>> No.4063416


Try more lagers and pilsners, and drink em on a hot day in the summer.

>> No.4063732

just keep drinking it, make sure it's always cold, and take your time if you have to.

I don't know anyone who loved beer from the start. It's definitely an acquired taste. Harden the fuck up, son.

>> No.4063756
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>I really enjoy good vodka

>> No.4063757

the taste of beer is something you get use to.

after 3 of them, you dont give a fuck what it tastes like anyway.

if you really want to try to like it, just force your self to drink it. you be come accustom to the taste. and you should be able to toss em back like nothing.

not trying to make you an alcoholic, just saying you can make your body do whatever you want if you just make it. or just drink whatever you enjoy and say fuck it.

>> No.4063773

Living in Rural-ish England i have about 10 Local breweries near me so I've always had access to alot of variety. I don't know I just seem to have made a complete U-Turn on my liking of it.

>> No.4063786

I never liked beer until I tried Duchesse de Bourgogne, a Flanders red ale from Belgium. I became I big fan of Belgian ales, and slowly came to enjoy more types of beer. Maybe you should try a Belgian.

Of course, at the end of the day, if you don't like beer then you don't like beer. I don't like lemons. I don't think I'll ever like lemons, which is a shame because I love sour tasting foods. You don't have to like beer.

>> No.4063807

Try Cider OP.
It's kind of hard to find in America in comparison to beer so choice will be limited but I'd recommend

Angry Orchard (the blue kind)
Woodchuck Amber

All of these are meh ciders but will most likely be the best available in most liquor stores.

>> No.4063814


>> No.4063827
File: 105 KB, 300x321, 4935-are-you-serious[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you fucking serious? Strongbow's a watered-down, sweetener-poisoned piss of an excuse for an alcopop only dumbfuck poor-ass hipster britfags drink. GTFO cunt.

>> No.4063831

I started drinking beer on Pyramid apricot hefeweizen. Thankfully I have since moved on.

>> No.4063836


what the fuck is wrong with your tongue?

>> No.4063848

all of those are shit

get Rekordelig, Kopparberg or Bulmers (in that order).

there might be better, but i havent tried one that is better yet. they should be available in any liquor stores.

>op hates beer because its "too sour"
>/ck/ suggests cider instead
>what the absolute fuck?

>> No.4063851

that's what my mexican roommate says when he tries my dark beers.

>> No.4063852


>> No.4063858

you should first work on being a real man first OP
beer is probably the least of your troubles

>> No.4063863


I know these are shit ciders but in many places in the US you cannot find good cider and these tend to be the best of a bad bunch.

If you had read my post you would have realised that.

>> No.4063870


Magners is a top quality cider, would certainly have it above Bulmers.

>> No.4063878

ah, i always get the two confused

Magners it is

>> No.4063919

Pretty much all food is better with a beer as a drink.

>> No.4063926

OP try Paulaner Hefeweizen Dunkel

>> No.4063935

Listen OP. Just gotta stick with it.
Hell, from 17 to 18 I went out and about every week getting drunk in light beer, and I fucking hated it. Around 18 I switched to dark beer and it improved. Then I tried a fucking stout and I never knew a beer could taste this good.
God damn I'm going for one right now.
You just gotta find what works for you, most of my drinking buddies can't stand any beer that's dark. I've got another friend who hates all beer and just drinks straight vodka.
Find your thaaang

>> No.4063950

That is just odd. I have yet to have any beer that is sour. Just varying degree of bitterness.

>> No.4063953

I don't know, OP. The first time I ever drank a beer, I liked it. I was as surprised as anyone, because the smell made me think I'd hate it, but there you go. Loved beer ever since my first swig.

>> No.4063954

There are definitely sour beers. They're usually reds/oranges or certain types of IPA, though, in my experience.

>> No.4063998

I hate regular pale pissbeer, but I love belgian tripel.

Also, a weissbeer on a cold day is great.

>> No.4064016

Guinness isint beer, its stout. and its not for everyone.
Ale is heavy, if your sissy pants cant hadle larger at the least dont try ale.

Find a good larger and stick with it.
Im a cheap ass irish dumbfuck so i drink anything. stop being a baby

>> No.4064021

I forced myself to drink beer when I was 15 because it was the only alcohol that was available.

Eventually i learned to tolerate it, then liked it and now I fucking love beer.

>> No.4064042

Practice makes perfect my friend. When you start at 14-15, you'll have mastered the art at age 18. keep in mind it's easier to get used to by drinking it a lot when you're younger, but you might all of a sudden like it when you're older.

>> No.4064045

Boy do I hate when people refer to alcohol consuming as "art" or some other pretentious crap. Consuming something isn't art by its very definition. Especially something pleb like beer.

>> No.4064089
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>Guinness isint beer, its stout
>implying stout isn't a type of beer

>Ale is heavy
>all ales are the same

>Im a cheap ass irish dumbfuck
Whelp, you're one for three today buddy.

>> No.4064104

beer is just very low class, thats why it tastes like piss, its what the peasants drink every day to remind them how shitty their lives are and to give them motivation to move up in the world so they can enjoy nice spirits and fresh drinking water.

>> No.4064107

I'm going to try beer for the first time. What's a good beer to start on?

Located in Ontario, Canada.

>> No.4064108
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Fucking shut the fuck up op

>> No.4064112

Try something sweet

>> No.4064115

Thanks OP now I feel like having a beer

it's only half pas one though and I'm not an alcoholic

>> No.4064120

Take it from a guy who considers beer to be a food group in its own right, as important as fucking bread:

If you don't like beer, just don't drink it. It's as simple as that. If you are really, really looking to get into the taste, try a few steps:

1. Stay away from stouts, ales and other "heavy-bodied" beers. (Same goes for Weißbier and heavily malted beers) - Those are the more acquired tastes, nothing for "teh n00bz"

2. As a consequence of "1", try mild lagers or even light beer. While most of them consider those to be watered down piss (to which I heartily agree), they're easier to palate than the heavy hitters.

3. If you can't even stand those, there's still hope. Mix the beer with Sprite (or other lemonade) to make "Radler" (also goes with soda water). Usually you'd go for a 2:1 or 1:1 ratio of beer and juice, but you can add as much lemonade as you want. Try to slowly but surely wean yourself from the lemonade. At some point, you'll like the beer on its own.

4. Still not convinced? Try to get your hands on a light Weißbier (not a dark one - German beers like Paulaner Hell work fine. Stay away from Schneider Weiße) and mix it with coke as described in "3". Stay with that drink, slowly change to either a "Russ" (Weißbier with lemonade) or a "Radler", proceed like in point 3.

>> No.4064122

Mah nigga

>> No.4064125

Also, try Dos Equis OP. It is Mexi beer but it is mild enough and the lime flavoring masks the beer taste. And it actually tastes decent warmer.

>> No.4064146

Stout is a style of ale, which is one of two categories of beer. The other being lager, which is differentiated entirely by the behavior of the yeast (lager yeast being "bottom fermenting" and ale yeasts "top fermenting").

You're a dumbass, and that idiotic British English differentiation between "beer" and "ale" is fucking retarded.

>> No.4064148

go to several local breweries. ask for a sampler, most breweries do something like this. if you cannot find a single beer that you like then beer simply is not for you. don't try and be forced into liking beer because it is a 'manly' drink.

some beers i genuinely like
Sam Adams Winter Lager
Woodchuck Hard Cider
Heineken(only freezing cold)
Killians Irish Red
Local brewed reds
Cherry Choke Wheat(probably the single best beer i have ever tasted in my life). it was sold at a small brewery in montana or north dakota, it was right on the border so i can't remember which, and they only sold it in the pub. no taking growlers out, not even a single glass in a growler. the shit was that good and in that high of demand by the locals and any tourists that stop by

there are several other beers that i will drink but i dont necessarily enjoy them. beer really isn't for me but i have still managed to find some that are pretty good. also try going to germany or belgium, their beer was godlike and i remember 0 names of any of them

>> No.4064153

Also, Guinness is not a heavy beer. It's the lightest stout I can recall drinking, really more akin to water than it is to, say, a New Holland Dragon's Milk or a Bell's Kalamazoo, which are far better representatives of the style. Even Furthermore makes a better Irish Dry Stout (their Three Feet Deep) than Guinness' poor attempt.

>> No.4064155
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>mentioning Heineken
>taken seriously

>> No.4064158

I hate most beers but I really like Kirin. I've heard that a lot of people who aren't into beer like it as well. Give it a try. It's pretty different than most of the more popular beers I know.

>> No.4064161

Is it acceptable to like those cheap 3.5% lagers? Can it be even considered beer?

>> No.4064165

To be fair, he did say "only freezing cold". Presumably Heineken's not bad if it's cold enough that you can't actually taste anything.

>> No.4064168

Lager is a type of beer, and 3.5% just means it's a session beer. If the taste is decent, there's nothing wrong with that. If on the other hand you're thinking of Carling or Miller Lite, then yeah, that's shit.

>> No.4064171

Rather than make a new thread I'll post here and see if I can get any replies

I'm 20, turning 21 soon, in the US. I've never really been a big drinker, mostly because of being shy or too lazy to get someone to buy alcohol for me. But, I recently tried some real beer and quite liked it, unfortunately I don't remember what it was. I tried a light one and a dark one and enjoyed both of them.

What are some good beers to start with? I'm sort of intimidated by the beer section at my grocery store; is it just like the cheese section where I go and just start picking up shit and eventually find ones that I like? Any recommendations?

>> No.4064183

The best way to do figure out what you like is OP's pic. Find a brew pub in your area and ask for a sampler flight. Most brew pubs should do one. Some will do one free on your 21st. Usually that'll give you 4-10 pretty diverse styles of beer in small quantities.

>> No.4064196

> Get a demanding job or education
> Become manly
> Go to bars and/or pubs
> Enjoy your beer.

>> No.4064198

Okay my last post was a bit trollish, but also somewhat true.
However; learning to drink beer is probably just by starting at the bottom with lighter, but not crappy, beer. If you're American I don't know if there is much hope for ending up liking 'actual' beer, but the girly beers like Budweiser and Miller should be pretty easy to adjust too.

>> No.4064294
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Educated yourself before you keep embarrassing yourself like this.

>> No.4064353

And what is the problem? You think he should drink Bud?

>> No.4064354 [DELETED] 

>drinking beer is manly

The marketing works well on this one.

>> No.4064357 [DELETED] 

>yfw American website
>yfw #5 only has 44 votes
>mfw I am not sure what you are trying to prove

>> No.4064358 [DELETED] 

>Educated yourself before you keep embarrassing yourself like this.
>Educated yourself before you keep embarrassing yourself
>Educated yourself before you
>Educated yourself

>> No.4064359


America has the best beer in the world

>> No.4064361

I think suggesting Americans have little hope of drinking "actual" beer (whatever that is) is a claim that might have made sense 30 years ago but holds very little water now given that we have more 3,000+ microbreweries operating in the US now. Sure, some of us live in areas with little besides Bud or Michelob, but we don't ALL live in Sister-cousinbumfuck, Alabama.

>> No.4064362 [DELETED] 

Based on your exceptional unbiased sampling?


>> No.4064363


>has never heard of a typo or brain fart

it happens to everyone you fucking fucktard

actually calling him out on that makes you look like an idiot

>> No.4064364
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>> No.4064367 [DELETED] 

We also have lots of good restaurants but people seem to like fast food a hell of a lot more...

>> No.4064370

I'm 27 and i can't take the taste of any alcohol, it just tastes disgusting i don't get how people can drink it.
I consider my self lucky to have this natural defense.

>> No.4064372 [DELETED] 

The Brewers Association reports that as of August 6, 2012 there were a total of 2,126 U.S. breweries, with 2,075 considered craft breweries (97 percent). (1,195 Brewpubs, 790 Microbreweries, and 90 Regional Craft Breweries) in the United States.

So more like 790.

>> No.4064376 [DELETED] 

There are benefits to drinking alcohol, so I would not consider yourself lucky.

The world, as a whole, would benefit if alcohol as a beverage ceased to exist. However many more individuals enjoy it than those who abuse it.

>> No.4064377

Get european Budweißer. Its the shit!

>> No.4064381

>There are benefits to drinking alcoho
Like what exactly? And skip the one glass of wine a day propaganda.

>> No.4064382

My bad, I got my number from a recent episode of Basic Brewing Radio. Still, 2,000+ (rolling in the brewpubs and craft breweries because they're effectively the same for the purposes of the current conversation) is nothing to sneeze at.

>> No.4064393
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An excellent libation my good sir. The Duchesses is my second favorite beer of all time. The only thing better is Midnight Sun Brewery's Arctic Devil Barleywine.

>> No.4064399

This is a problem I have with drinking beer. All the parties I went to had straight liquor and not beer. So I came to love vodka and whiskey.

>> No.4064402
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>> No.4064407


PBR, OP. that's all you need to no. ignore the plebs in this thread who wont you to be hipster.

>> No.4064415

Dude, WTF, over? ANYONE can learn to like beer. Advising someone not to drink it after trying a half dozen SHITTY examples is an example of asshattery at its finest.

1 & 2. Stay away from ESBs and IPAs sure, but stouts and ales and malty beers? Are you daft? Malt is what makes a beer taste sweet! What, you WANT to drive OP into bitter, sour, watery pilsners and light flavorless lagers? Scottish Wee Heavy ales and good cream or oatmeal stouts are fantastic beginner beers BECAUSE they're so malty.

3 & 4. OK, radlers are a decent way to start, I suppose. Coke mixd with beer is better IMO (and is called a "Shandy" FYI).

>> No.4064423


How about this OP, tell me what flavors in general you DO like. Sweet, bready, sour, bitter, spicy? What?

>> No.4064429
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>Stay away from Schneider Weiße
you are the worst kind of person
sad thing is, you're probably right

>> No.4064431


well, he does have a point.

and Schlitz for god tier, PBR for angelic tear.

>> No.4064433
File: 38 KB, 604x453, NotSureIfTroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schlitz? PBR?

pic related.

>> No.4064437 [DELETED] 

>Coke mixd with beer is better IMO

>> No.4064440


ppl have different tastes, nerd boy.

>> No.4064443

That is, IMO, a Shandy is superior to a Radler. I only like Radlers made with a VERY dry hef. Just My opinion though.

>> No.4064445


>> No.4064447 [DELETED] 

A shandy doesn't actually involve Coke.

That would be god awful

>> No.4064462

Hmm...checking wikipedia tells me you're correct. A Shandy does NOT involve Cola. Must be a regional thing here then. Cola and ale is referred to as a shandy here and is quite good.

>> No.4064468

Try some Becks, Stella Artois or Staropramen.

>> No.4064471 [DELETED] 

I have only had it with ginger ale when I was younger. Haven't had one in like 15 years.

>> No.4064475
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How do I learn to like beer?

>> No.4064476
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>Stella Artois

>> No.4064477

You get drunk and then drink it when you can't taste for shit anymore.

>> No.4064480

im in the same boat as you, coke and rum was actually my go-to. try to find a beer that looks like in genuinely taste good to you, i know it might sound crazy. dont just think "i bet this beer doesnt taste like shit, ill give it a go". everyone told me to start with lighter beers like coors/bud/corona, while those are easy to put down without a terrible aftertaste. the most delicious beer ive had so far was a double chocolate stout, cant quite remember the maker of it but im sure you can find a very similar thing if you are near a decent liquor store. its a lot darker and stronger, but i think beer is all about the mindset you have when you go into it.

>tl;dr - find a beer that YOU think will be satisfying to you and try it. there are plenty of different beers out there, you are bound to enjoy one, just gotta find it.

>> No.4064483
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>being this autistic
Alcoholism is shitty, but most people are entirely capable of drinking in moderation, and most people even find it fun! The fact that they find it enjoyable might even be why they do it!

>how do I into going out with friends

>> No.4064487

youngs possibly.
Heavier, soupy beers are fine things.

>> No.4064512
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It's a lot like love, just keep trying. If it doesn't catch, at least you get your dick wet.

>> No.4064525

lager is the only beer I really like. ales and stouts don't do it for me, and I suspect if you're not into lagers, then you definitely won't like ales or stouts, so leave them out for now

I suspect your problem is you're expecting it to taste 'nice' in the traditional sense, when it really is not, especially when you're starting to drink it. most people will not be able to explain why they like drinking milk for the same reason ... its just nice because its nice. the unusual taste of beer is the reason you can keep drinking it (try drinking 10 pints of coca-cola in one night)

as for generic beers, personally I think most people are too harsh on the old pisswater beers. sure they're not great in terms of quality, but so what??? most are still palatable and enjoyable drinks. just like a mars bar is still a nice bar of chocolate, pisswater beers are still nice to drink

>> No.4066202

Perhaps OP has such a fine palate that he's picking out citrus notes others miss.

>> No.4066319

I think the differentiation is between "beer" and "lager" at least that's how they do it in peep show

>> No.4066323 [DELETED] 

Bud light is weaker. Start there.

>> No.4066329

Weaker translates to "more bitter" in my experience. There aren't any other flavors going on to counteract it.

>> No.4066375

You have two choices, OP

>Be just another guy who enjoys a few beers.
>Be the sophisticated manly man guy who prefers to sip on scotch. Maybe take up cigar smoking too.

>> No.4066404
File: 40 KB, 352x288, Image001 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>manly because sip hard alcohol

>> No.4066409

That's not manly. That's trashy. There's a big difference.

A manly man would only do such a thing after having a very tough day, one featuring many action scenes.

>> No.4066412

>implyign i dont nearly die daily at my jerb

>> No.4066418

Well if it's nearly daily, then you should be used to it and go back to sipping.

>> No.4066421

Does /ck/ brew?

>> No.4066424

From what I've seen, /ck/ makes wine, beer, mead, whatever. Haven't seen any liquor distillers yet. I'm sure there are plenty though.

>> No.4066435

Cool, just brewed a partial mash Sierra Nevada Pala Ale clone that's just started primary fermentation.

>> No.4066485

I lol'd

>> No.4068707

the only beers ive tried on that list are Tiger, Carlsberg and Kronenberg 1664.

I like Carlsberg, but i dont think it belongs anywhere on that list. I dont like the other two at all, how Tiger got to 6th is beyond me. It just takes like a generic mass produced Lager to me. Ive had way, WAY better lagers.

>> No.4068709

Drink your piss till you start to like it. You now like beer.