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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4061999 No.4061999 [Reply] [Original]

>go to a taqueria
>white guy is there
>attempts to pronounce everything correctly in spanish
>sounds ridiculous
>taqueria guy responds to him in english
>white guy responds with gracias

Why do people do this? Unless you're very good with the phonology and phonetics of languages, you just sound ridiculous, especially when you needlessly throw in phrases from that language when you clearly don't speak it.

>> No.4062004

It's supposed to show that you respect them and their culture and don't hold ill will against them for illegally breaking and entering into the country and stealing a white man's job.

>> No.4062003

1) white guy didn't know the clerk spoke english
2) white guy was at least trying to speak the local's language

Also there seems to be a lot of advice out there which specifically instructs people to do this. For example, I've never been to France but I've read a lot of travel books and it's ubiquitous for them to recommend that you at least TRY and speak a little French when asking directions, ordering at a restaurant, etc, otherwise you come across as a pompous asshole.

>> No.4062007

Maybe you're a fag. I prefer it when people try to announce words correctly. It shows some effort and some respect for the culture. The main problem is just the awkwardness at trying to pronounce words with overemphasis. It doesn't flow.

>> No.4062008
File: 251 KB, 500x402, absolut_reconquista_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White people are seriously the worst.

They're moving into my neighborhood in droves and it's the second wave now. The "pioneers" have grown up and now it's stupid kids who think that the neighborhood needs to be "cleaned up".

tl;dr fuck white people

>> No.4062011

butthurt low class minority detected

>> No.4062014

>1)white guy didn't know the clerk spoke english
I'm in Vancouver, so unless you're in Richmond eating Chinese, it's much more difficult to find someone who doesn't speak basic functional English.

>> No.4062015

>They keep fixing up and painting their house
>Mowing their lawn
fucking white people

>> No.4062016

>making poor, shitty neighborhoods
>into someplace livable

>> No.4062018

>Maybe you're a fag
I could care less if someone tried to properly pronounce food-related terms in my language - they're most likely going to get it wrong and it will sound off regardless.

>> No.4062022

So you're saying that you, indeed, could care less?

>> No.4062023
File: 13 KB, 199x254, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> they keep changing the demographics
> starbucks pushing out small businesses
> mfw I can't get horchata anymore but I can get ten different kinds of chai tea latte

>> No.4062026

>being proud of living in the dumps

>> No.4062027

Oh god. I remember that. My local grocery store sells those. I should go buy a gallon and drink it, in your name.

>> No.4062031

It's a colloquialism, and you understood the meaning, we both know that.

>> No.4062037

> nasty ass coffee chain automatically makes a place "not the dumps"

This is what daddy's money white girls actually believe.

>> No.4062056

>no horchata
Are you in Mexico? I think that you could easily start a revolution if that were the case. Horchata-less Mexicans are fierce, yo. I'd join you!

>> No.4062065

If people can afford overpriced coffee, the wages there must not be bad. If all you can afford is cheap stuff, the area is poor. If Mexico was a paradise, people wouldn't have left in the first place. No need to bring over your poverty.

>> No.4062083

I don't know.
I speak [old world] Spanish fluently but have a hard time communicating with Mexicans now that I live in the US. Either they can understand me just fine and I can't understand them at all (80% of the time) or I can barely understand them (10% of the time) or I understand what they're literally saying, but not what they mean (10%). I can understand most other Spanish-speakers of the Americas except Puerto Ricans (they sound so vulgar; it's like all they know is the lowest class of street talk).

I went to a Mexican restaurant. Written Spanish carries no foreign accents and rarely swallows syllables, unlike most of the spoken Spanish of central America and the islands, so I had no problem with the menu lacking pictures. I know some Mexican dishes, so it's fine; I'll just pick what I know and like.
Waitress asks for my order and I sigh contentedly; she speaks Spanish without that awful, hard-to-understand Mexican accent! We have a short conversation, she asks me if I'm from Argentina (I'm not) and says she's never met a European before and blah blah blah; very pleasant.
I notice the menu has no sweets options and I like me my sweets, so I ask if there are any. She mentions all these cakes and they sound great. She asks if I'd want something warm, tepid or cold. As it's a hot day, I say that I'd like something cold.
Mistake. She tells me in Spanish what would translate into English literally as "try an Eskimo, what a little grandmother." What? I have no idea what she means; it must be some slang or something, so I just stick with a cold flan.
I later find out that what I've known as 'batido,' a purée of fruits, milk, cream, sugar and ice or ice cream is known in Mexico as 'Eskimo.' Still have no idea what that second part meant; maybe it means "it's really good." No clue.

>> No.4062096


Implying you need to be able to afford something to buy it.

>> No.4062102

>what a little grandmother."
Dude, she was calling you a fag. You shoulda raped her.

>> No.4062105

>Puerto Ricans
Doesn't that make them the most fun, though?

>> No.4062115

So are they going to be a State soon or should we let them go?

>> No.4062121

She was pretty hot, actually, rather unlike all the short, refrigerator-shaped Mexican women I'm used to seeing. Tall, leggy and a nice butt. Her name was Cristina.

>> No.4062135

Not American.
The only reason I mention them being fun is from what I've seen of Puerto Rican parades. Basically, a bunch of vulgar people doing vulgar things...sounds like fun, right?

>> No.4062153

Well since I live in a mainly hispanic area I will order in spanish because about 70% still cant speak english and have no damn desire to do so. At least I pronounce shit right, still say it with my southern accent though.

>> No.4062167

OP here.
This reasoning, to me, is perfectly fine. If there's going to be some sort of communication breakdown because one individual is less fluent/doesn't speak the other language, then go for it. But in a situation where both individuals have one language that they're both relatively fluent in, why bother throwing in the other language? You're already showing that you appreciate their culture by eating there - what does the language add?

>> No.4062177

Oh, I understand.

One reason I have never bothered to learn spanish fluently ( I know just enough to order or ask simple questions ) is because no one uses proper spanish........at this point I am not even sure if it exist. My spanish teacher back in high school even brought this up years ago, he came from chihuahua and he can barely understand what any of the spanish people here are saying because its all slang and broken even more than it is to start with.

>> No.4062199

That's usually how it works unless Mexicans are too poor for Starbucks? Are they?

>> No.4062211
File: 934 KB, 1210x1700, 1306539954150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a mexican i give props to the white guy

americans cant 99% of the time speak languages other than MURICAN

>> No.4062215

I am swedish working in a restaurant in New York focusing on scandinavian cuisine. I find it sweet of the customers when they try to pronounce stuff like "Smörrebröd" and "löksill"(we have everything written in english next to the other word) everyone does it from affection so it's not a big deal at all. pretty much all ethnic places take it as a respectful gesture.

>> No.4062254

You seem nice. OP does not.

>> No.4062272

>memorises how to say "thank you" in exotic languages

>> No.4062273

Why not? Are you rude like OP?

>> No.4062279

Because unless you're travelling to another country or in an area where the individuals do not share a language with you, it's ridiculous.

Why should somebody come up to me and say "thank you" in Arabic when it's established that we both share English as a language?

>> No.4062280
File: 80 KB, 366x478, abuelita-chocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres a nestle brand of "Mexican style" hot chocolate called abuelitas. So maybe its a batido thats chocolate flavored and they use the nestle stuff as a base?

>> No.4062289


it's called "friendliness". look into it.

or keep being an ass. that works too.

>> No.4062290

What resturant do you work in? Is the food good? I've never has swedish food besides the stuff in IKEA and I'de like to try something good.

>> No.4062299


That reminds me to go back there. I don't even look at the furniture.

>> No.4062304

I've heard so much about the food there, I really need to go. I've heard the pizza and meatballs are god. Theres an IKEA like 15 mins from me, I always forget about it.

>> No.4062313

Hrm. This is possible, but I'm nearly certain (this was 6 years ago now so if I misheard, I can't be sure since it's no longer fresh in my mind) that she said "que abuelita."
I do like batido de chocolate, though.
You know what? Now that I'm thinking about it, you've gotta be right. She likely said "prueba un eskimo de abuelita."
But... there was a definite, albeit short and slight, pause between "eskimo" and "___ abuelita" (leaving it blank because I'm not sure now if she said "que" or "de"). I'm not sure, but you're likely correct. Is abuelita-brand good?

>> No.4062320

Why have an entire interaction with someone in English, and then awkwardly use a phrase from their language at the end? It serves no purpose, ESPECIALLY when the individual you're speaking with is perfectly competent in the language you both share.

>keep being an ass
Keep being buttmad.

>> No.4062353

Except we're not the ones angry that someone is making an effort to pronounce words correctly.

>> No.4062355

>mfw I hear azns switch between their native tongue and heavily accented English when speaking amongst themselves.

It's the darndest thing. Are they just trying to be polite to whitey eavesdroppers like myself or what?

>> No.4062361

Not sure what you're getting at (sarcasm or something?), but they're codeswitching, an entirely different subject.

>> No.4062363

I think it's just that some English words creep into the language. Sometimes you say it without noticing.

>> No.4062382


I can't speak for other asians, but people from Hong Kong do this all the time. Cantonese has this bizarre mashup of proper language, slang, and english.

>> No.4062386

Were i live the internet has caused alot of people to use english words in the middle of sentences since they are more familiar with them.

>> No.4062388

Nah, they usually switch between sentences. I mean, I use foreign words when it makes sense too, but I hear complete phrases and sentences in English before the switch back.

>> No.4062393


My monolingual ass feels inadequate.

>> No.4062396

Its ok. I like the flavor better then American hot chocolate but its a bit watery. Then again I'm used to the thickness of spain spanish hot chocolate.

>> No.4062400

> Then again I'm used to the thickness of spain spanish hot chocolate.
Me too, heh. Never had the Mexican stuff. The Italian one is better than the Spanish IMO.

>> No.4062416

> translate into English literally as "try an Eskimo, what a little grandmother."
It's called slang and vernacular, idiot.

>> No.4062421

If you're bilingual speaking to other bilinguals, that's actually not uncommon.

>> No.4062439

It's called "I said that in the post," idiot.

>> No.4062443

Apparently he doesn't care if he sounds ridiculous and just wants to have fun, be courteous, or whatever his motif is. At the end of the day he goes home happy and probably talks about the nice food experience with his girlfriend while you get on 4chan and cry about his pronunciation.

Think about it.

>> No.4062472
File: 113 KB, 502x606, 1297017748362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to locally-owned French cafe place
>Try to order one of the fancy espresso-mocha drinks
>All the names are in French
>Try to pronounce it correctly
>End up saying it in a Spanish-esque pronunciation
>Cashier laughs at me and corrects me with the proper French pronunciation, which sounds nothing like how I said it

>> No.4062497

So? Just go with it. Repeat after them. Learn something. Move on. You'll feel better, feelfaggot.

>> No.4062501

It's called fuck off retard. If you were really fluent you would understand languages hardly make perfect sense when translated to other languages especially when there is slang involved.

>> No.4062511

The French are unfriendly like that even when you try to make an effort so now I just make them speak English to me then laugh at their accent.

>> No.4062513


>> No.4062519

French people are dicks. Fuck them and their stupid language.

>> No.4062551
File: 1.90 MB, 320x200, Cao Caos.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from Hong Kong, we do switch between Cantonese and English a lot, it's probably because the Cantonese word for it is just the English pronunciation with Chinese syllables...or the English acronym or abbreviation is easier to pronounce.
I personally don't like it and try to avoid it, but my friends do that a lot.

And seriously, fuck the French. I have friends who works at the airport at it's always the French people who complain when the domestic flight in China don't have a French speaking crew.

>the waiter's face when I order food at French restaurants but I can't pronounce it so when the waiter comes I just point to the menu like I'm mute.

>> No.4062558

Meh. I'm charismatic due to good social skills, body language and lucky to have an "inviting" face. I don't think I'd have a problem in any related situation.

I also don't apply negative connotations to entire countries of people, because I know that you can find good and bad anywhere. But whatever, live your life.

>> No.4062562

>I just point to the menu like I'm mute

People do this a lot in restaurants for items they can't pronounce. Didn't realize the French thought this was out of the ordinary.

>> No.4063892

French gonna French.

>> No.4063945

Eh, I do that same pointing thing in Chinese, Spanish, Turkish and Russian restaurants, and would do it in so many other languages as well if I just had the reastaurants accessible. People getting feels from something as simple as that is just stupid.

As for complaining about French people speaking French, well, fuck you and the bike you rode in on. People like you would just love for the entire world turning into an undistinguishable grey mass of differenceless little peons speaking only a tidy mangle of Americanized english. Anything is better than that.

>> No.4063948


While not always bad, gentrification can certainly ruin a place pretty easily.

>> No.4063973

People are complaining because unlike other cultures, anybody who tries to converse with them in their language (albeit with an accent), get laughed at in their faces for even trying. Do the think they pronounce words correctly when they speak languages other than French?

>> No.4063981

Stop the wild generalizations for a moment. Stop being a bitch too, what do you think you guys do to Mexicans or Indians when they speak English to you in an accent? Look at the endless numbers of TV shows that pick on Arnold Schwartzernegger's accent over and over and over? You shits just love to live by your own ass-backwards stereotypes, and one of them just happens to be HURF DURF FRONCH POOPLE AR ROOD BECUZ THEY DON'T HAMBURGLAR.

And I ain't needing to even be French to tell you for what you are. Hypocritical, sheltered white cunts with their unfounded white myth of superiority.

>> No.4063986

Yeah, I'm sure the wait staff here makes fun of Mexicans or Indians in our restaurants when they speak.

>> No.4063987

They will laugh at a Mexican if the Mexican tries too hard and speaks to them in Oxford English while still having the "mang" accent.

You just like to pretend French people are horribly rude and mean and bad because it makes you feel superior towards them. Which you in no way aren't, you cultureless whitebread leftover.

>> No.4063990

Sounds like you just made that shit up. Why would a Mexican speak Oxford English instead of the North American English?

>> No.4063992

hahah what. What are you even talking about mang

>> No.4063993

It is a comparison to the "I come to the restaurant and try to pronounce foods properly in French and get laughed at"-whine. The guy sounded like a confused mongoloid, so I used an English-language version of it.

Oh, wait. What the hell am I doing? I'm trying to teach a yank on the internet. This shit's never going to end if I get started on this. Might as well try teaching a stump.

>> No.4063996

Not complaining about French people speaking French, but complaining that THEY complain when they're in China and get offended when WE don't speak French.

>> No.4063994

He saying Mexicans swam to England.

>> No.4063997

Not sure if real Euro rage or just some trolling. People don't get laughed by the wait staff here (not in their faces anyway) because of the tipping system.

>> No.4064015

Oh no! They are asking for service! The rudeness! NUKE FRANCE! FREEDOM FUCK YEAR YOU ES SAY YOU ES SAY YOU ES SAY FREEDOM FRIES!

>> No.4064020

I seriously have no idea what you're talking about. I've never heard anyone, outside of television make fun of someones accent. It's seen as rude and impolite to do something like that. If someone ever were to act that way they would get glared at and called a racist. Maybe it's just the city I live in but, that's how it is here.

>> No.4064068

Don't expect a logical answer from them, if they had to even think about their blatent hypocrisy, let alone admit to it, their tiny minds would surely explode.

>> No.4064085

I always try to talk in foreign language (of the country) if I am abroad. But I know my limits and switch to English if necessary.

Why be mocked for this, I at least try, god damn it.

But I tend to not care so much, so fuck it.

>> No.4064098

I work for a translation and interpreting agency and waifu works as a counter jockey for a hotel. I speak a buncha languages and deal with tourists all the time as does waifu. We have the same consensus about French tourists: they're not as bad as Americans and Brits make them out to be.
As waifu works for the hotel, and I work in interpreting/translation (and therefore I encounter more people that don't speak English and near no English-speaking people). Waifu encounters both groups roughly equally. Without a doubt, Waifu thinks Texans, Australians, Guidos from New Jersey and fat Brits are the most rude, demanding and insulting groups of tourists. The Texans, at least, tip very well, but the other groups not so much.
Second to that, and something we both agree on: Indians, Israelis, Russians/Ukrainians, Iranians/Persians and Syrians/non-Levantine Arabs/north Africans are awful people as tourists. Thankfully, I rarely have to deal with this people as I don't fluently speak any languages that would pertain to them as I specialise in Romantic and Germanic languages.
Just thought I'd throw in my two pennies.

>> No.4064176

Motherfucker you always sound like an ass while learning another language, but you will never learn it unless you forget your pride try. People will laugh at you and assholes will talk shit about how you sound stupid for trying but you never get there without going through those phases.