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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.54 MB, 3648x2736, bread84732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4054114 No.4054114 [Reply] [Original]

it's time vegans had rights, such as the right to eat in a meat-free environment.

just a few years ago, you could smoke anywhere. now there is a stigma against smoking, and it is illegal in most public places. we need similar laws providing meat-free areas in any place that serves food to the public, eventually leading to a ban on serving meat in public. you would still be able to smoke and eat meat in your private home, but even then children would need protection.

each day, more people become enlightened to the cruel nature of the meat industry, and decide to become vegans. there should be a tax on all meat products to allay the cost to the environment and the cost of the additional health care that meat eaters and other obese people will need.

please make this thread a sticky so that the /ck/ community can help others live a better life.

>> No.4054124
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>> No.4054125


>> No.4054133


>> No.4054140

c'mon man, you're not even trying

>> No.4054151
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well, i could have used a gore image to show what happens in the meat factories, but i want to have a serious non-inflamatory discussion.

>> No.4054154

no, you dont

>> No.4054158
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>> No.4054159
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>serious discussion

alright, ill bite. your troll post is flawed because it relies on the premise that you simply want to live in an environment where you won't be harmed or subjected to threatening conditions, such as second-hand smoke.

in the end, you are not personally harmed by meat existing around you, and you only wish to restrict others' freedoms by taking away THEIR rights.

your argument is much to easy to refute, but it certainly does the job of pissing some people off


>> No.4054190
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it is not the same in that respect, no. but we should not allow vegans to be subjected to the sight of meat-eaters consuming flesh. it is known that viewing trauma while eating can lead to digestive problems and thus it is a health issue.

look at it this way: if we allowed canibalism, and the family at the next table were nomming on body parts that were clearly human, then most meat-eaters would agree 100% with my original request.

tolerance is all i'm asking.

>> No.4054197

I feel the exact same disgust while watching emaciated vegans gnawing on their pet food whilst trying to eat - please stop infringing on mah rightz


>> No.4054202
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please be serious. almost all meat-eaters also enjoy vegetables, the same way that cigarette smokers enjoy fresh air.

>> No.4054204

Awww yea another baking thre- ...
god fucking damnit.

>> No.4054205


argh dude you were SO CLOSE with your shitty argument but you failed at the last sentence

>tolerance is all im asking

then tolerate me eating meat
also i have no problemo with cannibalism, why dont you tolerate that too

btw vegans are a bunch of fags and their terrible breath of death and decay makes me sick, which is a health issue

please eat some meat so i dont have to experience your aura of shitgrass wherever you are

every vegan i know has such terrible splotchy skin and weak bones, its horrifying

>> No.4054206


>pls be srs ;-;

>> No.4054209


i excuse your rage because i know that it is not you, but the steroids that you unknowingly ingest along with your meat products.

>> No.4054210


That's not true, you fucking lying sack of shit.

I can proudly say I haven't eat a vegetable or fruit in 10 years and I'm healthier than you.

>> No.4054211

If someone cooked up a person and put it in front of me, I'd try it!

Why are you so bigoted Op? If someone made food for you and it just happened to contain meat, why would you hurt someone by not eating it?

>> No.4054212
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>it's time vegans had rights
Oh my god, I had no idea that vegans were having their rights infringed!
Which one is is? Freedom of speech? right to due process? Are they being tried by a jury of their peers? Are they being denied their right to own firearms? ARE THEY BEING DENIED THE RIGHT TO VOTE?

Please let me know which right they are being denied so we can end this horrible discrimination!

obviously Im being sarcastic but Im really sick of this "rights" business. We all have the same rights, but some people want special privileges disguised as "equal rights." It really chaps my ass. Also, a good rule of thumb, whenever someone says "there ought to be a law" they're wrong.

>> No.4054214


strawmen, ad-homenims, and other phallacious arguments are not needed.

please be mature and openminded, and we can solve this problem together.

i have many friends who smoke tobacco, and they have adjusted to the new laws, same as you will.

>> No.4054216

I fully support vegans and their desire to slide down the food chain.

We can hunt and kill lower life forms after all. Godspeed, vegans. I embrace the day when I can hang a hunting trophy on my wall bearing nappy white-boy dreadlocks.

>> No.4054220

My rights as a cannibal are not being met! Let's team up Op, between the two of us, we'll be able to get what we want!
Atleast it's legal for you to live your lifestyle.
I'm not even allowed to live my life the way I want!

>> No.4054221

lol, yeah man im over here raging so hard with my delicious beef

>> No.4054222


i will never believe that all meat-eaters are hate-filled, but this thread is making me wonder.

>> No.4054225
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also you simply use baiting tactics because you dont actually hold the positions you argue, you simply enjoy the rise you get out of people

>> No.4054228


theres no such thing as like this group of "meat eaters" who hate and seek to oppress you.

every minority group has to victimize itself in this way, when in reality were just a bunch of normal people, as in omnivores, who laugh at the stupid shit vegans do, like rot their bodies

>> No.4054229
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This is now a cannibalism thread.
I wonder what OP would taste like? Probably like super lean pork and weed.

>> No.4054231


that's what you said before women got the right to vote, and before people of color were given the right to live and work where they please.

you were wrong then, and you are wrong now.

>> No.4054233

Since humans are supposed to taste like pork, how do you think a balsamic brown sugar glaze would go with it?

What proper sides would we serve?

>> No.4054234


youre really running out of things to say, and that didnt tick me off in the slightest

vegans arent being oppressed in any way, shape or form, and to compare them to actual civil rights movements is just too funny

i suppose it would make a lesser minded person angry though

downgraded to 1/10 pleb troll

OP would taste like shit since he eats shit
i would like to try bodybuilder pectoral steak

>> No.4054235

Maybe one day we can farm vegans the same way we do cattle.

>> No.4054238

Bodybuilder would be full of hormones and steroids. I can't imagine it'd be tasty, or tender at all.

>> No.4054239

nice thread op, guaranteed replies. you sure are good at rustling jiminnies.

>> No.4054240

No you see, why would we do that? The marbling on the meat wouldn't be too good..

I have an idea though, and it will help solve our obesity problems as well..

>> No.4054241

I'm pretty sure a balsamic brown sugar glaze could make anything delicious.
Sides? Well, I've recently fallen in love with apple and onion salads. Apple tends to go well with pig (and long pig I imagine)

>> No.4054242


well ok i mean...not like, steroided dude, just some big muscled fuck i guess

>> No.4054243

as long as we feed them grass they'll be delicous and nutritious. oh wait, humans aren't healthy when consuming only plants, my bad.

>> No.4054247

Well if we keep them penned in and fatten them up with corn feed and such, they shouldn't be too bad. Since they won't be out and about protesting their silly shit and smoking weed, I think farm raised vegan could have a place on supermarket shelves.

>> No.4054249

You're thinking strong-man. They have a good amount of fat along with their meat.

>> No.4054250

>corn fed meat
>battery farmed meat
absolutely disgusting. you don't even know what tastes good, faggot.

get on my level. free-range vegans fed on a diet of rice, lentils and kale.

>> No.4054251

and grass of course

>> No.4054253

No one should eat grass.
Vegetables /=/ grass.

We also aren't going to be the ones feeding them, we merely collect them. Since housing the large beasts will take too much space and it will be better for them if we let them live in their own habitats before collecting them.

Of course, then we can take possession of their homes and rent/lease/give them out to people down in their luck.
The money we might get from renting out those homes would go right back into the community, helping to improve the lives for the children growing up in subpar conditions.

>> No.4054254

I bet you'd get your vegan from local sources too, huh, and at an exaggerated price.

>> No.4054255

I think they need eggs included in those diets, we could also raise chickens.

>> No.4054256

but then they wouldn't be vegans. I don't know about you, but I'm not happy to serve just vegetarian to my family.

>> No.4054257

I think that sounds like a wonder-ful idea.

We could also start a new trend and make schnitzel out of it, and hamburgers.

>> No.4054258

Eggs are cheaper, and healthier than a lot of the hormones we'll have to pump them with

>> No.4054260

Cut the biased bullshit. Don't think we are blind to your butchery of plant life.

I can't believe you fuckers think it's okay to kill more Russians now that you've stopped killing Jews.

>> No.4054268

How young/old should we slaughter them to get the tenderest and most flavorful meat?

>> No.4054274


They'd still be of the vegan mindset and belief system, we'd simply be forcing them to eat eggs, etc.

>> No.4054278

OP this thread has inspired me to go hunting tomorrow.

I'll make sure I shoot dead atleast 20 deer in celebration of this excellent thread.

>> No.4054279


Would their tears improve the flavor?

I dunno though, maybe go the Kobe beef route instead. It might be hard to get people to massage them though.

>> No.4054281

Mail me some meat? I've never had venison ;_;

>> No.4054282

They'd have to wear hazmat suits to be in the same environment.

>> No.4054287

>eventually leading to a ban on serving meat in public


>> No.4054292

Highly recommended, it's incredibly healthy for you.

>> No.4054298

Fuck all that strong-man business; cage-raised and milk-fed succulent child for me, thanks

>> No.4054299

It's just a troll people, let him move to page 15 like he wants. Nothing to see here.

>> No.4054300

But this is now a cannibal thread I thought...

>> No.4054306

It is.
That sounds delicious. Roast it whole to get that crispy skin.

>> No.4054309
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Here you go, vegfag. Have a bit of my chicken liver-truffle pate omelet. I promise your butthurt rage will decrease by 75% with one bite. It's like soft, buttery heaven in your mouth. You know you want it. It's only your misguided principles standing between rage hell and contentment.

>> No.4054312
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>crispy skin.

The best part!

>> No.4054319
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>Meiwes is something of an expert on the subject, and in an interview from his prison cell he was more than happy to explain the taste.
>The flesh tastes like pork, a little bit more bitter, stronger. It tastes quite good."

>> No.4054548

of course, the nutrient content is worth the better price and knowing that my vegans were treated humanely.

>> No.4054551

Why would you eat vegans for the nutrient content?

>> No.4054572

You wouldn't, they'd have to be pumped full of antibiotics and supplements to stay alive.

>> No.4054573
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>caring about the treatment of vegans

>> No.4054575


>> No.4054604
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Oh wait, you're serious. Let me laugh even harder!


>> No.4054612

ha ha ha all you meat lovers are having a gay old time making a mockery of this serious issue.

just try to imagine the reality, and then you will stop laughing. when i have to watch you eat animal flesh, it is the exact same as this: what if you were enjoying a pepperoni pizza ohh yum and then the waiter rolled a cart up to the next table and started carving on something that looks just like katy perry's thigh.

that is precisely how disgusting it is when you eat meat openly in public around a vegan.

remember: we pay for your liposuction and other unnecessary health care expenses, plus the carbon footprint for your hog and cow farms.

you owe us a lot; all i'm asking for is a ban on meat eating in public. do it in your home, behind closed doors, like any other unspeakable activity like masterbation or rennovating your bowels.

>> No.4054615
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You are adorable.

>> No.4054617

I think you need to check your privilege.

>> No.4054635
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>> No.4054639

>the waiter rolled a cart up to the next table and started carving on something that looks just like katy perry's thigh
I would order a portion because dayumn, them thighs.

>> No.4054641

pretty much this. Not everyone in the world is a giant pussy, OP. You're an insignificant minority and nobody cares what you think.

>> No.4054643 [DELETED] 
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>masterbation or rennovating your bowels

mfw I do those in public too

>> No.4054644
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>> No.4054645

vegans are animals too.

>> No.4054649

it's funny because you're not serious

>> No.4054650
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I'm just waiting for the day when we can genetically engineer the meat to not only be sentient, but wanting to die for our meal.

>> No.4054656

But are they really?

>> No.4054668


Vegetables are living creatures! STOP EATING LIVING CREATURES!

>> No.4054671

well they ain't plants and they ain't fun guys

>> No.4054703
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Lol. It took me a minute.

>> No.4054980
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i support this movement, non-violently.

>> No.4055026


>> No.4055038
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please control your bi-polar rage.

>> No.4055047

I don't think you know what this means.

>> No.4055104
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i dont talk about the debasing level of humanity involved in the industry. people will ask that in their own time. i tolerate the guy who eats 10lbs of meat a week because its the decisions he has to make for himself. it will also his mass of worms that will likely be forming in his gut from such a diet
i tolerate the butter, cream, milk eaters because that's their cholesterol, utter puss, and noxious chemicals and compounds the industry fills the animal with to keeping it from dropping dead
but when >>4054114 shoves it down peoples throat like this it makes the rest of us sound whiney pussies. thats why people dont like us

>> No.4055107

Okay, I will be serious with you.

I can understand the whole animal cruelty thing, that I get. It's horrible that animals go through such things. But what isn't horrible, is the fact we eat meat. It is part of life and nature. If you stop us from eating meat, are you going to stop other animals that eat meat as well? You know, a cat will play with the mouse before it eats it. A turtle will snap a mouse in half before consuming. Do want to end that as well?

Because if you do, then wouldn't you be cruel, causing these animals to be unhealthy and die? Eating meat, as well as eating vegitables is natural. If you want to eat veigitables only, thats fine, just stop attacking the people in resteraunts eating the food, and instead attack the animal abuse and corperations directly.

Life is unfair, get over it and you are one step closer to nirvana.

>> No.4055115

>worms from consuming meat
>high colesterol from dairy products
>this is what vegans actually believe

>> No.4055186
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Fucking Vegans. We should just kill them all.
It's not genocide if they're monsters.

>> No.4055192
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>the amount of idiocy in that post

>> No.4057520


Your mother raised you on formula, didn't she?

I'm sorry your parents didn't love you.

>> No.4057542

Vegans should be personally responsible for creating their own safe spaces just as foreign born people and anarchists have. Asking the exploitive society to do it for you or to respect your life style choices could never work.

>> No.4057551


i love your fellow troll person.

all boards need user IDs. hear me now, and know this later. anonymity == troll fest.

>> No.4057566


Dude, that's what 4chan is.

If you want forced user ID's, why not just have people register usernames?

>> No.4057585


nope. i'm saying user IDs per thread like /b/, not like /q/ where you have same user ID on all threads.

per thread IDs help, eliminate samefags, and do not sacrifice anonymity in any way.

>> No.4057610


Regardless, I think they restrict creativity and go against the spirit of the site.

>> No.4057612


apparently moot agrees with you.

i will continue to think about this.

>> No.4057619


Good show, sir.

>> No.4057656

I do agree with you that vegans should not be forced to eat meat or animal products, and I fully support your lifestyle decision. I can honestly say it's not for me, and you have a strength of character in this regard that I can't match. I like meat, so I eat meat. I know that is a "slippery-slope" stand to have in an argument, but it's the truth.

However, I strongly disagree with you that restaurants and other establishments should cater to your dislike of meat. I know a lot of it, or at least a part, is a moral decision, and I know that with morals, come public compromise, and with that, a sour taste in one's mouth.

Based on arguments you've offered, you're not a novice to formal debate, and you know that your comparison of meat to cigarette smoke is shaky at best. Public smoking was outlawed due to health concerns about second hand smoke, and its effects on people, specifically in asthma/respiratory risk demographics.

Conversely, meat being eaten near you may just make you feel noxious, due to the thought, sight or smell. I sympthatize, as my roommate is vegan, and I have seen this type of thing bother him in the same way.

However, I hate brussels sprouts and broccoli. I'm sorry, just the thought of them does make me gag. If I were to publicly ask that vegetables be outlawed because a demographic is bothered by them, I would not be taken seriously.

>> No.4057672

it's time meat eaters had rights, such as the right to eat in a vegetable-free environment.

just a few years ago, you could smoke anywhere. now there is a stigma against smoking, and it is illegal in most public places. we need similar laws providing vegetable-free areas in any place that serves food to the public, eventually leading to a ban on serving vegetables in public. you would still be able to smoke and eat vegetables in your private home, but even then children would need protection.

each day, more people become enlightened to the cruel nature of the vegetable industry, and decide to become meat eaters. there should be a tax on all vegetable products to allay the cost to the environment and the cost of the additional health care that vegetable eaters and other obese people will need.

please make this thread a sticky so that the /ck/ community can help others live a better life.

>> No.4057696
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Hey! My bread! This is such a proud moment.

>> No.4057697

it's time white people had rights, such as the right to eat in a minority-free environment.

just a few years ago, you could smoke anywhere. now there is a stigma against smoking, and it is illegal in most public places. we need similar laws providing minority-free areas in any place that serves food to the public, eventually leading to a ban on minorities in public. you would still be able to smoke and be a minority in your private home, but even then children would need protection.

each day, more people become enlightened to the cruel nature of minorities, and decide to become white people. there should be a tax on all minorities to allay the cost to the environment and the cost of the additional health care that minorities will need.

please make this thread a sticky so that the /ck/ community can help others live a better life.

>> No.4057708


>> No.4057716

>each day, more people become enlightened to the cruel nature of minorities, and decide to become white people.

I snorted

>> No.4057729

>mfw white people become the minority in a few years

>> No.4057759

i'm sorry your delicious looking bread was used in such a way

>> No.4057890
File: 61 KB, 500x514, EED4aZ7YbUu5VaJ9DhW2vQ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd like to eat human ribs, guess it must be delicious with BBQ sauce.

>> No.4057968

OP, I think you are an absolute fucking moron, but there are some indian restaurants that operate very much like you are describing, its against their beliefs to consume the flesh of animals, they do use dairy products though. Tell you what, why don't you start your own place up and make a vegan restaurant, I know a few cities have one, where you can lord over your fellow vegans and pat each other on the back about how holy you are together. If you think this is such a great idea it should make an amazing business platform, you could be a millionaire best of all, it would be the best of both worlds, you get your vegan sanctuary and us normal folks have our other places to eat. Good luck in your future business venture, I am sure you can make it work.

>> No.4057987 [DELETED] 
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I have half a mind to delete all my troll threads right now as they are not worthy.
I thought I was good but I stammer in the presence of OPs greatness.

This is the kind of trolling that people will talk about for generations.
If I spent the next year lauding OP with superlatives I could not even begin to show how I really feel.

OP you are AMAZING!!!!

>> No.4057989


you have every right whatsoever to bring your patronage to any of the thousands of vegan restaurants in the world and foment your discontent there with like-minded individuals. I'm not going to go to one of those places and wipe my butthurt everywhere because they're not respectin' muh rights as a carnivore because, well, it'd be silly and pointless. Your feels should probably stop where other's plates begin. Otherwise, enjoy your victim outlook/privelige/buttmad lifestyle.

>> No.4058010 [DELETED] 

That is what smokers used to say.
Smokers said "just go to establishments that are non smoking".
Now the law most places says you CANT smoke in front of respectable people no matter what the owner thinks.

>> No.4058022

smoking is 100000000% different than eating meat. Trying to compare the two as similar is not only stupid, but irresponsible.

>> No.4058050

Didn't you know? You could get cancer from second-hand meat.

>> No.4058055 [DELETED] 
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It may seem that way today but just a decade ago when gays compared their lot to blacks having to deal with anti misogyny laws ,people said the exact same thing.

>> No.4058075

actually you get cancer from first-hand meat

>> No.4058078

This is blatantly offensive to any group of people who has every has their right systematically taken from them. Minorities, women, LGBT persons, etc.

Do you see vegans being taken out into the streets and force-fed the living guts of their own children? Do you fear lynchings? If someone hears you're a vegan, do they pay you less, deny you promotions, not let you marry the one you love, or get a bunch of guys together to beat the ever-living shit out of you?

Stop being such a baby OP. People are brutal creatures, and behavior you have qualms with are is compared to what they can do, have done, and will keep on doing until our extinction. Your first-world problems are an embodiment of just how blinded you are that EVERYTHING IN YOUR LIFE HAS COME ABOUT FROM HUMAN SUFFERING. Questioning the killing of animals for food is just one sign of how thick the walls of that bubble you live in are.

Eat shit. I'm sure that's vegan.

>> No.4058082

>People are brutal creatures, and behavior you have qualms with are is compared to what they can do


*People are brutal creatures, and the behavior you have qualms with is nothing compared to what they can do

>> No.4058092

Actually, you get cancer from reading threads like this.

>capcha: uexists different


>> No.4058095

Praise be to you , oh poster of truths. THIS. A million times this.

>> No.4058098
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>> No.4058106

Well done OP, you are now the proud creator of a new copy pasta.

Also, you're an minority, a minority even in the vegan world. Unless you are a member of PETA. Open more vegan friendly restaurants then. There's a market for it.

>> No.4058134

Even though you are clearly trolling, your argument is invalid. Smoking was banned in public because secondhand smoke damages the lungs of other people. You are not actually physically harmed to the point of shortening your life (or at all) by being around others eating meat.