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File: 37 KB, 533x800, alcoholism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4053122 No.4053122 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you get drunk more than four times a week?

What's your usual drink?

ITT: we discuss our alcoholism.

>> No.4053134

No I since I'm not cool nor alcoholic. ;_______;

>> No.4053138

used to. don't anymore. I casually drink probably once a week. Grew out of the childish binge drinking bullshit. on friday after work, I go down to the french quarter and drink whiskey and beer, but I call it a night long before im smashed. too old for that shit now - my drinking is purely social and relaxed now.

>> No.4053139

Nope, not big on alcohol, just marijuana every once in a while.

>> No.4053157

getting drunk more than 4 times a week does not make you an alcoholic; it makes you a drunk. Alcoholism requires physical dependence on alcohol

>> No.4053176

I would if I could afford a few bottles of moscato or riesling every week.

>> No.4053190

Cheap bourbon was my drink of choice. Quit a few months ago, was vomiting blood every night and was horribly depressed.

>> No.4053193

I usually drink about 6 days a week, there is usually a day where I just get too tired to even bother and just fall asleep when I get home. I'll have a beer with dinner when I am with family. Then at home I just go for whiskey, I usually have 4 or 5 shots till everything starts to blur out. Been doing this for a couple years now, but i should be fine since most of my family are high functioning alcoholics. I can quit at any time if I really want to or need to, without any negative side effects, since sometimes I need to prove to myself that I can, but I just don't feel too well about life in general and when confronted with the loneliness I find every single day I can't find a reason to stop.

>> No.4053201

>here come all the self-styled tragic fucking hipsters who think they're goddamned William Borroughs or Ernest Hemingway or some shit

>> No.4053215

I get truly drunk once or twice a week, usually on the weekends. But, I regularly have a couple of glasses of red wine per night. Not only does it relax me, but red wine has some healthful properties, in moderation. Red wine is pretty much the only thing I drink anymore, even on the nights when I do get drunk. I'm way too old to get liquor drunk anymore. That stuff will kill you.

>> No.4053218
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lol faggot, I'm Hunter S thompson. Also, poetry is gay. Fuck life.

>> No.4053223

Nah, they think they're Bukowski. Burroughs was into opiates, and Hemingway (in spite of how he ended) was an unapologetic, rough-riding drinker who would have whipped anyone's ass on here.

>> No.4053224

GTFO. You would have shit yourself after being in the room with HST for five minutes.

>> No.4053241

Try to refrain from posting unless you're actually a drunk, guys.

>> No.4053250

I get drunk every day.

Every day.

About a half hour ago, I woke up from being passed out. I ate a turkey and cheese sandwich and washed it down with 13.5% ABV cabernet sauvignon. I'll keep drinking until I pass out again.

>> No.4053262

I wish I would have chosen English as my major so I could live vicariously as a zoned out poet.

HST lived totes mean, so extreme he couldn't handle that shit, shit got so cray he had to say "hey, fuck you faggot life, nothing means anything lol, I'm a bird fags I gotta flyyyyyy" Damn.

>> No.4053266

I used to get drunk about 3-4 times a week. Drink at least a couple beers everyday. I got a DWI, I can't drink on probation. (fuck the state, fuck the fucking county) Was actually not really drunk that night. Shit is so depressing, man. Haven't had a drink in 4 months. Feels too sober but I am at normal weight again and pretty goddamn healthy now, so theirs that...

>> No.4053273

What?....What the hell did I just read?

>> No.4053275

This. Alcoholism =/= getting drunk a lot. I used to get drunk every day of the week for nearly 2 years straight. When I got the inevitable DWI from it, part of my probation was no drinking whatsoever, and screening for alcoholism, as when I was arrested, I had a BAC of 0.25. As much as I admitted drinking, everyone I saw hated to admit it, but I wasn't alcoholic. They would have loved to have claimed I was, because then I would have had to have gotten treatment for it, which would mean me paying them a lot of money, but they couldn't diagnose me as one, no matter how hard they tried. I never got DTs, I never got the shakes, or anything like that. I'm just a severe drunk.

>> No.4053277

I usually drink about 12 beers a night...

That probably seems odd to an alcoholic to have beer as a preferred drink, but I pretty much just get off from work at 5:00, then play video games, watch tv, or browse the internet until about 1:00am, all with a beer in my hand.

I should probably stop, but I have no real will to.

>> No.4053286

Whatever makes you sleep at night, man.

>> No.4053311

That sounds retarded as fuck. Have fun being constantly dehydrated, etc., for minimal results, with a non-progressive lifestyle. If you wanna be a drunk, cool more props to you, but do it in a manner that doesn't fuck yr life over and you can continue in a way you can live life normal. Go hard or go home.

>> No.4053313

I somehow thought that would be the response.

Just to let you know, I don't think switching what alcoholic beverage I imbibe will change my life in any way whatsoever.

>> No.4053324

Been there, done that. I drink everyday. I used to drink about a 12 pack or more every night. That made me too fat, too quickly. I changed to drinking wine. I'm still fat but not as bad as when I was drinking beer.

>> No.4053350

Meh, I usually have a beer or two and a quarter bottle of hard liquor.

It's not even about getting drunk, hell I even spread it throughout the entire day.

>> No.4053359

herb > alcohol

>> No.4053372

thats right
tea is the shit

>> No.4053381


Usually a quarter bottle of port, Taylor Fladgate.

>> No.4053395
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i used to drink from Thr night to Sun night and would drink 2 beers during th other days

now i stopped since...i got bored out of it

now im into cheeses and teas

>> No.4053398

my ex has been drinking every night for weeks, Im worried about her

>> No.4053400

I get drunk about 95% of the time. At night. For about 3 years now. Hasn't affected any work or personal relationship. I do it to unwind and enhance video game experiences. Also to sleep; if I don't drink I'm up till 5am.

>> No.4053437

When we hvemoney I feel like I drink 4-5 days a week. It doesn't really effect my life and I wait till the sprout is in bed. I feel like i do it because I'm bored. I need a job, but this whole raising a kid thing gives one cabin fever. I think it being winter has a lot to do with it. It gets dark so early, I'd go out for a walk but you can't after dark in this neighborhood. Husband only drinks when I suggest it, I didn't notice until i got pregnant and he almost never drank. Makes me feel kind of bad, but we have fun watching movies and having sex when we drink... but we have fun doing those things anyway.

I worry a little because my dad was an alcoholic, but as it is right now I think I'm alright. I just have to make it through the next few months, once I have my own job I won't be so bored and I'll cut down.

>> No.4053445

get drunk? Physically; probably once every week or two. Legally;every day. I don't remember the last day I didn't have a single drink.

my weapon of choice is vodka, but in a pinch (like tonight for example, when I ran out of vodka but all the liquor stores were closed) I will use whatever I can get my hands on, in this case a few bottles of wine to hold me over until the liquor stores open up in the morning

>> No.4053462

For those that drink in this thread: do you think it's a problem? Have you ever just stopped so you could save money?

>> No.4053467

I've slowed down so that it saves money. But beer seems to aid digestion at the very least.

>> No.4053474


Yes on the problem, no on the stopped to save money. Like most alcoholics I drink the absolute cheapest stuff I can get my hands on because I'm not doing for the rnjoyment and appreciation of the subtle nuances of some finely aged scotch, I'm doing it so I can sleep, relax, not shake, eat, numb myself, handle social situations, handle being alone, etc etc etc.

>> No.4053491

I don't have aproblem yet, but i could at some point. and I wouldn't say i quit drinking to save money, but i just don't buy booze when i don't have the money for it. When i spend my money i buy booze last or not at all.

>> No.4053503

I use alcohol as medication. I have an severe anxiety disorder (panic/agoraphobia), and while I have actually prescription meds for it, I don't like to take them all the time, because they make me zone out and get very sleepy, so I save those for true anxiety emergencies. Anyway, if I start feeling anxious, I'll have a small glass of wine, see how I feel, and if the feeling doesn't go away, I'll have another small glass. I stop drinking as soon as I feel somewhat relaxed. I probably go through about 1/2 to 2 bottles of wine a day, depending. Somedays I feel fine and don't drink or take meds at all, some days it hits hard though. I try to use it moderately, as needed, just like you would a medication, if that makes any sense. I used to worry about it getting out of hand, but I've been doing it for so long now, I'm not concerned about that anymore. The worry is the reason I keep it under control. I have an enormous amount of self control when it comes to addictive substances, compared to a lot of people.

>> No.4053510

you must reek of menstrual blood

>> No.4053565

I've been drinking and liking it too much lately so i stopped.

>> No.4053604

... Sure you are.

>> No.4053634

>I can quit at any time if I really want to or need to
> I can't find a reason to stop.

cool denial bro

>> No.4053637
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Theres only two things that go into me after dinner

>> No.4053640

I drink vodka pretty much every other day, usually 2 shots or thereabouts mixed in with whatever mixer I have lying around. I always have it icy cold because where I live is hot as shit 24/7.

9/10 times it's alone and I would guess I have a problem but It doesn't dominate my life and it's always in the late evening, I don't feel a compulsion to drink, it's just a great way to loosen up after a long day.

>> No.4053654

I'm on the verge. Usually about 2-3 times a week, but a fourth time isn't a rarity. I always get shit-faced too.

I like beer.

>> No.4053673

I'm in the same boat. Quitting is simple. I just need a reason. I attended school a few months ago. I didn't drink a drop. Alcohol never even entered my thoughts.

>> No.4053684

Rum and Irish whiskey. Lots of it.

>> No.4053714 [DELETED] 

I'm a functioning alcoholic. I'm also a full time student and holding a part time job. Shit is getting really bad quickly... but fuck it, who gives a shit.

>> No.4053741

I drink every fucking day. Usually between 2-3 bottles of cheap wine with a high alcohol content. Big bottles. This has been going on for about two years now.

I don't want to quit, but I do feel guilty when buying cases of wine from the liquor store... I've started switching them up so the clerks don't judge me.

>> No.4053746 [DELETED] 

Are you me?

>> No.4053750

>Move to Washington
>Buy all your alcohol at grocery stores

>> No.4053753

>just poured myself a drink

cheers /ck

>> No.4053764
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I drink 2 or 3 glasses of wine, essentially every night, alone. If I'm out socializing, make that 2 or 3 glasses of whisky, or 2 or 3 cocktails, or 2 or 3 beers. It rarely goes beyond that but it also rarely goes less than that. It is as much a requirement for me as taking a shower in the morning.

If I am faced with the prospect of a night without alcohol, I get pretty anxious and will change my plans to avoid being caught without drink. It's not a physical dependence but I am pretty unhappy if I can't drink something, and it had better be something nice.

Most of you hard core alcoholics would consider that not even alcoholism but I know dependence when I feel it. It's pretty much fine with me unless I'm with family, since everyone I know IRL is a moderate to heavy drinker, and usually I'm just at home alone anyway.

>> No.4053769

when i drink its usually a litre of tequila in a night, and i do it twice a week. have been for 7yrs now

>> No.4053775

I have a drink every night. Usually a couple of beers or a scotch.

>> No.4053794

Only on Friday/Saturday night, I call it cozy drinking, which is simply slowly drinking liquor or cocktails while watching tv or playing games, until I feel a bit buzzed. Sort of like my end of the week-relax period.

>> No.4053808

Used to drink almost daily. This lasted from 2007 to early 2012.

I finally said things to someone while drunk that completely fucked up our friendship for good. I haven't drank since and am forced to live with the burden of my irresponsibility. At least I don't deal with hangovers anymore though.

>> No.4053810

how's life in the 1700s, plebs. embrace modern technology and start up a benzo addiction

>> No.4053818
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> Not drinking Capt Morgan every day

Do you even lift?

>> No.4053883

>drinking pleb water everyday
No bro, you don't lift

>> No.4053888

I'm a high-functioning alcoholic. I drink every single day, always whiskey, about a pint to a pint and a half. No one suspects it's that bad at work, only my friends... who are also alckeys, know.

Segrams 7 is on sale this week. Only 19.07 a jug!

>> No.4053894

> 2 bottles a day

I'd cut down on that bro, drink the same volume of beer instead. Please.

>> No.4053898 [DELETED] 

you'll be dead b4 you retire lol

>> No.4053901

itt: self-assigned crutches make us edgy and cool

>> No.4053902


It's funny because cannabis can do all that for you, but to a better effect and it's also a lot safer than alcohol.

>> No.4053906

Wow, except cannabis is infamous for inducing anxiety in many aixniety-ridden individuals. Fucking moron.

>> No.4053908

>not understanding why people drink

Yup, it's just to be cool.

>> No.4053914

Good alcohol for a first time drinker?

>> No.4053925


>> No.4053931

I would take you seriously if this whole thread was not assholes bragging about their 'alcoholism'

>> No.4053933


Doesn't take much. Just drink a lot and you can be cool just like us.

>> No.4053993
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>mfw /fit/ so no beer, no alcohol, no fun

>> No.4054003

Then progress to fruit-tasting but strong drinks like rum n coke.
then you can drink stuff straight up.

>> No.4054014

lol no way you got it wrong

Switch #1 and #2

>> No.4054057

I'm pretty depressed but only drink once a month
this is probably because I have a fear of vomit

>> No.4054077

If it weren't for booze, I'd likely end up carrying out a shooting spree.
My access to alcohol is probably saving your life.

>> No.4054104

>listening to /fit/

being fit =/= zyzz clone

>> No.4054138

i drink a 12 pack in about three hours usually once a week does this count as alcoholism?

>> No.4054141

thats four beers an hour

>> No.4054143

or one beer every 15 minutes

>> No.4054162

or 1 ounce of beer every 1minuite 15 seconds

>> No.4054215

used to be like a lot of you in this thread...but eventually my health and age started to fuck me up.

not had more than a beer since april.

looking back alcohol is a very shit tier drug with more risks and sideffects than are worth the crappy recreational effects you get.

it got to the point of 3+ day hangovers and vertigo...

fucking smoking heroin has less goddamn sideeffects.

>> No.4054236

If you had 3 day hangovers you weren't even close to understanding what heavy drinking is.

>> No.4054245
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go through a fifth of bourbon every 2-3 days to help me sleep, but I don't actually get drunk, just a little buzz.

Jim Beam most of the time, but will switch off to Old Crow when shooting buddies come over because they're mixing with Coke.

pic mostly related

>> No.4054248


>implying I didnt continue drinking thru it

you can still feel like shit even though you are still drinking esp if you hit it harder the previous night.


assumptions kiddo etc

>> No.4054261

About 18 beers four times a week.

>> No.4054266

You guys are crazy, how do you even afford all this shit?

>> No.4054269

Has anyone here ever stolen alcohol? Stories, pl0x.

>> No.4054271


They could be doctors or lawyers. Who knows?

>> No.4054272

I have typically two craft beers a night and then some other alcohol. Recently it's been Bombay Sapphire & tonic.

Some of us have decent jobs. Others of us travel.

Any alcohol consumed with a meal is reimbursable for me. When I travel (75-100% of my time), I'm not paying for my booze.

>> No.4054276


used to steal whiskey from the supermarket. it's pretty easy actually. I would take the bottle into the bread aisle where there was a camera dead spot and remove the security top and put it in my bag... never got stopped did it 20 + times.

>> No.4054277

In Pennsylvania all liqour is sold in dedicated stores. Beer is sold in places only selling beer, wine & liqour shops are state owned.

So all have the cashier right by the door and you can't get out without getting seen or recorded.

>> No.4054290

So what are some good types/ brands of alcohol to get drunk off of?

>> No.4054293

>How many of you get drunk more than four times a week?
every day
>What's your usual drink?
usually newcastle and whiskey

>> No.4054301

It's personal preference. It also depends on what you're willing to spend.

Lime juice for a gin & tonic and tonic water are pretty damn cheap. Bombay is like $45/1.75 liters around me, and the proper strength is about a half a glass of ice, 6 ounces water, 2-3 ounces gin (I do 3), add some lime juice (or a fresh lime if you're fancy).

Bottle lasts a very long time. You can barely taste the alcohol, despite that, the alcohol content is not bad (yeah, it's a mixed drink, but the gin is 47% ABV, so that's a good starting point).

>> No.4054302


>land of the free
>has to buy booze in state owned stores like in the former Soviet Union
>State and Religion are supposedly constitutionally guaranteed to be separate
> religious nuts controlling where and when you can buy alcohol in some states

Murrica fuck yea!

>> No.4054307

The state liqour store isn't that bad. The only bad thing is the puritanical shit where wine & liqour shops aren't open Sunday.

The good thing about state liqour stores is that the Pennsylvania Liqour Control board is the largest single buyer of alcohol in the world. Prices are consistent and low at every store. Selection is great. If a local store doesn't have a specialty they'll call it, get it shipped to the store near you for free, etc....

The beer stores kind of suck. Pricing varies. Selection is always good with many craft brews but you are locked in to buy a case (24 beers) at a time. Pricing blows (Blue Moon is $37 a case, decent crafts are $38-$50/case).

>> No.4054314

drink hard liquor 6 days of the week beer on Sunday boo hoo.

>> No.4054315

>not using lemon wedge
>shiggy diggy

>> No.4054316


I has its ups and downs I guess. But you could argue competition would make it cheaper.

>> No.4054321

I prefer lemon to lime, but it's a personal preference.

>> No.4054324

Yes and no. Prices are good and the selection is fantastic. And being able to review the sales and go to ANY liqour store and get the price is awesome.

I get shit shipped from other stores a lot stuff I have a lot of trouble finding in NY and NJ they can just get brought to my local PA Wine & spirits for free and they set it aside in the back and call me when it's ready.

Good website too. And they list all the specials for the month on it:

>> No.4054327

If I drink everyday. Most of it is vodka and liquor laws. If I had another. Would we even be here.

>> No.4054332

That's fucking stupid. I mean I drank a two and had a cigar.

>> No.4054333

>>4054324 here
>8206 Bombay Sapphire Gin ........................................................................1.75 L 41.99 4.00
Time to get a couple bottles, it looks like.

>8734 Ketel One Vodka ...............................................................................1.75 L 40.99 4.00
Bottle of that too.

>9825 Kraken Spiced Rum ........................................................................750 mL 16.99 3.00
Pretty decent rum and a nice discount on it, it's normally $20/bottle.

The prices are the same in every store so it doesn't matter which one I visit.

>> No.4054334


What in the..?

>> No.4054337
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I'm sorry son, what the fuck?

>> No.4054340


>> No.4054342
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I can see the benefits of that.

>> No.4054346



is this the real life?

>> No.4054355

I'm not trying to be understanding. I'm not drunk like yesterday. Damn. I did really smoke a cigar. Expensive as it was. I sat in my truck. All morning.

>> No.4054357
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>> No.4054364

My drink of choice is cheap beer, usually miller lite or bud light thats $18-19 for a 24 pack

I used to drink every night like between 4-10 beers, but now i only drink on fri/sat/sun becaue i gained like 15 pounds from taking in an extra 500+ calories a day for an extended period of time

>> No.4054365
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>> No.4054369
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>> No.4054370
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I'd rather pay $45/case for a good craft belgian tripel than drink pisswater like bud light or miller light, but that's just me

>> No.4054374
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>> No.4054378

I sound like a fucking retard. Can you not get my point across? Today was simple enough. I smoked a Partagas #10. I stopped at the park and drank. OK? I'm not drunk. Too bad. I'm drinking now and typing slow. What's next?

>> No.4054382

No. None of the rest of what you posted makes sense. This is the only coherent post you've made thus far.

>> No.4054383


You made a little more sense that time bro...welcome back

>> No.4054386

I dont believe you. When I went to treatment, they pinned every dependence they could on me, saying I was a weed dependent, opiate-riddled alcoholic habitual day-tripper at 17, which sure made the judge want me to be in their very expensive program for a year. Oh, I had to pay for it, too. They really dont look for much, if you drink more than 3 times a year, or if youve ever blacked out, they consider you alcohol dependent. If youve ever done anything else, opiates or weed or coke or anything, they call you dependent. Don't forget, they are trying to make money, and the judges will listen to a Ph.D. way before they listen to somebody who is "probably on something in my courtroom".

>> No.4054387

>drunk more than four times a week?

in spurts. usually when I'm off work or (formerly) unemployed. I only tend to drink if I don't have to be up early the following morning, so I mostly only drink fridays and saturdays

I love spending several days drunk when I can, especially during the day. plus I am somewhat blessed with the power of not getting bad hangovers, so continued drinking is not a problem for me. but its certainly not something I would do for extended periods. That shit can get old fast imo

>What's your usual drink?

lager. and a bit of cider

>> No.4054390

>be depressed as fuck
>see this thread
>read that post
>cry laughing

I love you /ck/ocksuckers

>> No.4054391

Thank you. I am sorry for being confusing. I do drink a lot. I don't drink and drive.

>> No.4054392

not really drinking it for the taste, after the 3rd of 4th it stops mattering anyway

>> No.4054396

Oh, the only thing that did get out of hand for me was opiates, I did develop a bit of a taste for heroin (NO NEEDLES) a few years after treatment, but then I met my love, and now im with her, I only smoke weed before/during work. Feels good, man.

>> No.4054400

I've only smoked once and it was a bad trip.

Not that it matters anymore. I do work for a variety of customers in a variety of industries where drug testing is the norm, so I couldn't if I wanted to.

>> No.4054403


exact same story...666 blaze black tar faggit erry day...met my wife...now 420 blaze it fgt and nothing else

>> No.4054840
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Just reading this thread makes my liver hurt.

I genuinely feel bad for you guys.

Please don't die, /ck/ wouldn't be the same without you.

>> No.4055015

i drink at least 5 nights a week. after work i go straight to the liquor store (there's 3 close by and i rotate so they don't think i'm a huge drunk). there i get a 12pk of budweiser and a half pint of jack.

by the time i'm home half of the jack is gone and i leave that in the truck so i've got something to sip on during the last hour of work while i finish up my paperwork

wake up most days feeling like shit and all week long is spent looking forward to my days off when i can drink til 5am, wake up at noon and start drinking again immediately.

i could rant for an hour and tell you guys every detail of how much my life sucks cuz i'm a drunk but i'll just tell you that i literally can't remember the last time i had a solid shit.

>> No.4055034

Man up Nancy.

>> No.4055048

You can't save us :-(

I work in customer service. I drink every night.

>> No.4055052

What the fuck cheap liqour are you buying if you're hungover when you wake up?

Vitamin B & potassium supplements erry day. Vitamin B in the morning, potassium before you start drinking.

No hangover.

Despite that you shouldn't need supplements unless you're drinking the most godawful shit out there.

>> No.4055057
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>> No.4055102

salesguy here. i know that feel.
this is me btw >>4055015

>> No.4055114

what would you mix with mountain dew?

>> No.4055116

cheap vodka, most likely.

>> No.4055123

ah, "the old college try"

>> No.4055125


I like mountain dew with gin or bourbon. vodka just waters it down too much.

It's also good with midori, but that stuff is pretty weak so it won't get you drunk, but it's tasty and it has a really awesome neon green color.

>> No.4055132

ya know, i want to go full college on this one. let's see what i find at the CVS

>> No.4055140

if you're going full college, get vladdy for that authentic bad hangover battery acid vodka experience.

>> No.4055141
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>> No.4055146


>> No.4055155


>> No.4055156

Bacardi razz with fruit punch

used to be
Jameson shots
Kettle one and different powder mixes like tang
Jim beam and diet coke
Jager or Kilepitsich shots
Boxed wine

>> No.4055157

My old scoutmaster would pour jager on his ice cream... always thought that was an unusual combo.

Jager and mountain dew is weirder to me, though.

>> No.4055164

Mickeys 40 oz, every evening to unwind

>> No.4055168

vodka or rum

I used to drink every day.
I would stop at the liquor store on the way home from work every Thursday and get a bottle of Volkov (dollar cheaper than Everclear) and a couple other bottles of whatever.
I would get absolutely smashed and black out every night.
Many times I was still drunk when I went to work in the morning.
And I would still pick up some beer almost every night.

Near the beginning of this year, I decided to only drink on Saturday night/Sunday.
The first few weeks were terrible.
And, I've been acting more and more bizarre all year, up until last month.
I'm finally pretty good, though.

>> No.4055207

I go through periods where I won't drink anything for weeks, but when I do dink, I go on insane benders. I just ended a four day drinking run and I can barely remember any of it.

Yes, I need help.

>> No.4055304


Sounds awesome! I have similar experiences in my life. But it didn't sound awesome at the time, you feel like crap for couple of days and sometimes I had the moral hangover.

>> No.4055360
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>> No.4055381

>not not drinking for awhile and then getting fucking WHITE GIRL WASTED like once a month

Must be nice to work at a shitty job where it doesn't even matter if you're mentally sharp or not.

>> No.4055447

Already drinking tonight for about four hours (east coast time) and I don't give a fuck. I've got a family, kids and a job and fuck it, if you can manage, manage. Otherwise, get fucking therapy.

>> No.4055480
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Kinda like this except it's more like a week off, 3-5 days on hard, repeat. At least a bottle a day by myself and whatever beers/shots I drink at the bar.

>> No.4055483

So here's a question for you all: How many of you drunk-asses are fat? I mean, this is /ck/ and we all love food, but are you fat in addition to being drunk?

Also, I've read some of the thread, but damn, I'm drunk and I don't remember any of that.

>> No.4055527


Not fat at all. Just drunk.

>> No.4055534
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Are you sure you're in the right place?

>> No.4055536 [DELETED] 

Skinny. A lot of my calories are empty, what'd you expect? However, I do way more exercise on my own and at work than the most folks.

>> No.4055538

I don't even eat that much but all my calories come from alcohol

today all I had to eat was less than 1/3 of a chipoltle burrito and some water

>> No.4055540

Same here. I was just curious.

>> No.4055544

Skinny. I drink a lot of my daily calories, what'd you expect? Not that I count calories, I just tend not to eat a lot when I'm drunk. However, I do way more exercise on my own and at work than most folks.

>> No.4055545

you don't know shit about drinking if you can't be on point the morning after

protip - you don't have a hangover if you drink a lot every day

>> No.4055664

I stay away from booze since I have to run and work out a lot. Soldier here so I'd rather not be hung over and trying to run 5 miles full out. That said I try to drink 2-3 times a week. Few beers a night.
Personal favorite liquors are brandy and whiskey. Personal favorite beer is Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. I did drink heavily last Saturday though. A bottle of wine (7 deadly zins), 4 shots of E&J Brandy, then I walked to some bar somewhere and bought 40 bucks worth of god knows what booze. Woke up still drunk. Not doing that again in a long time hopefully.

>> No.4056063
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"Modern and pop psychology spend a lot of time taking a behavior and tracing it back to a single source-- genetics, trauma, whatever-- but there's no money there, the money is in the meaning, what they do with it. So Norton's an addict. Do you want to know how he got that way or what he does with it?"

>> No.4056064
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"Before, the experience of addiction was entirely subjective, is it messing up your life? Now, it's been objectified, the subject's relationship with the drug is is no longer relevant, it is the fact of the drug that is relevant. The obvious example of this sleight of hand is that there's alcohol use and alcohol abuse, but there's no such category as cocaine use, even though the vast majority of its ingestion has nothing to do with addiction. The reinforcement is from the outside to comply with this idiocy: say you party down one weekend, then a random drug test at work, oops! So two things can happen, Guess What Happens Next: you could tell the truth that the coke was on her ass and how could you not? doesn't make you a bad person; or pretend/admit you're an addict and agree to go to rehab. So it's unanimous? You keep your job at McDonalds and the system gets another data point confirming it is right. I hope the parallel between this and anything written by Solzhenitsyn is immediately obvious, if not, read anything by Solzhenitsyn. The Matrix doesn't need you, but it will offer you a free pass if you help get the other batteries in line."

>> No.4056066
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"Note that when scienticians talk about, say, the increase in alcoholism, they never go back before WWII, otherwise they'd have to label most ancient Greeks, all Vikings and everyone in colonial America as alcoholics. "Well," they'll explain, "it wasn't until then we started rigorously treating people as data points." While I'll accept that an amount of alcohol does the same damage to your innards regardless of what kingdom you're born in, there's something sneaky about the current kingdom getting to be the sole judge of what is addiction and what isn't, but we rarely complain unless the addiction is the internet and the kingdom is China; and the reason we don't complain is that the system has cleverly made it very easy for us to abuse it selfishly when we want to, which was the plan all along. But it doesn't make it right. Sorry, wildman, you can't judge a person based on two generations of observation of a single culture that happens to be driven by TV."

>> No.4056073
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I work at home.
I normally start my work at 10 am and finish aroun 9 PM.
I drink about 3 to 5 cans every day.
I get 10+ on weekends.
I was sick a few months ago, and going to bed drunk helped me avoid panic attacks.
Now i can't imagine going to bed wo alcohol.
i hate my life.

>> No.4056078

what do you mean you've been acting more bizarre.
I thought you'd be feeling better wo alcohol.

*asking because i wanna quit.

>> No.4056081

I get piss drunk every night on cheap bourbon and whiskey. Usually I don't have a hangover, I drink lots of water and eat when I'm drinking. I admit I'm probably an alcohol but I've had to temporarily abstain from drinking a few times and didn't notice any withdrawel symptoms other than not really enjoying being sober at night. It wasn't so bad though, do not dread doing again. I just prefer drinking at night. I'm sort of high strung and can't really sit still and relax enough to watch a movie or play vidya or listen to some music unless I'm drinking. Also an insomniac, the alcohol really helps me get to sleep.

>inb4 all the anons say I should smoke weed instead

I do smoke weed, only a couple times a week though. Its not the same, sometimes I tend to get really paranoid and anxious when I smoke. Also it makes me overanalize things and feel very uncomfortable. Not always, I have to be in the right mood to smoke. Sometimes its better than anything.

>> No.4056143


I looked this up, it's pretty good. Not necessarily correct, but good.
I'm going to work on my creative projects tomorrow. No computer. I won't turn it on. So you didn't have to be 100% correct to get through to me anyway.

I really think I need to rent a workspace away from home. Something that will let me separate work and leisure and take away my ability to fuck around.

>> No.4056153

Thats not too bad.

I got a fat 1.75 L of Kraken for only $20 at my local liquor store the other day. Pretty stoked about it considering how good it tastes

>> No.4056157


I find most other flavors dont really lend themselves to dew as well as vodka

>> No.4056187
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>mfw this thread

>> No.4056190
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Im fat but I've been losing weight since becoming a drunk and a cokehead. Also low carb diet.
I work at a bar so being a drunk is practically a requirement.

>> No.4056223

God god, man, what happened? Is english your second language?

>> No.4056241
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Not quite there, thanks to my sleep schedule. I'm a third-shifter and usually go to bed right after I get home from work, and I'm hesitant to have more than a beer with dinner before I go in.

But my two nights off and the night I get off early, I get pretty wasted whether I have company or not. I really legitimately love craft beer, so I go through a couple six-packs a week, but I also keep a handle of cheap burbon around to keep me going after I've had a few.

I don't really consider it a health problem, but it's not exactly a productive habit and probably indicative of a lot of other issues in my life. Like >>4056081 said, I'm not really comfortable chilling by myself without a drink in hand.

>> No.4056245

I drink gallons of jack Daniels.. Chase with colors light and cowboy killers..
Need to slow my roll though, eeessh.

>> No.4056246

COORS light...
Fucking autocorrect ..

>> No.4056274

Trust me, extended periods of hard drinking will bounce back at you. You might be losing weight because you're drinking more and eating less (coke doesn't hurt either), but eventually your metabolism will come to a screeching halt.

They don't call them beer bellies for nothing.

>> No.4056290


teenage girl detected.

>> No.4056291

>bad trip
what the actual fuck nigga.

>> No.4056300

>You might be losing weight because you're drinking more and eating less
you're does not differentiate between calories from liquid and calories from solid food, even though you do. and there are plenty of calories in alcohol. seven per gram of it to be exact.

>> No.4056318

by 'drinking more/eating less' I didn't really mean calorie for calorie, just eating patterns in general. When I binge drink I tend not to eat much - too busy drinking. And when I'm hungover, I sure as hell can't stomach food.

I've got a buddy who drinks like a fish. I've personally seen him go days without eating, more times than I can count. It's pretty standard for him. I guess my point is these kind of drinking/eating habits are stressful on the body, and a nutritionally void "liquid diet" (as said friend likes to call it) can have some pretty negative effects on your metabolism, hormones, etc., regardless of calories in/out.

>> No.4056323

actually, "bad trips" is what turned me off most drugs in general. I was starting to trip out pretty hard with negative thoughts after taking harder shit like E and acid and this started to happen practically everytime I smoked weed, so i stopped straight up. Haven't done any mood altering drugs of that sort in years.

It's why I like alcohol so much, it mostly blunts emotions, but is still great for when you are with friends or whatever. I also opiates for similar reasons, but I haven;t done those in years either.

I really wish I could enjoy weed again, I really miss the all over body buzz and those fucking munchies fuck! But I just can't seem to do it because I get stuck in my won head sooner or later.

>> No.4056324

yeah, calories from beer/alcohol are empty, they have little nutritional value, not to mention you miss out on everything else - minerals, vitamins, fiber, fats, protein......

>> No.4056330

the fact that you can't handle weed or psychedelics, even mdma. indicates you have serious psychological shit you need to sort out. Running away from it with booze and opiates isn't going to help.

and you don't have 'trips' on weed, stop saying that you sound like a fucking retard.

>> No.4056346


420 blaze it faggot!

>> No.4056383

>not alcoholic
>not getting smashed every night
>not drinking until 2 am and then waking up 3 hours later, running 5 miles and finishing it off with a cigarette

Son you have disappointed me. You must be a lifer.

>> No.4056386

>and you don't have 'trips' on weed, stop saying that you sound like a fucking retard.
someone's never smoked good weed before

>> No.4056388

Fellow third shifter here. Drink in the morning! Especially in the summer it's fun to sit outside with work friends, drinking and laughing at everyone go to work. Hell there may even be a bar near you that opens at 6. Anywhere that has a 3rd shift is a shithole, and you don't have to be on top of your mental game to work in a shithole, so have a couple beers a couple hours before work.

>> No.4056389

>yeah, calories from beer/alcohol are empty, they have little nutritional value
if you are drinking shitty light beer, but if you are drinking good beer, especially unfiltered beer it is actually fairly nutritious

>> No.4056396

I get pretty drunk about 5 times a week. I have gotten to the point of having to start pretty early because i like to sip my drinks and having a high tolerance of course. . I do consider myself an alcoholic but I have been this way for around 11 years or so and have had times in my life where drinking was just not a good choice for me and i stopped for months at a time. I do feel the need to drink. I am usually drinking some scotch and beers in between for my drink of choice. I also started home brewing which is fun.

>> No.4056399


yup me and my roomate are third shifters and we shit outside grill and drink when the rest of the world is waking up... i love it

>> No.4056401

fuck im drunk right now i didn't mean shit i meant sit lol

>> No.4056405

Some people just don't care for psychadelics brah! I used to smoke weed, but wouldn't go near anything like LSD or MDMA. Just never liked being super high on something. Don't even like being very drunk. It's not that there are mental issues. It's that not everyone cares for it. You sound like a douche by the way

>> No.4056407

I'm an alcohol too. Methanol, to be precise.

>> No.4056900

i want to try ether. How do I obtain it easily?

I've googled around and all the guides require you to go hardware stores and do extractions and shit, right?

>> No.4056908


There are two different kinds of ether.

"Petroleum Ether" is a blend of various low-boiling-point hydrocarbons. This is what you get from auto parts stores "starter fluid" and whatnot. It's similar to other petroleum products like gasoline or naptha, it simply has an even lower boiling point. You do NOT want to be taking this stuff, it's little different than huffing gasoline.

The other one is medical Ether, aka di-ethyl ether. That is the one you can take as a drug, but it is difficult to find. Part of the reason is that if it sits around too long it decays into an organic peroxide, which is explosive.

>> No.4056913

Ah, devil ether

>> No.4056920

up until April this year it was a pint of whiskey + 2 16oz beers everynite until the weekend which was more (usually 3/4 of a 750ml on Fri and another Sat.).

Now just .5pt on Sat and maybe one beer.

>> No.4057025

Every weeknight. Gin and tonic, vodka anything, old fashioned (mfw). Gin and tonic's prolly my favorite, but I do enjoy a good gimlet erry now and then.

Good Eats; Alcoholic-style:



>> No.4057058

>old fashioned

better have some brandy son

>> No.4057076

i got out of an inpatient rehab in november. being sober again feelsgoodman.

>> No.4057110

But PA liquor stores are open on Sundays...

>> No.4057117

It's not even religion anymore. It's just a regulation from prohibition that hasn't gone away yet. Learn your shit. It's also a lousy excuse to provide state jobs and pad employment numbers. People who work for the PA Liquor Control Board have it fucking easy.

>> No.4057127

Rehab scares the shit out of me. I'll stay drunk and safe for now.

>> No.4057130

Used to drink everyday. I quit a few times. Now I drink occasionally.
Last time I quit, after nearly a year of binge drinking, I thought I was going to die; Fucking flashes, nightmares, night terrors, hallucinations...

At my worst I'd drink a 13ozer of Whiskey both morning and night with some beers in the afternoon.

>> No.4057146
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tomorrow is your day and i am glad that you are resolving to do something.

drink or don't drink. that's not the issue. it's not about what you consume or your heart pouring out.

it's only important that you Do.

>> No.4057170

it wasn't scary at all. i was scared to be on my own at first, but i haven't slipped yet. i am taking campral and naltrexone. the campral really seems to stop cravings.

>> No.4057192

I probably drink about 12oz of bottom shelf vodka daily, been this way for a couple years. Sometimes it's because I have severe anxiety, other times it's just out of habit I guess. Super high functioning alcoholic, nobody even knows (in before "yes they do". No, they really don't.). No addiction runs in my family so I'm not sure how I'm so fucked up, I want to stop but I don't know if I'd have to taper and tapering is fucking hard (I've tried several times). If I knew I could safely stop cold turkey I don't think it'd be a problem.

>> No.4057195

thats what my ex girlfriend used to say she said she couldn't even tell when i was drunk.

>> No.4057211


1.75 liters of bottom shelf vodka is like $9.

>> No.4057219


Not fat and I'm not one of the alcoholics that barely eats food. I do exercise almost every day of the week.

>> No.4057232

i was in rehab with a few people who had this form drinking a lot fo ra long time and not eating.

>> No.4057381

Dude, as long as you get enough B vitamins you'll be okay.

>> No.4057383

I drink once a month, and never alone or at my house. I can't say how much, the equivalent of around 30 shots of vodka.

>> No.4057405

[citation needed]

>> No.4057433

It's either "Mak Gul Li" (a quick-fermented korean sake) for which I have a supply in Germany, strangely. Or it's Irish beer, Kilkenny or Guiness. And that's during the week, because I work as a software engineer, so I'm holding back. At weekends, it's cheap Bourbon. Plus sleeping tables all time for the last 15 years, in 3x-4x prescribed dosing. I'm pretty surprised I'm still alive.

>> No.4057436

barley, hops, yeast, etc.

>> No.4057967

Drinking right now. Bourbon (cheap) and water and watching television after I gorged myself on Taco Bell and cigarettes.

Right now I am so proud to live in the U.S.

>> No.4059967

I want Taco Bell.