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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4051716 No.4051716 [Reply] [Original]

What's your honest opinion on dog meat? I know this is a taboo subject but you eat to survive, meat is meat and I'm Asian, we see dogs as animals, not humans to keep around as pets or companion like most white ppl do.

>> No.4051720

If there's a shitload of stray dogs and no other source of protein available, I don't see why not. I mean, I assume that's why some asian countries serve dog.

>> No.4051721

Speak for yourself mainlander scum.

>> No.4051726

Are you asking why everyone isn't as barbaric as you are?

>> No.4051730

Most dogs are completely integrated into society. They actively see humans as non-enemies and seek to befriend them, and we have socialized them to our needs such that they often "act like humans". Dogs are probably the most human like animal in that aspect because they have specifically evolved to be suitable to human needs. At the same time however, they are still practically the same species as wolf, which is more violent and generally non friendly to humans. Because of that, if mistreated or generally left stray in the wild, depending on the type of dog, they could become unfriendly to humans.

So dogs may not be the most intelligent animal but they can act eerily human. So is eating dogs wrong? Depends on your view point. Based on the idea that they are "intelligent" we should have stopped eating pigs long before them, because they're in the rankings of the top most intelligent animals whereas dogs fall a quite a bit short of them. However pigs aren't very human and aren't domesticated to act like humans. So it's easy to see why people think eating dogs is wrong, because they are "human" to them.

>> No.4051737

It seems pretty profane to me to eat a companion animal. Are all dogs where you are feral or strays? Does no-one personally own any of them?

Friend of mine, now lives in Texas, grew up in the Philippines, related to me how he fucking hates Filipinos. In a stunning example of their WOG cruelty, his neighbors abducted his family dog and cooked and ate it.

>> No.4051746

While I agree with you on many of your points, I would have to say that dogs don't act human in the slightest. If humans are masters, dogs are absolutely bred to be servants. Dogs prefer not to think for themselves and tend to depend upon the leadership and kindness of humans even for their subsistence.

Dogs are pretty far from being human. They have merely evolved in such a manner as to do exceptionally well in human society. If dogs behaved as humans, we probably wouldn't like them very much and consider them to be an unspeakable burden.

>> No.4051753


if you have ever lived on a hog farm you know that pigs are smarter than dogs.

>> No.4051757

I don't think he was denying that.
But pigs are very violent. Getting in the way of a pig and its food is very dangerous, but humans play with dogs and their food all the time. Like holding dog biscuits back from them to get them to do tricks. Of course more violent dog breeds or mistreated ones might bite your hands but the majority won't.

>> No.4051761

I'm american yet I understand the concept of food animals =/= companion animals. It's a shame a lot of people in my country don't, but then again I'm the type of person that gets kind of disgusted seeing little yappy kick-me dogs treated exactly like human babies. I believe in giving an animal a nice life, regardless of its' purpose, but that shit's just going overboard.

>> No.4051765

I think you're exactly right, OP. Meat is meat. I don't see any difference between killing and eating a pig, chicken, or cow , dog, goat, rabbit, deer, or any other animal for that matter.

Also, I feel compelled to point out that there is a difference between killing a random dog for food versus a pet dog. I wouldn't want to kill my pet but if the animal was raised to be food, then how is eating dog any different than eating cow/pig/chicken....

>> No.4051768

Shit, that looks so smooth it's making me sick. Don't like pig roasts, either.

>> No.4051774

i dont give a shit. i'd try it if i was in china.

>> No.4051776


OP here, I'm not good with english conversation but i was born in the US and my parents immigrated here to the US, and still today its taboo to talk about dogs meat, we let know one knows we eat dogs...we would go buy dog meat like someone keeping a pigeons coop in the ghetto of some one's back yard, we would go and order one...... I think the dog is domestic and hoards.

>> No.4051778

if you roast a whole cow it would look smooth too. better not eat it.

>> No.4051784

i don't really dig on eating carnivores... waste of energy cycle.... but that's just me... ya know

>> No.4051796

Eating a carnivore doesn't sit well with a lot of people for that reason. Bear meat used to be eaten, but they're carnivorans with an opportunistic streak, so their meat wasn't considered as strange as say, a lion's or a mongoose's.

There's also the concept of "poverty food", where certain items aren't eaten unless there's no other choice. Rutebagas come to mind.

>> No.4051799

It's not eating them that bothers me , it's the horrible abuse in some of these places

>> No.4051801

i'd eat it if there was no other option or somebody put it infront of me

>> No.4051805

I don't think there's anything wrong about it in itself, but killing someone's pet dog is absolutely wrong, and since it's a carnivore, it's hardly an efficient use of resources to breed them for eating. Killing strays is fine I guess.

>> No.4051818
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>muh triggers

>> No.4051821

I'm a dog lover but I'd try it

>> No.4051858

Why's Dogmeat always look so fake?
Like the OPs pic looks like a fiber glass sculpture.

>> No.4051859

This is why God let whites win ww2.

>> No.4051865

난 어렸을때 전세계 사람들이 먹는줄 알았어,
그런대 어느날 뉴스에서 먹으면 안되는 것을 알고난 후 큰 충격을 받았고 울었어ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
먹으면 안되 제발 ㅠㅠ

>> No.4051873
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>Also, I feel compelled to point out that there is a difference between killing a random dog for food versus a pet dog. I wouldn't want to kill my pet but if the animal was raised to be food, then how is eating dog any different than eating cow/pig/chicken....

Sums up my opinion really, I would eat dog as long as it wasn't somebody's pet. I know a lot of birds and ungulates that I would never want to eat because I like the individual animals, but I will eat raised-for-food animals like chickens, pigs, cows..

I'd eat horse too, I already handle a ton of horse meat being a zookeeper. People don't realize it but horse meat is common in zoos for feeding.. well, anything that eats meat.

I don't think a certain type of animal deserves any better or worse treatment than any other when it comes to matters of animals raised for food.

>> No.4051876

All the asians I know (one of which was brought up in mainland China and barely speaks English) don't see dogs as food at all, and consider it either an old relic, or shit that poor people eat.

>> No.4051880



>> No.4051885

>well, if the human was raised to be food, and wasn't in somebody's family, I'd definitely eat it.
>Meat is meat.

>> No.4051888 [DELETED] 


lol, what are you some kind of Koren peasant farmer and your broke ass family had to eat your dog?

>> No.4051890
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Sure. I'd agree with this. U mad?

>> No.4051895

I think the taboo is proliferated by the advancement of society. We are no longer starving so we don't have to eat anything we get emotionally attatched to. We have factories to slaughter cows so we don't see the grim reality.

Humans have had to eat dogs to survive historically. In fact I've read that the oldest domesticated dogs originated in china and were initially eaten and then later the other uses sprung up.

There is nothing more wrong about eating a dog than there is a pig. In other countries people still slaughter a lot of their own meat so dogs as pet isn't as compartmentalized from slaughtering other animals as food as it is in first world countries etc.

I wouldn't eat a dog because I'm a (arguably overly) privileged white person in America who doesn't even eat a number of body parts from less taboo animals like cow brains and sheep eye. But I'm circumspect enough to know that eating dogs is no better or worse than eating any other animal and that the slaughter of and consumption of dogs is a part of their domesticity.

There are things that set dogs apart from other animals and has led to our tight relationship but people get attached to pigs and cows too.

>> No.4051899

Comparing yourself to an animal intended to be food says all that needs to be said about your intelligence.

>> No.4051900

Predator meat is usually shit; only eaten because it's seen as some sort of achievement.

>> No.4051909

What's the difference? Cultures are cultures, needs are needs.

>weaboo shit
If I was even less mad, I think I'd have no pulse

>> No.4051910

I've eaten coyote plenty of times, and I would think it would taste similar. I have no problem with it. To be honest, I don't know why some types of meat are taboo. I would even try human if there would be a nice restaurant that served it.

>> No.4051913

there were once cannibals as well in north America and i have heard some still exist today in Africa. All any of this says about anything is people will and have eaten probably almost every kind of meat there is. Most people would prefer not to eat other people or family pets i would assume. since a dog is considered a pet in most other places than china it is not as acceptable to others.

>> No.4051918

would you cut your own leg off and eat it?

>> No.4051921

If my leg was no longer functional and was going to be removed, I may scavenge some of the meat from it.

>> No.4051925

congratulations you are one of the people that contract and help spread the AIDS virus.

>> No.4051926

No, I'm married and only have sex with my wife. Also, I'm not black or homosexual, so I couldn't possibly get it. Sorry that you don't have an adventurous palate, though.

>> No.4051927

thats how it stated people eating hominids over in Africa

>> No.4051931

I have never tried it although I would as I dislike dogs. Also, there are too many people on this World so eating dog is the perfect way of getting rid of strays and feeding the starving millions.

>> No.4051942

Only the homonids that carried the virus, you moron.

>> No.4051946

But if people were raised as food, they'd hardly be people. They wouldn't be educated, they wouldn't be able to communicate, they would basically be animals. Similarly, my seven year old cat, bottle fed and raised by humans since she was two weeks old, is not comparable to a feral cat living under a dumpster.

>> No.4051947

Address the argument.

>> No.4051955

I'm white

we see asians as animals

women are for breeding, men are for low wages

that's just how it is in our culture, you have no right to complain

>> No.4051965

I would ever be able to do this, on account of my love for own dogs. I'm american-born Chinese, and while I know it's out of date and not common anymore, I think it's one of the most disgusting and disturbing parts of my background. My cousin told me he had dog once, I just walked away.

>Dogs are friends, not food.

>> No.4051969


>> No.4051970

at the same time Europe trained and used dogs to hunt other animals. you did not slaughter dogs for the same reason you did not slaughter your cow. they provide more alive than dead
thats why there is the divide
also Chinese will eat anything that moves

also sewage getting stolen is an actual problem in china

>> No.4051972

go on.

>> No.4051973

they would only get aids if they had open wounds in their mouths
the stomach acid would kill the aids virus

>> No.4051974

I'd sooner nuke the rest of the gooks than eat a dog.

>> No.4051975


>> No.4051979

peta pls leave

>> No.4051986

>acid kills virus
lern2 science.

>> No.4052004

if they're wild dogs or it's the only prevalent meat available I don't see why not. I've heard it tastes like shit so I don't have any desire to try it but I'd need it if I had no other sources of protein.

>> No.4052016

>Dogs are probably the most human like animal in that aspect because they have specifically evolved to be suitable to human needs.

They haven't "evolved". Dogs are to wolves what asspies are to normal fellas. Selective breeding makes them retain wolve's early social learning skills over the course of their whole life in exchange for the species' problem solving skills.

Apparently. Some test showed adult wolves being much better at problem solving, but they can't take cues from people or other adult wolves, making them pretty useless as houshold pets.

>> No.4052023
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I honestly don't give a fuck which meat is used as long as the final result is worth it.Even human meat simply for the hell of it.

>> No.4052028


I don't think so, Tim.

>> No.4052044

To be fair I only see it as a non food because I associate dogs as companions.

If I had a pet sheep for example, I don't think I could ever eat lamb again.

>> No.4052046

I had a speech class once, and the prof told a story about how one time, he had a student give a speech against dog slaughterhouses in korea or something like. that. afterward, he was approached by korean students who said he shouldn't talk about it because it makes koreans look bad. he asked "it's true though isn't it?". and they replied "well yeah, but it makes us look bad."

cool story, eh bro?

>> No.4052051

As long as the process of breeding and butchering is humane, I'd okay dog meat around the globe.

Then again, I think I should reconsider that - it's not like pork, beef or chicken receive ethical treatment either. I guess it's just fine to eat dog, now that I think of it. Or anything else in general - I mean, food's business, and ethics have no room in business!

>> No.4052055

Koreans are butthurt frequently, but not as much as Mainlander Chinese.

>> No.4052072

I'd eat maggots before American junk food.
I'd eat American junk food before dog.
Even in famine I wouldn't eat the one creature that's better at hunting than I am - and my ally.

>> No.4052077

"Oh kittens, in our hours of ease,
uncertain toys and full of fleas.
But when pain and anguish hang o'er men
we turn you into sausage then."

True facts.

>> No.4052085

AIDS started with hepatitis vaccines made from monkeys. Thanks for playing.

>> No.4052099

Meanwhile in Australia.

>> No.4052102
File: 30 KB, 448x336, kangaroo-steak-package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot mah image

>> No.4052103

>be white Euro living in US
>learned to speak/read Korean at uni
>go to Korean restaurant today
>menu is in Korean and English
>notice a second menu on an unattended cart grabbing distance from my seat
>grab it
>see dog meat kimchi soup/stew (not completely sure how to translate 'tang' because it's too thin to be stew but also too thick to be soup)
>curious, but decide to order something else entirely because I don't wanna weird anyone out
>maeun dweji bulgogi, spicy, sizzling pork
>om nom nom

>> No.4052106

But that's no controversial, since there are kangaroos. It's kind of like when we had that sudden influx of camels and needed to eat them.

>> No.4052159

Dog doesn't seem super appetizing to me, but I see nothing wrong with it. I keep a personal list of animals I'd like to eat, which includes cats, horses, dolphins, and frogs. I've already checked off rabbits and bears.

>> No.4052202

I don't wanna eat Korean food.

>> No.4052218

how are you not good with english conversation if you were raised in the US?

>> No.4052232
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Do you eat parrots, retards? There's just some animals that are off limits.

>> No.4052235


He said he was born here, he never said he was rasied here.

Also, if his parents were immigrants then perhaps most of his social contact was with others from his country and he never got a chance to speak much English?

>> No.4052277
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Why dont you eat rats too? Oh wait, you do.

>> No.4052287
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>comparing a clean eating herbivore to a trash-eating omnivore.

Even aboriginals have enough self-respect not to eat dogs.

>> No.4052296

>i'm Asian
Confirmed for white.

>> No.4052320

What about e.g cod? We eat predatory fish all the time.

>> No.4052346

>Dogs prefer not to think for themselves and tend to depend upon the leadership

but humans by and large are the exact same way

>> No.4052364
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I ate dog in Korea. It doesn't taste very good at all - and I was even half drunk at the time. Usually, when you've been drinking, things taste better. Not in this case, however.

>> No.4052365

You're a projectionist. Just because you are that way, you tend to believe most people are similar. I mean, hell, we learned that in psych 101.

I hate not being in charge.

>> No.4052369

Im ok with the idea, fire purify every thing, i will eat any thing.

>> No.4052424

fish live in a predominantly sterile environment. It's incomparable to land dwelling predators.

>> No.4052429

I'd eat any kind of meat once, except insects. That's just gross.

>> No.4052430

Sterile environment? lol

You're either trolling or just flat out stupid.

>> No.4052432

Agreed. No sense in eating bugs outside of a survival situation.

>> No.4052459

In terms of microbial and pathogenic bacteria found in animals.
Please try to keep up.

>> No.4052522


watch this


>> No.4052528

Son, that's where most bacteria are found. Take a college microbiology course, got damn.

>> No.4052559

White here, I fucking love dogs and have one as a pet, but if there was dog on the menu somewhere, I sure as hell would at least give it a go

Personally, I think all murder is wrong, but my desire for meat simply overtakes my thoughts on violence. It's a little odd to me that people who claim to draw the line at dogs or cats 99% of the time seem to have no problem letting pigs get killed, an animal biologically much more similar to humans and debatably more intelligent than dogs.

>> No.4052652

My thoughts...
I wouldn't go out and acquire it when I can easily get beef, turkey, chicken, etc.
However, I wouldn't be like "OMG NO!!!!!" if, say I were in the country and I was a guest of their house and they had it in soup. I also don't think asians are weird or evil or whatever for eating it.

Also, I'm sure I'd eat it if it meant the difference between life and death.

>> No.4052668

Anybody ever see that movie A Boy and His Dog where at the end the man saves his bitch girlfriend only to return to his starving loyal dog with only one logical outcome (kills his girlfriend and feeds her to his dog)?

>> No.4052679

It comes down to "this animal is cute, don't kill it" and "this animal is not, fuck it"

in b4 >pigs are cute
Most people don't agree that full grown pigs are cute.

>> No.4052688

No, it comes down to use.

A dog is a companion, hunts, guards, watches, etc. A cat kills pests and offers companionship.

A cow and a pig are raised for food.

>> No.4052690
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In Korea, they speak Hangul. Beef = bulgogi. Dog = kagogi. When you're drunk, you say, "Gimme some gogi." Dog costs more than beef, so the KATUSA snack bar sends over kagogi with a hefty bill.

That's when I tried it.

Pic related. My platoon hoisting the US flag in North Korea.

>> No.4052710

Pigs are also used to hunt for truffles.

Also horses are for eating.

>> No.4052713

>>4052679 "this animal is cute, don't kill it" and "this animal is not, fuck it"

Wouldn't it make more sense to fuck the cute animals?

>> No.4052734

>Pigs are also used to hunt for truffles.
Dogs are better at it and prized edible truffles aren't cosmopolitan.

>> No.4052797

Actually pigs are better at finding truffles, it's just harder to get them to not eat the truffles they find.

>> No.4052801

...which is one of the many reasons dogs are better.

>> No.4052934

Well, do you fuck cute little boys or girls? Do you fuck cute little babies?

... You know what, don't answer that.

>> No.4052997

Eeeeeh well, don't eat meat anymore but when I did I always felt weird about the possibility of consuming something I owned as a companion animal. I would feel the same if I owned a cow or a pig (hence why I don't eat it anymore). However I understand that in different cultures they don't have the same opinions though.

>> No.4053005

I don't see it any worse than eating pigs or cows.

>> No.4053009

>Selective breeding makes them retain wolve's early social learning skills over the course of their whole life in exchange for the species' problem solving skills.
That IS evolution you numbskull.

>> No.4053017

Better not roast it, my friend.

>> No.4053022

I wouldn't eat a dog that was somebody's pet, but if it was raised to be eaten or was just some wild stray street dog or something I'd try it.

But I have to say, dog meat sounds kinda unappetizing. I imagine it would be lean as fuck and stringy.

>> No.4053026

enjoy your spongiform encephalitis

>> No.4053027

you'll be eating your pets come the 21st

>> No.4053030

>Dogs are to wolves what asspies are to normal fellas.

>Selective breeding makes them retain wolve's early social learning skills over the course of their whole life
What? The majority of dogs in N. America are neutered/spayed and not kept in pacts. They are also tamed from birth. You cannot make an accurate judgement based on your biased sample population.

>> No.4053032

I thought we would all be dead by the 21st?

You mean we linger?

>> No.4053034

It isn't spontaneous. It has to be present in the first place... and spongiform encephalitis is most likely rare where you live.

>> No.4053043
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>tfw not running a small, locally owned St. Bernard meat farm

>> No.4053078

I love how people keep trying to distinguish between companion animal and food animal but there really is no difference. People who grow up on farms find both in the same animals. They just have a better understanding that when their "companion" has to be eaten, then it's okay to let go. Somewhere along the way, Americlaps became huge crybabies. I know people who are very close to their cows, chickens, and pigs, yet will still kill and eat them.

>> No.4053107

I think people who eat meat but wont eat dog just because "they're friendly!" are hypocrites.

For fucks sake you could say that about any animal. I have friends with pet chickens. You have zero respect for life if you're just going to arbitrarily pick animals to be considered taboo to eat

>> No.4053113

>smarter than dogs
>can't perform left side glance for facial recognition

yeah, keep reciting cliche yet scientifically-proven-false anecdotes too.

>> No.4053114

why do you think they are hypocrites?

>> No.4053119


>> No.4053137

The only thing worse than dogs is dog lovers.

There's no meaningful distinction between a dog and any other animal we consume.

>> No.4053145

except I just posted a link proving you wrong, you autist.

I don't even care if people eat them, im just tired of you faggots being wrong all the time.

>> No.4053174

Essentially this, though i'd say it's better someone have the ability to realize the same species can be both a food animal and a companion animal while making distinctions between individual animals than to sob about teh injusticc when something they see sheerly as a companion animal is being eaten. A lot of americans will do the latter when horses/dogs come up. And it seems like we house all the batshit insane PETA that will scream and cry if anyone does anything vaguely related to animals...

It's hard to take life. Different people have different ways of coping with this. My aunt runs a large chicken flock and she's told me, those are pets. ... except an asshole rooster on the rare occasion. /cough. regardless, some methods of coping are better than others and the above-mentioned works for me.

>> No.4053196

that link doesn't mean shit

so they can read body language, they're pack animals you know? why did you even need a link to tell you that? of course they're sensitive to the moods of the creatures around them. they're fucking PACK ANIMALS

pigs are as intelligent as dogs, when's the last time you made a stink about eatin pork you self righteous hypocrite?

>> No.4053198

It's not an efficient source of resources to raise any meat for food (most of the US's crop goes towards animal rearing) however I eat beef and lamb and chicken because in New Zealand you can guarantee that they're grass-fed and free range

>> No.4053248

I remember in high school I had a Chinese teacher who told us that while we might call them cruel for eating dogs because in our culture they're seen as pets, a rural Chinese person would just as soon call us cruel for eating cows because in THEIR culture cows are working animals and eating them is disrespectful. It's all about context.

Australian here, not sure what you're getting at. Kangaroos aren't pets or working animals and they're nothing like Skippy. Also there's actually too many of them, they're essentially a pest. I don't see how this is any different to Americans eating deer.

>> No.4053323

Sort of this, but at the same time there's a reason underlying why Western cultures generally don't eat dogs and horses and such - they're useful while they're alive. A horse can pull a plow or a cart, and a dog can herd sheep, help hunt, etc etc. Thus we eat them only in times of need. I'm guessing it became something of a social stigma to be forced to eat a dog or horse, because it would imply that you were very poor. Between that and the companionship of animals like dogs, you get the prevailing opinion today that dogs are not OK to eat.

This is true. Pigs are generally regarded as more intelligent than dogs, but we eat them all the time. Saying we shouldn't eat dogs because they're smart is a silly reason if you're going to at the same time eat pigs.

>> No.4053428

I don't have anything morally against eating dogs, or cats, or horses or any other common pets or intelligent creatures. Only things that would stop me would be cost/availability/flavor.

>> No.4053461

>This is true. Pigs are generally regarded as more intelligent than dogs, but we eat them all the time. Saying we shouldn't eat dogs because they're smart is a silly reason if you're going to at the same time eat pigs.
Again, dogs have more use than pigs:
- hunting (catching, tracking, pointing, pursuing, etc.)
- protection (guarding and alerting)
- herding
- transportation (draughting, carting, sled, skijoring)
- search and rescue, police dogs, detection, therapy, etc.
- companions
- etc.

While a pig is intelligent and can be quite friendly, their size and other qualities made our ancestors decide they were better for food.

The decisions of our ancestors to tame dogs has obviously influenced why most societies consider eating dog meat a taboo.

And there is the emotional part. Anyone who has a good working dog understands why they are amazing companions.

I have a 3 yo German Shorthaired Pointer. We hunt, skijor, snowshoe, canoe, swim, hike, camp, and basically do everything outside together. When you go skijoring in the forest with your dog, shoot a few rabbits, and share one over a fire with a pot of tea you will understand what it is truly like to bond with an animal. And it gives you an idea of why dogs were so important to our ancestors from a survival point of view.

>> No.4053528

in the end, meat is meat, humans are omnivore for a reason, the main problem with dog meat is the usual dog - human relationship (human's best friend, that kind of stuff), so that's why many people find that wrong

me? i don't really mind
but that pic gives it bad presentation

>> No.4053678


Actually, once it's dead, the different parts of a pig have many uses, in a range of industries, they aren't just ambulatory pork.

I don't eat pork (but because of my first comment I've no doubt that I consume products from pigs multiple times a day) and I there are many things I wouldn't eat unless I had to, including dog.

>> No.4054103

>but there really is no difference
The difference is that you don't have to wonder if you just destroyed some ten year old's heart, you soulless bastard.

>> No.4054109

I don't mind if they eat cats and dogs, but why do we only see pictures of them being treated in such inhumane conditions like crammed in cages? I also read they steal pets from families, much like they do with little boys.

>> No.4056876

humans are omnivores but so are other animals and you dont see chimps eating lions or other big cats or even other preatatores?
even when a lion kills a cheetah or a jaguar it does not eat it? it is un-natural for a meat eating animal to eat another
but culturally pigs have more meat and can feed more people but dogs have uses as stated before

>> No.4056889

it's a little off-putting as an American who grew up with dogs as pets, but it's understandable.

I'd try it if I got the chance

>> No.4056891

For someone to lead someone else has to obey, shit for brains.

>> No.4056901

>I'm asian from asia guis really
Whatever you say, champ. I was stationed in South Korea for a year. Eating dog is expensive and not at all common like eating kim chi. Kimchi is fucking everywhere and it smells and tastes terrible.
My point is, there's no reason to eat a dog when you can eat still alive squid tentacles brought to you from a crazy man on a moped.

>> No.4056904

fun fact for everyone who hasn't been to south korea= lots and lots of slums. Smells like fish and dog shit.

>> No.4056938

>Kimchi is fucking everywhere and it smells and tastes terrible.
It's pretty good once you get used to the flavor.
Hated it the first time but now it goes great with meat dishes.
There'd be no way I could eat nearly as much as Koreans when it comes to kimchi though.

>> No.4056942


>> No.4056947

For China, I thought this is mostly relegated to a few small townships. It's a topic of discussion there if it should be banned completely.

In Shanghai it's illegal, but there are restaurants that do it.

>> No.4058218

>Kimchi is fucking everywhere and it smells and tastes terrible
i met literally not one person during my two years living in korea who didnt like kimchi, including foreigners. you're weird.

>> No.4058251 [DELETED] 

>hurr durr pack animals

Pigs can not. They are too fucking stupid.

sage because I am done - I have no interest in trying to communicate with illiterates

>> No.4058277

I'd rather eat a chink. Preferably a little kid or something so the meat isn't to gamy.

I should be clear: I would not eat a jap since they're humanoid.

>> No.4058843

false. cats, boars and primates are well known to exhibit pack mentality. furthermore simply because an animal exhibits pack behaviour does not make it smart, in fact it makes it far less smarter. we aren't pack animals, we're social. that's why we can think for ourselves.

>> No.4058855

White people also fuck dogs.

>> No.4059086

Just a tip-- shes not going to fuck you or you're not suddenly going to be partner material if you do this.

>> No.4059114

>I know this is a taboo subject but you eat to survive, meat is meat and I'm Asian, we see dogs as animals, not humans to keep around as pets or companion like most white ppl do.

The fuck are you talking about?

Go learn about Korea before you pretend to be Asian.

Koreans don't eat domesticated dogs. It's a separate breed for eating. Even then it's controversial in Korea. Saying all "Lel Koreans eat dogs" is like saying "Brits go foxhunting every week". No, a small minority still do it. It's controversial among the vast majority of people.

I can't speak for Thailand or China etc, but I imagine it's the same sort of story, except rural areas will obviously stick to their established ways of life.

>> No.4059115

>, I'm not black or homosexual, so I couldn't possibly get it
I lol'd

>> No.4059135
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Most people would have some discomfort slaughtering any animal for their meal, whether they'll admit it or not. Dogs and cats are a little closer to home.

Domestic house animals do act differently than "food" animals or wild ones. If they come from a long line of domestic animals (versus say a stray you take in) they will be stupidly unguarded around humans, even when it comes to strangers. That is what bothers people; killing an animal that not only is kept as a pet, but doesn't even naturally see you as dangerous.

Also, eating carnivore meat is pretty pricey. Herbivore meat is already outrageous when you calculate how much corn each porker eats yearly, how about paying all that, then feeding a supply of grain-fed meat to a dog? As far as tropic levels of energy go, it's pretty silly to eat dog meat.

No shit no one wants to eat their pet, doesn't mean they wouldn't like to try what some already-prepared dog or cat tastes like.

Also, there are countless amounts of animal cruelty in cooking.

Foie gras, or "Fatty liver of a duck or goose force fed via corn tube shoved down their throats"

or the infamous ortolans

"For centuries, a rite of passage for French gourmets has been the eating of the Ortolan. These tiny song birds—captured alive, force-fed, then drowned in Armagnac—were roasted whole and eaten that way, bones and all, while the diner draped his head with a linen napkin to preserve the precious aromas and to hide from God."

Even the domestic meat industry is terribly and disgustingly abusive and filthy. The animals are kept so tightly packed and sick, they need to be constantly fed anti-biotics to keep them alive to slaughter day.

To continue to survive, you need to kill some other organism and process it into energy. I'm sorry there's no such thing as inanimate food.

>> No.4059136

You don't know most people. I'm guessing you live in the city and the the dark woods are scary. Perhaps the Blair Witch will get you.

I hunt. All of my friends hunt. All of my family hunts and has been for as many generations as we can trace back. Everyone I know hunts. I live in a medium sized community of 68,000.

Driving through town or out on the freeway, it's not unusual to see a deer displayed on the hood of a truck. I've done it plenty of times. I also hunt hogs and put down pests like coyote.

None of this gives me any discomfort nor does it give discomfort to anyone I know. In fact, it's quite elating when you get a kill. Try living in the real world for a change. Regular males aren't a bunch of pussies.