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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4048239 No.4048239 [Reply] [Original]

I really need your help ck, you guys know more about food than anyone else I know.
I'm a broke ass college student with a max of 40 buck to spend on food tomorrow, the food has to last me a while, at least 2 weeks until I get paid, and even then I don't know if I'll have money left over after bills.

tl;dr 40 buck, need help with shopping

>> No.4048247

Please help me

>> No.4048248

Rice, beans, potatoes, onions, cheap cuts of meat.
Try to avoid fresh fruits and veg unless they'll hold well or you'll be using them in the next few days.

>> No.4048252

Thank you kind anon.
Care to share a couple or recipes with me?

>> No.4048253
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Look into couponing and grocery deals on google. I've seen alot of soccermom blogs who get bomb deals at kroger and shit with the use of coupons, but i guess printing out coupons also cost money.

Anyway, hope this list helps you. Sorry it's an eye sore (no pics), but if you read it, it should help.

>> No.4048255

Rice, beans, a few cans of cream of chicken if cheap, ramen,

I make my rice, dump a can of cream of chicken in it and it last me like 2 days with my gf. Cheap and tasty. Also /ck/ will recommend frozen chicken cause it goes well with almost anything

>> No.4048257

Beans and rice. Pasta and a jar of peanut butter.

Look at /r/frugal on reddit, they have a food section, though a lot of it is about batch cooking.

>> No.4048261

Even just lentils boiled with whatever spices you've got and dumped over rice works. It's not great, but it'll fill you.

>> No.4048262

Thank you for the guide
I'll keep an eye out for the cream of chicken

>> No.4048265

Really depends what you're into man. There's a thread here on the first or second page about someone making hobo stew, do that shit up.
I'm actually disappointed in myself for not having thought of it, especially with delicious stew weather coming up.

>> No.4048263

np. also, there's many coupons for campbell's cream of chicken. i think it's like 75 cents off 3-4, maybe? i always see campbell stuff on sale at target.

>> No.4048270

If its edible I'll eat it.

>> No.4048276


why you say NP, when im the one that posted about the cream of chicken and rice, you ass.


thats also my thread and would recommend it. grew up on welfare and foodstamps here, also, at my local place, they usually have 10 for 10 dollars turkey franks from jenni o. But I dont shop at walmart so they have cheaper dogs like Bar S. Heres a fuck awesome easy recipe if you like hot dogs.


>> No.4048278


nvm it was cause you posted the guide, sorry my drunk mind was like WTF that bitch took credit. my bad anon

>> No.4048280
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its okay i love u
i just linked your post because i was talking about the cream of chicken

>> No.4048281

it was*

>> No.4048304

Bag of dried lentils.
Couple bags of frozen veggies (spinach, broccoli, whatever you like.)
Some olive oil.
Assorted spices. That'll set you back 40 and the spices are a good investment. Easy to make, keeps, and you can spice up the basic ingredients with, er, spices.

>> No.4048317

Does this method work? I haven't tried vodka+gummi bears, but I've heard they either come out slimey or too strong

>> No.4048321

too strong
there is no such thing as too strong
just drink from the bottle until you learn to like it