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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 20 KB, 200x190, lP34Tr1354155438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4047520 No.4047520 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4047534


>> No.4047535
File: 14 KB, 100x100, 1351692528089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his nachos can satisfy 3 adults or 6 children at a cost of 1 to 2 dollars per person.

>> No.4047552


>> No.4049789

three hundred thousand hits and counting.

>> No.4049823


most of you young people cannot know this yet, but steve is us. steve is you, and steve is me.

maybe not that sex offender part, but the utter defeat that is in his eyes and his every expression.

and yet he soldiers on. he knows that they are laughing at him. he knows that we are laughing at him.

steve is me and steve is you.

merry christmas.

>> No.4049847
File: 41 KB, 675x612, it do.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this feel

>> No.4049889

Hello, Wildcats!

>> No.4050034

I, or anyone I know for that matter, am nothing like that Huckleberry Hound pedophile.

>> No.4050038

OP why does your pic ensmallen when I click on it?
I dont need to see it smaller, I clicked to see it bigger.

>> No.4050045


It's smaller than 250x250, which is the standard thumbnail size for OP, meaning it'll never get bigger.

>> No.4050090

His sex offender page didn't have a good resolution.

>> No.4050436
File: 51 KB, 363x247, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you're thinking Droopy Dog?

>> No.4050546

Leave Steven alone.
He never did anything to anybody.
And dont forget he showed us the bean can trick.

>> No.4050551
File: 30 KB, 305x165, OMG (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4050591

Of what bean can trick do you speak?

>> No.4050599

Anyone have the link?

>> No.4050619

325,000 fucking hits.

>> No.4050633

I lost my shit at 1:57

My sides have left the galaxy

Feels like a clip from Tim & Eric Awesome Show

>> No.4050634

>why is it only recording my views

>> No.4050638

That last shot, slowly zooming in towards the poorly mixed chili and cheese is probably the most depressing thing I've seen in a long time.

>> No.4050646

Shot-gunning cans of beans like a can of beer.
>i bet you i can down a can of beans quicker that you

>> No.4050647
File: 41 KB, 500x281, Prishphreed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Feels like a clip from Tim & Eric Awesome Show


>> No.4051470


Those comments !

>> No.4051497

That's the one!

>> No.4051498

but im also a sex offender

>> No.4051541
File: 18 KB, 403x94, 2e4966df12b5b84260c7bdfa10d5bf58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4051622

So the only S. Reed videos I can find were uploaded in the last 7 days... what happened to the videos we were watching 3 weeks ago? I feels like the old ones deserve all these hits...

>> No.4051626
File: 24 KB, 186x141, Screenshot-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat expression

>> No.4051627

The original vids have been taken down, but you can still find spaghetti, rice a roni, creamed corn n' baked potato, and (of course) nachos all on youtube very easily.

>> No.4051630

It's that expression near the end, he doesn't know where to look and just wants to go home.

>> No.4051631

Yea, when I first saw them, they had been taken off of Weber News's' channel, but some other focka had posted them. Guess those are gone now too.

>> No.4051641
File: 127 KB, 353x340, Screenshot-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn you lonelysauce.

>> No.4051693
File: 78 KB, 250x254, sad_nacho_man2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i wish i could share christmas eve with steve.

>> No.4051760

If you are underage you have a chance anon.

>> No.4051770


everyone makes mistakes.

>> No.4051773
File: 42 KB, 364x378, doll-where-did-he-touch-you-child-abuse-creepy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can just curl up on the couch with him and wait for the touching to start...

>> No.4051785


idk, new years might be more fun...you can tell he's the kind of guy that would make sure there was enough booze and Rx to ensure you pass out.

>> No.4052064

As long as I am good and passed out then who cares??

>> No.4052089

I have the same feeling watching that as when I watched an episode of MLP, after 20minutes I was wondering why the fuck I was still watching this shit, yet I watched the entire episode.

>> No.4052094

He deserves a third chance.

>> No.4052530

The secret ingredient for the lonely sauce is roofies. Still serves 3 adults or six children.

>> No.4052579

He made a /choice/. What don't you get about that?

I understand sometimes people lose everything and it's not their fault. Companies file bankruptcy, the economy doesn't have enough jobs for the newly unemployed, people lose their homes. Shit happens.

He doesn't deserve a second chance. It's a real shame we don't execute these sick fucks.

>But death penalties cost more than prison or rehabilitation!

It does not cost any money to publicly stone someone to death. Rocks are free. Hell, we could just drown them.

He's a waste of resources. The population is already too large as it is. We could really benefit from losing a few billion people.

>> No.4052612

Woah, careful with that edge there buddy

>> No.4052623


No wonder he looks so sad.

>> No.4052696

Nice edge bro.

Do you even know what he got charged with?

>> No.4052890

Silence. Edgy had no interest in doing any actual research.

>> No.4052933


So we're rushing to this guy's defense?

Please explain to us how he's really innocent.

>> No.4052937

what was he accused of? I refuse to google this but if you're going to subject me to this guy's face for the next 3 months, it's your obligation to explain the story

>> No.4052938

I don't care if he is innocent or not.

But anon saying he should be stoned to death because he touched the breasts or ass of someone under 14 is ridiculous.

He is an old creep, nothing more.

>> No.4052939

I am sure I will not be sick of Weber cooks in three months. I plan on using this for years. He is our boy. He would never have caught fire without us.

Steven is our biggest accomplishment !

>> No.4052941

Holy fucking shit. I know this guy. I worked at that university a few years ago.

>> No.4052942

So you're asking me what he was charged with, but you don't even know yourself? Fucking lame.


>> No.4052944



>> No.4052948

First, it wasn't statutory rape. It was rape.

Second, it doesn't matter. Either way he deserves to die.

>> No.4052949

Why are you telling me to see the post I'm replying to?

>> No.4052950


Read again.

>> No.4052952

> 347,000 hits

are we making him rich or something?

>> No.4052955


>> No.4052964

> 76-5-404. Forcible sexual abuse.
>(1) A person commits forcible sexual abuse if the victim is 14 years of age or older and, under circumstances not amounting to rape, object rape, sodomy, or attempted rape or sodomy, the actor touches the anus, buttocks, or any part of the genitals of another, or touches the breast of a female


>> No.4052966

she was probably asking for it.

>> No.4052969

>It was rape.

I already said that.

>> No.4052975

I know this guy. I used to work for Weber in their IT department. This guy would bring in his laptop with the most bizarre questions and problems I've ever seen. He once brought in a full-size printer with his laptop. He made everyone in the office uncomfortable.

I worked there from 2005-2009 and dealt with him probably once a week. Feel free to ask questions.

>> No.4052977

>he touched a woman

You could be charged with forcible sexual abuse if you grabbed a girl's ass when drunk and she didn't like it.

>> No.4052981

>I know this guy. I used to work for Weber in their IT department. This guy would bring in his laptop with the most bizarre questions and problems I've ever seen. He once brought in a full-size printer with his laptop. He made everyone in the office uncomfortable.
I hope this is true.


>> No.4052983

What's your point? Whether your drunk or not, it's wrong.

>> No.4052986

I can probably provide proof, probably still have pay stubs if I dig around.

>> No.4052988

So he should be murdered for touching a woman?

lol zionist-brainwashed feminist whiteknight detected

>> No.4052992

So does he go to school there? I can't believe he is a student. What does he take?

>> No.4052995

I fucking hate women, but I hate worthless pieces of shit like Steven Reed even more.

>> No.4052999

An edgy virgin? On MY 4chan????

>> No.4053000

But it is damn sure not rape.
If I do not enter you, I am not raping you.

>> No.4053001

Yes, he is a student. Takes like 1 or 2 courses a semester, usually computer-based intro classes (thus why he always came to see us at the help desk). I remember talking to him about a photoshop class he had taken, as well as entry level basic computer skills course.

He clearly has some sort of mental problem.

>> No.4053002

If I stab you all over your body and you don't die, it's not murder.

>> No.4053006

We were told first he was the janitor, then that he was a student.
Now he has been there since 2005?
This does not add up.

>> No.4053008

Oh man, that is so depressing. I wonder where he works? What is aspirations are? Why he is there?

>> No.4053010

What a terrible analogy.

>> No.4053011

You are damn right its not murder.

>> No.4053013

That would be attempted murder. He didn't get charge with attempted rape.

>> No.4053018

He also did not get charged with rape.

>> No.4053020

It's possible he also works for the university, many students do. I've never heard that part. He has definitely been taking classes since at least 2005.

>> No.4053021
File: 64 KB, 464x700, this-is-what-i-was-wearing-when-they-rustled-my-jimmies-tell-me-i-asked-for-it-i-dare-you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tell us what it was like when you were touched in the bad place. Be extremely detailed. It will feel good to get it off your chest.

>> No.4053028


>> No.4053036

Wow, you are really mad about this guy.

Angry virgin upset that he gets more action than you?

>> No.4053039

Because for all we know he grabbed a girl's ass.

So it would be more like "If I give you a paper cut and you don't die, it's not murder".

>> No.4053047

This x100

The number of people that think molestation, sexual assault, and rape are synonymous drive me up a wall.

I've even heard people use the phrase 'verbal rape." The fuck is that?

>> No.4053051

So, this guy comes into my job (College Tech Support) all the fucking time with the most ridiculous software related issues you can think of.

He's notorious in my office.

>> No.4053058

>The number of people that think molestation, sexual assault, and rape are synonymous drive me up a wall.

No one said that. I do, however, think the punishment should be murder for any of them.

>> No.4053062

>Because for all we know he grabbed a girl's ass.
So? That doesn't make it any less bad.

>> No.4053066

>grabbing a girl's ass is not "less bad" than raping a girl


>> No.4053069

Then you are probably female, and definably arrogant.

Or 12.

>> No.4053081

I bet you think there should be laws against hate speech as well.
You do not deserve to be an American.

>> No.4053082


> someone has to mention it for me to bring it up

... what?

>> No.4053086

>girl accuses man of touching her breasts
>no witnesses
>man is murdered

Yeah, makes sense.

>> No.4053088

That is different, you pretentious dick.

I'm not the person you're responding to, but that's like saying I must think there should be limitations on how much beef a person can eat because I think there should be regulations on what they can put in it.

Two completely different fields of discussion.

Yours aren't even the same subject.

>> No.4053095

All I am saying is that if you think death should be the punishment for grabbing some chicks ass, you are advocating a bullshit police state.

>> No.4053099

Both are discussions about have too many rules with too harsh penalties.
And fuck you for being anti pink slime you organic hipster fuckbag.

>> No.4053130


There's a huge misunderstanding here and I am going to clear it up.

Everyone thinks I'm a limp-wristed, pansy liberal, but that's just not so. It's because you think I'm defending women, but that's not actually what I'm doing.

No, you see, I am actually in support of a phallocracy.

My problem is the punishment for crimes. Attempted murder should be treated no less than murder.

This guy did something that society agrees is bad, and all he got was a slap on the wrist. Either what he did wasn't actually bad (and I don't think touching or raping women is), or we failed to punish him accordingly.

>> No.4053169

You are the worst kind of conservative. You are obsessed with controlling the actions of others. You are just as bad as the anti abortion people.
You are just as bad as the PETA people.
You are all the same.
You are the Taliban.
You are a weakling who wants to feel righteous and powerful.
You are the worst of us.

>> No.4053171

>You are just as bad as the anti abortion people.
I think you have that backwards.

>> No.4053182

>Attempted murder should be treated no less than murder

and instead of giving them the death penalty we can just attempt to give them the death penalty, cause that's the same thing right?

lethal injections are expensive, just shove a pack of cigarettes in his pocket, they'll kill him eventually. Trying is just as good as doing

>> No.4053189
File: 6 KB, 240x320, 5798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is now about ugly Utahn sex offenders.

>> No.4053192
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>> No.4053222

>and instead of giving them the death penalty we can just attempt to give them the death penalty, cause that's the same thing right?
>Trying is just as good as doing

The problem is you're trying to match an outcome with a punishment. The murder failed, so they will be charged with a lesser crime.

I'm saying that the criminal's /intention/ should match the punishment. The murder failed even though they intended for it to be successful, but they are still guilty of murder.

>> No.4053230

>The murder failed
>they are still guilty of murder

I want you to read that again

>> No.4053235

I'll admit it's poorly worded.


The murder failed even though they intended for it to be successful, so the punishment will be the same as if an actual murder took place.

>> No.4053236

How far do you figure that intent goes?
If someone is found with plans to murder someone but no steps other than planning have been taken, is that attempted murder?

>> No.4053239

Or, I have a thought

bear with me this is pretty radical

we punish actions, and not thoughts

you still with me?

we don't punish people for thinking bad things, or for thinking about doing bad things, we punish them for actually doing bad things

what do you think?

>> No.4053247

I'm not talking about thought crimes.

If someone is lethally harmed, that is intent to murder. If you stab someone ten times and they live, the punishment should be the same as murder.

Murder plans should be protected free speech.

>> No.4053291

I leave /ck/ for a few hours and this thread develops into 100+ more posts about pedophilia and law?

Carry on, I guess...