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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4038442 No.4038442 [Reply] [Original]

>Go to McDoonalds because I want to try that god damn Cheddar Bacon Onion
>Get it
>Go home
>Open that bitch


>> No.4038449
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>work at a Whataburger in high school
>co-workers are all also high schoolers
>some redneck comes up to the counter pissed as shit after going through the drive-thru
>none of his hamburgers have meat on them

>> No.4038453



I wish I would have done shit like that

>> No.4038458

Don't worry, you're not missing out on much.

The onions aren't caramelized, the cheddar is practically American with a 'cheese sauce" on it, and the bacon is always undercooked.

I always try a new thing when it comes to fast food, but the CBO was one of the most disappointing things that I've ever purchased.

>> No.4038461
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>being afraid to go inside to sit down and eat and/or not checking your order before leaving the drive-thru.

I have no sympathy.

>> No.4038464


>Work at Arbys in high school
>Enormous black chick comes in complaining that her sandwich doesn't have enough roast beef on it
>It literally doesn't because I was putting less on sandwiches to make my own later
>Manager tells her that it's right anyways

Every day, had to set aside a little roast beef aside every few sandwiches for my big one at the end of the night.

>> No.4038467


From what I had, I won't be going back for it again.

All them calories, all those bad fats... sorry /fit/ today I failed

>> No.4038468

>eat fast food
>now have diabetes


>> No.4038472

>Be in line at McDonald's
>Person in front of me is taking forever
>Can't decide what I want
>End up deciding on 5 McDoubles and a large fry
>Cashier is hot girl I graduated with
>She says "oh hey anon, how are you?"
>"H-h-hey Sasha, I'm g-good"
>She starts to giggle
>Spaghetti falls out of pockets
>Accidentally release my bowels due to nervousness
>Sasha and the Mexican cooks are all laughing
>Run to my Honda Civic
>Bust out in tears

>> No.4038475


I'd cry if I drove a honda civic too...

>> No.4038478

Are you fresh from reddit or what?

>> No.4038480

You must own a Civic. Sorry....

>> No.4038494

No civic, a '10 Grand Cherokee. That was just a shit greentext story.

>> No.4038536

>ask for a fruit and yogurt parfait
>start to eat that shit
>fruit is frozen solid

fuck you jose

>> No.4038537

>Go to McDonald's
>Order a McChicken
>Take a bite
>Some bitch's fake nail was on it
>Go to the manager
>Watch as drama unfolds because bitch got fired right on the spot
>Manager gives me a $25 gift card
>I extort her for $50 because I can get the health inspector
>She gives me $60

>> No.4038540

Well at least you know it was just made and hasn't been sitting in the mini fridge for 3 days.

>> No.4038542


Official white trash mobile.

>> No.4038545

$60 to spend and McD's? Damn you ballin' son.

>> No.4038549

So you're the kid with the Civic?

>> No.4038581

Nope. And I'm not a kid, you edgy hick

>> No.4038589
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>edgy hick

Are you aware of what you are typing?

>> No.4038605 [DELETED] 

Back to reddit.

>> No.4038917
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>pull up to window at Whataburger
>guy is sociable, nice
>"you want any crushed tomatoes with that?"
>don't know what the hell that is
>"uh no, but I'll take some ketchup"
>oh wait
>"yeah, that's what I..."
>"yeah sorry it's late for me"
>try to laugh it off
>feel like a retard
>guy behind me starts honking all of a sudden
>"oh no, that was the guy behind me..."
>fuck just give me my food so I can go

>> No.4038920

I got one too and it was like a fucking salt lick.

>> No.4038932

Le reddit face xP

>> No.4038935

>Spaghetti falls out of pockets
ur wrong gb2reddit

>> No.4038942
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Because they've never seen a spaghetti story, right?

>> No.4038974

>late 90's had arbys once, i was in my teens, get that cheese and mushroom on RB(was a deal for 5 of them)
>never had arbys before, they were fucking over flowing with RB they were tasty as fuck could only eat 2/5 of them

like 4 years ago mom comes home with some arbys(never ate it since that first time, arbys are rare here) was surprised as fuck since she only ever buys McD's
was actually hungry as fuck
open it up, barely and fucking RB on the fuckers was still starving after 2 of them

>> No.4038997

There is this terrible fried chicken place here, no idea how it stays open with the slop they put out, most things are very clearly bought frozen and microwave to temperature, mashed potatoes come from flakes and so on.
Was reading the menu today and it says "all of our chicken is skinless and fried in cholesterol free shortening". So basically they are advertising "this shit has no flavor"

>> No.4039018

>Bite into their fancy pants sandwich
>Feel the texture of biting into paper
>Remove from mouth
>They didn't remove the paper wrapping on the cheese

>> No.4039026

maybe you should have ate them more often...

>> No.4040000
File: 26 KB, 370x277, breivik-sentenced-anders-behring.n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to mcdonalds
>yeah, i want a plain mcdouble with mayo only
>and a sweet tea with light ice
>"ok pull up to the next window please"
>my burger has everything on it
>my tea has ice up to the lid

>> No.4040021

Also McD story

>Get the new Big Tasty
>Rush home (I cant be arsed to eat there)
>Unwrap the goodies

This has happened twice.

>> No.4040035

Ice floats.

>> No.4040043
File: 81 KB, 500x667, yes-this-happened-september-12th-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asian special weeks in Austria
>Order a Teriyaki Beef Burger
>Go home
>Open box
>They gave me the Wasabi Burger in a Teriyaki Burger box

>> No.4040057

>live in europe
>fast food franchises are expensive due to taxes/exporting US things
>slightly overpriced food = better service
>Every fast food joint can customize my order and get it right every time.
>I order two cheeseburgers with nothing but mayo and lettuce every time from McDonald's

>> No.4040060


if you are going to special order at mcdonalds, why the fuck are you in the drive through?

either go to wendys for the drive thru, or park and go inside mcdonalds.

>> No.4040071
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>go to McD with a couple of coworkers for lunch
>see ad for the Chicken Worldcup Fanbox
>has chicken wings, nuggets and "chicken balls" in it.
>be stupid and curious to order one
>everyone tries the chicken balls
>it's just ball shaped nuggets
>nobidy can identify what they actually taste like
>keep wondering all the afternoon what the fuck we just ate

>> No.4040090

the cup was filled with ice so much that it was up to the lid dude

>> No.4040093
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oh, do I have many of these...

>go to burger place
>ask for a cheeseburger meal
>get's it and I go home
>open it
>it's a fucking Vegan meal

>go to subway
just order a random sandwich, due to impatience and hunger
>get it and starts to eat it
>after eating about 1/3 of the sandwich, I taste something weird
>I take the thing out from my mouth
>it's a Chewed Bubble-gum
>open my sandwich
>chewed bubble-gum fucking everywhere

I've got more bad experiences, but goddamm, that fucking sandwich.

>> No.4040105

The jail time I serve would be well worth it for the rampage that would follow.

>> No.4040111

I don't get how you didn't notice this. Did you avert your eyes when they were making it right in front of you? It's not like they go behind a door to make your food. It's literally right in front of you. You deserved that shit.

>> No.4040124
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I was tired as fuck, so that's my excuse. I threw that sandwich as far as I fucking could and never went back there. good thing too, since when my sister went there one time, she had a fucking cigarette butt in her fucking sandwich. I'm not kidding.

also, "funny" story: Every time I eat at Max ( swedish hamburger chain ) I always, ALWAYS get the bread, salad, ketchup and such, but I never get any meat. I always have to go up there and ask for my fucking meat. ON A BURGER!
I wouldn't be so angry if this only happend once or twice, but it's happend over 30 times at 12 different locations all over the country. Not. Fucking. Joking.

>> No.4040135

Why don't you people confront the goddamn workers? Chewing gum? Cigarette butt? Somebody is getting their ass kicked around here for that shit.

>> No.4040137
File: 43 KB, 460x288, david_cameron_1292386c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At Mcdonalds drive through.
>Diet sprite please (I think it's actually called sprite zero, but anyone who doesn't suffer from mental retardation should know what I'm on about)
A coke?
>No, diet sprite
Sorry what?
>Diet sprite
>Diet lemonade!?
>A diet sprite
A sprite?
>Yeah, a diet one

Gave me a fucking normal sprite.

>> No.4040141

oh, they did. they where shut down by health and safety for, guess what, unsanitary workplace. They actually had cockroaches. many people filed complaints and some even sued.

thank god they cleaned their act up, they're pretty good nowadays, but goddamm, I learned to always check my food after those experiences, I can tell you that.

>> No.4040148

this. I'd go rampage on that place

>> No.4040182


Serves you right for being a faggot. 95% of "Diet" and light products are complete shit and worse for your health than regular ones.

>> No.4040192
File: 31 KB, 389x297, 1350442828950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you have an citations officers

>> No.4040232


he is correct. never ever under any circumstances purchase anything with the word "lite" on the label, or "low fat", "reduced fat", whatever.

eat real food, and it takes less to satiate you.

the real challenge is learning how to stop eating when you have had enough, and to avoid snacking.

>> No.4040311

Holy shit, why would you go to a place with poor service more than two or three times? Are you literally mentally disabled? Is it impossible for you to learn to avoid negative experiences?

>> No.4040371
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since this thread is now mickey d's stories:

>go to mc d's one day
>ask for two 5 piece mcnuggets
>i get it. pull out. bang a gong.
>get home
>there's one in box 1 and three in box 2

>> No.4041021


Yo bro, you jacked my reaction face! What gives?

>> No.4041052

>low quality still of a fucking video


>> No.4041068

That's why you always check right in front of them. They hire too many little assholes that pull stupid stunts that rip off customers who have done nothing to deserve it.

>> No.4041085

I have a similar story
>can I get a large power aid?
>large power aid
>no a large power aid
oh you want some large fries?
> no a large power aid please
person number 2: she wants a large power aid
person number 1: oh ok
> pull up
>hand her 1.09
>drive away and take a sip
>Dr pepper

>> No.4041106

This review seems to do it justice.


>> No.4041110

Fat bitches like you should avoid sugary drinks.

>> No.4041125

>Classic Double
>they give me 4 junior patties instead of 2 regular patties
>it was delicious
>start buying 2 double stacks, throwing away the bottom buns and making quads instead

>> No.4041149

Some McDonald's don't serve poweraid anymore.

Sucks, because when doing landscaping I used to get a $1.00 extra large poweraid, drink it, then fill up my cup with ice/poweraid for my next drink (and probably keep coming back to the store without paying).

It's too bad that they don't have it anymore, but at least water's still free.

>> No.4041151

protip: request the ruby red jalapeno dressing (free), and then put it on your burgers.

I had some middle aged black woman at the drive through smiling and going, "Oh, so you the ones who wanted the jalapeno dressing." It made my day.

>> No.4041207

>go to chic fil-a couple times a week
>every dumb bimbo who works there gives me the cheesiest smile, every time
>'have a blessed day' (followed by shit eating grin)
why cant they be like mcdonalds, they don't even look at you when you go through the drive through at mcdonalds. my only consolation is that my depressed demeanor is a dark spot on their otherwise happy and sunshine filled life.

>> No.4041220

Sounds like you don't know how to order food, bro.

>> No.4041226

>chic fil a
You a fascist gay basher?

>> No.4041229

I seriously hope you're trolling.

>> No.4041230


Ah drink troubles.

I question why mc d's is the only fast food place around here that doesnt have some form of root beer.

Like the only place that doesnt serve barqs is arbys(they serve mug) and a&w(obvious reasons)

>> No.4041233

>go to McDonald's
>get dubs
>all is well

>> No.4041247

Where I work we brew the tea so often that it's always pretty warm so everyone fills the cup up 100% with ice and the tea melts it down to 1/4 of that. It's a force of habit for us to fill the cup. As far as fast food places around here have a different machine in back than when you fill your own cup and ice is automatically by cup size, and the drink pours with auto as well. With as many drink orders as a person at McDonalds goes through I wouldn't fret over ice. If I really cared, I'd get the ice in a separate cup.

>> No.4041302
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>> No.4041743
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me again

> travelling thru a couple provinces with family to visit someone
>stop at a McD's order a mcflurry(this when they were new)
>get around to eating mah mcflurry, the spoon they use to stir it(which also comes with them) shattered in the thing, had to pick the pieces out since mom wouldnt go back

tfw we coulda sued them

>> No.4041752

>any ordeal at McDonalds involving Children

>> No.4041764
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>go to in-n-out drive thru
>tell the lady i wanted an animal style
>"imma eh sorry wat did you say?"
>repeat about 3 more times
>still can't understand me
>say fuck it and order a cheeseburger

I've tried applying at this In-n-Out a number of times, but they'd rather have kids in high school or midget mexican ladies who can't speak english.

>> No.4041770

> beta as fuck

>> No.4041782

>walk in, it's bright and smells like food
>immediately go to the bathroom, check nose for boogers
>wipe sweaty palms on paper towel
>walk up to counter, request nutritional info
>examine closely, usually order fries
>rinse and repeat

>> No.4041788


wat re u sum kinda ass burgers?

>> No.4041922

My stomach says "You can't taste politically incorrect points of view, but if you can it's delicious."

>> No.4041994

>go to burger king to try one of those new $1 bacon burgers
>get it
>it has no bacon
>get on the floor
>do the dinosaur

>> No.4042357

>drive through zaxby's
>they can't understand my order
>tell them I'm coming in
>I walk inside
>girl behind counter screams
>guy next to door drop large garbage container on me
>starts beating the shit out of me
>stops as I yell "what the fuck man"
>they thought I was coming in to kill them and had called the police
That was two years ago and I still eat there for free.

>> No.4042389

>mcdonalds drivethru
>number 3 plain with cheese with dr pepper
>do you want it large?
>they give me three large iced teas
every single employee there was hispanic and spoke broken english

>> No.4042433

>go to mcdonalds
>get breakfast sandwich
>say no ham
>they put bacon on it
>pick it off
>still greasy as hell

>> No.4042437

>Goto McD
>Fries, no salt
>Oh my fries are he-
We were the only customers too

>> No.4042446

I work the drive-thru at whataburger.

If you're nice to me or talk like a fucking human being and look me in the eye I'll upgrade your drink for free if my boss isn't around.

I don't know who's worse, the bitchy middle aged women who think they are still fuckable princesses and thus think they deserve the best, or people who just stare blankly at me. I'm not expecting you to be my best friend or anything but if I ask you how your day is, please at least give me a one word answer. I am not a robot.

>> No.4042452
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>Walk into Burger King, order meal
>"That'll be $6.13"
>Hand over $21.13
>cashier stares at it
>cashier stares at it
>"It's only $6.13, sir"
>starts to hand the $1.13 back
>tell her I had too much change and small bills so wanted to not get more back
>she stares at me
>tell her to just punch in that I gave her $21.13
>register tells her to give me $15 back
>"Oh! Got it" she says

God damn it people, simple math isn't that fucking difficult, and if you're working the register and can't do that much just punch it the fuck in and hand back whatever the register tells you to.

>> No.4042456

People like you piss me off beyond belief. Fuck off I just want to get my food and get out of there not have short meaningless chit chat with some nigger I don't give two shits about.

>> No.4042459

He was in Sweden, that whole country is a negative experience

>> No.4042464

i'm not bad at math and i worked the register at an ice cream shop--when i was new that shit confused me. doesn't matter if you're good at math, being put on the spot is intense and scary

>> No.4042470

that girl in the pictures head is really small compared to the rest of her body

>> No.4042488

Can see being intimidated when you start, but most people do that when buying shit if they've got lots of change/small bills so it shouldn't be that foreign a concept when you're on the other side.

>> No.4042490

I worked with a girl who literally counted on fingers. And she was like, 17 or something. If I worked with her I made sure she was making the pizza and I was pulling them out/working the register.

>> No.4042491

Ever been to a chain restaurant on a busy night? EVERYTHING is microwaved and grocery store tier garbage at the best.

>> No.4042495

I do that, but it's more habit than actually using them to count.

>> No.4042496


Anyone want to explain this? Honda Civic over here in Euroland is one of the best small cars you can buy (200x something models). I drive a 2010 model and it's all kinds of great.

>> No.4042498

No, I mean she literally counted on her fingers. I know a few people who use their fingers and they tend to not look at them when they do it. She was looking at her hand, while mumbling the numbers. At least she knew English...

>> No.4042506

>go to McD
>Order a McDouble and a McChicken
>Get them
>Reassemble them
>No spit/cigarette butts/chewing gum/feces to be found
>Eat them and go on my merry way

You guys must have some shit luck when it comes to fast food.

>> No.4042509


Poweraid ... ? Powerade?

>> No.4042511

>mfw I usually do change in my head and this amazes my dumbassed co-workers

I love them to death, but holy shit.

>mfw when customers try to get cute with their change and fail miserably.

If your total is $2.39, why the fuck would you give me three dollars and a dime? Some bitch did this and looked at me like I was a fucking idiot when I just handed it right back.

Certain segments of the Amerifat population still think they're too cool for an efficient comfortable vehicle. Feel free to disregard such assholes.

>> No.4042512

When the fuck did McDonald's get Dr Pepper?!

>> No.4042514


Goddamnit what a huge faggot.

>> No.4042515

Have they ever NOT had it? Or are you not from the US?

>> No.4042516

>Go to McD
>get McDouble
>ask for no ketchup
>open bun because i like to eat the pickles separate
>theres a used ketchup packet in my burger

all i got out of it was a new burger, prolly should have asked for more

>> No.4042519

>prolly should have asked for more

>> No.4042523


I hate to break it to you, but if they were remotely competent at anything they probably wouldn't be working in fast food.

>> No.4042532


I've seen this complaint/story often, from what I've learned, they're so used to not thinking or being in the zone if you prefer, that this catches them off-guard. I'm talking now of the people who would normally do this type of math in their head and not the legally retarded who *have* to involve fingers.

Over here in my corner of the world, grocery stores have started with these automated change machine things, so it's a lot easier to pay "trickily".

My favourite type of case doing this is when the teller is confused to the point of giving you far too much money back. If they're cunts, I'm pocketing the money. If they're nice/stressed/flustered, I get to do a good deed absolutely free by handing back the surplus. Feels good man.

>> No.4042535

>mfw when
Where is your face?

>> No.4042538

They could have just been having a brain fart moment.

I've made mistakes at work, it happens.

>> No.4042542

>drive a piece of shit jap car
>criticizes others


>> No.4042547

Just about all fast food places carry dr pepper in the southern states. I hvaen't seen dr pepper up north very much.

>> No.4042550
File: 86 KB, 848x480, 1347848198520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to McDonald's
>buy fish filet because fuck yeah fish burgers
>just buns, tartar sauce, and patty
>no lettuce
>fish patty pathetically small

>> No.4042551

free shit yo

>> No.4042553

>making fun of Japanese vehicles

What year are you in? You guys should all get free vehicles considering you basically subsidize all American vehicle manufacturers.

>> No.4042556

There's a lot of reasons people end up in fast food. No reason to be so ignorant about it. I, for one, am intelligent and talented, but am mentally ill. I work with a guy who is a photographer, but he works as a driver to make ends meet.

>> No.4042557


Fish filets don't have lettuce on them.

You are missing the cheese though.

>> No.4042570

How the hell did they even think that?

>> No.4042576

Back in the McDeal stoner days I used to laugh at my Jewish friend who would buy the Filet-O-Fish on Friday because it was the cheapest. I thought he was being a cheap Jew and eating nasty McDonald's fish solely for the price.

Years later I tried it, and really liked it. Wendy's had a limited offering of a fish sandwich and it was nice too.

If you haven't had one you should try it. And they are always made fresh.

>> No.4042579

lel so edgy

Really tough you are a terrible human being and your death will be a boon for the rest of society.

>> No.4042604


Sticks and stones etc. But seriously though, what exactly is wrong with modern Civics? Sate my curiosity here.

>> No.4042626

she is super-tall

>> No.4042649

look how long her toes are

>> No.4042655

>look how long her toes are

It's a dude, right?

>> No.4042661

Her face and figure is pretty damn weird. However, he/she would look good as either gender.

>> No.4042662

I dunno, I wouldn't kick it out of bed though.

>> No.4042666

If it does anal then my prerequisite is satisfied.

>> No.4042706


It's whatsher face from Breaking Bad season something. Jesse moves in next door from her, it does not end well.

Krysten Ritter

>> No.4042707

Yeesh she looked better on Breaking Bad...

>> No.4042735
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Lick the toes, anon. You know you want to.

>> No.4042831

It's like they grew at random angles and lengths

>> No.4042846

>went to McDonald's today
>got dubs
>didn't have to us my AK, gotta say it was a good day

>> No.4042861

>friend's family and I are going half way across the states by car
>have to stop at fast food places to eat
>stop at jack in the box
>literally three tables occupied
>takes over 30 minutes
>they fuck up my order on a simple cheeseburger
>go to burger king
>order french toast sticks, some croissants, two orange juices and two milks
>get order
>contains a water, two milks, and no french toast sticks, no orange juice
>go up front and they insist we ordered a water
>go to red burrito
>can we get five burritos with only been and cheese
>dumb bitch brings the tray with every burrito fully loaded
>she gets confused and is reluctant to take our food back
>finally takes it back but spends ten minutes up front talking to some schmuck until we nag her about our order

>> No.4043171

back when mcd's still had the cajun mcchicken, i ordered that during a family trip to long beach. when i bit into the burger, the texture was completely off. the entire patty was this disgusting chewy fat, no meat whatsoever. since i was a kid when it happened, i didn't do anything about it. but i was pissed.