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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 127 KB, 550x367, mexican_chocolate_breakfast_shake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4034080 No.4034080 [Reply] [Original]

/ck/, i need your help. I'm not well versed in health foods so be patient with me. Basically, i need something healthy to eat for breakfast, toast is getting old and most healthy cereals i've tried taste like cardboard, *cough* Special fucking K *cough*

So i'm looking for a breakfast shake recipe, hopefully high in protein, low calories, high fibre and other healthy shit (i don't really know a lot about what healthy, as said before)

>TL;DR; need protein shake recipe that won't taste like dogs balls to easily make for breakfast.

>> No.4034082

A. Google it.
2. Buy a fucking tub of protein powder and mix it with water you useless shit.

>> No.4034105
File: 678 KB, 800x3906, Breakfast Sludge That'll Blow Your Dick Off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, hold on to your cock, because ive been WAITING SOOOO FUCKING LONG for a legit reason to post this:

>> No.4034108

also, sauce on OP's pic? that looks delicious.

>> No.4034111


hahaha, shit's hilarious, but i seriously doubt it's healthy

>> No.4034114
File: 14 KB, 340x375, oe_800_40oz__large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delicious and nutritios

>> No.4034115


sauce; ohmyveggies com recipe-mexican-chocolate-breakfast-shake

>> No.4034116
File: 1.74 MB, 1782x2287, recipesoatmeal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to accept oatz into your life, bro.

>> No.4034123

What do you mean by "healthy"? Are you trying to lose weight? Are you having health issues/illness?

Just buy carnation instant breakfast, which is a powdered breakfast drink that tastes halfway between chocolate milk and hot chocolate. It is low in calories and obviously easier than cleaning a blender every morning.

Alternatives? Eat a fucking banana you useless twat or buy a different type of jam to keep your fucking toast interesting.

>> No.4034125

Why not whole eggs for breakfast? Eggs are one of the healthiest foods, incredibly nutrient-dense and a great source of protein.
Make a omelet with veggies, meat, and cheese, or if you're lazy, just hard boil a shit ton.

>> No.4034128
File: 40 KB, 493x499, shitstorm abrewin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eggs are one of the healthiest foods, incredibly nutrient-dense and a great source of protein

Don't get me wrong, I agree with you, but you've just opened up a huge can of worms.

>> No.4034129


will admit, i do like oats so i've no problem with that!


trying to lose some weight and get fit (increase endurance), basically university semester has just ended, and after sitting on my arse studying for months, i need to get back into shape, figured i'd work on my diet and start mountain bike riding again (i can't run, i get mad shin splints and pain in my feets thanks to shitty shoes).

I'd be happy to keep eating honey toast, as i own several bee hives and honey is free, i just figured a breakfast shake thing might be healthier than that?

>> No.4034144

Just because something is "healthy" or has protein does not mean it will help with weight loss. The only way to lose weight is to have a calorie deficit, either by exercising more or eating less (or a combination of both).

If you are trying to lose weight you ought to learn about calories and how to count them and what foods have what calories. Usually two pieces of toast with jam/honey has around 200-250 calories depending on exact products. If you switch to something like a big bowl of oatmeal with sugar and butter and dried fruit, you could eat 500+ calories easy. A typical fruit smoothie with banana, milk, protein scoop, sweetner can run in the 500 calorie range too. So if you start eating more calories for breakfast you will GAIN weight, not LOSE

If you are putting two and two together here, you need to educate yourself about nutrition, calories and what exactly protein/carbs/fats and vitamins and minerals do for your body. You are an adult and should learn this shit anyway so you can live a long healthy life, just start learning it now.

>> No.4034196
File: 63 KB, 425x640, 1263767730562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-A glass of milk
-1 Multi Vitamin
-A spoonful of Omega-3 oil
-A bowl of oatmeal that does not use fucking sugar to sweeten it

There you have a nutritious start to your day that will benefit you in the long run, is quick to make, and is cheap for what you get out of it.

>> No.4034245

Here you go OP. Mix these together in whichever amounts you want depending on calories and consistency

• Oatflour
• Yogurt (again depending on your taste choose whatever kind you want)
• Milk
• Fresh fruit if you want
• You can add sugar or honey or artificial sweetener if you want too but you want something extra healthy so yeah...

>> No.4034435

>Special K

what you thinkin with, man?

>> No.4034436

>Special K


>> No.4034449

>buy Gold Standard Whey Protein, double rich chocolate flavour
>mix it with ice cold milk
>shake like fuck

And your done, 50 g of protein on 300 calories right there

>> No.4034450

50% Banana, 40% Apple, 10% yogurt.

The blend in some honey. Fucking beautiful.

>> No.4034471

If i'm in a hurry I just take a yogurt a banana and a glass of OJ and throw it in the blender.

>> No.4034476

>>Drinking your protein powder with water instead of milk

>> No.4034479


drinking your protein powder with milk instead of cream....

>> No.4034488

>Special K is a black pock on the face of breakfast mind