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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4032616 No.4032616 [Reply] [Original]

So do the Japanese simply cook up some plain rice and that is their meal?

>> No.4032619

that's how asians eat

once a week they eat fish, raw fish because they don't know how to cook it

>> No.4032621

Think of it as the canvas. It's a nice base onto which you can add a lot of different things. A few bites of something savory, then a bite or two of rice, then back to the main food.

>> No.4032627

Yes, the Japanese have based their culture on eating plain carbs. This is why they are often smaller than Europeans and Americans due to a lack of protein. On the flip side, they have much less body fat.

Just whatever you do, don't offer them fried rice, they will take steamed everytime.

>> No.4032662

American here

Plain rice is the shit. I love it, everything about it. Nice and easy to cook, no problem to clean and it can be pretty damn filling too. Not to mention cheap as shit. Those 50lb bags can be as cheap as $30 and it'll last forever.

Your a flavor pussy? Throw some sauce on that shit. General Tso's, soy sauce, something, and boom you've got taste. But if your a man and you dream of long days in the grimy jungles of small Pacific Islands while waiting to kill your enemy, you'll eat that shit straight.

>> No.4032670

A Japanese diet would be key for weight loss.

>> No.4032692
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That's how the Japanese eat.

*slightly butthurt*

>> No.4032699

Sorry, but this is just not true. The Japanese aren't "often smaller than Europeans and Americans" because they eat less protein. The stereotype dictates it, while the reality is quite different.

The ideal western man is tall, built and has prominent masculine features. On the other hand, the ideal Japanese man is slim, feminine and secretive. Also, the eating culture is very different: While westerners see food as a treat, Japanese people see it as a simple necessity to survive. When they're sated, they stop eating. When we're sated, we want more of the good stuff. However, recently there have been reports of rising obesity in Japan, as they adapt to western culture: http://www.japantimes.co.jp/text/fe20120311rh.html

>> No.4032711

Sorry I was ineffectively trying to joke. I didn't think OP's joke was serious, his pic is from Tumblr for god's sake.

>> No.4032743


only in the last 2 to 3 decades has the ideal shifted to a small feminine japanese male.

>> No.4032757

I think you're being sarcastic but I can't tell.

>> No.4032793


Rice is a bad food to eat.

Body building forums have been suggesting the food for several decades, with results now manifesting everywhere. Rice results in a glycemic index spike, which spikes insulin, which results in long term health concerns such as diabetes. Rice is not an ideal food.

Meats, green vegetables, vitamin supplements, and casein/whey protein supplements in the correct order to max/min amino acid levels in anabolic regions of the nitrogen scale = Norse warrior.

>> No.4032803


>> No.4032810

>Rice is a bad food to eat.



>> No.4032815

>yfw rice eating countries have lower diabetes rates than those that don't eat rice

>> No.4032818

>>source *Source


>> No.4032822


That's because they only eat enough of it to survive.

To maintain a 200lb frame, rice would quickly lead to poor health.

>> No.4032824

That makes no sense.

>> No.4032827

what are you even talking about

>> No.4032835

Brown rice has an index of 50 you tard

inb4 we're talking about white rice

I seriously hope none of you guys choose white rice over brown just because hurr durr cooks faster durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.4032844
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>much less body fat
>eating only carbs

>> No.4032851

>Rice is a bad food to eat.
>vitamin supplements

Come back when you've learned to have a balanced diet.

>> No.4032855

Go fuck yourself with your pseudo-science, rice is a great food. And about GI, you cannot calculate the GI of a full meal, it is only applicable if you eat a particular carb-sorce by itself.

>Meats, green vegetables, vitamin supplements, and casein/whey protein supplements in the correct order to max/min amino acid levels in anabolic regions of the nitrogen scale = Norse warrior.
HURR DURR, you will be a lot stronger in the gym if you eat carbs.

>> No.4032859


That's because you don't know about nutrition.

Read the book; "Switch" - by Chip and Dan Heath.

An entire chapter is devoted to rice and malnutrition in Vietnam.

"Heath described the experience of an American activist sent to Vietnam years ago to help poor rice farmers alleviate malnutrition. Instead of relying on “stacks and stacks of academic literature” about malnutrition in developing countries, the activist approached mothers in one village and asked them to identify the children in their village who were bigger and healthier. The mothers of these “bright spot” kids were doing something simple: feeding their children four smaller meals a day instead of two larger ones, and mixing sweet potato greens and brine shrimp into rice, thus adding vitamins and proteins."

But that's just one example. Log onto any body building forum and as them what they think about rice. There are lawsuits floating around the advice of eating rice.

>> No.4032876

None of what you wrote implies rice is bad.

>> No.4032880

Ha, that basically says "Instead of paying attention to the research we just went over there and asked the stupid peasants and they sort of implied that rice could be bad! We're so smart!"

Fucking hilarious.

>> No.4032882
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Except he's right.

>> No.4032897


Then keep eating it.


You're an American aren't you? Reading comprehension isn't your strong suite, is it?

Instead of "relying" on "stacks of academic literature". What do you think relying upon was used for in this sentence?

If you're too stupid to read, I could not care less what you understand.

>> No.4032907

>strong suite

Good job

>> No.4032919
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Some information pertaining to "stereotyping" discussed earlier in the thread.

An expert from an article written by UCLA evolutionary biologist; Jared Diamond.

"There are at least three sets of reasons to explain the findings that agriculture was bad for health. First, hunter-gatherers enjoyed a varied diet, while early fanners obtained most of their food from one or a few starchy crops. The farmers gained cheap calories at the cost of poor nutrition, (today just three high-carbohydrate plants -- wheat, rice, and corn -- provide the bulk of the calories consumed by the human species, yet each one is deficient in certain vitamins or amino acids essential to life.)"


>> No.4032950

Keep believing the shit you read on messageboards

>> No.4032953

Simple carbohydrates in general are absolute garbage to eat.

And the reason that many rice eating cultures aren't suffering the obesity of the West is that these same cultures very frequently have a much lower standard of living and cannot afford to eat luxuriously.

Once their standard of living rises, they'll become fatasses just like everyone else.

>> No.4032966

That image, that's not how Socrates is spelled in Greek. Also, final sigma resembles a Roman "s."

>> No.4032990

From an Asian:

Steamed rice master race.

>> No.4032998

Genus H Pleistocene!!!

have none of you people heard of balancing your food??

you all seem to base your diets around 2 beliefs:
>eat absolutely no carbs
>eat tonnes of carbs and little else

heres a crazy idea ... just eat some carbs AND some meat and veg!!!

>> No.4033000

I will kill you, heretic.

>> No.4033001


That's how people get fat.

>> No.4033008
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>On the other hand, the ideal Japanese man is slim, feminine and secretive

You whate, mate?

>> No.4033013
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they should add some ketchup and pepper

>> No.4033015

yeah; absolutely no other factors involved whatsoever!!

>> No.4033019

So you need more than just carbs to maintain a healthy diet?
But.. I don't.. I don't understand.

>> No.4033020


Best diet is 80% carbs, 10% protein, 10% fat

Eat shit tons of fruit and vegetables and grains and starches and you'll have everything your body needs

>> No.4033022


>> No.4033033

What does suneru mean?

>> No.4033037

Rice is a filler, but there is nothing wrong with eating a lot of filler and just a little bit of the 'good stuff' (protein and fat).

Western nations are so obese and diabetic because our diets are so disproportionate in favor of fats and proteins. Eating steaks, bacon, and eggs, every day, is not healthy, and it's not healthier than just eating rice and vegetables every day like East Asians do.

The data speaks for itself. East Asian countries with low protein & fat diets, have less cardiovascular disease and less incidence of diabetes than Western nations.

So yeah, Asians got it right, they eat only to they're full, and they eat mostly shit they grow off their land or fish out of the sea.

>> No.4033046

>cries about fat and protein
>implying those are not needed
>does not realize that the real problem is all fucking unnecessary additives and artificial crap is the true problem in the diet of an average westerner

even milk isn't milk anymore, it's a goddamn white mess of chemicals - enjoy your osteoporosis, manboobs and diabetes

>> No.4033054

He didn't imply that at all.
You know what disproportionate means?

>> No.4033056

i actually did this as a kid, and i liked it.
My stomach hurts just thinking about it

>> No.4033058

Shut up, vegan.

>> No.4033063

That doesn't imply rice is bad, it just implies vegetables and fish is better than rice.

>> No.4033073


>> No.4033498

Ah so people who eat veggies and fish and rice are healthier than people who eat just rice? Mind blown! Clearly rice is evil! Thank you for your astounding research anon, you are truly a sage. I will never touch rice again.

>> No.4033514
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That is a good point. Maybe because their culture(s) are not gluttons, yet.

>> No.4033519

It's not because they're eating rice, in that sense. It's because they're eating less animal products due to eating more rice.

>> No.4033528

This anon has it right. They view eating as a necessary chore (imo because, up until recently, most of their food was pretty bland).

They eat a large bowl of plain rice with everything to actually "fill up" and have energy to go about their days, the rest is for variety/nutrition.

Sushi wasn't even very popular until relatively recently.

>> No.4033529


dat bowl o' roe...

ooh, lawdy

>> No.4033534

kimchi + rice
rice + veggies
rice + fish
rice + curry or chili
rice + soup

>> No.4034163

a butthurt person.

>> No.4034313

isn't the idea here that four smaller, varied meals apparently have a more beneficial effect than two larger ones (mostly consisting of rice)?
i'm not sure about the exact science behind this, but i'd imagine if you eat say two huge bowls of rice your insulin will spike more than if it was four smaller ones more spaced out across the day. it seems possible that doing the "2 large bowls" diet for many years might lead to diabetes.

>> No.4034318

Do Europeans just bake some plain bread and that is their meal?

Do Americans just fry some plain hamburgers and that is their meal?

>> No.4034334

Yes. that is why most of our foods are very salty. we can eat tasteless rice with small amount of actual food. because Japan was poor country before. still healthy way than American foods though.

>> No.4034350

it's not comparable. Japanese people actually *do* eat rice at nearly every meal, and volume-wise it usually surpasses the other dishes.

It's so hilarious that people think this thread is some kind of culturally insensitive joke. It's pretty spot-on.

Japanese people like to argue that sometimes they eat bread at breakfast instead of rice.

>> No.4034354

Not true for europeans but for americlaps that is true. And it is always hamburgers, remember the plural.

>> No.4034361


This, when I did my exchange program in japan we would have a cooked rice breakfast every morning. Not to mention the word for breakfast is literally "Morning Rice" and dinner is "evening Rice" and the word for lunch is literally "Rice".

Of course, the youth culture don't really follow the rice diet AS MUCH, considering there is a maccas on every corner and french food is huge there. But it's still an absolute staple.

>> No.4034403

They eat steamed rice and fried rice, eat cooked fish and raw fish,eat bread and cereal...tacos, whatever
Based on that,they choose to eat it every day because its worth.

>> No.4034410

OP was insinuating that rice is literally the only thing eaten at meals.

>> No.4034425

Yup, its the same in Chinese.

>> No.4034638

Fucking autistic

>> No.4036747

I like all sorts of rice from sweet rice to long grain basmati rice

>> No.4036749

Practice your Japanese
The word for lunch isn't just rice. Plus there are a couple words for dinner.

>> No.4036755
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>people actually going on about the "japanese people on eat to survive not eat to enjoy" bullshit

>> No.4036756
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I hate to throw around words like "weeaboo" but this thread is pretty much the definition of weeb.

>> No.4036760

>>oh no people have an interest in Japan!

>> No.4036771


There is a difference between having an interest in Japan, and arguing for days over garbage like "why Japanese people are small" or whether "the Japanese word for lunch is rice".

I have an interest in Japan. I have traveled in Japan. Most of my family has either lived, studied, or worked in Japan for a Japanese multinational at some point in their lives. Yet somehow I am not a filthy gross weeb like what we see in this thread.

Enjoy your weebitude, weeb.

>> No.4036780

As someone currently working and living in Japan that was what I meant. On this site however weeaboo has come to mean anyone who mentions Japan in a positive manner and knows anything about the country.

>> No.4036802

u wot m8

>> No.4036803

Because most of those people are weebs.

>> No.4036821

>vitamin supplement
>dietary advice
pick one

>> No.4036857

How do you explain Japan then?
They are one of the wealthiest countries in the world with a comparable standard of living to most European countries.

>> No.4036879

You mean a higher standard of living than almost all European countries

>> No.4036889

Carbs don't make you fat.

I eat 500 simple carbs a day and I'm lean as fuck.

Check out 30bananasaday

>> No.4036918

We eat tofu and fish. it's protein. rice, fish and miso-soup are typical Japanese style dish.

>> No.4037231

>Disgusting overcook mushy rice, wouldn't eat.
You suck at cooking dude.

>> No.4037246

>implying that image isn't from 1994

>> No.4037290

Christ, this thread.

I mean, you -could- be having the sort of Korean 'mixed rice' stuff that they have, where it's rice and barley and goodness knows what else for extra variety and nutrients. But really, having steamed rice is not the end of the world - especially if you just do what >>4032998 is suggesting. Diversity in one's diet is a great suggestion no matter -what- culture you're from, and varying up the amount of food you eat based not necessarily upon your meal-to-meal satiation but rather on the general understanding of how much energy you'll need on 'x' day can help spectacularly with weight management.

There are no longer 'plebian-tier' foods, only plebian-tier people that believe something is undesirable because 'if you eat only this it's awful for you'.

>> No.4037323
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I used this rice cooker, it taste fabulous.

>> No.4037324

Fruitarian! Does it really work? and five hundred simple carbs? confused

>> No.4037331


Fruitarians are all about high carb low fat. Carbs are the best fuel source for the body, and if your body isn't circulating a lot of fat the simple sugars are burned very easily and efficiently, so you don't store energy/fat

I'm not the guy you're talking to, but my diet is mostly fruit, vegetables, brown rice, and pasta

>> No.4037349

probably someone smart said it but jap rice is made in a very meticulous way, washed various times, treated with rice vinegar and cooked in a pressure cooker i believe
its great and no they eat something else with it

>> No.4037360


I've got a cheap one like that. I can't wait til I upgrade to a Zojirushi Umami rice cooker. Everyone says it makes rice taste much much better.

>> No.4037367
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You fail at body building Francis.

>> No.4039790

It works. I've gotten lean and I'm building muscle steadily now. It works, but it's really expensive.

I aim for 600 simple carbs, but I'll usually eat a lot of rice with my fruit. I also eat fine ground Scottish oats.

Just carb it up.

>> No.4040427

You put some Furikake or pickled vegetables/seaweed/fern/leaves on rice. All these weird spices like salt-pickled plum or perilla leaves only seem weird to us because they are meant to spice up rice and nothing else.

>> No.4040430

lots of jappos eat pickled plums plain as snacks.

>> No.4040619

I used to put barbeque sauce on my rice. Fucking why...