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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 29 KB, 398x250, dunkinjo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4029832 No.4029832 [Reply] [Original]

So is dunkin coffee /ck/ approved or is it pleb fuel?

>> No.4029837

You just went Giga-pleb.

>> No.4029841

If it's known by more than four people in the world it's pleb. /ck/ told me so.

>> No.4029842

It's good enough for the girls I go with.

>> No.4029848

If it is bottom of the barrel, shit quality, shit tier, flavorless tripe meant for the masses, it's pleb.

>> No.4029858

mcdonalds has the best coffee for a chain

>> No.4029861

If you catch it fresh, fuck yes it is.

>> No.4029862

>Tripfag boasting about his [false] sense of superiority

Well this is new.

>> No.4029868

Yeah it actually tastes better than Tim Horton's and I think it may even be cheaper, but a lot of Canadians still won't buy it. I guess Tim's is convenient cause it has donuts, bagels and shit.

Anyways, all chain coffee is shit.

>> No.4029869

ITT: People who drink burnt coffee made from burn-roasted beans

ITT: Plebs

>> No.4029873

Its pleb as fuck

maxwellhouse master race reporting in

>implying id ever put cream or sugar in my coffee

>> No.4029876

I had never had Dunkin Donuts coffee until a few days ago, when I had some fresh ground. It was pretty tasty, actually.

>> No.4029884


Yeastman is one of those idiot trolls who thinks using a trip makes him authoritative.

>> No.4029886

Enough with the use of "pleb". Seriously die.

>> No.4029891

It's up to the plebeians to die from cancer and heart disease, you fool

>> No.4029906
File: 129 KB, 500x329, caribou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Captcha: readDat sermon

>> No.4029926

How about trying it out yourself?

>> No.4029930

yeah, and at least for mcdonald's built within the last few years, they're actually nice on the inside. going to mcdonald's and just drinking coffee, like the old people, is actually kind of nice.

>> No.4029931

It's decent coffee.

I wish they made full-bean versions, though.

>> No.4029933

Wait I just looked it up, apparently they do make it. I've just never seen it in stores.

>> No.4029936

It's shit beans you pleb

It' poor quality beans, then ultra roasted to make the taste appealing to plebs

It's also old as fuck, most likely old Folgers or Maxweel that's been sitting around.

Stay pleb.

>> No.4029940
File: 45 KB, 480x687, Sasami_Masaki_Jurai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ragging on DD Coffee clearly has never been there. It is well known among coffee aficionados that DD has surprisingly good coffee for a chain.

I have personally compared coffee from DD, Mcdonalds, Burgerking, Starbucks and little bodega (all were within a block of each other) side by side with my buddies. We all agreed that DD coffee was the best.

As to not stoop to your level, I will refrain from ad hominem and simply refute your facts. Their beans are actually as good of quality as you get in Starbucks. DD tends to roast their beans far less than other places, so you avoid that bitter burnt taste. It's far fresher than you see at Starbucks and it's actually ground on site, UNLIKE fast food chains. I respectfully submit that you are wrong. I suspect you have never actually had DD coffee.

>> No.4029951

Lol no, coffee aficionados don't give industrial drip coffee good ratings ever.

Things coffee snobs hate:

Drip coffee makers

Super roasted beans

Fast food coffee

Coffee Beans roasted longer than two weeks ago

Coffee packages that don't let CO2 out of the package

DD is not approved by actual coffee aficionados.

>> No.4029952

>Their beans are actually as good of quality as you get in Starbucks.

>> No.4029957

"as good of quality as you get in starbucks"




It doesn't even matter about their roast, or the fact they might ground it on site - they use industrial drip coffee makers, and that shit is the absolute worst and completely under extracts the flavor of coffee.

DD= McDonalds = Starbucks = Caribou = BurgerKing = Seattle's Best

It's all the fucking same. There's a whole world of better coffee out there, and most people will never have it.

Arguing between these companies is like arguing if Coors, Bud, or Miller is the best.

>> No.4029958

I believe you are confusing coffee aficionados with coffee snobs. It's an honest mistake, but you should make sure you are getting your terminology correct.

>> No.4029965

Coffee snobs are people that argue which drip coffee maker place is the best, and prefer small coffee shops with decent beans who still use drip makers over starbucks.

Aficionados actually make their own using vacuum, cold, pour over, and on the easy end, french pot methods.

>> No.4029972

Who cares? Coffee snobs (or aficionados- same thing) are only below beer snobs on the douchebag scale.

>> No.4029975

Real aficionados will want to share the things they have found and made

Snobs just try to pretend like they are better, and usually don't know a fucking thing about why what they like is better ( and often times, it's not).

There's a clear difference.

>> No.4029978

You seem to have accidentally hit your caps lock key. In order for your opinion to be taken seriously, you might want to use proper English grammatical structure.

>> No.4029986


Seriously, you know I'm right and you have nothing to say other than to attack me on some other charge.

>> No.4029989

>calling others plebs
>drinking maxwell house

7/10 rustled

>> No.4029995

I am afraid you have your terms switched. Coffee aficionados debate what coffee shops are best. They like to talk about the coffee gadgets and tricks they have learned.

Coffee snobs use blanket terms like "all coffee shop coffee sucks". Coffee snobs will not even bother to sample coffee from, say DD to make an honest comparison. I know a good cup of coffee when I drink it. I think that DD coffee is far better than Starbucks, McD's and most diners I have been to. Seattle's Best makes far better coffee than Starbucks.

>> No.4030002

Like I mentioned, they are all douchebags

>> No.4030006

I think you're switching things a bit as well, but largely I agree with that. For me personally, DD = McDonalds, and despite the fact that starbucks has inferior roasts, it's a bit better than fast food coffee. However, it's still drip coffee.

Seattle's best? Good at all? Weird, the one near my house growing up was hilariously bad. I've never had starbucks that bad. I suppose it depends on the place. To be fair that location is out of business now!

>> No.4030010

Oh, because people choose to not drink the mass market, flavorless, bottom of the barrel crap, they are automatically douchebags?

Pleb level : high

>> No.4030013

No. I'm sure they were douchebags before that too.

>> No.4030020

Well yes, that tends to happen. What I hate is the people that refuse to drink coffee at all, treating it like they will throwup.

Well with McD's I could see that, but not starbucks or other coffee chains. May not be the best, but it's not the worst and it's not like their prepared coffee drinks are nasty.

It's like the same people who love craft beer, but refuse to drink bud if its the only thing available. Bud and Starbucks are both pleb tier, but it's not like it will kill you.

>> No.4030032

If McD's coffee is Bud light, DD coffee is Bud's American Ale. It's totally drinkable even to a beer snob. Stop oversimplifying things.

>> No.4030050

>It' poor quality beans, then ultra roasted to make the taste appealing to plebs
If the quality of coffee is judged by its taste, and the beans are prepared in a way that makes them taste appealing, then it follows that the brew is good quality.

>> No.4030051

H-he doesn't seem angry in this post. What's going on?

>> No.4030053

Bud's American Ale was quite bad dude. It was really, really bad. I would rather say that McDs is like... something offensively bad.

To be more precise, DD is Beer 30 that wasn't treated quite right - allowed to get too warm at the distributor or in the store. McD's is Beer 30 that is stale, old, left out in 90 F heat, then chilled to shit and served to you out of a dirty can.

It's the same shit, but it's treated even worse at McD's.

>> No.4030054

I have a soothing effect on tripfag troll retards.

>> No.4030059

More like you made a hilarious point

>> No.4030062

What the masses/plebs/clappists like = the best/high quality

According to that logic, fast food is high quality, white supermarket foam bread is the best, frozen chicken is better than fresh chicken, religion is good for you, and soda is better than water.

>> No.4030112


I had some Dunkin coffee over the Thanksgiving break and it was delicious.

Not sure why you're getting so upset about other people liking something you don't....

Have a doughnut and relax, bro.

>> No.4030117

I'm not upset, just stop treating Duncan like it's good coffee, it's not. It's acceptable tier, because it's bottom of the barrel, yet not offensive. Stop clapping yourselves on the back for liking it at all.

>> No.4030122


>stop treating Duncan like it's good coffee, it's not.

That's your opinion. Why do you have a problem with people having other opinions that your own? Insecure?

>> No.4030125


Ok, that's fine and dandy but you're forgetting one small thing: that is your opinion.

If anything, you should be the one to stop pushing others about the supposed fact that this coffee is "bottom of the barrel".

Why does it bother you so much that others like something different? I don't get it.

>> No.4030126

What, then, defines quality? If the appeal of the food product is not the defining attribute of quality, what are you left with?

If you reject this aspect of appeal as a measure of quality, you're left with consuming things with no respect or regard for the sensation of taste. It's a masturbatory, self-congratulatory position, where you pat yourself on the back for consuming things that may taste quite vile for the sole reason that it's not popular in the mainstream. You say, "this may taste terrible, but at least I'm not a fucking pleb who eats what they think tastes good."

I'm not sorry that I like to eat things that appeal to my sense of taste, and I will be sorry if I ever become like you, bitterly knee-jerking at anything that even hints of popularity.

>> No.4030134


Because he's a retarded tripcode hipster.

>> No.4030135
File: 79 KB, 640x480, 1353710911061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4030141

What defines quality? What people obsessed with that type of food/that art works on to make better for qualities that product is admired for.

It has nothing to do with not being popular in the mainstream, to be honest. It's a reaction against the race to the bottom that goes on, and a reaction against those that defend the worst quality items. Not everyon, oncluding myself, that buys the cheapest things tries to defend it. Do I purchase organic, free range everything? No, but do I act like it is snobbish to like it, or try to defend things that are good enough?

This attitude of "good enough" is what gets people a lifetime of shit, and a life that isn't the best. Good enough is a race to the bottom, with standards that are always plummeting.

There's nothing wrong with eating what tastes good, but good enough is pleb. Eat what is the best, otherwise, what's the point?

Food is essential to life, therefore, make it good.

>> No.4030143

This attitude of good enough needs to die. It's made in the worst ways, roasted in the worst ways, and therefore while it might not be offensive, it's not the best, it's not even good.

>> No.4030155


Again, why do you care about what other people eat? It's their body, not yours. While I don't like the idea of thinking shit-tier food/drink is good enough, it's not really an excuse to bash on what other people eat. They'll learn in their own time, but constantly "hating" on them (for lack of a better term) isn't going to solve anything.

>> No.4030161

Do you see me telling someone they should drink something else, and I find it offensive if they drink it ?

No, you don't.

I'm simply saying DD isn't good. Stop defending it. It's not good, plain and simple. I don't give a fuck if you choose to drink it or not, but stop pretending you are buying it because it's good. You're buying it because it doesn't offend your tastebuds, and it's cheap.

How to know when something is worth defending:

1. Is it made by people who know what they are doing?
2. Would you still drink/eat it if you had unlimited money?

If you answered no to either one of those, then no, it's not worth defending.

>> No.4030162

You still haven't answered the question, however.

>What people obsessed with that type of food/that art works on to make better for qualities that product is admired for.
And yet, while the taste of the beverage is one of those qualities people seek to improve, you have inexplicably set aside that quality from the determination of quality.

I find it contradictory to claim that you're not concerned with what is popular, then dismiss any consideration that takes taste appeal into account.

>> No.4030167

You asked me something that doesn't pertain. I don't care what other people eat/drink, I care what they try to defend.

Taste falls under that thing they try to make better. Not sure why you'd think otherwise.

Duncan doesn't taste good, if you're looking for good coffee. It's burnt, far too bitter, not aromatic, and doesn't have many of the acidic flavors and floral tones properly made coffee has. It literally can't taste good, because it's made from overroasted beans, using a drop coffee maker that under extracts the beans. It's the opposite of good coffee.

>> No.4030172

>Duncan doesn't taste good, if you're looking for good coffee. It's burnt, far too bitter, not aromatic, and doesn't have many of the acidic flavors and floral tones properly made coffee has. It literally can't taste good, because it's made from overroasted beans, using a drop coffee maker that under extracts the beans. It's the opposite of good coffee.
If you had just said this from the beginning I wouldn't have pestered you this whole time. You've been going on and on about why DD coffee is poor quality without actually saying why; this is exactly what I was looking for.

Thank you.

>> No.4030185

Sorry, I suppose I overestimated people's understanding of coffee.

>> No.4030189


>it's not good


I'm not defending this particular drink, I'm defending any food that you deem is shit just because it isn't triple A Grade food blessed by Zeus served on a silver platter.

>Is it made by people who know what they are doing?

I was implying this was coffee brought home and prepared by the consumer.

>Would you still drink/eat it if you had unlimited money?
If you love something, whether it be food prepared by a four star restaurant, or dog shit, I'm going to assume you'll buy it if you have unlimited money. Not quite sure what this question helps on your side of the argument

>> No.4030200


What this guy >>4030172 said.

At least now you have a legitimate reason for loathing DD. I'm not a huge fan of their coffee, but if I'm having a busy morning, there's sometimes not time to prepare homemade coffee.

>> No.4030217


>I was implying this was coffee brought home and prepared by the consumer.

It's over roasted, simply put. It comes from low quality beans because Duncan doesn't have the most amazing purchasing power. However, at least they aren't as over-roasted as starbucks.

Protip: If you're going to buy beans in the store, get light roast of brands like this. Then, then at least it won't be over roasted and you'll actually be able to taste the wonderful aromatics of coffee.

>If you love something, whether it be food prepared by a four star restaurant, or dog shit, I'm going to assume you'll buy it if you have unlimited money. Not quite sure what this question helps on your side of the argument

I seriously doubt you'd buy such a shit quality bean, like Duncan, if you had even a couple of thousand in the bank. Sure there are lots of cheap foods that taste good, but would you continue to buy the absolute worst quality of that particular food item? For example, there is no way I'd ever stop eating cornbread. Does that mean I'd ever buy cheap store cornmeal again? Hell no! I'd buy the best quality organic, heirloom fucking shit harvested by naked hippy women.

Honestly that doesn't even compare. That would imply the cornmeal I have now is somehow made flavorless by the grinding and drying process. Perhaps it is, because it's probably GMO and bred for mass production, not taste, but you get my drift.

Nothing wrong with poor people food. but you don't have to do things to it extra ( like over roasting it) to make it even worse, or perhaps terrible.

>> No.4030219

Which is understandable, sometimes I get starbucks if I'm not at home and there's nothing better around, but do you see me defending it and calling it good?

>> No.4030268


Alright, O master of coffee, please inform me on what constitutes as a good coffee.


No, because you don't have anything specific to defend. You constantly attack other people's opinions, so they're put on a defensive stance. When you do this, they can't go out and attack you. You have an upper hand in the argument.

>> No.4030291

I have the upper hand because I'm right.

If you want good coffee, preferably you'd find somewhere local that doesn't over roast their beans and sells them fresh. Not everywhere has this. I can't really make a good recommendation other than this, other than to never buy the dark roast from one of the mass market companies. If you can only get Duncan/Starbucks whatever shit, go for usually a grade or two lighter than you'd normally expect to get - for example, Starbucks "French roast" is far darker than a full bodied roast should be. Another thing to keep in mind is to never buy coffee in a container that doesn't let C02 out, because C02 will ruin the flavor of the coffee. Doesn't make it bad, just makes it tasteless.

>> No.4030311


Whatever. Anyways, I was talking about what I could prepare at home. Any specific brands? I usually get Folgers Dark Roast because I need my caffeine, but I suppose I've been missing out on the true taste of coffee for the past 10 years of my life.

>> No.4030314

>not filtering/ignoring him

>> No.4030319

I was talking about at home!

For example, in my area, https://www.theroasterie.com/
is the best place to buy beans from.

>> No.4030320

With a properly made dark roast, you can still get the caffeine, the dark flavor, and the aromatics of good coffee.

>> No.4030330


I wonder if they ship to Michigan..