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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 109 KB, 425x282, pstach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4029365 No.4029365 [Reply] [Original]


1. Pistachios
9999999999999999999. Everything else

>> No.4029368

Peanuts #2

>> No.4029387

The day when OP wasnt a faggot

>> No.4029398

the only downside being that you cant stop eating them, but other than that: 100% agreed

>> No.4029416

>largely grown in faggot california

Taste epic. But not thanks.

>> No.4029418

1. Pistachios
2. Peanut
3. Cashew
4. Walnut
5. Almond
90000001. hazelnut

>> No.4029432

not-a-nut tier

>> No.4029434

>ranking nuts
>not loving all of them for their unique taste and health benefits

what is this anon? this smell of pleb coming from the kitchen?

>> No.4029446

Well, you just never know when something grown in "faggot California" might suddenly give you aids or ball cancer, or, god forbid, turn you instantly queer.


>> No.4029450

1. Almond
2. Pistachios
3. Cashews
4. etc

>> No.4029451

enjoy your flyover state anon.
Please stay there in fact.

>> No.4029453

So you like eating nuts from California?

>> No.4029455

roasted cashews > all
not even joking, you can use them for everything, deserts, salads, etc.

>> No.4029458

Are you fucking stupid? Or is sarcasm just unknown to you?

>> No.4029460

1. Cashews
2. Peanuts
3. Pecans
4. Walnuts
5. Almonds
999999999999999999999. Pistachios from California "Land of the Faggots"

>> No.4029465

If you live in the US, and you buy nearly any nuts at the store, your eating nuts from California. Exceptions being pecans, macadamias, and cashews. California grow a majority of nuts in this country.

>> No.4029468

Peanuts are from Virginia.

>> No.4029466

He just thinks you're one of those closet homosexuals.

>> No.4029472

Peanuts arent real nuts.

>> No.4029474

> California grow a majority of nuts in this country.

>> No.4029475

You wouldn't say that with a dick in your mouth.

>> No.4029477

1. Peanuts
2. Walnut
3. Pistachios
4. Paranuts
5. Cashews
6. Hazelnuts
9001. Almonds

>> No.4029485

>eating nuts
I bet you faggots like it in the ass too.

>> No.4029487

Well, you would know all about cock suckibg, wouldn't you?

>> No.4029489

>hating on nuts
go back to mcdonalds, amerifat.
america is pig disgusting

>> No.4029510

>hating on Americans
>posting on a board made by an American
Hypocritical much?

>> No.4029536

>cock suckibg
Take the penis out before you talk.

>> No.4029539

Black Walnuts

Most black walnuts are grown in Missouri.

>> No.4029538


logic fail.

>> No.4029550

Did your mom teach you that? Because that's ever I learned it. FROM YOUR MOM.

>> No.4029556

>Because that's ever I learned it.
1.) You're admitting to sucking a dick.
2.) You're apparently still doing it.

>> No.4029559

Most walnuts in general are grown in California.

>> No.4029564

I purposely buy nuts and produce that aren't grown in California. I get to enjoy all of the foods I like.

>> No.4029565

It's impossible to eat just one pistachio.

>> No.4029568

This is so easy. You're making it way too easy.
BTW, ask your mom how she liked the taste of my penor last night.

>> No.4029575

>I get to enjoy all of the foods I like.

Like mac and cheese, white bread and meat paste? Enjoy!

>> No.4029628
File: 72 KB, 200x160, Swag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are all freaking nuts.

>> No.4029644

>Brazil Nuts

>> No.4030131
File: 140 KB, 640x480, tiyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peanuts are not nuts. they are legumes

>> No.4030157
File: 11 KB, 480x360, Tron-Legacy-Movie-Clip-Sirens-Dress-Sam-Official-HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peanuts are no legumes. they are fruit

>> No.4030168

good thread

>> No.4030170

Of course the usual people are pointing out peanuts aren't nuts, as it's one of those common knowledge things these days. What you've all failed to mention is that the pistachio is also not a nut, and is in fact the seed part of a drupe.

>> No.4030500
File: 178 KB, 1046x847, 1351034332061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's threads like this that remind me I'm on 4chan

>> No.4031527

enjoying your stay?

the stench of butthurt

>> No.4031536

Pistachio used to be my favorite, then I expanded my horizons, and now I can't get enough of cashews. Mm, cashews...

>> No.4031538


>> No.4031540
File: 26 KB, 400x300, 6a00e54ffe2ad388330148c792a8d9970c-400wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BLACK walnuts, you Juglans nigra. BLACK walnuts. Huge flavor and quality difference.

>> No.4031551

Used to love salted pistachios until i tried salted pistachios

>with pepper

nobbys peanuts, the ones in the foil package (ausfag) are the bomb and the ultimate beer snack

brazil nuts (bland) hazelnuts (too dominating on the palate and taste weird) and walnuts (taste like the smell of paint) are horrible

>> No.4031560

1. Pistachios
2. Cashews
?. Almonds
?. Peanuts

>> No.4031583

1. Hazelnut
2. Brazil nut
3. Macadamia
3. Almond
4. Walnut
5. Pecan
6. Pistachio
7. Cashew
shit tier:

>> No.4031585

>but almonds, peanuts, and cashews are not nuts