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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4025881 No.4025881 [Reply] [Original]

I just got looked at funny for saying I put sugar in my Cream of Wheat.

What? It's good. I do the same for grits if it's by itself and not mixed with anything else already.

>> No.4025895

What the fuck is wrong with you OP?

>> No.4025899

>not enjoying a wide variety of grit methods

You are one isolated MFer.

>> No.4025900

Have you tried it?

>> No.4025904

People don't do that? I mean, I try not to be a total amerifat about it, but I almost always add some kind of sweetener to hot cereal. It's just too bland without it.

>> No.4025906

I only eat grits because restaurants don't serve Cream of Wheat.

Cream of Wheat > grits

>> No.4025910

All of my immediate family puts sugar in hot cereal. People just have these stupid mental barriers.

>> No.4025916

I prefer yogurt and fresh fruit on Cream of Wheat/Red River Cereal

Grits will always be a savoury dish for me

>> No.4025934

>I prefer yogurt and fresh fruit on Cream of Wheat
Interested. Do you mix it in or literally put in on top?

>> No.4025939

>Cream of Wheat

What the fuck is that? Is it a soup? Is it some kind of slop that yankees try to pass off as food?

And grits? Grits get butter and that shit had better be made with milk.

>> No.4025940

I'd look at anyone who eats cream of wheat or grits at all funny

>> No.4025941

wait, cream of wheat and grits aren't the same thing?

>> No.4025946

creamy instead of gritty

>> No.4025948



>> No.4025949

You better not be British.

>> No.4025953

I do mix it, I use greek but kefir works

>> No.4025955

I thought cream of wheat was a southern thing like grits

I have never actually had either of them living in a civilized state

>> No.4025958


So, yeah, slop.


Nope. I'm from the american south, where we took your food and made it taste good.

>> No.4025960


Considering it was invented in ND and is manufactured in MN, I wonder how you thought that.

>> No.4025965

OP is from Virginia

>> No.4025962

Cream of Wheat is made from wheat while grits are made from corn.

>North Dakota

>> No.4025963

>I wonder how you thought that.
because I live in the upper midwest and have never seen anyone eating it

and i used to work in a grocery store in high school and almost never saw people buy it

>> No.4025964

I have given it multiple chances. Always seems to taste like some childish mixture. I grew up eating it with fried fish, or corned beef, so I guess that could have influenced my taste. But still is about as appetizing as sugary mashed potatoes IMO
Not gonna try and change your mind on that.
Can't get a good plate of grits in the US anywhere, making Cream of Wheat taste much better in comparison

>> No.4025968


I was born in the upper midwest and my family has lived there for 3 generations. It's a northern thing.

>> No.4025974

>I was born in the upper midwest and my family has lived there for 3 generations. It's a northern thing.
I don't really think its a popular thing anywhere, maybe it used to be 40 years ago or something like that

>> No.4025971

most of your grain based foods are manufactured in the north, the south has shit soil from centuries of cotton and tobacco, and southerners being too uneducated to rotate crops ravaging it

>> No.4025972

Sorry take that back. I'll say it is HARD to get a good plate of grits. Had some at this small shack in NC on a road trip.
8/10, chef knew his stuff.

>> No.4025980

Yeah,you have to go to shitty looking, no-name places for the good grits. Ask truckers.

>> No.4025983


What part of Virginia? You get close enough to Maryland and DC, they're pratically yankees.

>> No.4025990


>> No.4025991


Well, we used to have people for that... until some shit happened.

>> No.4025993


Yeah, well what can I say, I'm old. Also I just looked it up and they closed the MN factory over 10 years ago, it is now made in MO. Guess that goes along with the whole wellstone murder and wholesale takeover of progressive MN by a bunch of mouth breathing crazies.

>> No.4025994
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itt: yankee plebfags bastardizing southern staples.
The only things that belong in grits are butter, hoop cheese and or bacon.

>> No.4025998


Bad enough. Get closer to the mountains and we'll talk.

>> No.4026006

But OP is from the capitol of your un-country and Cream of Wheat was invented in the midwest.

>> No.4026011


got a fucking culinary hero here

>> No.4026016


OP's from Richmond, VA. That's like telling me you're from the south, because you live in Orlando, Florida. That's isn't the south, it's just south-like.

>> No.4026020
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Still wrong
You can eat any kind of mix of minced potato and crushed tomato with it. Goes great with corned beef(not corned beef hash), and sardines, anchovies, or any other type of salt water fish cooked in a tomato based mixture.

I am really starting to doubt /ck/ 's taste nowadays.

>> No.4026027

wasn't richmond the Capital of the confederacy?

Also inland florida like Orlando is pretty fucking redneck, its only the southern coastal areas that are northern culturally (or impoverished Cuban once you get to Miami)

>> No.4026028


Are you the guy from the other thread who was arguing that Asia was Japan, Korea, and Taiwan only?

Sorry but if slavery was legal, you're from the south.

>> No.4026030
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if your county is primarily baptsist, you are a southerner

>> No.4026033


>Mixing your hashbrowns with your grits
>Putting can fish in grits
>Fucking tomato in your grits

Nigga, you best into grits, real quick. Southern breakfast doesn't have fish in it and tomatos are for sandwiches.

>> No.4026034
File: 33 KB, 400x267, OR-04598_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> catholic
> baptist

there is something wrong with murrka

>> No.4026042
File: 77 KB, 600x344, importance-of-religion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Catholics in modern america are the least religious of these people

>> No.4026040

Richmond was the capital of the CSA.

You seem to thing the Deep South is the only place that is "The South".
>Taking pride in almost being Mexico

>> No.4026044


This is a thing in America? All those other churches are Christian as well.

>> No.4026046


That don't mean, shit. The confederacy is dead. New lines are drawn based on custom. Here's a map, for reference. Everything in the read is southern. Everything else is just "the south".

>> No.4026047


It wasn't the Catholics that I had an issue with.

>> No.4026048


Forgot my pic.

>> No.4026055

Ever been to southern Indiana or illinois? those people are redneck southerners too, the south is unfortunately growing

>> No.4026052

there are some people that like to call themselves Christian, but don't want to pick a denomination, so they just respond "christian"

>> No.4026054
File: 162 KB, 552x600, southeast-region-map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot my pic.

>> No.4026057

how exactly is Arkansas and Louisiana not the south?

>> No.4026063


It's the southwest. There's not one unified south. They do different shit over there but I can't complain, because the food's still good.

>> No.4026060

I say "y'all" and I want to fuck three of my cousins.

Your move.

You tried to guess where Richmond was and intentionally left it out. Cute.
>Leaving out Louisiana

>> No.4026066


Non-denominationals are the scariest of religious people. They come from the dregs that didn't fit in with anyone else and were converted by self-taught traveling country preachers. They believe in all kinds of batshit crazy things because it's in the bible, but they don't have a long tradition of literacy to teach them how to filter out the common sense bible stuff from the acid trip stuff that got stuck in there by accident.

tl;dr watch out for people who identify as nondenominational christians.

>> No.4026068


My great-grandpa ran moonshine and married his first cousin. Check and mate.

>> No.4026069

>It's the southwest
the southwest is Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico

Not fucking Lousiana

I have never heard anyone say Louisiana was anything other than the south

>> No.4026071


Tonight we learned that /ck/ doesn't know geography

>> No.4026076

Are you retarded?

The truth. Every Catholic I've ever met (half of everyone I know) was never a bible-thumpin', hypocritical, retard.

>> No.4026078

Really? In my small part of Europe, people who are non-denominational Christians are just mostly nationalist seculars, but not quite nationalist enough to join with the pagan crowd.

>> No.4026085

I assumed he meant southwest south. Almost as retarded.

>> No.4026092


No, that's the west, the south west is west of the mississippi river and includes, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas.

>> No.4026104


Maybe he has a time machine and is posting from the year 1863

>> No.4026100
File: 138 KB, 820x494, United_States_map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Northwest
2. SoCal
3. Mountain
4. Southwest
5. Texas
6. Plains
7. Upper Midwest
8. Lower Midwest
9. The South
10. Northeast
11. South Florida

>> No.4026099

You've got to be trolling.

>> No.4026107

Southeastern VA isn't "the south"; please don't make maps if you have no clue of what you're doing.

>> No.4026108

>Every Catholic I've ever met (half of everyone I know) was never a bible-thumpin', hypocritical, retard.
Where the hell do you live?

I was raised Catholic, and only the elderly ones gave any shits, most of us could barely be bothered to go to mass every week, and no catholics are evangelical, unlike southern baptists

>> No.4026111


>> No.4026114


There's nothing southern about Arizona, New Mexico, or Nevada. Two of those are basically mexican provinces and the third is just clearly western.

>> No.4026117

are you joking?

Louisiana is the fucking deep south

>> No.4026125

Colroado. That's what I'm saying, fool. We were all baptized and raised Catholic but no one ever went to church or talked about religion except the old folks.

>> No.4026130


>> No.4026133


It's definitely southern but the french and spanish influence, I feel, separates it from the eastern states in culture. Still, though, I'd rather eat their food than yankee food.

>> No.4026138



>> No.4026139

oh, i misread your post

>> No.4026136

Fixed it
1. Northwest
2. SoCal
3. Mountain
4. Southwest
5. Texas
6. Plains
7. Upper Midwest
8. Lower Midwest
9. The Deep South
10. Northeast
11. South Florida
12. Inland South
13. The Civilized South

>> No.4026137

See: Cardinal Directions

>> No.4026144

The French influence doesn't really extend far outside New Orlenas, most of the state is culturally southern. Reference the religion map, the catholic counties are culturally Cajun or whatever, the baptist ones are true southern

>> No.4026149
File: 141 KB, 820x494, United_States_map 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4026159


Fair enough. I just don't cross the miss river enough to really get a feel for it.

>> No.4026164

I understand your cultural difference argument but calling Louisiana and Arkansas the Southwestern US has got to be the dumbest thing anyone from 5th grade Geography has ever heard.

>> No.4026169

I don't really see the Mississippi river as much of a cultural border these days

Minnesota and Wisconsin are basically the same thing, Iowa/Illinois are the same, Arkansas/Mississippi are similar, and Northern Louisiana is similar to both of them

>> No.4026174

Arkansas may have been considered the southwest back in the early 1800s when Illinois and Wisconsin were the northwestern states, but to call it southwestern today is just dumb

>> No.4026176


i find most of these maps bullshit but I'm actually impressed by this, especially the breakdown and consideration given to the middle part of the country.

>> No.4026181


I consider it to be a different kind of south than my south, so therefore...

>> No.4026189
File: 14 KB, 480x360, 1317919273215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's your problem. It's still "The South" to EVERYONE else. Y'all a bunch of inbred, mother fucking, swamp people anyways.

>> No.4026198


Yankees just don't understand.

Just like they don't know how make grits.

>> No.4026201

>Just like they don't know how make grits.
To be fair, we have never tried

>> No.4026204

yes it is, I am living there.
There are more fried chicken places than McD's in the tourist city.
As well as the gun toting republican veterans.

>> No.4026229

over 150 years later, it's still ok to be racist against southerners for unfounded sterotypes made up by civil war propagandists. Lincoln would be proud.

historical protip: it was the democratic party that controlled the south precivil war and were both in support of slavery as well as the primary owners.

Coincidently they opposed the civil rights movement in the 60s. Check your political privilege, yankee scum.

>> No.4026231
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>over 150 years later, it's still ok to be racist against southerners for unfounded sterotypes made up by civil war propagandists
What exactly about them is unfounded?

>> No.4026233

>it was the democratic party that controlled the south precivil war and were both in support of slavery as well as the primary owners.
The Democrats controlled the south until well after WWII

>> No.4026238
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>> No.4026256

Brown sugar is pretty good with oatmeal, grits or anything of the like

>> No.4026259


sugar, cinnamon and cream in my Cream of Wheat and FUCK THE HATERS.

>> No.4026310

You know what niggers? If I'm feeling like havin cheesy grits one day, then I put fucking cheese in my grits. If I feel like havin sweet grits the next day, then I put fuckin sugar in my grits. Yankee/Southern hybrid, fuck everyone.

>> No.4026315

Northerners don't eat grits

>> No.4026317

Yes we do. And I'll eat them how I feel like. Fuck everyone.

>> No.4026323

honestly I had never even heard of grits as a kid until I went to the south on a trip

>> No.4026367

Bullshit, most people living above or to the west of Maryland have never even heard of them.