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File: 134 KB, 590x400, Sodas_blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4024607 No.4024607 [Reply] [Original]

I don't see how people tend to crave a bottle of cold sugar water with meal

How often do you drink soda?

do you ever think this meal would be better with a soda (in other words how often do you crave soda)?

>> No.4024609

I don't drink soda anymore, but goddamn, you sound like such a faggot.

>> No.4024611

I drink it about once a week. I'd probably drink it less often, except that the office where I work has a fridge full of it in the kitchen.

I never actually crave it, the idea makes my skin crawl.

>> No.4024615

grew up dirt poor, so never got into drinking soda, but I'll have a Coke once or twice a year. it's more like a dessert for me.

>> No.4024616

I only have soda when I eat fast food. Most of them in my area are managed into the ground, but Chick-fil-A and Wendy's are consistently good. Everything is piping hot, crispy and fresh. If I go to a restaurant to sit down, which is rare, I order water or beer.

I exclusively drink water or tea at home.

>> No.4024620

When i lived in Denmark i had a can a can every two months or so, i actually like it, but i dont want my teeth all messed up. Now, i live in the US, and they sodas over here are way sweeter than in europe, so i dont even like them.

If you count sodas in drinks like rum and coke or gin and tonic, probably 4 times a month

>> No.4024621

I am with you OP.

I didn't grow up drinking sugar water, so soda/pop/whatever has no value to me whatsoever.

I have probably had like 4 cans in my 26 years of living. I don't get the point of it - tastes shitty and is basically a surplus of unnecessary sugar/calories for most people.

I drink club soda.

>> No.4024622

Diet soda almost daily.

Haven't drank the sugared stuff in years

>> No.4024638

I used to drink it more, but now I drink almost exclusively water and tea. Sure, it's nice as a treat every once in a while, but on the whole it's just kind of eh to me. The only ones I find myself craving from time to time are Coke, Jarritos Mandarin, and Baja Blast from Taco Bell. But only very rarely. Luckily I live in the South, so sweet tea is plentiful and the drink of choice.

>> No.4024643

I drink soda very infrequently. I consider apfelschorle a soda and I have 1-2 glasses a month at most.

>> No.4024672

i drink coke zero most days. a couple cans.

>> No.4024692

What flavor is that blue mountain dew on the left of OP pic i never seen it before?

>> No.4024693

Regular is too sugary for me, once in a blue mom I'll have a regular soda more as a snack than anything. The idea of drinking it with food makes no sense to me, like eating a snickers bar on the side of your meal.

But I'm all about diet soda all day every day,, it's like fucking heroin. I think it's because I grew up with it because sugar gives my moms migranes so it was always in the house.

I'm having my first diet coke of the day right now, and it's just as good s sex

>> No.4024697

I can't resist root beer. I get a 2 liter of Barq's almost every weekend. Fuck me it is so good. If I can get my hands on some Sprechers, even better.

Other soda isn't great though. It's gross to see people drinking multiple bottles a day.

>> No.4024699

I drink a lot of pop/soda/whatever now that I work at a restaurant. We get it for free and it's a source of caffeine for those long days. I don't particularly enjoy it though, I very much prefer milk and beer with an actual meal. I've actually just started quitting pop for good this week - it's just a fucktonne of sugar that my body doesn't need.

>> No.4024702

I suggest something known as Ripped Fuel. It's technically a workout supplement but really it's just caffeine. I pop one before work and I'm not fatigued all day.

>> No.4024705

There's a few meals for which there is a strong mental correlation with a certain drink.

Buffalo wings = beer
Pizza = wine
Old fashioned burger shoppe = fountain soda or shake
BBQ joint = ice cold sweet tea with lime

I mostly get a cold soda if I've been walking around all day and want a pick me up without a meal just yet. Walking around a theme park, little headache coming on...ahh ice cold pepsi sipped slowly over ice. I treat Coke and Pepsi as something that keeps you from feeling a little sick. They are empty calories, so need to be used as a meal replacement.

If I'm somewhere that has value meals, the drink or meal adds like cents to the price of the meal with sandwich alone, so I'll get a soda, but I'll probably sip it during the meal, and then make it last for hourssss.

>> No.4024706


>> No.4024708
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unless it's mixed with vodka (collegefag here), I don't often drink soda. But, when I do, I make sure it's this shit.

>> No.4024711

haven't had a soda in a long time, several years at least. I used to drink them a lot, but stopped in highschool because i was crashing as soon as I got home. I usually just drink water or coffee

>> No.4024712

ma nigga.
the blood orange version is the best.

>> No.4024716

Only on holidays. And it has to be Dr. Pepper.

>> No.4024725

>Diet soda almost daily.

>Haven't drank the sugared stuff in years

*spits out drink* HAHAHAHA

>> No.4024730

I gave soda up like 14 months ago. I had one of those 8oz bottles of CocaCola Zero back in October and hated it.

>> No.4024735

i use to drink a shit ton of it each day

now i only have it when i drink which is like once a month if that....

>> No.4024736
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Day 2 after Thanksgiving, serious regrets about the remaining left-overs.

>> No.4024750

Mm I try to hold back to twice a week but there's nothing that goes better with a real authentic Cheeseburger than a coke

>> No.4024752

something about food umami

>> No.4024794

I probably have a can of Sprite Zero every day or every other day. My mom keeps our house stocked with it and it's nice to have something to drink during my commute to college in the morning. I also like diet Mountain Dew every once in awhile for the caffeine. I also really like diet Ginger Ale on occasions. I usually only drink diet soda because I don't like the super sweet taste of normal soda and I don't like ingesting all the sugar in general. I really just like the citrus flavor and the carbonation.

>> No.4024820

I remember there was guy in my morning class who had a bowl of sweet cereal and marshmallows with coke mixed in.

>> No.4024868

I stopped drinking soda about 6 years ago (besides a few times my friend tricked me into it and when I went and tried butterbeer at Universal's Harry Potter world). Never do I miss it.

If I want bubbles I'll have seltzer, and I mainly drink coffee and water now. Once in a while I'll have iced tea or lemonade.

>> No.4024875

I drink at least a few cans of diet soda on most days. Grew up drinking diet soda so it's what I'm used to, never drank normal soda aside from when I'd go out to dinner when I was a kid.

>> No.4024910

Before Prohibition, you would have a beer with your meal; soda was a desert that you usually put ice cream on top of.

During Prohibition it was moved into the main course; and now it stayed there and spread to other countries.

(truefact: Prohibition is also why Americans refer to unfiltered apple juice as "cider"; in every other English-speaking country, and in America before Prohibition, "cider" only ever refereed to an alcoholic beverage.).

>> No.4024914

Don't really drink soda with a meal, it makes no sense to me. Occasionally (ie. maybe 1-3 times a month) I have a bottle of good soda by itself. That's about it.

>> No.4024975

Probably once every two months or so I will just get a random craving for either- Grape Crush, Orange Soda, Ginger Ale, Coca-Cola, or Dr. Pepper. Then I'll usually just get a bottle of whatever i'm craving and drink it. (don't know why I ever crave Dr. Pepper... i'm always disappointed when i drink it.

i hate soda with meals. in fact.. i really never drink anything with meals other than water, beer, or wine.

>> No.4024989

Where else am I going to hide the whiskey I brought with me to a restaurant?

>> No.4024990

>buy carbonated water
>add orange juice

It's like orange soda but actually tastes like oranges and doesn't make you fat

>> No.4025026

I drink a soda maybe once month these days. I used to drink a Dr. Pepper every day, and when I quit I went from 190 lb to 160 lb in about 3 months. Soda isn't worth drinking unless there's whiskey in it.

>> No.4025037

so edgy

>> No.4025053

Used to drink more soda when I was younger. II mostly drink water now with most of my meals unless im going out. I do tend to buy Iced Tea mostly. When I see mexican Coke at a good price, I do buy it. Certainly adds more to certain meals

>> No.4025054

Are you from Milwaukee?

>> No.4025065

Why? Diet soda has no sugar in it.

Or do you think lots of people are dying due to complications from artificial sweeteners?


>> No.4025119

I have one every few weeks. I used to drink it every single day but stopped and lost about 30lb. (I also changed my diet a bit, but not too much)

>> No.4025122

On very rare occasions i'll crave those cherry vanilla dr. Peppers but ideally that's like every...four months. I get sick of it it just makes me feel bloated and sticky and makes me break out i'md rather drink water with a meal coke or sprite isn't exactly refreshing.

>> No.4025126

Used to love it, then I grew up. Still have one on very rare occasions, like once or twice a year when I go hiking or so - for nostalgia's sake.

>> No.4025132


Not dying, but definitely becoming sick and out of shape and sluffish

>> No.4025151

>[citation non-existant]

>> No.4025210

Soda consumption varies by country and region. OP sounds like a non-American who stereotypes all Americans as soda guzzlers.

I drink it about once every 2-3 months. A cold soda can be nice on a hot day, I would never get a craving for it like I would, say, chocolate. It can go well with pizza and grilled meats. The classic 50's US meal of a hamburger, small soda, and fries can be good, though I would say in any case soda works a beer would be better.

I think this guy is onto something. Prohibition changed a lot of habits in the United States, and we're still recovering from it. I think it's safe to say that without Prohibition Coca-Cola never would have become the powerhouse it is today.

>> No.4025221

I have it when I get fast food, that's about it. I never have it at home and I keep a case of water in my car for driving.
>that flavour when Popeye's spicy chicken sandwich with mac and cheese and a soda

>> No.4025247

First time I bought this, I got it just because of the nice can design with the foil on top.
Also the reason I first tried Fentimans Curiosity Cola, with it's traditional bottle.

And they're both fantastic drinks.

>> No.4025294

I only drink pop when I'm at a restaurant and I'm not in the mood for lemonade. I don't really crave it ever anymore since I pretty much stopped drinking it. I used to drink it ALLLLL the time when I was younger. The only kind I drink now is Sprite and Fanta.

>> No.4025317

I don't drink soda very much, but I always have some sort of cola with pizza. It's too salty to drink with anything else, and water fills me up.

>> No.4025327

I rarely drink soda, but I do think that an ice-cold soda makes a great beverage to go with BBQ or a hamburger. Mind you, a beer would be better, but sometimes that isn't an option.

>> No.4025344

> I think this guy is onto something.

You better not be same-fagging us with that. I'm a huge cider fan and I don't take kindly to anons spittin in mah hair and tellin me it must be rainin.

I've seen references in a few books written in the latter half of 1800's (>20yrs before prohibition) with specific references to hard or "soft" cider... But touche, yo. I never saw anything in print referring to apple juice.

Always been fascinated with cider. I know kids freak the fuck out over pop/soda, its like a candy drink, and kids are notorious for acting like crackheads when they get around sugar... But I never went for that. I had some (soft) cider when I was about 6, and its been a lifelong love affair ever since.

It was distinctly different from apple juice though, and no idea what you mean by "unfiltered". What set the two apart in my experiences was carbonation and clarity. Apple juice is always clear and never carbonated. Cider is always cloudy, sometimes even "creamy" looking, and it has just the most wonderful carbonation to it. Its like little tiny pop/soda bubbles, but still tangy, unlike stout foam. And that slight sour twang.

OT: pop sucks. It has gone the way of modern cartoons and candy. Sweeter, stupider, and less and less appealing as you get older.

>> No.4025361


Uh no, I'm >>4024875 and I run 35-40 miles a week and lift

>> No.4025382
File: 95 KB, 483x494, Bob's.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soda has its time and place. Pic related is an old school predecesor to McD's. They invented the triple decker hamburger with "secret sauce" (tartar here, mac sauce elsewhere). It was about as "50's" as you can get. Lot of the places were set up like Sonic.

They had the option to add marachino (sp?) cherry juice to your Coke. Cherry Coke basically.

That combo, burger, fries, cherry coke... It all came together perfectly. There's nothing like getting some synergy going on with your meal. Its why we pair wines. Its why its meatloaf and mashed potatos, not meatloaf and pulled pork.

>> No.4025392

The only time I consume soda is with hard liquor. Since I'm a beer man, that pretty much means only once in a blue moon.

>> No.4025401

Fuck I miss Bob's Big Boy...

We used to have some up here in the midwest, but now they're pretty much all on the west coast. Then the last time I went to LA, the one I usually go to was closed as well. It's so simple, yet delicious.

At least I have a few shakers of Bob's Big Boy seasoned salt shakers that I use on my ground beef at home.

>> No.4025432

I drink soda pretty often >.<
i know it's a bad habit.
I try to limit my soda intake though.
Been trying to substitute my soda with iced tea (unsweetened)

>> No.4025434

i had to quit soda like an alcoholic quits booze. never again, I'm afraid, but I still want a coke all the time. especially with pizza or hotdogs or other good old fashioned greasy foods. but, in most cases, a beer will do. though... i might have to quit beer like an alcoholic quits beer soon. then i don't know what i'll do.

>> No.4025467

Ive been conditioned from a young age to enjoy pop with my food. It really sucks because I know its horrible for me and It never makes my food taste any better. But i CRAVE it daily, usually end up drinking it whenever available.

>> No.4025468

Pizza is the only thing I prefer soda with. It might be nostalgia, but the combination of fat, chewy dough and cheese with the sweet, fizzy bite of soda is orgasmic.

>> No.4025477
File: 214 KB, 500x332, Ginger-Beer-Taste-Off-1-of-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once I turned 21 I replaced soda with beer. Now I'm slowly replacing that with ginger beer. Pic related. Maine Root is fucking fantastic

>> No.4025483

but, bro, I read this article once, bro...

>> No.4026889

I love doing this. So much fun to drink.

>> No.4026913

I sometimes drink cola when I'm in a restarant because I'm not a huge fan of alcohol and I actually like the taste.

There are also some very nice lemonades from smaller brands with interesting flavor.

I think of it more as a dessert than as a drink though.

>> No.4026918


You know orange juice can make you fat too, right? It obviously has more nutrients than soda, but it's still sugar without fiber.

>> No.4026927

You're a fucking genius, I have to try this. Salute.

>> No.4026928

just drank a glass of coke with my spicy greek salad. no fucks given

>> No.4026931

Right now i can get a litre of cola for 9 cent (europe) which means that its even cheaper than water but i still dont see the use of it it tastes like shit destroys your teeths and makes you fat. Stopped drinking it when i was 16

>> No.4026935


Stick to speaking your own language, you dirty foreigner.

>> No.4026945
File: 138 KB, 570x483, mfw+I+saw+your+comment+_e7a3f318b7fe88b1ba0855079c8f60b0[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw i'm from atlanta and we all drink soda religiously

>> No.4026947

How do you get a litre of cola for 9 cents? Is it coca cola?

The only way I can think of is buying the concentrate that goes into the soda machines at fast food places.

>> No.4026950



>In reality it's kind of like regular Mt. Dew mixed with blue Kool-Aid.

Best non-regular Mt. Dew, IMO was the lime one they had a few years back.
>and Throwback is #1, right next to Dew in the 12oz glass bottle.

>> No.4026952

>dat obesity, diabetes, and Pleb. taste

>> No.4026971

>Cider is always cloudy, sometimes even "creamy" looking, and it has just the most wonderful carbonation to it. Its like little tiny pop/soda bubbles

I'm not sure what kind of cider you've been drinking, but all the soft (non-fermented non-alcoholic) cider I've had has no carbonation. Apple juice is basically cider that has been filtered (at least real fresh juice is).

>> No.4026972

my roommate drinks soda all the fucking time. drives me up the wall. i have to remind him to drink water.
I have to remind a 28 year old man that soda is bad, water is good.
so ridiculous.

>> No.4026975

Translation: I grew up in a poor household where we couldn't afford to drink soda. So now I pretend it's awful tasting and bad for you.

You'd have to have some seriously fucked tastebuds if you think soda tastes bad.

>> No.4026979

What's it like not having any friends? Mind your own business.

>> No.4026997

he's my best friend.

>> No.4026998

Water, chocolate milk and juices (god tier peach nectar)
I used to drink soda, but i got tired of the uber-sugary taste that clings to your teeth and needs to be flushed away with water.

>> No.4027000
File: 38 KB, 500x311, chill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just stop giving a shit about what other people do to their bodies. It doesn't hurt YOU if he consumes insane amounts of sugar, asspartame, artificial flavors and all that "good" shit.

>> No.4027010

I was rlly surprised seeing it in the store I guess they just have too much in the store and want to get rid of it. I could buy it and sell it for more but I am too lazy for that and yes its real coca cola. And actually nobody wants to buy it here. There are still about 50 to 60 bottles

>> No.4027027

Where do you live?

>> No.4027033

He's too embarrassed to tell you.

>> No.4027052

I used to drink a shitload of soda when I was a lot younger. But at 14 I learned how shitty it was for me and it was the main reason why I was chubby. I hated being chubby so I cut back all soda and started drinking only water.

>> No.4027450

Possibly the worst ginger beer I've tasted. It's like drinking cough syrup.
Too fruity, no ginger taste at all.

I recommend Goya or Grace ginger beers.

>> No.4027466
File: 76 KB, 288x269, Brown-Bottle-mug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have left most soda behind besides an occasional Mt. Dew "would drink a 3 liter by myself on the vic 20 playing games as a kid" but now im just jet black coffee or muddled seltzer. but the only soda i ever go batshit over anymore is a good NE Pennsylvanian birch bark root beer, its is literally like meth to a stripper addictive, thank god family only brings it down once a year. pic so related it gave me a drink boner.

>> No.4027511

>Calling all soda "Coke"

>> No.4027673

>pizza with wine instead of beer
>burger "shoppe"
>tea with lime instead of lemon

fuck off. just fuck off.

>> No.4027748

It's a throwback to happy childhood memories, a really good pizza deserves a rootbeer.

>> No.4027787
File: 79 KB, 590x393, pepsi-throwback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since I've had to worry about paying for my own stuff, I've learned to appreciate filtered tap water a whole lot more. I've also begun to hate the aftertaste and general muckiness that soda leaves behind in the mouth.

Though I do pick up some Pepsi Throwback whenever it is around, stuff is pretty great.

>> No.4027814

>calling pop soda

>> No.4027845

I'm not a big soda fan myself, but I don't understand why some people are so confounded by the prevalence of such drinks

why wouldn't someone want a sweet drink?? we have tastebuds and we like sweet things. Its hardly THAT much of a mystery

>> No.4027863

>How often do you drink soda?

In all seriousness: Never.

>> No.4027889

Drink soft drinks far too often. Energy drinks are the fucking worst. I'll pop one of those before a day of writing or whatever, and they are literally killing me, I'm fairly sure. Making my energy levels go haywire, stopping me from sleeping, all that good shit. I just can't stop though. At this point it would be healthy for me to drink a coke rather than yet another monster... my fourth this week or something.

>> No.4027893

Never unless you want to count the very occasional red bull.

>> No.4027932

Not too long ago I was drinking it pretty constantly, now pretty much not at all because broke and living with parents. I don't have an addictive personality though so it doesn't really bug me. I like having things other than water to drink though, like tea or juice.

I like having soda with some foods like pizza or mexican, because water just doesn't cut it.

I dunno, I like drinking it, but I don't get addicted so I don't really see the problem. When I have money I'll probably start drinking it again. It's easier than making tea, and available in more convenient forms than juice (cans vs larger bottles).

>> No.4027950

Surprisingly in germany given the fact that a lot of people here are stupid fatfucks

>> No.4027981

Uuuuuh like once a month I think? Very rarely.

>> No.4027985

That and you can lol all over the place when he gets diabetes and/or kidney stones.

>> No.4028050

i drink 3-4 cans of diet coke a day minimum. there was a month where i also drank a 20oz of red bull every 2-3 days in addition to that. i can literally feel the stones forming in my kidneys but i dont really give a shit. i know id probably feel like a million bucks if i ever stopped some day, but right now i just really dont give a fuck.

this thread is basically just a hugbox for those wsho lead a healthier lifestyle but feel they arent getting enough recognition for it

>> No.4028146

Totally agree with OP. I see soda as liquid candy. It's also terrible for your system, the amount of sugar only one can of soda has, would make you vomit if it wasnt for other chemicals and additives it containes, the wost part is those other chemicals reduce the intestines capability of absorbing vitamines and calcium. look it up if you don't believe me. I used to drink soda when there wasn't anything else available, because I never liked sugary drinks, but after I learned this I prepher having tap water rather than a glass of those. I often drink lemonade, water, homemade orange juice or iced tea with stevia or just a couple of sugar teaspoons.

>> No.4028155

everyone in this thread who claims not to drink soda, are fucking liars.

>> No.4028158

Kickass drink: half tea, half fresh lemon juice, grounded ginger, mint leaves, ice anx everything, cruching the mint leaves with the ice. Very little sugar.
Fucking awsome, you'll never drink soda again!

>> No.4028171
File: 87 KB, 887x590, f1ae6f88c94e3735d0508c3d41f211f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drink Brugmansia arborea tea, or Nerium oleander tea, it will kill you quiker =3

>> No.4028177

How can you even like it that much? I can't stand more than 1/2 a can, so I just leave it out entirely. But nevermind me, how the hell can you enjoy so much? Do you not like straight water?

>> No.4028189


I am a huge fan of good root beer, and now you have me wanting to try this. Too bad the only place I can find it online is Amazon, and they want $40 for a 12-pack.

>> No.4028193

I order and drink pop maybe once every 2nd month or so. I drink rum and cokes a couple times a month though.

>> No.4028198

Straight water is a vile beverage.

Not to mention it smells like solvents and has grit in it where I live.

>> No.4028226


get a water filter.

>> No.4028281

i've not drunk soda of any kind since i was like 17 [almost ten years ago]. its just sugar water, and intended for children.

>> No.4028298
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>> No.4028311

I don't like tea
I don't like coffee
I don't drink alcohol
Water is kinda boring for everything.

So I'll have a Coke Zero sometimes.

>> No.4028357

>intended for children
Where does such nonsense come from?

>> No.4028371

Usually just drink water during the week, but go nuts on the weekends.
But since taking a job that has me sitting at a computer all day, I've gotten into energy drinks, but no more than one a day or any other sugar water.

>> No.4028651

it is worth it, i would literally blow another dude if i was in the right mood when i want this.

>> No.4028658

do you even read?
it was medicinal when first conceived.

>> No.4028666

What healthy, normal adult craves 40 grams of sugar in water?

That means absolutely nothing.

>> No.4028698

>What healthy, normal adult craves 40 grams of sugar in water?
most of them, we are genetically designed to crave thing with a lot of calories as we evolved mostly in a time when calories were much more scarce

>> No.4028705

and in what world does a child need caffeine?

>> No.4028711

>hurrrr I'm diabetic and fat because of evolution

We also evolved intelligence for a reason.

>> No.4028719

so you're diabetic and fat? that's terrible

>> No.4028730

Nice comeback bro.

It sounds like you do not grasp context well. I recommend going to your nearest mental health practitioner and tell them about yourself. Being formally diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome may help you.

>> No.4028734

that's awful. he was made that way by evolution. be more sensitive.

>> No.4028736


>> No.4028744


>> No.4028747

shameless samefagging

>> No.4028752

no no, every night I cry myself to sleep feeling the shame of 4chan.

>> No.4028774

*slow clap*

Wow. Congratulations. I am amazed that the jig is up and my mask has been lifted. I could not have been found by a better man. Any lesser of a man finding me out would be humiliating, but I bow down to you sir.

Before my defeat is solidied, I must ask but one question: how did you know? Did my trail of alternating punctuation styles and false typos not throw you off? Or were you like a hunter on the trail of a cunning animal, knowing my intention with every feign?

For years my ploy has been successful. I fear I have become sloppy with each success, but this is not an attempt to detract from your skill and respect you deserve. But maybe I have been losing my touch, or maybe I wanted to be caught red-handed.

For, you see, the life of a man in cognito is not an enviable one. My compelling arguments, my hilarious glib jokes, by caustic attacks, and my archived troll threads; none of which I may take credit for. I must accept my anonymity and take solace in the joy and appreciation that others must derive from my posts.

Please, sir, be gentle. My ass is ready.

>> No.4028783

holy christ save me from this tl;dr

>> No.4028795

Oh wow, sorry that I typed something longer than 146 characters or whatever the hell the number of letters you can only mentally digest per 5 minutes.

I apologize for actually typing something that goes beyond the superficial bullshit your are used to reading. God forbid I attempt to articulate myself in a more accurate manner.

You are the reason the human language is devolving into a series of "emotion-icons", acronyms representing cliched phrases, and misspelled lazy attempts at conveying ideas.

"i m so sry 4 wstng ur time bro"

Fuck you.

>> No.4028800

oh sweet george dubya, why doth thou make me suffer by burdening me with all this tl;dr?

>> No.4029366

dude just try low-dose amphetamine, way less harsh on your cardiovascular system and more effective for writing.

>> No.4029367

>Straight water is a vile beverage.
You are beyond redemption. Water is easily the best and most refreshing drink.

>> No.4029374
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May as well be honest.

I grew up with soda and got used to drinking it every day. That is, drinking nothing but soda, with no ordinary water in my diet and drinking milk only seldomly. I still find the sweetness to be delicious and to help wash down food in a much more enjoyable way than water.

Yes, I have developed diabetes and no, I don't continue to drink it to quench every thirst. I have managed to put water in its proper place now, even if the lack of taste was distracting for awhile.

>> No.4029375

I don't understand the need people seem to have to "wash down" a meal. Surely you would endeavor to savour the taste as long as possible and as such I see drinking of anything other than water during a meal to be an insult to the chef.

>> No.4029376

The exception of course being accompanying drinks that compliment the dish.

>> No.4029382

My sister prohibited soda in my house when I was around 5, so I never really had it growing up. I don't really have cravings for it, but if it's in the house I'll have a can. I probably average having soda once a month. When I go to restaurants, I normally get water because I'm a cheap faggot and soda always fills me up.

I really hate water though, I stick to tea most of the time.

>> No.4029385


>Surely you would endeavor to savour the taste as long as possible

... no? A taste can overstay its welcome, and some foods need to be forced down with liquid or else you get an annoying pressure in your chest, particularly if you eat too fast.

>> No.4029424

I cant eat a meal without a cold can of coca cola. I am american 4 lyfe.

>> No.4029748

Slow the fuck down, then, child.

>> No.4029750


This is too hilarious, I remember being 12 and doing that.

Then I stopped being such a clappist.

>> No.4029771

Get the fuck out.

>> No.4029899

Cuz' it tastes good and refreshing. Ever think of that?

Flat water is boring.

>> No.4029901

God your life must be sad if soda brings you so much meaning

Personally, I'd rather have soda water, wine, or beer instead of corn sugar flavored soda water. Or just water and eat a little more of my non-pleb food, but I guess soda is exciting when you're eating frozen dinners and mcgangbangs every day.

>> No.4029902

You don't understand why people would want to create a flavor combination that complements their food?

Do you even have a tongue?

>> No.4029904

There is no evidence for negative health effects from the artificial sweeteners currently on the market.

>> No.4029905

Artificial flavors and sugar is complementary to good food?

>> No.4029907

That's not true, Stevia, aspartame, and others in studies have shown some negative side effects - however, Splenda, aka sucralose, has proven through dozens of studies to be fine for you.

You're only part wrong.

Splenda it up, plebs! At least with Splenda, you won't be quite as fat!

>> No.4029915

>complements their food

People need to fucking stop staying this about soda. It doesn't "complement" shit, it washes away every trace of what was just in your mouth and replaces it with a few spoons full of sugar. It essentially ruins everything you just tasted.

>> No.4029918

Tap water master race here.

>> No.4029923

I drink a lot of soda.

Never ever with a meal though.
I always get waaay too full from the soda while I'm eating.
Now I just drink sips of ice water.

>> No.4029939


Who said anything about meaning? Its about taste.

>> No.4030076

Only time I can really drink pop is with alcohol if I feel like getting drunk, but not too fast. Pop is too sweet for me and I prefer tea much more. Homemade iced tea is a better drink than any kind of pop out there.