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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4024556 No.4024556 [Reply] [Original]

/ck/ poorfag here i need some booze ideas that are cheep help a bro out

>> No.4024561

how poor are we talking? If your really hard up i would suggest malt liquor. Get Some steel reserve, old english, or colt 45

>> No.4024560

make a stealth slushie.

>> No.4024562

pretty poor i dont get much money at all

>> No.4024566

shameless selfbump

>> No.4024567

shitty vodka is probably the cheapest, but it's kind of unpalatable and you would have to buy mixers. so boxed wine or some 40s

>> No.4024571


Is this cheap and for a party? If so, some variety of jungle juice/riot punch/pink panty droppers are the way to go. Basically cheap liquor and juice concentrate in a bowl.

If drinking alone, you're either better off with the biggest cheapest handle of vodka or whiskey or rum you can find, or 40 ouncers, or a big jug of Carlo Rossi, depending whether you want wine beer or liquor

It's pretty basic shit, just walk into a liquor store and buy the biggest cheapest shit

>> No.4024575

Do you plan on drinking today or in the near future?

>> No.4024576

ether or

>> No.4024592

you can make wine by fermenting some juice. just need an airlock which you can make out of a balloon with a hole in it

>> No.4024641

ounce per dollar, and taking ABV into account, you can't beat box wine. only reason homeless don't drink it is because you can't really hide the bag and avoid container laws. but if you have a home to drink in you're golden.

>> No.4024658

>use bacardi

fucking viral ass shit

>> No.4024670

because i'm sure bacardi wants to be associated with a drink meant to make girls pass out at parties

>> No.4024713


Bacardi supports the embargo and with their god awful rum and advertisements that cater to retards, they obviously are intentionally appealing to the most clueless dregs of drinking society. I'm sure they're fine being the drink of choice for the date rape demographic, although they obviously have better things to do than advertise on 4chan.

>> No.4026756
File: 69 KB, 1366x768, CHRONIKC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4026797
File: 289 KB, 965x2106, 1352349560743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have this.
Slightly more fun, and much less date rape overtones.

>> No.4026811

6 ounces of anything wouldnt get anyone but your grandmother drunk

>> No.4026816


>implying my grandmother isn't a nord/scot alcoholic

>> No.4026846


No, just child rape.