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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 127 KB, 217x369, 11-24-2012 4-38-13 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4024333 No.4024333 [Reply] [Original]

Someone told me that soy sauce has female hormones and a dangerous excitotoxin in it.

Will this give me bitchboobs and autism, /ck/?

>> No.4024335

yeah, and that's the reason why every Japanese woman has enormous boobs.

>> No.4024338

pretty sure you're thinking of tofu

>> No.4024339

Of course, that's why Japan has the lowest life expectancy in the world.

>> No.4024395

That's why you never see a 40 year old Japanese man.
They've all turned into MILFs, or are dead.

>> No.4025204

Soy has plant estrogen which doesn't affect us since we're not plants

If you're worried about bitchtits, don't drink milk or eat cheese unless it's organic. Shit's full of nasty hormones that'll mess your body up

>> No.4025209


>> No.4025213

(just kidding you're right about the soy sauce but for entirely the wrong reasons)
it's not estrogen but it's a xenoestrogen (a chemical that mimics estrogen or binds to estrogen receptor sites)
tofu, soy beans and soy milk have these

miso, natto and soy sauce loose these in the fermentation period.

If you're really concerned about bitch tits stop eating meat. Over 2/3rds of the xenoestrogens and estrogen in your diet come from meat and dairy. Although it is manageable with foods that block estrogen absorption or inhibit it's production. Also eat things that encourage testosterone production (progesterone if your a woman.)

In this day and age everyone should at least know a little about endocrine health and diet.

>> No.4025222


>eat things that encourage testosterone production

Wrong. Increase your testosterone and your body produces more estrogen to balance it out. That's why roiders have shrunken testicles and gyno

>> No.4025224
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Intredasting and informative. Thanks.

>mfw I'll still have to re-confirm the info somewhere, though, just because... well, internet information.

>> No.4025237

they have shrunken testicles because their bodies are not producing testosterone because it has all it can use from in the blood stream. After they stop taking them they become estrogen dominant (disproportionate amount of estrogen vs testosterone) This can also result from their choice of protein sources.

[also there's a lot more roids out there than just test they often do them in cycles to avoid the complications of using them long term]

You're not eating testosterone you're eating things that encourage your body to produce it. At the same time you're eating things that inhibit estrogen production.

>> No.4025254
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having small amounts of oestrogen in your diet (like from eating a lot of soy) does not feminize people, but serves to stabilize testosterone production, so you're producing about the same amount every day rather than having surges.

A diet high in soy will not increase the size of your breasts. The only way you'll get autism from it is if there is mercury in the soy supply

>> No.4025255

That's only true for Soybeans and Tofu. The estrogen-like substance does indeed affect us slightly. It also has a toxin fucking with one of our digestion enzymes. Can cause nausea. However, in Soysauce and fermented Soy-products like Natto, the fermentation process breaks down the latter. Not sure about the estrogen.

>> No.4025256

well actually it's xenoestrogen, but they are almost identical.

>> No.4025264
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Also, in the future you should ask >>>/sci/ about these things if you want to know the actual answer

>> No.4025275


nope. /ck/, /diy/, and even /b/ would be better places than /sci/.

/sci/ excels at discussing scientific topics like time travel and the tragedy of nikola tesla.

>> No.4025285

/fit/ would probably be easier. They're quite feisty and their arguments often result in them citing endocrinology med papers which can be educational. (havent been there in months)
xenoestrogen is just a term that reffers to anything that mimics estrogen. (it fits into the receptor sites for estrogen in the body thus the reaction is the same as if estrogen was there) The real issue is that some xenoestrogens are much harder for the body to clear from it's receptor sites and create a much longer lasting effect.

>> No.4025290

soy in high amounts is bad for you.

eating rice with soy sauce a couple times a month won't hurt.

>> No.4025307

First of all, we're constantly exposed to many xenoestrogens, and there are even trace amounts of xenoestrogens in the water, from practically every adult woman being 'on the pill'. So, yeah, a diet which is high in soy, in conjunction with all of the xenoestrogens, along with the average american having high bodyfat, along with daily consumption of alcohol, could very well increase the size of a mans breasts.

Also, autism is almost impossible for any adult to suddenly 'gain', as it happens during gestation and early developmental stages, and has almost no direct correlation with mercury--and actually has more to do with early immunological disorders, which could arise from a bacterial sterile mother during the time of gestation itself (again, from bitches being on 'the pill').

>> No.4025335

The phytoestrogen in soy sauce is lost during the production process.
Soy milk still has estrogen but you'd have to consume enormous quantities to actually notice any changes.
It's actually more likely to get breast growth due to high beer consume since beer too contains hormones.

Plant estrogen affects us just the same.

>> No.4025336

(not target poster)
Well said,
the bulk of xenoestrogens can be naturally managed by eating a diet with plenty of cruciferous veggies (broccoli, carrots, ect). They assist in clearing those receptor sites. Other things like citrus fruits, onions and garlic have things (indol3) that inhibit (not altogether block) estrogen absorption.

By eating a healthy diet you're pretty much managing your endocrine health. Whether you know it or not. So eating stuff like soy, bananas, apples ect that have some kind of xenoestrogen (that's not from pesticides or fertilizers) But are so easily managed by an otherwise healthy endocrine system they're not even worth fretting over.

>> No.4025338

oops forgot:

The types of xenoestrogens the body take issue with are synthetics (fertilizers, pesticides) because they're not as fragile as natural xenoestrogens (most of which are destroyed in digestion). Or high levels of them such as found in factory farmed meats and dairy.

>> No.4025342

Sex hormones (both testosterone and estrogen) have a very short half-life in the body; your liver is constantly breaking them down. That means that they are ineffective unless you are constantly consuming them or taking them in some kind of time-release format.

For example birth control pills are time-release and even then must be taken every day. Bodybuilders taking steroids use extended esters that take longer for the liver to break down (for example, Testosterone Ethanate or Propinate) instead of normal hormones, and even then must take injections every few days. Oral steroid pills like dianabol are taken every few *hours*

So, even if there was an appreciable amount of estrogen in soy sauce it wouldn't matter unless you were taking it constantly throughout the day, every day.

>> No.4025346

fuck, why are people so worried about this when the empirical evidence is staring them in the face:

Millions upon millions eat soy sauce daily throughout their lives. Do they have an epidemic of men growing breasts? No. What does that tell you? You don't need to worry about it, soy sauce is not going to make you grow boobs.

Heck, if it DID make you grow boobs then every woman who wanted bigger breasts would be loading up on soy instead of getting implants.

>> No.4025366

because some people were mad about soy crops doing so damn well (probably the meat industry). Decided to orchestrate the market through scares. (which worked) Using media people put a lot of stock in to spread the fear. (Oprah)

>> No.4025386


Yeah, I understand that. I'm just frustrated that people are so dumb as to believe it. For example, I would have expected the following reaction:

Retard: "Hey bro, did you know that soy contains estrogen and makes you grow boobs; it's true, I saw it on TV"

Person: ...thinks for a moment...."Then why doesn't every Asian man have boobs, and why are Asian women's boobs on average smaller than Western women's boobs?, after all, they eat soy every day, so if your claim is true then China would be breast central. Since that clearly isn't the case, I know you're full of shit"

>> No.4025391

monstanto employee detected

>> No.4025400
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Gonna start adding soy sauce to my diet, can't wait to become a cute girl.

>> No.4025414

>have constant hormonal imbalance and a wrecked stasis system by chronic acidosis (typical american diet)
>consume high estrogen containing plants, such as soy which also happen to be laden with xenoestrogen pesticides (more internal estrogens if they're GMO)
>constantly active fat storage gene due to HFCS in everything
>gyno... gyno everywhere

You naysaying fuckheads are just looking at the micro issues with regard to soy, rather than taking even the slightest glimpse at the bigger picture.

>> No.4025429

no I just like watching this countries weird form of corporate warfare. It makes politics look domesticated by comparison. It would loose all it's influence if people "looked up". (see also; organized religion)

>> No.4025440

oh yeah,
>inb4 people bring up Japan and their "mostly soy" diets, but are too dense to realize they consume mostly fermented soy, which is quite different nutritionally

oh wait

>> No.4025443

implying you're not manipulated and controlled by the United Nations™

>> No.4025456


Fermented soy. Like soy sauce. Which is what we're discussing here.

...not to mention that fermentation doesn't affect the "hormones" anyway.

>> No.4025474

(I live in america) I don't watch the news read the paper or even seek out news unless it falls into my narrow sphere of interests. Hell I don't know 1/4 of the people in the meme's on /b/. Have no intest in other peoples lives, politics, religion, comercial media. Yes in some way their actions have imposed some control or regulation that affects me. But I'm not manipulated or steered by it. After all I can't hold a regulation or law. They're not inside my house or looking at it. "the police are not out there they're in your head" does not quite apply to me either because nothing I have the urge to do really requires me to violate a law. (other than smoke week on occasion)

>> No.4025680

>But I'm not manipulated or steered by it.
Sure bro, sure.

When I go to the U.S. I am shocked by the media/politics. Unless you live in the forest and do not talk to anyone you are influenced by that environment.

>> No.4025681

>Plant estrogen affects us just the same.

>> No.4025997
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