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4018687 No.4018687 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone recommend some vodka for me? I have to buy some for a recipe and figure I might as well buy something worth drinking as well.

>> No.4018689

are you going to mix it or drink it straight?

>> No.4018706

We need this information.

If you're going to mix it, get some bottom-shelf Popov.

If not, get some bottom-shelf Popov.

>> No.4018719


>> No.4018721

and my no i mean i'll be drinking it straight

>> No.4018724
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>> No.4018736

for the thousandth time, in a blind test, no one can tell the cheapest vodka from the mos expensive.

>> No.4018754

is that true?

>> No.4018759

>blind test
>cheapest shit makes you go blind
i lol'd

>> No.4018770


>> No.4018778

>guys expensive vodka is the best because it doesn't taste like anything besides water and alcohol, while the cheap stuff has things like taste and aroma

lol @ "serious" vodka drinkers

>> No.4018784

smirnoff, for that good old isopropyl alcohol taste.

>> No.4018821

Its not entirely true. I have seen demos (F&B industryfag) in which vodka experts in blind tasting achieve near 100% accuracy in separating vodka by price point, and even sometimes identifying them by brand in some cases. But of course these are people who are both extremely sensitive tasters and have probably been trained. These people are an exception.

This is not the case for the average consumer, but quoted poster is still wrong. anyone who drinks spirits would be able to tell the difference between Phillips or Popov (6 bucks for a fifth) and kettle 1 or grey goose ( closer to 30 dollars for a fifth). Not only could a liquor drinker tell the difference, but it would be obvious. cheap vodkas have a nasty harshness to them, and the higher end vodkas smooth out. Vodka has very little taste to it, so the only real difference between the low end and up market products is the smoothness.

All that said, there is a point of diminishing return that kicks in pretty quick. its really all about price point. the midrange bottles. the 14-20 dollar bottles are for the most part alot smoother and more pleasant to drink than the 6-7 dollar bottle. The 30 dollar+ brands are usually smoother still, but not as dramatic as the difference between the bottom and middle shelf.

Im not a huge vodka drinker, but we buy Svedka because its a good balance of cheap and drinkable. 19.99 for a half gallon at costco. If it were up to me, i would but Stoli for just a little bit more, but its mostly for my girlfriend who uses vodka is chick cocktails and it doesn't matter.

OP, i like stoli for balance of value and straight drink-ability. There are a million higher end brands, and many are pretty good, but not so much to justify their price tag. Save your liquor money for spirits where the price/quality gap is a little more pronounced.

>> No.4018827

Thank you kind Anon.

>> No.4018844




Google vodka blind taste test and the results are usually the same.

>> No.4018842


ignore that pedant, and get the aristocrat or vladimir.

>> No.4018863

Pinnacle for cooking/drinking/price

>> No.4018872

>not drinking the clearly superior beverage, whisky

>> No.4018883

>not smoking Cannabis instead of drinking a toxin that causes massive socio-economic misfortune

>> No.4018895

Tito's handmade vodka, definitely.

>> No.4018900

one time i drank a beer and my whole family died and i became homeless

>> No.4018901

Admit it, you buy it because of the brand image first and foremost.

>> No.4018906

I've actually never bought it, but a lot of people have recommended it to me.

>> No.4018908

And now you recommend it to people without trying it?

Wow. The marketing works well on this one.

>> No.4018914
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Only top shelf for me. Pic related.

Seriously, though, Svedka is fairly cheap vodka that isn't half bad. Way smoother than Smirnoff, in my opinion. Stoli is good, so is Ketel One.

>> No.4018924

If a lot of people i know like it, the OP might, just maybe, CRAZY IDEA i know. And maybe i might not like it myself but would recommend it anyway cause...get this...my tastes might be different but some might still like it, because they don't have the same tastes as me....

>> No.4018927

>I assembled three regular vodka drinkers who order by brand when they order at a bar or restaurant. One is a confirmed Ketel One drinker, one orders Grey Goose, and another orders drinks made with Belvedere if the bar has it. His back-up brand is Absolut.

>First I served frozen shots to the group in a blind test. Grey Goose, Absolut, Belevedere, Ketel One, and Popov. One, the Ketel One drinker, successfully picked his brand out of the pack, but only after considerable angst and anguish, so much so that I made the group repeat the exercise. It seemed like he guessed and got lucky. In the second pass, none successfully picked their brand.

>Next up was one-to-one mixtures of vodka and cranberry. To be cute, I made all the drinks with Popov. I told the panel that we hadn't changed the lineup of vodka brands.

>"I like that," said one, who asked the brand of cranberry juice. By now, the panel of drinkers who thought themselves discerning imbibers were getting antsy, as though they were contestants on Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader and couldn't remember which planet is closest to the sun or who Ronald Reagan's Vice-President was.

>Looking at the tasting cards of the group, it was plain to see they were guessing. There were a couple of right answers, but no one in this round said, "I think these are all the same."

>> No.4018941

>sheep logic

>> No.4018956

for me the main reason not buy the cheap vodka, is the hangover you get.
getting drunk on the cheap crap, i want to cut my head off in the next day.
but some of the exp. ones dont give me any hangover whatsoever.

>> No.4018978

luksusowa, grey goose if you want to impress bitches

>> No.4019001


this is absolute bullshit. you don't get hangovers from some trace ingredient. you get them from the amount of vodka you drink, how fast you drink it, what else you consume, and how big you are.

equal amounts of same proof vladimir cause the same exact hangover as the most expensive brand you can find.

>> No.4019014

umm... no.
i'm too tired to get in some multi-post argument about that now, but i've been drinking all kinds of vodkas for well over 10years, and there's a big difference between some brands in that area.

>> No.4019030

just get some kirkland vodka, that shit is smooth as fuck, and cheap too.

>> No.4019109

helped some polish people moving stuff into their new home, got rewarded with a 500ml bottle of zybrowka bison grass, the best kind i tasted so far it got a fresh almost minty taste

>> No.4019157

I've had this before at a polish friend's place, it's quite good.

>> No.4019166

umm... no.

cheap vodka tastes like shit but hangovers are caused by alcohol

>> No.4019202

umm.. no.

it all depends i guess, i live in some random little europ. country, and the cheapest stuff in here is pretty much poison, so ... let's leave it at that

>> No.4019216

>implying several marginally appearing toxins could not have the same effect as alcohol, or even more.
Alcohol can be outdone in any single of its effects by another substance, fact. Wether it be lethality or whatever, something is out there that can do it better, especially when it comes to wrecking your head in the morning. Some cheap vodkas might contain more harmful substances, hgih end vodkas might not. Note the word might though: there's no guarantee. If you find a vodka that gives you less headaches, drink that shit.

>> No.4019393

It's like mutton from new zealand, only the lanolin reeking oofal they won't process to dog-food goes out of the country.

>> No.4019420

unfortunately it makes you look like a poor asshole

>> No.4019435


My main drink is whisky, but recently I've been wanting to try a white russian.

What type of whisky, friend?

>> No.4020307

OP here. I ended up buying some cheap Majorska. 8 dollars a bottle. Smells like rubbing alcohol.

I'm using it in a pie crust fyi

>> No.4020323


Generally either Islay or Highland single malts. I like Highland Park, Old Pulteney, Laphroaig and Ardbeg.

>> No.4020351
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Not giving up that nasty slav garbage for whipped cream. Do you even club?

>> No.4020966

CIROC. Obviously.

>> No.4020978
File: 71 KB, 476x509, taaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a blind taste test between Smirnoff grape and Taaka grape. The Taaka tasted WAY fucking better! I mean, this shit is actually pretty damn good!

How I got turned on to Taaka is I work very part-time in a mom-and-pop liquor store. I'm mostly just on-call if the owner needs a couple hours to run errands, he's a really good friend of mine.

Anyway, a customer comes in, buys a liter of Goose and a handle of Taaka. He says he drinks the Goose for himself, then refills the bottle with Taaka when he goes to parties, and he said nobody can tell any difference! And I actually believe him!

>> No.4020982
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>> No.4021003
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>> No.4021017

get pretty much everything that isn't smirnoff
if it's polish and made out of potatoes it's probably gonna be the smoothest vodka you'll drink, seriously

>> No.4021024


Yes. get Tito's Handmade, OP. i swear by that stuff.

>> No.4021043

this one is supposed to be the best Vodka in the world.


>> No.4021057
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HELLO /ck/




>> No.4021077



That's when shit got ridiculous with vodka flavors. No fiber of my being is interested in tasting that, ever

i want to vomit just thinking about it. i'm getting a hangover just thinking about it agh

>> No.4021082

can you please stop yelling at me? I'm too hung over to handle that, and you're hurting my ears