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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4015849 No.4015849[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

As an antithesis to the worst flavours thread, what are your favourite flavours?

I fucking LOVE mint. I drink so much mint tea, I love mint chocolate and I could eat mint icecream forever. Needless to say, I carry a bag of mints around.

>> No.4015856

mangos, anything related to mangos, and more mangos

>> No.4015865

Citric acid. Love me some sour candy. Used to just take little pinches of the stuff and just eat it. mmmmmmm

>> No.4015885

I hate mint

>> No.4015889

Lemons. I could have food and drink with lemons in them for the rest of my life and would be pretty happy. Sometimes I just eat lemon straight.

>> No.4015891


>> No.4015906


peanuts. any kind, any style, any seasoning.

food of the gods.

>> No.4015949

OP here, tomato and mozzarella are godly together. Like a savoury strawberries and cream.

>> No.4015958

banana flavors

>> No.4015970
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the taste of licorice and anis.
they are naturally sweet and still taste like herbs.
nom nom nom

>> No.4016055

Motherfucking salt licorice
I try to have a bag of the true master race of licorice on me at all times.
Come at me, sweet-licorice plebians.

>> No.4016075


2nd this, damn it's delicious.

>> No.4016080

I love mint, lemon and orange though not necessarily at the same time

>> No.4016096
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>> No.4016143
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That's funny, because I hate mint so fucking much I go out of my way to buy citrus toothpaste instead.

>> No.4016257

Mint haters, explain? I don't understand not liking mint, it's so... cold and nice. I dunno. It tastes clean?

>> No.4016557

Prickly Pear

>> No.4016581
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Mah nig.

Also currant flavored things.

>> No.4016582

Flavor hipster detected.

>> No.4016602

Those are three of my favourites, too, but I'm a south European who grew up in southeast Asia, so I have a reason.
And so does that poster: s/he has a reason, too, and it likely has little to do with being accepted by a subculture that wears too many belts and likely to do with enjoying said flavours.
What do you enjoy? Anything?

>> No.4016609


>accusing someone of being a flavor hipster

Is this what /ck/ has come down to?

Hahahaha oh wait this is what /ck/ was from the start.

>> No.4016615


I love Sarsaparilla, and anything associated with it.

Also seafood basically - crab, lobster, oysters, most varieties of fish - foods of heroes, bears and gods.

>> No.4016617
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>> No.4016628

>prickly pear

gross. They taste like shitty bubblegum

>> No.4016625

are we talking about herbs/spices or just flavors in general?

I'd probably have to go with peanut/peanutbutter for flavor. If we're talking about herbs/spices, probably cumin.

>> No.4016629
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- Chocolate. It's just so heavenly.
- Anything coffee flavoured as long as it's not actual drinkable black coffee (lattes are fine)
- Salty liquorice
- Garlic
- Coconut & mango
- All nuts (hazel nuts, macadamia nuts and walnuts are my favourites)
- Basil & tomato

Pic related, I always carry a bag of these around

>> No.4016633
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and more salt

>> No.4016635

Anything vinegar-y....

Salt and vinegar chips complete me.

>> No.4016639

I've always loved any form of butterscotch. Also a huge salt fan...Combine the two...

>> No.4016642

all kinds of fruits and berries, but especially Watermelon, i can eat 20kg in a week during summer
Liquid Maggie spice, i put it almost everywhere

>> No.4016647

Aaagh butterscotch is amazing! Do you eat werthers originals? I'm from the UK and I dunno if they're made for other countries.

>> No.4016658

Not that guy, but they sell Werther's everywhere in the U.S.

>> No.4016662
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Oh hell yeah, I love those things. Especially these niggas here.

>> No.4016666

Coffee. I like just about anything coffee flavored and the drink itself (w/ cream or black).

>> No.4016667

>Even in spray form

>> No.4016745
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I fuckin eat it like that, by the stick. Or throw one or two sticks in a cup of hot water.
Hmmmmmmm, spicy and sweet, god's fingers !!

>> No.4016757

Fish/seafood, dill, most vinegars (not particularly fond of balsamic), and smoky flavors.

>> No.4016766
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It used to be chickpeas prepared various ways
But now it's squashes
I want to try as many types in as many different ways.
Pumpkin is small time to me, now that I expanded beyond that singular common squash. I used to just eat pumpkin puree.
Sometimes straight out of the can.
I have squash every single day, it's probably concerning but I don't give a fuck.

>> No.4016773

Farfalle, spaghetti, tortellini, macaroni, hot out of the pot or cool in a salad, carbonara, bolognese or with just a pinch of salt, or anything else you can think of, I don't care.
I'm the Cookie Monster of pasta.

>> No.4016785

I love the shit out of garlic. My favorite sandwich spread is a paste made from raw garlic, olive oil, and salt. Stuff is godly.

>> No.4016790

You like the FLAVOUR of PASTA?

>> No.4016800

Does smoke count? I love the smokey flavor that hardwoods bring to food.

I'm also a whore for black pepper.

>> No.4016818 [DELETED] 


>> No.4016826


>implying cassia

>> No.4016898
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Ctrl+F "Wintergreen"
Not found...

Best flavor ever.

>> No.4016917

Vanilla, cinnamon and coffee

Same for smells...

>> No.4017061

Cardamom, cinnamon, coffee.