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4015032 No.4015032[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how do you cook and prepare your tacos?

>> No.4015035

thats hot

>> No.4015062

I usually use tortillas.

>> No.4015090
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Which kind?

Made some good breakfast tacos this morning with eggs, pintos, chiles, cheddar, and corn tortillas.

>> No.4015094

Very carefully.

Nah, I don't usually make tacos that often, but if I do I like to use corn tortillas and top them with diced onion, cilantro, jalapeños and lime juice. As for meat I will grill it if it's chicken or steak, but I've also made some delicious carnitas in the slow cooker once or twice.

>> No.4015098

god, i can't stand corn tortillas. they're always falling apart on me. am i doing something wrong? I use masa harina

>> No.4015101

White hipster cultured mexican wannabe detected.

>> No.4015103

Keep them warm and double up

>> No.4015104
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brown beef/chicken
add some shit to it
letters and cheese and a corn shell

>> No.4015118

>buttmad spic detected
>hurr you can like my food but can't cook it

>> No.4015148

which letters?

I try to keep the Q's and X's out but they always manage to find their way back in,

>> No.4015149

the only tacos I bother make are fish tacos. Anything else I make with tortillas aren't fit to be called tacos, as I've learned from my mexican roommates.

>> No.4015156

What do these so-called purist (lol) beaners deem to be tacos?

I'm pretty sure they're meant to be "throw whatever the fuck you have into a small tortilla and fold it."

>> No.4015161

i dunno, they call what I make tostadas because i like my tortillas crunchy. and i put cheese, beans and the usual toppings on. maybe ground beef if i have it.

>> No.4015162

Pan fry some beef
Heat up and smash some beans
Add 1 slice of avacado
Heat up some soft corn tortillas

And then for the spice I'll use either guacamole, some canned cactus, or some chili powder

>> No.4015165

>making tacos

Why are you so retarded?

>> No.4015188
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Actual real life beaners will eat anything folded between anything. To them a PB&J sandwich is just as good as a taco. The only people that get a hard-on and go autistic over "real" tacos are these half assed edgy try-hard white 20 somethings who are trying to make some sort of point about how worldly they are by rejecting the crunchy shells, lettuce and sour cream that they grew up on.

When I go to the taqueria its 75% white. When I go to Taco Bell its 75% mexican. Get a grip guys, just enjoy your food. Mexican-Americans love crunchy tacos, the only people making a deal out of it are the spoiled and insecure white kids who are trying to prove something to themselves and their friends.

>> No.4015396
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>> No.4015440

>Mexican-Americans love crunchy tacos
Mexican-Americans love CHEAP tacos

>> No.4015443

Crunchy tacos kick ass.

The soft shit has shitty texture and tastes pretty meh.

>> No.4015452
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>> No.4015458


I love radishes on my tacos as well.

>god tier double shell

>> No.4015482

Store bought hard shells are shit tier.

Home fried that are slightly soft and slightly hard > soft shell >>>>>>>>> store bought hard shells

>> No.4015587

I have a local taco truck that is so fucking good and cheap i dont bother

>dat head taco
>dat tongue
>dat tripe
>dat green chili
>that 4 dollar meal

>> No.4015625

Hard shell tacos are one of the most retarded things in the world.

>lets make a food that crumbles and falls apart as soon as you take one bite and lets make it so all the ingredients are falling out constantly anyway

Yeah that was a good idea. Give me a soft shell or give me nothing.

>> No.4015632

Some really soft and fluffy tortillas whose name escapes me, I use vegetarian protein crumbles instead of meat, and add some Oaxaca, sour cream, black beans and chopped leafy romaine, with some really hot sauce I get from my dad every time I drive down to visit him. I'll have to get the recipe one day. Best part about it? Zero grease.

>> No.4015638

hard shell=tostada

>> No.4016016
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>Zero grease

>> No.4016076

Cover cubed pork shoulder in water. Add salt, a little each of pepper, cumin, onion powder, garlic powder, coriander, fresh or powdered jalapeño. A little orange or apple juice. Cook uncovered until water is gone. Remove a bit from pot, fry in a little bacon grease, serve in tortilla of your liking. Pairs well with salsa verde.

>> No.4016118
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With a sharp kick.

>> No.4016146

I never have problems with hard shells crumbling.

>> No.4016151

Everything sounds awesome, but "protein crumbles" sounds fucking disgusting

>> No.4016153

>buy flank steak
>make marinade
>let sit for 4 hours
>slice up onions/cilantro and make guacamole (optional)
>grab handful of corn tortillas
>start charcoal
>cook meat
>heat tortillas over coals
>put in tortilla warmer (porcelain preferred)
>slice meat into small bits w/ knife

>make tacos
>have sex w/ g/f

>> No.4016157

>using the tortilla to soak up the grease

>> No.4016165


what this bro said. pan fryin the corn tortillas with just a bit of oil is good too. long as the corn tortillas get cooked in some other way than steaming, steaming makes em break apart when folded, the other two ways keep that from happening.

>> No.4016177
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>> No.4016292

Saute onions, then remove from pan
Cook ground beef
Drain the fat
add spices (cumin, paprika, red pepper, chili powder, onion powder, garlic, etc)
add the sauteed onions back in along with one of those small cans of tomato sauce and some sliced up chipotle chiles along with some adobo sauce.

That's about it as far as the actual meat. Until I started cooking on my own, my mom would always do the usual thing and bring the pan to the table along with a stack of tortillas and topping and we'd built at the table. Nowadays I built them at the stove. I take the pan off the heat and replace it with a flat griddle. I lay the tortilla on it until after let it heat for a little bit. Then put some taco meat on one side. Add toppings too (I like avocado slices, sour cream, lettuce, tomato, and salsa). When the tortilla gets to a point where it's toughening up but still pliable, fold it over, press down, and let it cook for a little longer on either side so it's nice and toasted and firm.

>> No.4016300

I've always wanted to try tacos made with shredded beef, rather than ground

>> No.4016336

Any particular recipe for marinade?

>> No.4016354

4 garlic cloves, minced
1 jalapeno, minced
1 large handful fresh cilantro leaves, finely chopped
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 limes, juiced
1 orange, juiced
2 tablespoons white vinegar
1/2 cup olive oil

>> No.4016399

Thanks anon

>> No.4016416


What this bro said, but you could buy the meat already seasoned and prepared and the mexican markets if you wanna eat it right away.

>> No.4016420

currently in the UK, (nowhere near London) so I'll have to go down this way. It could really help me if someone can tell me where can I buy jalapeños.

>> No.4016421

Next time, you can google Carne Asada yourself!

>> No.4016423

This is not the marinate I use for Carne Asada.

>Be Mexican.

>> No.4016431

Then what's yours, beaner?

>> No.4016438
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Everything is to taste as I don't use measures

Garlic salt
Maggi Juice
Worcestershire sauce
A squirt of beer. I use Victoria Beer (Vienna lager).

Side dish is either black beans (with epazote) or charro beans

>Be called beaner, feel nothing but pride

>> No.4016444

Mexican here, this is a legit recipe.

Norteño recipe, that is.

>> No.4016448

Pa' pinche nombrecito se gastaron con la salsa inglesa, o no?

>In Mexico, Worcestershire sauce it's just called "English Sauce"