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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 32 KB, 323x323, oh you_han.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4013048 No.4013048 [Reply] [Original]

>at a steakhouse
>order a 10oz ribeye with a baked potato and a side of sauteed mushrooms
>waitress looks at me strangely as she brings me the food
>"You sure you gonna be able to eat all that, hon? That's a lot of food."
>bitch did I ask for your opinion

Who the hell asks something like that?

>> No.4013049

Why you getting all weirded out by someone showing concern for you?

>> No.4013050

> she called you fat in your subconcious.
> if you tipped her then you'r sucking her dick.

>> No.4013054

eww gross you want the crust resemblant of cow hooves slaughtered just to make glue for your scrapbook?

>> No.4013055
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>10oz ribeye and a potato

You must be four feet tall. Also, not your blog, faggot.

>> No.4013058

You moron.
She thought you were hot so she teased you to gauge your reaction.

Sounds like you flunked hard, Mr. Personality.

>> No.4013059

OP's pic looks like an alternate universe dude of the captain of serenity.

>> No.4013063

Really? REALLY

>> No.4013076


>> No.4013084

>Go to a Pyramid Alehouse
>Nice weather, sit outside
>Between lunch and dinner rush, not busy
>Wait 10 minutes before the server shows up
>12-Top shows up, sits near us
>Asks for our 2 extra chairs (We're 2 at a 4-Top)
>Server takes their orders
>Their stuff shows up first
>Server asks us to move so they can use our table
>We move because I don't feel like causing a scene.
>Our stuff arrives...eventually.
>Leave $0 tip, no fucks given
>Moral: Take care of your customers
>Never patronize any Pyramid Alehouse, ever.

>> No.4013096

A fairly accurate observation.
No, I'm pretty sure she was just calling me fat, unless she was a lesbian.

>> No.4013140

Sorry to say, but when pay is based on tipping, what the waiter did makes perfect sense. A 12 top is a lot of money for much less effort, so they are always going to be catered to. I wish tipping weren't a thing in the US, but it is.

I'm not saying he/she was a good person, just economically-minded. If I get sat and the server has a huge party, I know I'm in for a wait.

>> No.4013176
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>> No.4013175

>Vacation with family
>Go to Mexican restaurant with family
>Order large platter of 'spicy' food
>Waitress asks if I really want it, people have been saying it's too spicy

Really just the right amount of spicy for me, I like it to burn.

Captcha: birds. analuse

>> No.4013178

the steak is made from the waitress

enjoy being revived in the afterlife and having the same cut took from you.

>> No.4013200

>the steak is made from the waitress
>enjoy being revived in the afterlife and having the same cut took from you
>same cut took from you
please for fucks sake learn some grammar skills.

>> No.4013204

Sorry, tooken.

>> No.4013212
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>> No.4013292
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can you explain some tipping etiquette? im from aus and am planning a trip to the us but dont fully understand how all this works

>> No.4013293

You asked for the steak 'well done'.
Steak was lathered in cum.
Waitress took pity on you and gave a last chance.

>> No.4013296

no /b/

bad /b/ no lulz for you

>> No.4013297 [DELETED] 


Fast Food - NO TIP
Counter Service - Buck or change
Full Service
-Abyssmal - NO TIP
-Lacking - 10%
-Good - 15%
-Exceptional - 20%
-They took you in back and blew you - over 20%


Dollar per drink is the guideline, but if buying multi-drink specials (beer/shot) or running up tab, just wing it.

>> No.4013304

I don't go on /b/... I work in a kitchen.

Then again, not much difference.

>> No.4013307

awesome, thanks. i think this is gonna be such a fun time... 1st white christmas.

>> No.4013311 [DELETED] 

No problem - where are you going?

>> No.4013314
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it's called small talk, op. if you weren't such a gaylord shut in, you'd lighten up and play along.

>> No.4013321

This is one of the few times I've raged in one of these "restaurant stories" threads.

Under no circumstances should patrons have to move or reorganize because the restaurant took on more guests than it could seat. Especially if they're not busy.

Does this place only have 14 chairs or what?

I never comment on tipping as a matter of principle, but this is a scenario where I /definitely/ wouldn't tip. The same goes for any kind of condescending remarks like in OP's story. For the 45-60 minutes I'm at your restaurant, you are my employee. You don't get to question me or go and work for someone else.

>> No.4013328

But that's retarded. Just because someone else is being retarded it's not a good enough reason to be retarded and play along.

>> No.4013340


no, it's called class. she made a somewhat clumsy attempt to be friendly. if you have no class, you either respond with silence, or maybe even return a rude remark.

a person with class would have replied in some way to show that you appreciate her attempt at friendliness. after that, if she turns out to be one of those idiots who wants to have an extended conversation, you display further class by smiling a bit to show that the conversation is over.

life is a game with simple rules.

>> No.4013374


>> No.4013382

Grow a pair OP. You could have just joked about it or just responded with 'I love me some good food yo'

>> No.4013384
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>>"You sure you gonna be able to eat all that, hon? That's a lot of food."

I don't know, maybe you should help me carry it home.

>> No.4013385

Who says I'm op? You? I guess I must be the op then. Why couldn't you say that I'm moot? I'd rather be moot.

>> No.4013386
File: 49 KB, 500x375, 1327952876476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>owner of mom's work decides to take out whole office and their to dinner
>one of the nicer steakhouses in this shitty town
>probably about 16-20 of us
>skinny old hag of a waitress inquires as to how the bill will be split, bossman explains
>"Guess we know who has the big bank account hyuck hyuck hyuck"

She was otherwise fine, but I mean, talking about money like that really rubbed me the wrong way. Damn straight he as a big bank account, and damn straight he's buying. None of your business.

>> No.4013387

*and their families

>> No.4013391

Because moot wouldn't have been such a sour puss

>> No.4013396

Why are you saging?

>> No.4013402


would do the same, except that I'd tell the server why I'm jacking them

>> No.4013419

Jesus OP, you're a fucking retard, and I say that as objectively as possible. It's called a joke. Asking if you can eat your entire meal isn't calling you fat, it means you ordered a large meal that's above average for a person of your size. It had nothing to do with your weight, you oversensitive cunt. Stop being so egocentric.

>> No.4013422

This. OP, you clearly can't function in the outside world, or deal with the very basic rules of interpersonal interactions. Do you have autism, by any chance? And I'm asking that sincerely, not as an asshole going "HURR DURR YOU GODDAM AUTIST". It just seems pretty possible.

>> No.4013423


He's actually the captain guy from the shitty star trek movies, the ones hipsters like because they have shitty special effects and no natalie portman.

>> No.4013501

you got me to laugh with this tripe.
Take yer goddamned trophy

>> No.4013530

Wait staff and their uninteresting small talk babble is not worth anyone's time. Just shut up and serve my food, you fucks, I didn't come to chat with some cunt I came to sate my hunger.

>> No.4013552

I was really hungry once at a restaurant so I ordered two dinners. The waitress thought I was a boss.

>> No.4013582
File: 155 KB, 960x620, 1331230752940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at japanese steakhouse
>order four rolls of sushi or something like that
>Japanese ladies giggle and comment on how that's a lot of food
>don't care because it's mother fucking sushi
>mfw fat american and they live on my dorar

>> No.4013588

Yeah, Boss Hog, ya fat fuck.

>> No.4013729

True, but if you had even a single iota of decency, you wouldn't be a cunt about it. Like >>4013340
said, all OP (or you) would have to do is force a smile, say something small in return, and busy yourself to show that the dialogue is over. Some people like chatting with waiters and waitresses, and they're not psychic, so they don't know who likes to talk and who doesn't. Learn basic interpersonal skills, and I'm sure you could deal with it a lot better than being awkwardly polite to them, then racing back home to tell 4chan about how you were 2edgy4us

>> No.4013740

Shut up, woman. For once.

>> No.4013741

My dick says otherwise. Don't have to have a vagina to not be a cunt

>> No.4013742

That would've pissed me off too bro.

>> No.4013749

You're telling someone, who might not even work with people mind you, to learn interpersonal skills before a waitress does? How fucking stupid are you? The dumb waitress made a dumb comment implying that OP was a fatty. Even if she is, you never comment on how much someone eats when they're about to pay your wage.

>> No.4013758

I was working as a waiter at a bar / restaurant near the canadian border. Two fat guys walked in and ordered a ton of food. When I brought it to them, I said, "Here ya go, ya fat fucks."

I got a $20 tip.

>> No.4013769


So the waitress tried to make small talk, but accidentally said something that could be interpreted as insulting. Again, it has nothing to do with the server/customer dynamic, but the person to person dynamic. Jesus, shrug it off you oversensitive faggots, it wasn't an insult. Waitresses are supposed to be personable, this one just made a bad call by accident.

>> No.4013802


Aw your first white Christmas? Sweet dude. Make snow angels!

>> No.4013831

You're the stupid one. I don't think you understand how to talk to other people. I'm not surprised considering this is 4chan and everyone lacks social skills here.

>> No.4013833

What, by not bitching when someone makes a small misstep? Roll with the punches, fuck.

>> No.4013856

Shouldn't the waitress have mentioned how much food it was as she took the order?

>> No.4013867

If she thought you were fat she wouldn't have questioned your ability to finish the meal.

>> No.4013882
File: 161 KB, 406x439, stop drop and why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to any American joint
>Order something "Super" or "Extra" Spicy
>It is as spicy as a glass of water
God damn why are people so afraid of spice? I've heard Russians are worst when it comes to this kind of thing though

>> No.4013889

White people don't have to overspice their food to cover up the fact that it is spoiled or rotten.

>> No.4013949

I hate this shit, Americans are such babies about spice. If a good amount of them even taste any real heat at all in their food they have fucking steam coming out of their ears. I feel like one of the only people that can take heat and enjoy it. Around here people will look at you like a god for not screaming in pain whilst eating ordinary buffalo wings like a big fat typical American pussy usually would.

>> No.4013952

projecting much?

>> No.4013953

Damn, you sound like a bad motherfucker, bro.

>> No.4013991

>go to favorite indian place
>had their max spice rating before and enjoyed (1-5 stars)
>think I'm a badass
>"Can you give me, like, equivalent to about an 8?"
>waiter tries to talk me out of it
>I'm all "c'mon guy, I WANT THIS I LOVE SPICE"
>food comes
>I realize I've made a terrible mistake

I mean, it took me 2 more days, but I ate that stuff. Of course this was easier than when my mexican grandma made some salsa specifically to fuck with me.

>> No.4014388
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>at fancy restaurant in NYC
>order two Partially Gelatinated, Non-Dairy, Gum-Based Beverages
>bitch has the nerve to correct me and tell me they're called "shakes"

>mfw i realize im on Restaurant Stakeout
> got the Partially Gelatinated, Non-Dairy, Gum-Based Beverages for free

>> No.4014415

>white christmas

half of us are brown now

if you are going to buy drinks, buy rounds and only tip once. saves you a bit of money. Also if restaurant service is lacking dont tip 10%, its lacking tip like 2 bucks. If they suck at their job, you should make it known

>> No.4014423

Who the fuck wants to talk to the waitstaff? I dont give a shit about their lives, and neither do they about mine. Im here to eat and chat with who im with, if anyone.

>> No.4014483

Aww. Thats awesome. White Christmases are the best. I live on the east coast so sometimes it doesn't snow, which sucks, but every 5 years or so we get a few winters of straight up 4 feet of snow. Its great. Where are you goin?

>> No.4014568

>implying there's no snow in australia
>shop local, nigger, aussie slopes is gewd.

>> No.4014570


Which one was it? If it were the Berkeley one, I understand, but if it were Portland, why in the fuck wouldn't you go to Bridgeport or HUB or Rogue or anyplace but Pyramid?

>> No.4014580
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>> No.4014652

No waitress is ever Japanese in a japanese steakhouse.

>> No.4014655

not true, I saw a japanese waitress in a japanese steakhouse... in north carolina.

>> No.4014662

One time I was at Publix getting a sandwich from the deli. It was tuna salad with swiss, mustard, onions, tomatoes, pickles and banana peppers. The lady making the sandwich said "that's sure a weird sandwich." I was mildly offended.

>> No.4014679

Not true. Happens all the damn time, especially at family-owned places.

>> No.4014682 [DELETED] 

If it was anywhere near Jacksonville or Wilmington, its only because some Marine brought her back as his waifu

>> No.4014722

He was saying that where he's from in Australia, he doesn't get snow at Christmas. Quite likely since about 80% of the population lives in urbanized areas (not thredbo or some shit) and it's summer at Christmas.
I'm in Canada from Australia and it's going to be my first white Christmas too.

/ck/ is the least friendly board nowadays.

>> No.4015437

Shakes...huh. You don't know what you're getting.

>> No.4015454


Really though, has anyone ever been or have any stories like this show? I always watch this and I can't beleive for a second that any of this is true. It's all so extream it's not even funny.

>> No.4015472


I only go to a few places around my city, those which I like I always overtip, like a solid $20. Bros with a few waiters. It's shit working in a restaurant.

>> No.4015560
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>Mfw people actually tip waiters and waitresses

>> No.4015593

Why not tip the chefs/cooks instead? They're normally the ones who worked the hardest. There's no guarantee they'll ever get any of the tip money when you tip the people who only bring you the food.

Fucking stupid ass murrrikan tip culture.

>> No.4015603

In the UK chefs tend to get more tips than the waiters where i work..

>> No.4015606
File: 26 KB, 529x374, anonymeows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw "hon"
>mfw it's obviously America

>> No.4015626
File: 24 KB, 235x500, $(KGrHqEOKisE12Mud0yYBNvgwKlvkg~~0_12[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just carry this around

>> No.4015628
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>her dick

>> No.4015631


>not going to guro restaraunts

>> No.4015681

I think she was trying to be friendly. Google "small talk", OP, and be less paranoid about people thinking you're fat.

>> No.4015719

>Monkey does her job and takes my order, brings me my food
>Meal comes to $19
>I give her $20
>I sit and wait for my change
>10 min later another waiter comes and asks why I'm still there
>Tell him I'm waiting (no pun intended) for my change
>He tries to tell me that waiters are normally tipped
>I tell him to get me my change
>He says no
>I call the police
>They try to convince me to take back my $20
>I tell them to fuck off
>Police arrive and try to convince me not to press charges
>I tell them I'm pressing charges and that I will be complaining to their boss for their refusal to do their job
>The waiter and waitress are arrested and fired on the spot
>I tell the manager that I will be sending friends here and if they see either of those waiters again I will take him to court

>> No.4015724

If you think Americans are bad try getting Japanese people to eat something spicy

>> No.4015727

you are the sort of person i dislike.

>> No.4015726

>>4013048 babby's first
Who the fuck eats a Ribeye besides Jews and poor people? Couldn't afford the strip or the filet, OP? Did they serve it well-done too? Did you complain that the steak was too tough to eat and then pour milk and ketchup on it? Did you demand that they serve it on a bed of jelly beans too?

You blew it. She was obviously kidding. Otherwise, she may have been flirting with your socially inept ass. Are you underage OP? You had a tempter-tantrum. Honest question. Are you autistic as suggested earlier? Are the other people defending you autistic as well?

Go on ahead and ignore these. You're too retarded to appreciate their advice, OP.

These are legitimately rage-inducing for the right reasons. You're 12-year-old bitch-tantrum, OP, was unacceptable.

>> No.4015732


I like you.

>> No.4015734

>>4015719 Sure you did.
>I made up a story to qualify myself to an imageboard. I promise I am not an omega.
Fat, dishonest, mongoloid is no way to go through life, son.

>> No.4015740

and how do you tip the chef? you give it to the waiter and he swears to you he will give it to the chef? wtf?

>> No.4015743
File: 1.48 MB, 320x181, GTFO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to /b/.

>> No.4016482

I see no indication here that the OP thought the waitron was implying he was fat.
I, on the other hand, DO think OP is fat, and that the waitron was asking her question sarcastically. Seriously, a 10 oz. is NOT that big a steak. I think she was implying he should have gotten the 16 oz. porterhouse and some veggies and a salad and some rolls, since he could obviously eat it all, but that he's a cheap ass.

>> No.4016488


yeah. the funny thing is, if you had been there, or any of us, we would have known exactly what she meant and it would have more than likely been no big deal.

there's a rage sort of comic floating around, where someone encounters someone else, and nothing much happens, then in the final panel the guy is online making a huge deal out of it; i'd say OP is that guy.

>> No.4016501

>on 4chan
>telling people not to tell stories

>> No.4016506

much less effort? what are you talking about

>> No.4016508
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>> No.4016513

this guy's right
this guy's pathetic