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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 514 KB, 1319x600, PIZZA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4011044 No.4011044 [Reply] [Original]

This is fact. Discuss.

>> No.4011050

> brand new building
> fat people everywhere
> appears to be somewhere in flyover land

No, I'm pretty sure that's going to be on par with pizza hut. Even the "upscale" pizza spots in places like that tend to be barely edible unless drunk.

>> No.4011055

Where I'm from, in Nova Scotia, you never trust a pizza that wasn't made by a fat lebanese guy. Local is best.

>> No.4011063

Not always the case though but mostly true. I'm trying to find more local pizzerias. Too bad they cost like $10 more than the chain ones.

>> No.4011062

There's nothing to discuss, everyone agrees.

>> No.4011066

That place actually is amazing

>> No.4011069
File: 73 KB, 598x399, 2_bros_pizza_32.jpg__598x399_q85_crop_upscale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in NYC. This fact is blisteringly obvious here, and yet Dominos and Papa Johns are everywhere. I don't understand it. Pic related. This NYC chain's dollar slices won't change your life, but they taste better than anything from a national chain, and you get more for your money too.

>> No.4011072
File: 145 KB, 456x241, arthur bryants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You lost me at "flyover land." You've obviously never been to the Midwest, or if you have, it was only to visit some distant relatives you despise or to drive through on your way to visit still other relatives you despise. Please go back to your hipster town and eat a cock sandwich with tofurkey and lemongrass juice. The Midwest has more food culture than you think.

>> No.4011074

Worst case ontario, the lebanese guy buys some of your hash drive way

>> No.4011081
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>> No.4011084

Are pizza places really EVERYWHERE in NYC like I've heard? Apparently it's the Mecca of immigrants who want to make their own spin on pizza.

>> No.4011086



And I'm pretty sure the only thing that keeps the chains open in NYC are the tourists, especially the Americans from other cities.

>> No.4011087

So, you're saying the Midwest has good food? Also you have nothing on the South when it comes to BBQ.

>> No.4011088


They are like cockroaches. Lift up the rug of shitty tourism and they're everywhere. Unlike cockroaches though, it's not a bad thing.

>> No.4011093
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>>4011072 insecurity.jpg

There can be good restaurants in the midwest but they're usually those immigrant enclaves where the people realize they have no hope of assimilating so they become even more isolated than they would be on a coast.

Also, this is a pizza thread, your butthurt is off topic.

>> No.4011094

Some "local" pizzarias are absolutely horrible. They tend to be the exception rather than the rule though. For anything else, chains are a really, really low bar.

>> No.4011095

>eating pizza
>becoming fat and greasy

>> No.4011102

Everybody has their own regional pride, but BBQ culture pretty much delimits between itself between Memphis and Kansas City from what I've seen. Outside of that, you're only going to find imitations.

>> No.4011107

Santa Maria Style Tri-Tip. As a Southern California native, there is no other.

>> No.4011111


That place is gross. A perfectly decent slice of pizza with real cheese (christ, do I even have to say that?) is less than 3 dollars at most places.

>> No.4011116

>flyover land

I raged.

best pizza is italian, with a little mozarella and a really good tomato sauce

>> No.4011118

Why? It's true that the Midwest is a culinary desert and the only good places are the ethnic ones.

>> No.4011119

That place is in California, by the way.

>> No.4011123

I've had some truly terrible pizza from local joints, and some great pizza from local joints. The good thing about pizza chains is how consistent they are, so you know exactly what you're going to receive. So actually your image is incorrect in some cases.

>> No.4011130
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>believing that the Midwest is a culinary desert
Just because we don't follow the latest vegan trends doesn't make it a culinary desert, Califag. Enjoy your gluten-free bread.

>> No.4011129


Sadly I have never been to the mid-west.
But I ment Italian as in Italy, Europe.

Although I agree with you, having been to Florida, NYC and Ohio that "ethnic" pizza seems to be better as a general rule.

>> No.4011139

Your "gluten-free" comment only applies to hip places in metropolitan areas and the entirely of San Francisco.
Have fun never experiencing truly authentic Mexican food.

>> No.4011143

"Authentic" Mexican food is authentically gross, I'll be enjoying superior Tex-Mex over here.

>> No.4011144

You are clueless. And mad.

>> No.4011152


I don't know what vegan has to do with anything, unless you think that's actually what trendy foodie types think is good.

Remember when Jean Georges Vongerichten opened a restaurant in the midwest, and it shut down within a year because locals couldn't handle it?

Yeah, of course you don't, because you had to go look him up on wikipedia.

>> No.4011160

Either way, better than whatever it is they serve in the midwest.


>> No.4011163

Most people who dismiss the Midwest as "flyover land" do indeed hail from the snobbier (and more shameful) parts of the country where the hippest food fads rule, and traditional foods are marginalized.

>> No.4011169

>traditional food

>> No.4011170

Oh righty, tell me some of your culinary delights that can't be found better made elsewhere.

>> No.4011173

>Jean Georges Vongerichten
Probably because people who go by all three names, in spite of the fact that their last name is already unpronounceable, are usually linked to pretentiousness, overpricing, exclusiveness, and trying to pass of average food as exceptional just by serving it in ultra-small portions and writing the entire menu in French.

>> No.4011176

We all can't be named Bob Smith nor make inedible food that makes most people gag.

>> No.4011180

Local pizza is terrible

Chain > Local > Frozen

>> No.4011188

Just as an example, I've never seen toasted ravioli, gooey butter cake, good frozen custard concretes, or St. Louis style pizza made outside of St. Louis. And don't forget to thank the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair next time you're eating ice cream on a cone.

>> No.4011189

I would rather have a frozen pizza in most cases than a chain pizza.

>> No.4011186

Or maybe they're foreign.

>> No.4011193

>Not making your own pizza from scratch

>> No.4011197

>St. Louis World's Fair

You mean when the city were relevant and the people who came to the booths were from all across the country and many of the things there weren't invented in the city?

>> No.4011200


The name of the restaurant was called Chambers Kitchen and the menu was in English.

But since you may have a point with French culture being alien to the midwest, let's try Scandinavian which ought to appeal to the locals. Ever heard of a guy named Marcus Samuelsson? He does Swedish food. He also tried and failed to bring good food to the benighted people of flyover land. Didn't work out.

Yeah, I think maybe it has more to do with midwesterners just rejecting anything that isn't composed of marshmallows, tater tots, jell-o, mandarin orange wedges, miracle whip, and served from a casserole.

>> No.4011214

I might add that while this list seems short, these are only things that I like that I have never seen outside of St. Louis (not including ice cream cones), or if I have, I've never seen them done too well. Every Midwestern city of a decent size has foods like this. Very few Western cities do. It's just a matter of how much history a place has. The East and Midwest are older than the West. They have their own good food, and don't need foreign elites like >>4011200 to bring their overpriced foreign oddities to "enlighten" them.

You seem to understand less about the Midwest than I gave you credit for.

Except the ice cream cone was actually invented while the World's Fair was going on, or so the story goes; rather than being invented elsewhere, and brought there for exhibition.

>> No.4011218

What the hell are you even proud of? Except for the pizza, most of the stuff you listed seemed like garbage.

>> No.4011228


Not appreciating gooey butter cake and deep fried ravioli? Why so pretentious? Next you're going to say you don't even like sketti.

>> No.4011232

Pretty sure French and Italian people can make their own food better than you.

>> No.4011255

I had a rather long reply typed out for you, but then I realized that you are either deliberately trolling or else just too pretentious to bother trying to argue with. Fine, buddy. If you're happy not coming to "flyover land," then we're just as happy to not have you.

>> No.4011261

>Midwest food
>Take ethnic food
>Add cheese or deep fry
>We're culture now, yo!

>> No.4011263

>either deliberately trolling or else just too pretentious to bother trying to argue with

>> No.4011268

>can't argue so say everybody is trolling

>> No.4011277

>deliberately distort the facts
>ignore what the other person writes
This is why I am not replying to what you wrote.

>> No.4011291

> St. Louis
> midwest

Yeah and Delaware is officially considered to be part of "The South".... except, no one actually believes that.

Missouri is basically North Arkansas.

>> No.4011316

Now you're just being silly.

>> No.4011345

>implying the Midwest has good food

>> No.4011357

Have you been there? To more than one or two towns? I haven't and I'm not who your bitchfitting with but I'm sure there's plenty of good stuff scattered around. Stop being a dick, it might actually make your day more enjoyable.

>> No.4011363

No one on /ck/ has probably ever been here before, but what the hell.

Any Michigan Fags ever eat at DeLuca's?

their pizza is fucking delicious. Everything is made fresh, ad absolutely amazing; then out of no where, I'm pretty sure CANNED MUSHROOMS.

Why do so many good restaurants ruin shit by randomly having canned mushrooms?

Can still see them cutting fresh veggies in the back though, so I just get red pepper instead.

>> No.4011367
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Forgot the picture like a douche bag.

>> No.4011377
File: 113 KB, 450x338, 16157212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans just can't into mushrooms.

>> No.4011382
File: 14 KB, 100x100, 1351692528089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck guys, this is why I started the Runza thread, so as not to crap up OPs nice thread about mom and pop pizza.

Sorry OP

>> No.4011390

Now, that's just not true. All the pizza places I frequent use fresh mushrooms.
Not to mention the wide variety I can buy at the store myself.

>> No.4011403

It's true
Every week I get a pie from a local place
They are far better quality than any chain and each one is unique

>> No.4013421 [DELETED] 


>> No.4013437
File: 19 KB, 1732x285, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fact. Discuss.

>> No.4013443

>implying I can justify paying for expensive local pizza when the chains are in a price war

>> No.4013449


I live in Dearborn. Fucking Pizza Place man. Best god damn pizza ever and had great deals.

>> No.4013458
File: 27 KB, 250x300, Gear Portrait (F).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's comment is mostly true.
Every restaurant is different, but virtually all are better than chains.

The only chain 'restaurant' I've ever seen that can beat local pizza joints, is possibly Papa Murphy's.

And that's because they basically give you the raw pizza and say "Cook away." It's an absolute quality assurance, all their focus is on good ingredients.

EDIT: HEY! Who the fuck took my shame-guy pic? Aw hell, that better not become a meme

>> No.4013461

there yar you jerk, you're even in the same thread

>> No.4013463

My local Dominoes is better than any independent pizza place in the area. Consistently delicious, although expensive.

Restaurants where you sit down and eat are a different matter to actual take-out places.

>> No.4013473

>no midwest food culture

Do you even Ohio pizza?

>> No.4013482

What is... Ohio pizza?

>> No.4013483

Should have posted OK Joe's if you wanted to post good barbecue.

>> No.4013491
File: 8 KB, 210x230, 1341278478441.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw shopping malls no longer have pizza
>Not even sobaro, despite how shitty it was

Opinion, but Pizza taste good in a mall.

>> No.4013513


Seconded. I'm from Cleveland, and though I've had tasty pizzas from local restaurants, they've been few and far between. Is there something I'm missing? o_O

>> No.4013547

Not always. In the town i live in Little Caesars is the best pizza in town. Sad, aint it?

>> No.4013553

All of the malls around me have a pizza place but I have never once in my life eaten at one. Such overpriced shit, I'd rather get a pound of shitty "chinese" food for 5$.

>> No.4013635


thin salt based crust, baked with sauce and toppings (which are only cheese and pep.) put on raw and allowed to cook on the hot dough and sauce.

the pizza is usually rectangular and cut into small squares.

>> No.4013674
File: 250 KB, 1000x240, Abo's Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4014893

Go to Frankies on 252 in North OOlmsted, just north of the mall. It's a little plaza just south of Lorain. Best. Pizza. Ever.

>> No.4014972

I once went to this ``classy'' pizza place that everyone told me made the best pizza in my city. A slice cost $5 and it wasn't any better than Little Caesars.

Home made is best made.

>> No.4015034

It is fact, there's nothing to discuss.

>> No.4015494

Is Domino's as bad in other countries as it is in Australia?
I mean, there is cheap shitty processed pizza tier, then there is domino's tier. Even the pizza in their t.v ads looks like dog shit.

>> No.4015502

>All dis Midwest hate
You're making me miss Michigan. I'll always love that state regardless.

>> No.4015526

Dominos in America has improved in taste but they also increased their price and put them in a weird area.

They aren't extremely cheap to make up for the taste like Little Ceasars. They are definitely not as good as Pizza Hut, Papa Johns, and the non chain places but still slightly cheaper. For me if Im being cheap and taste isn't a factor I go for LC if I want to enjoy the pizza I'd rather just spend an extra 3 or 4 bucks over Dominos

>> No.4015548
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if you're ever in southern Independence MO check out Tim's Pizza off 40 highway.

>> No.4015597

>I live in NYC. This fact is blisteringly obvious here, and yet Dominos and Papa Johns are everywhere. I don't understand it.

It's because most Americans love consistency. They want everything to be the same everywhere they go. They want the same pizza, the same coffee and the same burgers no matter where they go. It's comforting and predictable.

>> No.4015630

in there Finland that picture is definitely true, all you can get from chains is bland tasteless food with no "soul". Like i mean, i've worked at some of the chains and on few local places (not pizzerias) and the sheer difference on employees is ridiculous.

On local places the employees usually take care of to make good food that pleases the buyer while on chains "LOL I JUST WORK THERE!" and im not just speaking about crappy mcdonalds and the likes but places that should be proper restaurants.

Also people were a lot happier and funny in their work on local places compared to that "please just kill me now" feel people who worked at chains were.

just my 2cents but anyone who lives in Finland and goes to chainrestaurants should be shot and sent to Sweden.

>> No.4015634


I hate southerners, and I hate the heat. However I have to agree that southern food is the best food of the US. Being in Portland, all we have is pothead donuts

>> No.4015642


>This is fact. Discuss.

if this is a fact there is obviouly no discussion

>> No.4015827

and maybe just maybe, NY Pizza sucks as bad as the rest of the nation seems to have realized.

>> No.4015837
File: 65 KB, 177x229, elbloombito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah that must be why half the pizza places in flyover land brag about how theirs is just like new york pizza.

>> No.4015844

you can still discuss facts, silly.

>> No.4015845

Fellow pizzeria worker. It really depends in what area you live in. Sometimes, sadly, corporate pizza tastes better. I would never eat at any chain after learning how to do everything myself and noticing the difference in taste.

>> No.4015892

Gotta appeal to those refugee NYers who moved west, contaminating everywhere they go with their fucked up ideals.

>> No.4015901

Local restaurants in general tend towards the extremes of the quality spectrum, while chains more often than not are fixed somewhere slightly below average standards.

Generally, I'll have more faith in a menu that a restaurant's chefs devised themselves and take pride in, rather than one they receive from the company overlords.

>> No.4015903

>The arguing in this thread

Are fucking dominoes/pizza hut employees here shitposting to cover the fact that even DIY pizza with cheap ingredients is better than their trash? So obviously a local pizzaria will be better?

Fuck, you people are dumb.