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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4008201 No.4008201[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

R.I.P. 1930 - 2012

thanks obongo

>> No.4008203

the horror? where will I get my Tinkie fix?


>> No.4008205


Still mad?

>> No.4008208

how is it obongos fault?

>> No.4008210
File: 18 KB, 234x180, cloudcake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We still have Little Debbie!

>> No.4008213

gross ... i know i won't miss 'em

>> No.4008216

>mfw American cultural identity is tied with corporate-made shit cakes

>> No.4008217

Bew hew. Let me see tears the next time the honey is under threat from bees being killed again or when the corn crops being diseased with fungus. Who gives a shit about non-food garbage that affects no one but fatties.

>> No.4008223


Even the names are better. Cloud Cake sounds better to Twinkie. It's like you'd be eating a fluffy cloud.

Swiss Cake Rolls? Damn man, are these imported from Sweden? What's a Ding Dong? That's a pseudonym for a man's balls.


Now that I think about it, Twinkie is another pseudonym for a penis.

>> No.4008225

>Implying it's Obama's fault
>Implying it's the Hurrpublican's fault

The only people to blame are the Baker's Union. The Teamsters were fine with the new contract, since at the end of four years it would have resulted in a 1.5% increase to their pay, but the Baker's Union decided to be whiny little cunts and went Dante on Hostess.

>> No.4008285
File: 23 KB, 310x320, 1.21 JIGGAWATTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, I don't really care since most of the junk food cakes I bought were Drake's...
>mfw I just looked up Hostess and found out they own Drake's as well as Nature's Pride and a shitload of other brands


>> No.4008291

Fucking Obama. Thanks a lot, you nig nog.

>> No.4008292

>but the Baker's Union decided to be whiny little cunts
Y-you mean they didn't want their pensions to be erased (after spending years working and contributing towards them) while the CEO gave himself a million dollar raise?

>> No.4008293

Welcome to Obama's America. Thousands of jobs getting shut down everywhere.

>> No.4008297

"I don't want a temporary pay cut that results in an eventual pay increase. I'd rather lose my job forever."

>union logic

>> No.4008304

Years of company mismanagement from the nonunion corporate side is always the fault of the lowest rung union factory workers. ALWAYS.

>> No.4008305
File: 93 KB, 1104x523, Ho-hos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Twinkies. I haven't eaten a Twinkie in years, by choice.

But Little Debbie Swiss Cake Rolls just don't cut it. I'll kill all of you motherfuckers for the last box of Ho-Ho's on the planet. Prepare yourselves.

>> No.4008312

you are looking for /pol/

>> No.4008361

Nope. I'm in the right place.

>> No.4008372

> we can't afford to keep rank and file wages in line with inflation AND stay competitive
> we can't afford not to raise executive compensation by 100-500% every year AND attract top talent

Poor people used to lap up that trickle down horse shit but those times are over. Unless tax reform happens soon, the 1% will be surprised to find themselves hanging from lamp posts in a few more fake boom & bust cycles.

>> No.4008378

Ford workers agreed to pay cuts, on the promise that their pay would return when the company got better, to save their jobs and stay away from that bailout bullshit.
The company recovered, made more money, the corporate side got raises, workers got... nothing.
I believe they authorized a strike if the company refused to uphold their end of the deal, you know that 'return our wages to normal' thing.

Funny thing, that. Companies will coax workers into paycuts, with promises of better wages later on, and wouldn't you know it, you can manipulate the books to say they can't afford to give workers raises, so you're stuck with shit pay until you retire or quit.
Another funny thing, they can go in and change already agreed upon pensions, shorting retirees of benefits they worked and paid for. Saves the company money, and who the fuck cares about retirees and the legally binding contract they worked under.

>> No.4008382

relax guys, no need to worry. here's how to make your own twinkies:

>we will all need to learn how to make our own treats and do our own surgeries under obongo's amurika.

>> No.4008392

Incorrect. The workers received millions in bonuses. It was one of the most talked about topics on the radio here in Detroit last fall.

But nice try there, libtard faggot.

>> No.4008394

> we can't afford to keep rank and file wages in line with inflation AND stay competitive
> we can't afford not to raise executive compensation by 100-500% every year AND attract top talent

This. I know people like to blame the union for the Hostess situation because they were raised to think unions = socialism and socialism is the devil, but it is pretty obvious the top management took what they could and pulled the plug.

>> No.4008396

>libtard faggot
Awww he's still mad :)

>> No.4008405

Guys, Republicans got destroyed. Let it go.

Go to the crybaby circlejerk that is >>>/pol/

>> No.4008415

>Many Ford workers want concessions made in 2007 and 2009 restored, and they're angry that white-collar workers got bonuses this year and raises last year while factory workers gave up pay increases. They're also unhappy about CEO Alan Mulally's $26.5 million pay package for 2010.

>> No.4008420

B-but union libtards!!!!

>> No.4008425
File: 29 KB, 640x480, angry asian1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw stopped eating cakes and that kinda shit years ago
>mfw currently working out and getting /fit/
>mfw I wanna cheat and have one for the very last time

should I /ck/?

>> No.4008428

Let the UAW keep pushing. The fate of Hostess will be theirs soon as well.

>> No.4008429
File: 18 KB, 512x384, dog hate broccolis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only time you fat american faggots get concerned about working status in america is when someone snatches your disgusting greasy tube cake from your fat fucking hands and packed snack shelves

lmao. meanwhile in isreal 40 sand niggers DIE but fuck it i need to ninja bid $540 on a box of suzie q's.

>> No.4008436
File: 27 KB, 350x468, hahagoodone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw iam america and read this

>> No.4008442
File: 11 KB, 210x292, CUBA_CIGAR_CASTRO_LIBO_01-20-2005_6S3J4RE_t210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love you. No homo. Unless you're into that.

>> No.4008450
File: 973 KB, 295x221, 1351733254507.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im american and i wrote it. while eating my last devil dog.