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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4006828 No.4006828 [Reply] [Original]

>walk into Chipotle
>every woman is ordering a Burrito Bowl
Why is this always the case?

>> No.4006836

It's so they can eat it with a fork and not look like a disgusting slut eating a 6" in girth burrito.

>> No.4006841

they think its healthier because less carbs

>> No.4006839

Does it remind them too much of the dicks they hop on behind their boyfriend's back?

>> No.4006846

Hurr carbs=bad. Typical wom*n logic.

>> No.4006848 [DELETED] 

Regardless of carbs, the tortilla alone is like 300 calories. It's easy to cut out if you're counting calories. Plus if you get it in a bowl you don't have to eat it all and can save some for later or fun lunch the next day.

>> No.4006853

Regardless of carbs, the tortilla alone is like 300 calories. It's easy to cut out if you're counting calories. Plus if you get it in a bowl you don't have to eat it all and can save some for later or for lunch the next day.

>> No.4006858

inb4 "extra cheese and sour cream please"

>> No.4006871

Yes, I saw this done while in line at Chipotle tonight.


>> No.4006875
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It blows my mind, just wrap that shit up in a tortilla and stop being faggots you bitches. Same as when I see bitches order a salad instead of a sandwich or burger and load the motherfucker up with ranch dressing and bacon and cheese and eggs.

>> No.4006877

Dude, some people actully LIKE Diet Coke.

>> No.4006884 [DELETED] 
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>ressing and bacon and cheese and eggs.

>> No.4006887
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>> No.4006903

>woman logic
Taking out the bread means up to 250 less calories. There's nothing wrong with that logic, especially if you're just eating half while saving the rest for another lunch.
Not sure why people having something on the menu is worthy of notice.

>> No.4006905

No. No one likes diet coke.

>> No.4006906

It's true. And if you're eating that many fucking calories I mean who says you need to ingest more with soda?

>> No.4006910

Their tortillas have a shitload of calories and fat in them. I wouldn't personally order a burrito bowl myself though. I only did that a few times when I was cutting carbs from my diet, never again.

>> No.4006912

I like coke zero better than regular coke

>> No.4006913

But as has already been stated, most people never skimp on the cheese or sour cream. And on occasion, they'll even purchase the chips, which contain far more calories.

It's worthy of notice because of how cliche it has become. It's like women(namely white and asian cunts) are too good for what's basically bread.

>> No.4006917

I enjoy chemical-tasting diet soda, Diet Coke included.

>> No.4006937

I used to go to Chipotle almost every damn day at lunch and I saw plenty of women ordering burrito bowls without sour cream and cheese. I'm not sure what you're on about. Also, have you stopped to realize that some people would prefer having sour cream instead of a tortilla? Let's break this shit down:

Chipotle's 2 oz. portion of sour cream has 120 calories & 10 grams of fat

Chipotle's cheese adds 190 calories & 8.5 grams of fat

Chipotle's flour tortillas have 290 calories & 9 grams of fat

It's pretty obvious why someone would order a burrito bowl instead of a burrito with the above information.

>> No.4006940

Because I end up unwrapping the burrito anyways and scooping out everything every time. Also, sour cream is fucking disgusting.

>pleb tier eating 101

>> No.4006947

Because Chipotle's burritos are subpar.

>> No.4006957

Why not just have a taco salad?

>> No.4006981

/r9k/ pls go.

>> No.4007001

>Plays with his food
>Thinks Sour Cream is disgusting

>> No.4007032

Which is why I get a burrito bowl.


>> No.4007114
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>thinks a collection of posters make up a board on 4chan

>> No.4007208

>Some of the finest burritos available in the US are subpar because they are fast food

I don't think you like burritos at all with that attitude.

>> No.4008597

The tacos are acceptable if you're craving a variety of meat, but I would never order a burrito bowl.

>> No.4008604

Everyone orders a burrito bowl in my college town. Everyone. And the line at chipotle is at the door everyday. I don't understand why these people wait in that long ass line everyday when there's a burrito border you could go to instead.

>> No.4008610

ITT: virgins

stay virgin, Americlaps

>> No.4008615


>> No.4008627

I'm not going to say carbs aren't healthy, the amount of calories in many grain foods is deceptively high. Most people probably think something like a burrito tortilla - merely a vessel to carry the good stuff - has negligible calories, when it actually has like 200-300 calories alone. That shit adds up fast.

>> No.4008635

I've only been to chipotle once, but I really was not impressed at all. Their burritos are like 2/3rds fucking rice

>> No.4008639

>paying 3 million dollars for a burrito

No thanks.

>> No.4008643

me too

>> No.4008658

Is Moe's popular all over the country?

They are in Florida, and I think Moe's runs circles around Chipotle.

>> No.4008720
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>Some of the finest burritos available in the US are subpar because they are fast food
>Some of the finest burritos available in the US

>> No.4008810


Real burritos don't exist in Mexico.

Without access to plentiful American ingrediants like actual cheese and meet, Mexican food wouldn't be what it is today. It'd be bean soup and fried cactus.

>> No.4008834

could you be any more retarded, amerilard?

>> No.4008839

I think you mean Amerimanteca.

>> No.4008866

I can top this.

My mother always orders a burrito, then takes off the tortilla and gets rid of it.

>> No.4008914

lol, is this what everyone else in america thinks? glad to be a SD fag, where hole in the wall taco shop, and 4bucks can buy a godtier burrito.

>> No.4008929


He's right about burritos, though. They're pretty damn american.

>> No.4008948

But he never said that you have to leave the U.S. to get good burritos.

It was you and >>4008810 who brought it up first.

The best burritos /are/ in the U.S., but they're not fucking Chipotle.

>> No.4008954

>They're pretty damn american.
They are not

Next you retards are going to claim nachos as "very american"

>> No.4008973

though mexico is known to have to the burrito, it is a far more developed dish in America, by mexicans.

Essentially, burritos are mexican, but are mostly located and developed in america.

So yes, best burritos are in America.

>> No.4008975

Weird. Similarly, when my and my brother were little, he would always take the buns off of his burgers. Maybe he thought it was like the shell to a nut.

>> No.4008994


>Invented in California
>not American

It's called TexMex for a reason. Technically burritos, tacos, nachos, burrito bowls, taco salads, these are all TexMex. They were made by nationalized Mexican American citizens and while eaten in some places of north Mexico, like Tijuana, they are predominantly an American food.

>> No.4008996

Well, also back in the 50-60s when these things really took off, Mexicans on the whole didn't eat a ton of beef due to poverty. Murrika had no such problem.

>> No.4008997

I've never been to a chipotle that served burritos that were 2/3 rice. You can ask for no rice, and modify the amount of all the ingredients they put into your burrito if you're really that big of an idiot.

>> No.4009000

Burritos are cheap as shit at Chipotle, what the fuck are you talking about? 8 bucks for 1 lbs of fresh food is a pretty fucking great deal.

>> No.4009003

I'm a Mexican, not an American. And Chipotle really does have some of the best American-style burritos you can find in the states. It really, REALLY boggles my mind why people hate on Chipotle so much when their burritos are legitimately great. I think it's because it's fast food and people are dumb.

>> No.4009006


Ordinarily I would disagree, but dubs and trips in one get don't lie.

>> No.4009013

because mexican food is disgusting and chipotle is closer to your authentic slop. its only tolerable when it has been entirely americanized.

>> No.4009014

A Chipotle burrito here costs $6.50 with tax.

>> No.4009042
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Diet Coke tastes better

>> No.4009067


>inb4 wikipedia

They're called sources, retard.

>> No.4009070

TexMex is Texas, not California.

>> No.4009087


I prefer coke zero, not because lol calories, but because I hate the sweetness of regular coke.

>> No.4009170

>tacos, nachos & burritos are american
lol ameritards

>> No.4009194


Too late, better try next time timmy

>> No.4009309

Hm? Mexican food is awesome. We just don't have American-style burritos like the kind served in a lot of Mexican restaurants here. We already have some of the best cuisine in the world, it can't be helped that you have the palette of a 3 year old and are stupid :3

>> No.4009354

>8 bucks for a pound of tortilla, beef, and rice (mostly rice)

That shit costs so much less on your own, and burritos are probably the easiest food you can ever make.

>> No.4009376 [DELETED] 

Not every fucking person wants to spend 10 minutes chopping fresh pico de gallo, simmering some reconstituted chiles, assembling fresh guacamole, braising beef for hours, sauteeing onions, and spending 30 minutes preparing cilantro lime rice.

This is a thread about a restaurant. Therefore I discussed the restaurant. Of course you can make food cheaply on your own time with your own ingredients.Take your self-cooking righteousness elsewhere motherfucker. This is a COOKING board. Even if we sometimes make threads about restaurants that doesn't mean we never cook for ourselves. All of us here do. Get the fuck out you self-important piece of shit.

>> No.4009383

It's amazing that you think that making burritos in the vein of Chipotle's offerring is 'the easiest food you can ever make'. Chipotle isn't a fucking McDonalds where all you have to do is fry some freeze dried shit in a fryer with a timer and spend 2 minutes cooking a hamburger patty.

Not every fucking person wants to spend 10 minutes chopping fresh pico de gallo, simmering some reconstituted chiles, assembling fresh guacamole, braising beef for hours, sauteeing onions, and spending 30 minutes preparing cilantro lime rice every time they want a god damn burrito, you idiot.

This is a thread about a restaurant. Therefore I discussed the restaurant. Of course you can make food cheaply on your own time with your own ingredients.Take your self-cooking righteousness elsewhere motherfucker. This is a COOKING board. Even if we sometimes make threads about restaurants that doesn't mean we never cook for ourselves. All of us here do. Get the fuck out you self-important piece of shit.

>> No.4009388

>dat mad


>> No.4009401

Fuck you. Go back to /b/.

>> No.4009406



>> No.4009408

>Get the fuck out you self-important piece of shit.
I'd say the guy who writes 3 paragraphs about why he can eat Chipotle's is a self-important dolt.

>> No.4009412

>tfw grew up in a mexican neighborhood

>Tfw know all the best spots and don't have to deal with stupid ass college kids and their "authentic fair trade" mexican food

>> No.4009439 [DELETED] 

Yes, I mad.

I suspect you're white and don't know shit about actual good Mexican food.

>> No.4009442

Another happy Saturday night, amirite?

>> No.4009449

nah im mexican but born in raised in california

>> No.4009451

Yes, I mad.


>> No.4009453

Wow, that guy is so mad he is starting to delete his posts lol

>> No.4009510

their cilantro rice is way tastier than a tortilla, and I've always though putting rice in a burrito is redundant

>> No.4009524

Only faggots actually like Diet Coke.

>> No.4009588


Thank you mr. fucking obvious, it's called that because the wave of mexican food culture started in Texas but over time mexicans moved to places like California, Idaho, Arizona where also less racist white people. Also Texas used to belong to Mexico where became largely Mexican and American culturally. It's called TexMex because the food is part Mexican influence, and part American influence.

Seriously, if you're going to try and shitpost because you have some massive inferiority complex against Americans, America itself and it's history. At least try to actually be right.

>> No.4010247

Qdobas is a better version of chipotle
prove me wrong

>> No.4010252

that may be so, but there ARE a lot of faggots, and if they like Diet Coke, well then thats ok for them. At least I'm not one of those edgy stoplikingwhatIdon'tlike- faggots.

>> No.4010272

justifiable, because I'm like 90% certain that you get more food that way. They just pile it on in a burrito, but barely give you anything in a bowl. That's the case at the one near me, anyway.

>> No.4010606

Okay. Qdoba's meat options are always bland and strangely watery whereas Chipotle's are not. Qdoba's sauces are not freshly made whereas Chipotle's are. Oftentimes Qdoba will undercook rice whereas I have never been to a Chipotle that had crunchy rice. Qdoba's guacamole is very thin and paste like whereas Chipotle's is thick, flavorful, and appealing. And lastly I have been to several Qdobas where they have undercooked the chicken. That is a big no-no. Chipotle is hands-down the superior option. Even if you don't agree you would at least agree that Chipotle is far more consistent whereas Qdoba's quality is wildly erratic.

>> No.4010621

I don't even understand why people like this shit so much in the first place. It isn't awful, but it isn't that great either.

>> No.4010629

Chipotle is legitimately great. They use fresh, mostly locally-sourced produce, operate the most humane and moral meat operation of any other fast food operation, and make a delicious burrito because of these things. It's a good water-mark to tell if someone can taste how great Chipotle really is; if they think it's nothing special, it shows they are likely expressing bias based on the stigma of fast food and not on actual food preparation or technique. Also because they like to pretend they know ANYTHING about Mexican food.

>> No.4010650


I LOVE diet coke, as do many others. Once you get used to the taste regular coke becomes disgusting. It's why they had to start coke zero after they tried to replace aspartame with splenda and got a massive backlash.

Also, while I agree with hating the hypocrisy of people who order something fat/sugar free with 2000 calories of food, not having regular soda is always a good idea because that shit has several tablespoons of HFC in it.

>> No.4010709
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That's great, pleb. Enjoy your expensive fake burritos made with chemical-tasting tortillas and disgusting Amerifat ingredients, while I enjoy some cheap-as-fuck godly-tasting made in Mexico

>dat feel when living in a border city

>> No.4010715

>hates Chipotle for no reason like a good /ck/ drone
>"Enjoy your expensive fake burritos made with chemical-tasting tortillas and disgusting Amerifat ingredients"
>calling americans fat while being one
>"dat feel"

pretty sure you're the definition of edgy

>> No.4010732
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Did you know that just by eating at Chipotle you instantly become a hipster scum?

Their food sucks and people only like it because they think it's 'exotic' and 'hip

>> No.4010739

It's in a bowl, so it's healthier.

>> No.4010748
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>anno domini 2012
>eating at Chipotle's

Kill yourself

>> No.4010758

I went to a Chipotle and really wasn't impressed.

I mean yeah, obviously it is better than Taco Bell, but what isn't?

I know you guys are going to get mad at this, but the fajitas I make at home are way better. They also take a really, really long time so I don't make them that often... so there is that.

>> No.4010762

Or because it is too awkward and messy to eat a massive burrito for them.

>> No.4010796

i order the bowl because they give you more food in it, thus better value.

>> No.4010798

ITT: nobody getting the answer

It's because women HAVE MANNERS. You're not supposed to touch your food.

>> No.4010799

>not eating your food in a feedbag strapped to your face

>> No.4010803

>You're not supposed to touch your food.

>> No.4010816

My dad lives on diet coke.

But he's also a diabetic.

>> No.4010821

My family lives on Diet Coke and I was raised on it. No one is diabetic or fat (we are actually all pretty fit).

As a result, I can't drink any sugary drink. I never acquired the taste for it. If I go to a place and they give me a Coke instead of a Diet Coke, I literally can't drink it.

>> No.4010842
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>Comparing Taco Bell to Chipotle
>Comparing Fajitas to Burritos
>Comparing fast food to own cooking

Wow, you're dumb.

>> No.4010848

>Comparing Taco Bell to Chipotle
Gee, I didn't mean to upset your deep sense of brand loyalty.

>Comparing Fajitas to Burritos
I am pretty sure Chipotle has fajitas.

>Comparing fast food to own cooking
Like I said, "I'm pretty sure people will get mad". Congrats, umad and couldn't help posting your butthurt.

>> No.4010849

What's funny is although I like sweet drinks, I would touch soda or any carbonated drink any time, except for an occasional vanilla coke if a place it. I prefer iced tea like snapple.

>> No.4010851

The order of what I drink most goes: water, club soda, beer, Diet Coke.

I just don't get anything out of sugar water and I don't understand how diabetic/fat people waste their lives on it. The trade-off is not worth it to me.

>> No.4010863
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Has nothing to do with brand loyalty. You're comparing two entirely different things with two entirely different types of food. And Chipotle doesn't have fajitas. You would know that if you've ever been to one! Only one mad here is you (:

>> No.4010868

>Has nothing to do with brand loyalty. You're comparing two entirely different things with two entirely different types of food. And Chipotle doesn't have fajitas. You would know that if you've ever been to one!
As I said, I have only been to a Chipotle once.

You seem to know a lot more about fast food than I do. You win?

>> No.4010902

not the guy you're replying to, but

>being proud of your ignorance

>> No.4011071

>trying to use spoiler text on /ck/
Why the fuck would /ck/ have spoiler text? You wanna keep that last ingredient a secret? And no one fucking thinks burritos are exotic you mongoloid.

>> No.4011092

But I'm not from Mongolia.

>> No.4011113

fucking hate chipotle disgusting fucking food

>> No.4011137

Turkeys aren't from Turkey.


>> No.4011149

But I'm not from Mongolia. And turkeys belong in the oven.

>> No.4011364

I have to agree with this.

I also have to agree with this. Went to a Qdoba in Fresno, CA and it was much better than any Chipotle. Went to a Qdoba in Turlock, CA and it was awful.

>> No.4011381

What's the difference between regular coke and coke zero and coke zero and diet coke? The fuck is different about coke zero in general?

>> No.4011385

Coke Zero and Diet Coke taste very different.

They have different artificial sweeteners.

>> No.4011386

Huh...I see.

>> No.4011393

I think Coke Zero was an attempt to get the market that thought Diet Coke was for women and/or those who think aspartame/acesulfame-potassium is unhealthy.