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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 220 KB, 500x289, 1352973573829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4002838 No.4002838[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Shit city. Shit pizza.

There is nothing good about New York

>> No.4002840


>> No.4002841

I know this is a classic troll, but goddamn does Chicago-style pizza make me vomit a little whenever I see it.

>> No.4002842

right is not pizaa
no thank you

>> No.4002843

please don't start this again

>yfw pizza on the right isn't a pizza and shit on the left is a frozen brand

>> No.4002861

Before this thread devolves into complete stupidity, I'm just going to say my piece: each type of pizza is good in its own way, because it's about different aspects of the pizza.

New York style pizza, to me at least, is all about the crust. The subtle flavorings in it, the quality of the olive oil, and just a hint of cheese and sauce to provide accent to it. the crust should be hard, but not overly chewy, and the cheese and sauce should be very thin, with just enough of their flavor to compliment it.

Chicago style pizza however, is all about what goes inside the crust. You're looking for tons of rich, gooey cheese, lots of warm, sweet, and tangy sauce, and an almost biscuit like crust to balance it out. If regular pizza is sometimes called a "pizza pie," then this is a "pizza cake." Rich, overly filling, not good for you, but goddamn is it good.

>> No.4002862

enjoy your tomato pie, nigga.

>> No.4002865
File: 29 KB, 551x412, 1351642972473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and so the shit slinging begins

>> No.4002867


i agree. except the ideal pizza is ny with more than a "hint" of cheese and sauce, along with pepperonis, italian sausage, and mushrooms.

anybody who puts pineapple on a pizza, or makes an abortion called a "taco" pizza, or has to stuff the crust with cheese, will be sent to gitmo for cultural education.

>> No.4002874


> mushrooms

we gonna have a problem here, son?

>> No.4002880

chicago can be good with the right things like eggplant otherwise it's just a sauce fest. Albiet I like it better than most lasagnas

>> No.4002885

>implying the only two pizza styles are chicago and new york

The chicago version looks like an obese monster made it. Would not eat.

>> No.4002887

I could really go for a quiche right now.

>> No.4002890

Negro please, pineapple on a pizza is fucking delicious.

>> No.4002898
File: 30 KB, 480x357, 1346581855795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating on stuffed crust

>> No.4002918

The "Jew York" pizza in OP's pic is clearly not in New York (the size is obnoxiously big, it's not cooked correctly, and you don't get a plastic tray). It's likely some throwaway city (like Chicago) "attempting" to make a "New York style" pizza they once saw a picture of somewhere, which inevitably fails because pizza outside of the New York tri-state area is invariably shit. If the pizza place ever says it serves "New York style" or has the words "New York" in its title, their pizza tastes like paper. Anywhere outside of New York, New York pizza just means pizza that is too large.

>> No.4002921

>pizza outside of the New York tri-state area is invariably shit.
you're wrong though. fucking americlaps.

>> No.4002927

There's a great Chicago pizza place on the north side of downtown but I can't remember the name.

It's not Giordanno's, it's another one that puts layers of sausage patties in between their cheese, instead of just a mass of cheese.

>> No.4002933


>fucking americlaps

Wow yeah, how dare an AMERICAN make an assertion about pizza from an AMERICAN city.

God damn Eurofags always have to shit up the boards with their inferiority complexes. Nobody gives a shit what country you're from, or what country you think you're superior to for no logical reason. Holy crap.

>> No.4002942

unless it's Cornet pizza up near Columbia.

only the homeless and poorfags eat there

>> No.4002951

>move to Ohio
>lived in New Jersey(less than an hour from NYC)
>order pizza
>comes cut into tiny squares
I'd take that Chicago shit over square pizza what the fuck.

>> No.4002953


Not even the guy you're replying to, but he didn't make an assertion about pizza from an AMERICAN city did he you retard? he made an assertion about pizza in every fucking place on the planet outside the New York Tri-state area.

>> No.4003005
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>> No.4003020
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my nigga.

>> No.4003022

hahaha. I saw pizzaface too and didn't say anything.

>> No.4003052
File: 149 KB, 1280x720, 1345945527360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left side actually looks similar enough to the original Italian pizza. I wouldn't place a bet on its quality, but it is a pizza, anyway. Right side is a pie. I know this pic is old as the internet and call it yurofag arrogance but I'm still baffled after all these years that anyone can call this shit a pizza. It may be good, for all I know, but it's not a pizza.

>> No.4003074

Unfortunately the world turns, and modern definitions are always changing.

You can now dump macaroni on a disc of dough and call that a pizza, too. I'm sure it tastes good, but it seems a bit... forced? is the best way to put it. Like trying to force a cup of milk to taste like a stick of peppermint. At some point you should step back and ask why it's necessary.

>> No.4003076
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>> No.4003091

Why can't we just have both?

>> No.4003109

>choc mint

>> No.4003112
File: 20 KB, 239x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4003116

It floods real nice

>> No.4003166

I like both.
Both of them are pizza.
I like pizza.

>> No.4003169
File: 34 KB, 360x284, key lime pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually visited Chicago about a year ago and I tried authentic chicago pizza. It was great, my favorite was the chicago deep dish key lime pizza.

>> No.4003182


Stuffed crust pizza is the best thing to happen to Pizza

come at me bro

>> No.4003183

It's funny because it's a fuckin pie.

>> No.4003190
File: 41 KB, 449x338, 1320600624934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take 1 slice of each and enjoy my food while you retards sling shit at each other like monkeys.

>> No.4003191

I agree with this gentleman.
You sir, are of refined tastes.

>> No.4003192

New York has a high density of attractive people, so there's something good about it

>> No.4003199

Yes, nothing turns me on more than loud Jews and angry Italians.
You seriously equating the looks of the population to the quality of the food?

>> No.4003201

I wrap my chicago style in a grandma sized new york style

come at me bro

>> No.4003205

Chicago style pizza is mongoloid tier cooking.

I like it, but if the premise is "lotsa cheese, lotsa meat, and thick ass crust " then no that's just retarded.

It's a niche pizza.

>> No.4003206

I don't think you know what that means.
>"lotsa cheese, lotsa meat, and thick ass crust "
Sounds like what America did to real pizza.

>> No.4003210

No, op said there's nothing good about New York.

>> No.4003211

Real Chicago pizza doesn't have thick crust. We save that for you tourists with no tastebuds.

>> No.4003235

My dad is a Chicagonian and the stuff he gets is exactly as I described it.

Anywise it's you fucks from the midwest who have no taste buds.

You still serve good food though.

Mongoloid can be used informally as a synonym for retard.

>> No.4003244

I enjoy both of them.

>> No.4003292

So, you guys want another Finnish pizza thread?

>> No.4003293

>Still being mad that people prefer real pizza to meat pies
No wonder you fucks are so fat and stupid, It's like everything you eat needs to be stuffed, fried or slathered in gravy.

>> No.4003299

no one cares what you niggers do. Also, could you stop dragging the rest of italy down with your corruption, criminality and laziness? Kthxbai.

>> No.4003304

>being an overreactionary patriotic retard without reading comprehension


>> No.4003311
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>> No.4003313



>> No.4003316
File: 199 KB, 638x877, 1293319381153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I like both
>mfw I honestly prefer thin crust
>mfw Chigago style is a pie, but not a pizza
>mfw /ck/ will argue about anything

>> No.4003317

Sorry to disappoint you, but no.

>> No.4003326

I was born and raised in Chicago, and nearly 40 years old.
Someone needs to say this, because a lot of you retards dont realize.
In fact, its like one time out of ten that we go out for deep dish. 1 in 10!
And cooking at home... nope, never.
So, maybe it was invented here, but its NOT actually on the menu on a regular basis. That kind of belly bomb is only for that unusual craving or special event.

So please stop thinking this is what all people from Chicago eat. Its not.

>> No.4003327
File: 11 KB, 211x211, Delicous7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicago pizza is almost as good as my 7

>> No.4003329

its not even pizza

>> No.4003331

>he can't tell samefags.

Let me help you. I'm >>4002921

>> No.4003334

its more like a casserole or something pizza doesnt have to be eaten with a fork.

>> No.4003345


>> No.4003346

/v/ pls go

>> No.4003349

Texas-fag here to back you up. Chicago didn't create deep-dish, a Texan did WHILE living in Chicago

I am so sorry.

>> No.4003397

Went to bacci's in chicago.

Massive slice for $5 plus free fizzy-pop, made 2 meals out of it. Was fucking awesome.

Oh, it didnt look like that deep dish thing, though. More like the "new york" style, but not in new york. (ever had a really good french dish? chances are you don't live in france.)

Tl;dr location does not directly affect the cooking competence of an individual.

>> No.4003398

How do you do that?!

>> No.4003404

What the fuck is wrong with you?!

>> No.4003415

He is a Wizard

>> No.4003422

Except Bacci's is fucking terrible.

>> No.4003426
File: 53 KB, 500x500, reagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4003428

No, it's almost universally considered one of the worst pizza places in the city. The appeal is the novelty of the slice size, not the taste.

But anyways, this whole argument is fucking stupid. It's like people acting like a burger larger than mcdonald's is no longer a burger.

>> No.4003430

No,it's people attempting to say that a meat pie is better than a real pizza.

>> No.4003433

>meat pie

yeah okay.

>> No.4003440

Fucking locals told me it was the best... It was awesome because of the price and novelty size and the bears game going on while I was wearing a twin cities cap. I just figured pleb ass baseball fan taste, come to think of it, maybe they sent me there because of the cap. I dont even watch baseball.

>> No.4003441

>Implying that shitcago style isn't
So sorry about your city being almost as big of a shithole as detroit, too.

>> No.4003442
File: 50 KB, 500x375, c4e6234dd2e03f1f_m[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

California pizza master race.

BBQ chicken pizza is godly. Also pesto and spinach. "classic staples" like pepperoni were good when i was a kid but I grew up

>> No.4003445

and then the faggot train pulls into the station...
California "pizza" may be even worse than pizza in italy if you can even fathom that.

>> No.4003451


>I don't like something
>therefore it's bad

I love you, /ck/. Makes me feel like I'm back in highschool.

>> No.4003457
File: 53 KB, 312x234, bacci.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except, this is the slice and style of pizza the guy was talking about which you may have deduced if you weren't just half assedly trying to troll everyone in this thread.

>> No.4003459

oh so edgy. Are you mad because mom wouldn't buy MCR tickets or something?

>> No.4003463


>> No.4003465

I have no idea what mcr is but it is widely held that of all pizzas, California's rate among the worst. Deal with it or don't.

>> No.4003467

Are you japanese or some other type of culinary retard?

>> No.4003472

Right, and italian pizza is bad. How did you come to that conclusion from your mother's basement? You do realize that every region in italy has their own style of pizza, right? Have you ever left your home state? A thousand pardons, btw. Sorry mom wouldn't buy the jonas brothers tickets you wanted. Better?

>> No.4003475

I still like chicago and thin crust but California is my current favorite.

Spinach, pesto, feta, bbq chicken, sun-dried tomatoes, roasted garlic, artichoke hearts are just too good and refreshing

>> No.4003477

Are all californians this mad all the time? Chill, bro and take a deep breath.

>> No.4003480

I'm sorry i upset you, but back-pedalling and projecting won't cover up the stupidity of your statement regarding "italian" pizza. Maybe if you left the basement and exposed yourself to the world once in a while, you wouldn't be such an angry little poltroon, mmkay?

>> No.4003481

You'd be mad too if you had to live among queers and mexicans

>> No.4003483

Does it hurt to be this stupid? Are you still mad that obama won, too? Also (spoilers): I'M NOT CALIFORNIAN, YOU FLYOVER STATE DIPSHIT.(spoilers)

>> No.4003485

You are hyper enough to live there. Perhaps you should relocate?

>> No.4003495

No, i don't subsist on a diet of fried cheese and high fructose corn syrup, so i can actually get out of bed without a hoist. i suppose that in relation to the inhabitants of dumbfuckistan, that does make me hyper.

>> No.4003506

Calcium is good for your bones, you limp-wristed spaz.

>> No.4003512

He's a New Yorker,

>> No.4003517

And now we're on to projecting your sexual insecurities on to others? My, what a sad little world you live in. Do they not have mental health services in which ever shithole it is you live in?

>> No.4003522

Nope. keep guessing tho. I want to see if they taught you geography in whatever public school you went to.

>> No.4003524

You're a woman, aren't you?

>> No.4003531

I meant the guy you're arguing with, numbnuts.

>> No.4003534

Ooh, and now the gender identity issues come to light too? Man, I don't think you should be posting here. Tell ya what, where do you live? I'll see if I can't find the mental health hotline for you, I'm just that nice.

>> No.4003541
File: 29 KB, 512x384, squidward.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>see thread about pizza
>about to come to NY pizza's defense
>look at most recent comments
>arguing about gender issues and sexuality

>> No.4003549

That's what I thought. I could tell by your gross over exaggerations and emotional immaturity.

>> No.4003550

Disregard that, i suck cocks.


>> No.4003553

So, no? You don't want help? Pity, i tried. Best of luck anon, enjoy your mental illness.

>> No.4003586
File: 66 KB, 458x184, preparation-h2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>dis thread
>dat asspain

>> No.4003796

Still samefagging, eh? how's that working for you? My offer still stands, just let me know what state you're in and we'll get you the help you need.

>> No.4003840

New Jersey doesn't count, you stupid shit

>> No.4004183

>fighting over pizza

I'm glad I don't live in either of your shit cities.

>> No.4004200
File: 1.05 MB, 2700x1809, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both of those look mediocre. I'd eat them, but I'd rather have a slice like this any day of the week. Not too much, not too little. Perfect. <3

>> No.4004204
File: 53 KB, 400x300, White clam pizza Modern Apizza New Haven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not getting coal-fired clam apizza in New Haven

I don't think you know the forces which you reckon with,,,

>> No.4004211
File: 2.77 MB, 3072x2304, DSC00415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4004212

One time I started making a pizza but I rubbed my dick in the dough and then I put the cheese on it and then I put a pepperoni on it. Then I was bored so I wanted to invite a dude over as a jack off buddy. I didn't know any type of faggot that would want to do that so I uhhh put an ad on craigslist and put forward the prospect of pizza pits.

>> No.4004234

I still don't get the fight about pizza. Pretty much all pizza is good, unless it's just cooked badly or uses really bad ingredients. I like both NY style and Chicago style, and all kinds of other styles of pizza. Fuck. Get over yourselves.

>> No.4004250
File: 2.16 MB, 3264x2448, Detroit Style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Detroit Style Pizza

Shit City, Amazing Pizza

>> No.4004266

people from chicago have turned pizza into a casserole and the west coast has pretty much defined it as something that is a slice of pretty much anything imaginable

>> No.4004269

Fuck you. just because california has to faggot up everything doesn't mean the rest of us do too. THERE IS MORE TO THE WEST COAST THAN CALIFORNIA, GODDAMMIT. We hate those fuckstains even more than you guys do. Incidentally, I'm able to get great pizza in a variety of styles here for quite cheap.

>> No.4004270

Actually, Chicago is also famous for it's thin crust pizza. It's just you jokers on here who think all they eat is stuffed pizza.

There's nothing attractive or bright about being a pizza snob. Only a complete trailer park douchebag gets a stick up their ass about pizza.

>> No.4004275

As an aside, this guy eats his eggs with ketchup and take photographs of fast food.

>> No.4004276

Did you not read the OP image? It's meant to make people fight. How can you not get that. The ironic thing to me is that Chicago is the only place in the world that calls that a pizza, so while it's "actual pizza" to them, it isn't pizza to the rest of the entire world. I think that's pretty much all that needs to be said. The whole world recognizes the NY one as pizza without a doubt. The Chicago one would strike confusion everywhere.

I'd try it and I'm sure I'd like it, but I'm not calling it pizza. It looks more like lasagna in a bread fortress.

>> No.4004277
File: 33 KB, 518x281, the difference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4004280

...says the shitcunt arguing in the pizza troll thread

>> No.4004285
File: 98 KB, 400x267, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>charge of pizza

>> No.4004288
File: 105 KB, 859x598, neapizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyways, if that's your argument. Here are 4 pizzas, two from two top ranked pizzas in italy, one from new york and one from Chicago.

>> No.4004289

>and take photographs of fast food.
it's part of american culture like ketchup

>> No.4004290

So I'm waiting for you to argue that the picture on the right isn't a burger, if you didn't get that.

>> No.4004294

>says the cockgobbling smeglips who doesn't understand the difference between making an argument and making a statement.

>> No.4004307

top left corner is motorinos, you can recognize the table

>> No.4004311

They all look like shit.

>> No.4005037

Honestly? Based on the picture I'd rather have the New York version, thanks.

>> No.4005054

>New York pizza
>Chicago quiche

>> No.4005070

I prefer the one from Chicago - but I don't call it pizza. It's a Pie. Plain and simple.

If you take a pie pan and line it with a crust, then pile stuff inside and bake it... It's a pie.

If you take a flat crust and top it with stuff and bake it - it's a pizza.

You don't call an apple pie "apple pizza" do you? Same difference.

But, again, I'd rather have one slice of the one of the right, than all I could eat of the one on the right.

>> No.4005090

Chicago pizza is really more of a casserole.

>> No.4005135
File: 28 KB, 346x335, calzone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck everything

>> No.4005451

Jew York master race reporting in.
Neither one is better than the other. Both pizzas have their pros and cons, it just depends on your personal preference.

>> No.4005708


This with the edges all crispy nearly fried. Is my favorite. Good middle ground between thin and chicago style.

>> No.4005714


I like deep dish and all but that's not even a fucking pizza anymore it's a pie/cake

New York is closer to original styled pizzas just bigger and less heart attack inducing

>> No.4005721

i thought the bottom left one looked alright, the rest look like shit though.

>> No.4005735

What sort of style pizza is Dominos? It's not quite New York, but definitley not Chicago

>> No.4005745


>> No.4005877

I guess there's two kinds people: Those who realized how tasty a simple pizza bread with just olive oil, tomatos and some herbs can be and those who like a disgustingly oversized monstrosity with waaay to much of everything on it.

>> No.4005909

Okay left looks like shit and right looks like shit, I prefer that happy medium in between.

>> No.4005916

New York pizza is probably my least favorite kind of pizza, aside from frozen.

That being said - Chicago style's not all that great, either. It's a once in a while thing, sort of.

>> No.4005960

>Hating on Hawaiian pizza and stuffed crust

You sad, sad little man.

>> No.4005973


Both of your cities are shitholes with shitty pies that no one cares about aside from the people unfortunate enough to live there.


>> No.4005980

That's why Chicago style is pizza pie. Anyone calling NY style a pie is a kyke trying to hard to fit in with his shitty cities expectations.

>> No.4006015

I've never had chicago-style pizza. Is it only really available in the chicago area? Is it something I can find on the menu of most pizzerias anywhere?

>> No.4006024

There are a few places that make a version of it .Old Chicago restaurant ( that's now out of business) used to make em.

I think Dominos makes one now.

>> No.4006025

You can order a frozen pizza from giordanos on line. Not as good as having it there but not bad either.

>> No.4006092

Chicago "Pizza" is a meatpie. No thanks. I I want meatpie I prefer something which doesn't tast like Pizza, if I want Pizza I don't want to eat meatpie.

>> No.4006095

Where are you located? There's some Chicago pizza places outside of Chicago, depends on where you live.

>> No.4006143
File: 35 KB, 268x268, SFS_StLouisPizza-35_276389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left looks like something somebody got from the food court at a CostCo. Right is clearly not pizza.

But on the subject of pizza, what are /ck/'s thoughts on St. Louis style pizza?

It's basically thin crust pizza cut into small squares. It's often overcooked (very hard to properly cook pizza that thin without burning some of the cheese), but when done right can be very easy to eat and tasty.

>> No.4006147

Coal as in the mineral? Or do you mean charcoal as in blackened wood?

>> No.4006152

California Pizza Kitchen shit has too many ingredients. They imitate other countries that have no idea what they're doing in a pizza kitchen (like Japan) and add their own stupid toppings. Just say no.

>> No.4006218
File: 43 KB, 533x400, d'caesaros_goat_pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mah nigga.

pic related, my fav pizza place.

>> No.4006241
File: 367 KB, 669x587, success.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4006259

Is that Lorenzo's pizza in Philly? Fuck you, OP. That shit is good and cheap.

>> No.4006262

>very hard to properly cook pizza that thin without burning some of the cheese

Wat. There is no relation there. I've done thin, medium and thick. Same shit, just keep the cheese away from the edges and nothing changes.

Does not look particularly good, nor so bad.

>> No.4006264

Oh my fucking god
that looks so amazing

>> No.4006285

You haven't gone thin enough.

>> No.4006286

As thin or thinner than the pic you posted. Explain why you think it's difficult.

>> No.4006290

Deep dish is for northsiders amirite?

>> No.4006291

Explain how you think you can judge thinness from a <300px picture.

>> No.4006297

Don't bullshit around. I'm asking in seriousness what you mean. The cheese doesn't burn according to how thick or thin the bread is. That doesn't even make sense.

>> No.4006360

Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.4006375
File: 112 KB, 480x480, J-112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NY pizza is best pizza

>> No.4006379

That shit looks thin to me.

>> No.4006382

The ability to judge proportions?

The fact that the pizza is barely thicker than the wax paper it is sitting on?

>> No.4006395

What point? And why won't you simply explain the claim you made about it being difficult to not burn the cheese because the bread is thin? I'm telling you I've made very thin pizza before and by the image you posted, it's been as thin or thinner from what I can tell when looking at it. It's not that hard to see it. What is your problem?

>> No.4006452
File: 25 KB, 300x274, miral varketing 2 pizza boogaloo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite pizza chain already square-cuts their pizza by default. As far as I'm concerned it's usually a sign of a good pizza.

Pic related, best chain pizza you will ever have.

>> No.4006492
File: 426 KB, 808x585, IMG_0800comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We actually are so comfortable with our pizza making that we have high class chefs pushing the envelope with "wisconsin style" pizza. I haven't tried it yet but it looks tasty.


Of course, Chicago pizza is fine too unless you're a snobby cunt. Personally I always make a point of having some when I'm out there for a visit. Liking only one kind of pizza is the equivalent of people who only smoke one brand of cigarette.

>> No.4006513

We also have thin crust in Chicago. As a Chicagoan, I hate when people stereotype us as only deep dish.

>> No.4007074

I live near a Rosatis, what's their best pizza style/toppings?

>> No.4007122

well what chicagoian doesn't want to eat a pizza on the go every once and a while

i for once am willing to sacrifice quality for ease of use on occasion

and that is why thin crust is in chicago

>> No.4007134

Just ask for double dough. Soft crust so gewd

don't ask me about toppings, I only like plebaroni

>> No.4007182

I like a thin, crispy crust. I can't handle deep dish. i have issues with bready things making me gag.

>> No.4007214
File: 71 KB, 440x267, Jets-Pizza_grid_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chicago pizza is awful, stop shoving your stupid pizza in our faces. know how crust is your least part of pizza and sauce is the second? well chicago pizza is all CRUST AND SAUCE, fuckin hard ass shit with dumb cheese underneath, it's just a stupid fuckin pizza. pic is superior form of "deep dish"

>> No.4007232

Shut the fuck up and eat your pizzas faggots.

>> No.4007235
File: 15 KB, 180x128, god tier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Perfectly symmetrical
You fags keep your shit-tier pizzas. I'll take my god-tier Krusty Krab pizza elsewhere.

>> No.4007249

is that a goddamn...buddy's pizza i see?

>> No.4007251

You have obviously never had Chicago pizza in your life, you stupid fucking fuck.
Chicago deep dish is mostly cheese and toppings. The tomato sauce is just on the bottom and across the top. The middle is all cheese and fillings. My personal favorite combination is spinach, salami, black olives and onion. At any rate, you're a dumb fuck with no life experience. Enjoy ignorance. (FYI I'm from NYC and also would die for that pizza too .)

>> No.4007263
File: 173 KB, 445x445, pizza_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow man look at all that cheese and topping, so much of it i could barely notice all the stupid fucking sauce!

>> No.4007271

I thought California was the west coast? Unless you are counting Canada or maybe Alaska?

>> No.4007286

>like green olives on pizza
>nowhere near me has green olives on their menu
...its not like i wanted the only vegtable/nonmeat salty sweetness that comes in green candy form

>> No.4007331

I always wanted to try a deep dish pizza.

>> No.4007523


i...i don't wanna eat it...it looks like the bread's too crunchy and dry, and looks like someone just spattered dozens of sauce from cans on it...

why the hell would anyone eat such a shitty looking pizza?

>> No.4007720
File: 54 KB, 177x178, 11-12-2012 10-36-26 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating pizzas

>> No.4007727

The right one looks like a ciche.

>> No.4007811

Is it one of the Edwardos branches?

>> No.4007830

The right one is a quiche. Which I'm okay with. I love quiches! I wish I could try that one.

>> No.4007847

Fact: there's nothing special about new york or chicago style pizza, or the cities they come from

>> No.4007852
File: 62 KB, 360x303, angrystupids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Butthurt pond scum detected.

>> No.4007853


>forgetting based oregon and washington, two of the least shitty states in the nation

nigga even if yous trollin

>> No.4007872
File: 32 KB, 453x333, 091608 Marie's whole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Enjoy your imitation Chicago style.

>> No.4007925

Chicago 'pizza' is just a fucking casserole. There's nothing wrong with casserole. But don't call it pizza.

>> No.4008173

This. Best Pizza doesn't follow either of those trashy formulas.

>> No.4009965

...what the fuck are you talking about
that has nothing to do with where i live, or green olives
unless those two states apparently have amazing olives, and you expect me to export pizzas from there or something

>> No.4009968

>Implying any good pizza comes from usa

>> No.4009981

>google the picture
>it's not even from a place in illinois

>> No.4009997
File: 71 KB, 500x333, margherita%20pie[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from New York and I like both....Still the best pizza, to me, would look something like this.

>> No.4010046

Pic name mentions "Marie's", where u get that pie?

Looks like a nice unlevened crust.

>> No.4010048

Marie's probably

>> No.4010059
File: 65 KB, 600x450, deluxePizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> But on the subject of pizza, what are /ck/'s thoughts on St. Louis style pizza?

Fuckin love it. If you're even in Dayton/Cincinasty Ohio, its like "little St. Louey". Not sure if its really provel cheese, but I did confirm that one shop I worked used a mix of provolone and mozza.

Growing up, it was the only pizza I knew. We had MamaBlows and Feet-o'-Smut, but they were not very popular when competing with all the St Loius type places.

For visitors, check out Donatos (regional chain), Cassanos (Dayton chain), LaRosa's (Cinci chain), or Ron's (Miamisburg only).

Pic: Ron's deluxe.

>> No.4010180

wtf is that, cherry pie or some shit

>> No.4010194

Bacci s decent on the cheap. Sarpino's is better for a bit more money. Best besides Giordano's is Leona's.

>> No.4010344

He was responding to >>4007271
I too, though, like green olives on pizza, and can't even fathom why I can't get it.

>> No.4010352

Love me some chicago pizza, I was in chicago on liberty weekend and it was one of my first non bootcamp meals, I must have had 8 slices.

>> No.4010353
File: 84 KB, 400x300, 107-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No pizza is better than Brooklyn pizza.

>> No.4010457
File: 172 KB, 1024x768, Kebobpitsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4010476

I like both types of pizzas. I have to be in the mood for either/or, though.

Why can't we just agree to disagree and that each pizza is good for each individual for wants it?

>> No.4010481

>having mutual understandings

>> No.4010492

Please. Just moved in to this shit hole a year ago and the only decent place I've found is Kings pizza on E 16st on Kings Highway.

>> No.4010501

> less than a mile from difara
> bitching about not having good pizza nearby

You're either trolling or you're some kind of 2kool4school meta-hipster

>> No.4010521

Ah yeah 937 right here. Yes what I remember of Rons was good, only had it once. Cassanos can go away. I think it is funny people go crazy over places like Marions and Joes in the Dayton area. Its good but not great.

On the original subject, I'd eat them both no problem. I will also say Chicago style is more of a pie.

>> No.4010542

Fair enough.

(See what I did there? :)

>> No.4010547
File: 126 KB, 571x427, mmm cake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get NY style pizza anywhere, without living in that shit hole Jew York. There's a reason why pizza you can get anyone is held up as one the the better points of the state.

>> No.4010797

Both of them look disgusting as fuck

>> No.4010847


Those are both horrible examples of each type of pizza, so I'm going to stick with my New York style.

No mass of toppings preventing the huge mass of dough from cooking all the way and all.

>> No.4010852

Mmm dehyrdrated skin with cheese on it.

>> No.4010903

I find both tasty.

>> No.4010907

Success breeds jealousy. Jealousy breeds resentment. Resentment leads to the dark side.

>> No.4010936
File: 540 KB, 1600x1195, IMG_0378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not Staten Island
Bitches don't know about Goodfellas

>> No.4010966

>Staten Island

That pizza looks about as gross as the people living there.

>> No.4011007

According to their site, their pizza was voted best pizza in the world

>> No.4011014


By a bunch of staten island dwellers? I'm sure they of all people would know

>> No.4011016

>Vodka sauce
>San Marzano tomatoes
>cooked to perfection in brick oven


>> No.4011019

Nope, by the International Pizza Expo, whatever that is

>> No.4011032


it's like 10 people, most of whom live in bronx or staten island, who all follow one guy's pizza blog.

>> No.4011034

>round plate
>square pizza
leave it to that place you mentioned

>> No.4011804

Your pizza is a pie made for fat fucks. pay tention now n ill learnz ya good. Pizza Pie. Pizza then pie . Only new york Pizza is done correctly . also sage if this thread dies maybe you will go exercise.. get it?

>> No.4012083

People, can we really let the debate go so soon? New York pizza is best. And where does Pizza Hut fall into this debate? They have pan pizza too. Might even be better than Chicago pizza as an entity. I think pizza hut deserves some more mention in this thread, and I think, we, as a board, should flesh out this discussion with pizza hut at the forefront, because they are a pizza powerhose with a pzone.

>> No.4012091
File: 54 KB, 805x563, 1300254032784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4012114

you mean an american invented it while living in america? my god what a deep and diverse culture.

>> No.4012131
File: 89 KB, 640x427, 5686996790_1c0059feea_o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And where does Mexican pizza fall into this debate? Can we get some opinions from /ck/'s mexican posters? How does it feel that your pizza culture is largely ignored by this two party pizza debate? There's an entire pizza culture and way of life that has been left out of this debate. And I would like to change that.

>> No.4012133


lol i love how you can call the 'ideal' pizza some abomination with 'italian' sausage LOL and pepperonis.

Pizza is dough made with unrefined wheat, no preservatives, no sulphites, no bullshit chemicals, just fresh food: crust, olive oil, red onions, tomatoes and a sprinkle of garlic.

>> No.4012136

I've never had any sort of Mexican pizza, but fuck me if that doesn't look goddamn delicious. I'd eat the fuck out of that.

>> No.4012139

Sprinkle of garlic? Are you talking about soem upchuck garlic powder?

>> No.4012145

I know, dude. It's deplorable that Mexcican pizza, the best pizza, is ignored on such a widespread scale.

>> No.4012150
File: 51 KB, 600x450, neimeng6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what about Mongolian pizza?

>> No.4012152


>> No.4012157

That gives me fucking heeby jeebies...
Fear of small holes...
Google it.

>> No.4012175


Did I SAY garlic powder? No, I didn't. Pay attention.

>> No.4012184

Yea but u can't sprinkle real garlic.


>> No.4012190

Pretty sure he meant minced garlic.

>> No.4012193


>> No.4012201

Not really. Hold some minced garlic on your hand and sprinkle it around the dish.

>> No.4012203

You can use a garlic press, bro...why are you getting so angry? Are you jealous of my clean pizza?

>> No.4012234

I feel as if I am arguing with babies. But sometimes you just gotta be the smartest one on the thread.

Look, let me get it into your simian heads: when something is sprinkled, you need to take your hand, put some ingredient into that hand, pinch some of that ingredient with the other hand--like you were Emeril about to do the "bam," without actually doing it. So, now, you have a small amount of ingredient between fingers. Take the pinched-up hand and rub the fingers together over the dish, letting a little bit of ingredient fall out of your pinched fingers with each little movement. If you've actually done any sprinkling, you would know what I'm talking about.

Sprinkling is mostly done with salt, pepper, granulated things, ery finely grated cheese or dried herbs.

WHat you people are describing is careful placement. You can't just sprinkle fresh garlic like that--too messy.

>> No.4012275


I don't think you know what sprinkle means.

> Sprinkle (n) 3. plural : small particles of candy used as a topping (as on ice cream) : jimmies

This advice will help you understand and be understood better in the future.

>> No.4012282

Don't be a retard.

Sprinkle (transitive verb)

1 : to scatter in drops or particles

a : to scatter over
b : to scatter at intervals in or among : dot <sprinkled the speech with quips>
c : to wet lightly

intransitive verb
: to scatter a liquid in fine drops
: to rain lightly in scattered drops

>> No.4012330
File: 70 KB, 400x300, Corndog_pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4012363


>> No.4012381

>complete with sticks
what the fuck

>> No.4012420

Why is that, because you are cock mongoler?

>> No.4013242

i love you sir

>> No.4013294
File: 13 KB, 320x240, 1262672959184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you fucks from the midwest who have no tastebuds
>still serve good food though

>> No.4013371

lou malnati's

>> No.4013852

I don't know if I agree with this definition.

I think my definition of sprinkle falls in like with his guy's.

>> No.4013866

That's... the definition of sprinkle when used as a verb. You can't just disagree with how something is used in english when it is used that way. That's the definition.

>> No.4013919

>lou malnati's
tastes like shit. I'd rather eat the box it came in.

>> No.4014181

Chicago pizza looks more like a Tomato Pie than an actual pizza.

>> No.4014188

I live in jew york and enjoy the pizza here but they're beginning to seriously overcharge now.

>> No.4014942

I live a block from a pizzeria owned by an Italian (moved here when he was a kid). I have never encountered better pizza than his. It's not paper thin, it's not overly thick, it's fucking perfect. Always fresh ingredients, pizzas are made by hand, great balance of sauce and cheese, and I fucking love the dough and crust. Fuck yeah.