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File: 91 KB, 800x600, sam-smiths-winter-welcome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3999991 No.3999991[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Winter time beers ITT

>> No.3999995
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>> No.3999993
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>> No.4000006

aw so close

>> No.3999998
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>> No.4000010
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>> No.4000022
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I don't think they make this one anymore. Wish I could drink it again.

>> No.4000040
File: 254 KB, 1200x1600, 111 Double Dog Double Pale Ale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

winter? summer? doesn't matter ... drink the same stuff year round ...

on my 2nd bottle of this tonight

>> No.4000046


Hey bro, hey. Question for you. How did you choose your interior design stuff. I need help with this. I've had an undecorated bachelor pad for too long and I'm getting embarrassed. Bourdieu says that plebs chose their wall decorations for "effect". I don't want to be a pleb. Teach me. What was your thought process.

>> No.4000059
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pretty good...

lots of extracts though.

>> No.4000132
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>> No.4000137

i see what you did there

>> No.4000348

I've got a dark ale aging over bourbon-soaked oak chips now that I brewed during the summer. It should be ready around Christmastime. I'm pretty excited to try it.

>> No.4000382
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I've got some Anchor Porter, but once I go visit my family in Germany this winter hopefully I'll be enjoying some incredible monastic Dunkelweizen.

Pic related, best beer I have ever had.

>> No.4000404
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>> No.4000419
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Got some of this at the house right now, tasty, and slightly different year to year.

>> No.4000460
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So, my jackass roommate says using a glass is no different than drinking it from a bottle, and there is especially no difference between one glass shape and another. What's your take on that?

Also, this is my winter beer.

>> No.4000502

To be fair I don't drink that much beer (sacrilege I know) but I know that the shape of the glass you use makes a pretty substantial difference for whiskey, actually a lot more so than you'd think. Or at least more so than I thought. I'd imagine it would work the same for beer. Doesn't change the actual taste but some shapes let you smell the contents better, and smell is a big component of taste. Without it you just have salty, bitter, sweet, sour, and umami. Everything beyond that is from smell.

>> No.4000649
File: 230 KB, 625x431, 2_our_beers_VELVET_MERLIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first stout. I like.

>> No.4000664
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The Abyss 2012 comes out this week *squee*

>> No.4001547
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Every year.

>> No.4001573
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>> No.4001574

belgiumfag here, that beer is actually brewed down my street!

>> No.4001593

>drinking beer from a bottle

I honestly don't bother with different glasses, just have some cheap standard pints. But holy shit, I can't imagine actually enjoying good beer out of the bottle. Actually getting some aroma out of the beer is the difference between a stout tasting like bitter piss and having a rich complex malty flavor.

>> No.4001594

are you that ass that posts "what's /ck/ drinking tonight Coors_Light.jpg" every fucking week?

>> No.4001617

I'm new to beers, /ck/, but I want to try the old Rah-rah-rasputin lover of the Russ-, I mean Old Rasputin. Is it seasonal? Difficult to find? Order online?

>> No.4001656
File: 88 KB, 332x500, christmas ale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The greatest of winter beers.
Hands down.

>> No.4001682

yes i am

>> No.4001773

I know, I can't wait. That stuff is phenomenal.

>> No.4001796

Old Rasputin is not particularly difficult to find in north america. Any shop with a large "specialty beer" selection will generally have Old Rasputin. Hell a few of our regular grocery stores here carry that stuff. Then again I live in a state well known for loving craft beer.

>> No.4002819

does anyone know of a seasonal beer that i think had raspberry chocolate?

>> No.4002851

What did your parents say when you came out of the closet?

>> No.4002854
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Easily my favorite winter seasonal

>> No.4002860
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>> No.4003172
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>> No.4003178
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King of all winter beers.

>> No.4003184


God Ninkasi is fuckawful, overrated shit. I'm embarrassed to live in Eugene.

Fucking Total Domination has taken the IPA slot at almost every bar in town. Horrible.

>> No.4003222

That's not a winter beer, and your roommate is a fucking downy.

>> No.4003227
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>not wine
But why?

>> No.4003239
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I've picked up a bunch of this stuff the other day.

>> No.4003243

Because personal tastes.

>> No.4003269

Holy fuck, glögg is disgusting

>> No.4003323
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>> No.4003337

Eh, we just started getting their stuff here in northern California. The IPAs are decent, not great. Their summer stuff, Radiant pale ale and Maiden the Shade ale, were pretty good imo.

I feel you on the overrated comment. Here, 21st Amendment is the same way. It's the fucking fancy cans.

>> No.4003340

this is a good winter time beer because the can lets you know when its below freezing out.

>> No.4003605

pleb detected

>> No.4003825

Is it really though? My dad gave me two bottles of it and I've never used it. Also, wine or vodka? Or what to put in it if something else

>> No.4003886
File: 267 KB, 1400x1050, beer store.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ontariofags, what's good at The Beer Store?
Beers I've already tried: Sleeman's Cream Ale, Canadian, PBR, Heineken, Moosehead, Budweiser, Coors Light, Samuel Adam's (Boston, Winter and Spring Lagers), Guinness, Ruddle's County Ale, Hobgoblin, Griffon (Blonde as well as Red), Stella Artois, Leffe Brown, Mill St Organic Lager and Tusker Premium Lager.
My favourite was Sam Adam's Winter Lager and least favourite was Coors Light. What should I try next? Keep in mind that it has to be available at The Beer Store. I appreciate the help.

>> No.4003928

My roommate likes Creemore Springs. She's a girl tho.

>> No.4003955

I don't go to the Beer Store, usually go to the LCBO. So I'm not sure how the selection compares. This is all Ontario beer.

I prefer darker stuff usually.
Mill St. Tankhouse Ale is my go-to beer. It is widely available and has a pretty good flavour.

My hands-down favourite beer has to be Stonehammer Dark Ale, absolutely delicious.

Wellington Dark & Waterloo Dark are also pretty good.

If you want something lighter I like Beau's a lot. Just the lager, their seasonal stuff is hit & miss. Creemore Springs is pretty good too - but again, I like darker beers so I prefer their Ur-Bock to the lager.
Duggan's IPA #9 is tasty.

>> No.4003961

No, it isn't. It's just fairly sweet wine with cinnamon, orange, Christmas stuff. Always drink it warm.
Not sure what you are referring to with "put in it"? You don't have to put anything in it, it's already alcoholic. Wine if you must.

>> No.4004031
File: 40 KB, 307x500, Kerkom-Winterkoninkske.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4004081

something about that foam looks really fucking tasty.

>> No.4004106

I agree, where can I find that stuff?

>> No.4004135
File: 124 KB, 794x596, red_chair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 long months left...

>> No.4004147

I'm guessing you could ask the brewery themselves - looks like it's a really small scale local beer though http://www.brouwerijkerkom.be/en/the-bink-beers/d/detail/winterkoninkske-1

>> No.4004163

I got lucky and found one bottle at a microbrewer store. Mother fuckign juniper berry brewed in was delicious. They just didn't list the alc %...but man did i FEEL IT SHIT NIGGA