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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3987988 No.3987988 [Reply] [Original]

why are all the professional chefs/cooks on this site (/ck/) such cunts?

they always come down with such an arrogant attitude while they dont deliver on contributing anythjing usefull that would justify their upitty shmugness?

why are they such bitchy cunts?

can tehy come off their high horse for a second and explain themselves?

what have you guys even to be so fucking arrogant about you dont cook in an 3 michelinstar restaurant most fo you clowns cook at the olive garden!

there i said it

and also the bullshit specials you serve taste like canned food! but the one that dogs and cats eat!

now what???

>> No.3987996

They should cater to the retards asking how to make their ramen better?


>> No.3988003

i didnt say that either
but anyone who act as if cooking is rocket science needs to shut up unless he is called escoffier

>> No.3988006

y u mad tho? are you the one who made that shitty rack of lamb?

>> No.3988010

Cooking well is both a science and an art.

Also your thread is definitely not
>contributing anythjing usefull

>> No.3988016 [DELETED] 

why would i eat rack of lamb
if i can just have some filet of beef
for the same price :)

an now that you ask i aactually feel sorta mad

>> No.3988017 [DELETED] 

look i am saying you professional chefs all act liek you are auguste escoffier you need to get rid of your attitudes that's all i am saying
this isn't even about the cooking thaqt much
insteadt of having this diva-attitude why not try to raise those standards?

what happened to the standards?

>> No.3988028

>why are all the professional chefs/cooks on this site (/ck/) such cunts?

Because this site isn't /ck/, it's 4chan, and everyone on this site is prone to acting like a cunt from time to time. It's part of the appeal. Some people just are cunts, believe it or not.

/ck/ is a very good board comparatively but it is still 4chan and if that bothers you I have no idea why you're here at all. Nobody likes a whiny cunt.

>> No.3988030

Good point. However, /ck/ denizens are typically decent. We're an older crowd.

I'm 41 for instance.

>> No.3988032


>I'm 41 for instance.

tells us about the birth of Christ?

>> No.3988036

they aren't.

honestly judging by your attitude you probably have serious difficulties interacting with anyone educated or successful.

>> No.3988039

op her i have to admit you are taking it better than i expected!
good for you /ck/
now maybe try to maintain this composure when someone asks how to make brioche

>> No.3988040 [DELETED] 

i do
still my point remains valid: they are

>> No.3988043


Tell us about the times when pearl ash was still used as a leavening agent.

>> No.3988044
File: 24 KB, 414x419, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baww people are better than me

there i said it

You are human waste. You can't even cook. You don't even have an occupation that commands respect by it's reputation, it's service to society and it's mental and physical demands. Chefs are better people than you.

Why are useless unskilled people such whiny cunts anyway? They have no reason to exist anyway, why do we even allow them to shit up our cities?

>> No.3988045

I rather enjoy being the older guy now. When I became a paratrooper, I was just 17. I caught a rash of shit on a constant basis for being so young.

>> No.3988051

Does your arthritis affect your ability to cook on a regular basis? Or have you retired?

>> No.3988056

I'm as spry as I was when I was 21. I don't fit the mold.

>> No.3988061

Whenever I've come to ask for help I receive nothing but some occasional jokes and helpful advice.
Please though, it's not too hard to use your shift button and spell 'they' correctly. You use the shift for your question marks, use it at the start of sentences.
No matter how legitimate (or not-legitimate) your point is, people wont take you seriously when you type like that.

No but seriously, you're a cunt.

>> No.3988071

I know. I love /ck/ and have had many a merry time and stimulating discussion often with types of people I would never have had cause to chat to outside. I'm 24 and a relatively inexperienced cook but some of my dishes have gone down a treat, mussels e.g., and it's great to know that you're motivating other people to cook at the same time as receiving advice from more experienced ladies and gentlemen. I also (genuinely) know a lot about single malt and gin and have helped a few folk out myself.

Sometimes though the place degenerates into a shitstorm where everyone is a pleb faggot yuropoor americlap who puts ketchup on their brown rice with well done milksteak, and that too is fun. If you didn't find it fun you wouldn't have ever made that first post.

>> No.3988073
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Clearly OP missed the entirely of this.

Every one of these was informative and fun.

>> No.3988081

People don't start really falling apart until they're 50. People who do start falling apart before that are people who either haven't taken care of themselves, or have just had bad enough luck to catch an accident or a condition.

>> No.3988096

There are actual chefs who post here? Could have fooled me.

>> No.3988119

I was at one time of the same opinion. The /ck/ challenge definitively proved that there are not only chefs here, but that there are some incredibly talented cooks and photographers on here (some of who are chefs). I wasn't able to follow it the whole way through but I was absolutely amazed at the standard of cooking.

Also, that professional butcher bloke who starts threads now and then has some absolutely excellent advice and is always very interesting to talk to. There are others in some form of culinary industry too who really know their stuff.

>> No.3988122


Ever heard of Chef Cain?

>> No.3988132


>> No.3988160

They're not cunts, it's called constructive criticism. If you can't handle it ignore it or gtfo of the industry (if you're in it).

>> No.3988162

the vast majority of the posts on here that clearly come from people with culinary experience go ignored

it's largely a hobbyist forum with the odd bit of useful info and you can tell the amateurs by their pedantry and love of praising people excessively for doing things in a similar way to themselves

>> No.3988180
File: 1.40 MB, 1172x653, ruined the lamb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this shit?

>> No.3988193

I don't get it. You have rack of lamb, and you coat it with... with... what the hell is that anyway?

It's not a fucking wiener schnitzel for chrissakes. It's one of the most tender, sensitive meats one can find.

>> No.3988209
File: 532 KB, 1162x778, pistachio crusted rack of lamb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks kind of like this.
Pistachio and Breadcrumbs?
Way too fucking much of whatever it is.

>> No.3988216


and crumbing it somehow negates that?

>> No.3988220

Despite what you plebs believe lamb is not an exotic meat. It's not going extinct. There are plenty more racks OP is at liberty to fuck up.

>> No.3988239

I'm perfectly aware of this, merely saying that I think that the dish he submitted is sub par.
Doesn't have to be an exotic meat or an expensive meat to say so.

>> No.3988241
File: 16 KB, 284x284, 1351100649266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well OP, if you look at the top of site you'll see other boards including but not limited to /b/ /a/ /v/ /sp/ /fit/ etc... This isn't a sovereign cooking board, it's connected to some of the most troll filled boards on the internet. If get replies like "0/10 would not eat", "are you a faggot OP?" etc... its probably someone just busting your balls because they know you will get mad and reply with some angry shit. Pic related

>> No.3988244


why is it sub par? your reason is meaningless.

>> No.3988253

>why are they such bitchy cunts?

because no matter what they tell you, life in the restaurant industry sucks. the only people who can enjoy it are the newbs who have not learned how fucked they are, and the top .5% who have climbed high enough to stop eating shit

ask me how i know.

>> No.3988263

I haven't given my reason for it?
First of all, I don't know what is in the breading and whether or not it would work well with the lamb, this person's inability to post what they used in the process is departmental to getting good feedback.

The "lol 0/10 wouldn't eat" is an over-simplified way of saying,"I don't like the look of this lamb, I wouldn't eat it."
I wouldn't eat it.
Although there is nothing wrong with what looks like the meat itself, that is far too much breading for my taste.
The coating on it is also sloppy, with sections appearing almost soggy. Next time make sure you don't get it on the bone, it is physically unappealing.

>> No.3988280

Whenever someone asks abotu how to cook some ingredient I usually give some tips or a recipe. Most of the time I get ignored and not thanked even by OP.

>> No.3988281

Stupid autocorrect.

>> No.3988302
File: 43 KB, 500x333, karitsa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it does exactly that. It adds sharply contrasting, completely unharmonious components to it. Breading is good for chicken, it's good for pork, it's good for cheap scalloped beef, but lamb does not benefit of it very well. It adds dry, crispy, crunchy material to meat that first of all has great potential in flavour and a very tender consistency on it's very own, and that is also very sensitive and easily overpowered.

In addition, I dislike breading of any kind on darker meats. They do a world of good to the appearance of fried pork or chicken, but rack of lamb is beautiful on it's own, especially thanks to the bone. For rack of lamb, olive oil, balsamico, garlic, lemon, rosemary, thyme, basil, honey, salt, pepper, mint, aromatic and sensitive things, and a brief visit in high heat. You don't bring Motörhead to the Notre Dame. It's a sensitive dish, apparent already in the fluffy baby sheep that got an axe to the head just so you can have a taste.

>> No.3988308

Plus, I'm not such a cunt after ten or twenty beers.

>> No.3988322


soggy breading on 'some sections' means you wouldn't eat it?


>> No.3988331


your criticism is just incoherent dude. breading obviously does not detract from the flavour of the meat unless the bread doesn't go with the meat somehow. the fact that it's dry, crispy and crunchy has nothing to do with the flavour. nor does it detract from the tenderness of the meat itself.

ok, you don't think it complements it very well, but you're not explaining yourself usefully. 'lamb is nice and you bread things which i think are less nice' is a bullshit reason.

have you not seen lamb in a crust before or something? it's very commonly done, because it adds texture and contrast to a meat which is very mild and fatty.

i don't accommodate the motorhead comparison. no cooking technique is inherently unsophisticated.

>> No.3988335

No, the breading is too much and I wouldn't enjoy it as it is.

When one puts a dish online, people are going to post their opinions on it.
"I don't enjoy this because..."
If you like it, then that's all fine, but other people wouldn't, and didn't. Someone getting worked up over someone else giving their opinion of food on the internet is silly. If someone wants to post pictures of their food and receive praise for it, then they're going to have to appeal to something those people like. When it doesn't, people complain and tell them it's shit, or what have you.

>> No.3988340

spoken like a true kitchen man

>> No.3988348


that is not my rack of lamb. i did not cook it. i agree that the breading is a bit haphazard. i also think the lamb looks just the slightest bit mushy. i would still eat it because it's probably delicious despite its flaws.

>> No.3988358

Notice in my post how I said, "one", "someone", "their", "people"

The only instance where I said anything similar to directing at someone in particular is when I stated,"What have you" which is a common turn of phrase to mean to add additional unsaid responses.

As for your opinions and stance on how you would eat it, you are fully capable of feeling so, but as you are I am also capable of feeling the opposite.
Saged because not related to food, merely speech.

>> No.3988366


yes you covered your bases with generic pronouns but you obviously acted like i was taking issue with the very prospect of you criticising the dish rather than the trivial nature of the criticism itself. like i was offended by it.

i just disapprove strongly of your attitude to food.

>> No.3988372


Because if they had the people skills they'd not be chefs.

And if you had half the skills and metal to do it, you'd be a cook instead of a server.

Both would rather be bartenders.

>> No.3988421

Let me try to rephrase a little better. Lamb is sensitive. It needs a little accentuating, mostly through aromatics. It has a wonderful texture, of which I agree the flavour to be mild, but the texture in no way fatty. Breading is an addition that has it's own charcter. To put it in engineery terms, it takes space in your mouth, and... I guess the term was "palate". It intrudes. A superficial char, a little salt to dehydrate and bring out a sharper taste, and aromatics to round out the taste, those are what I believe to be valuable when treating rack of lamb. Breading, even when light, is in my opinion heavy. If something is added to the rack of lamb, it should be always softer and milder than the lamb itself. Lamb first, method second.

... gosh, I know I said I would try to phrase it better, but this is about the best I can do.

>> No.3989292


disagree all you want but lamb is very fatty.

i think it's crazy that you think you should only add soft things to lamb but w/e

>> No.3989305

Don't mind me, testing trip

>> No.3989573
File: 81 KB, 1023x653, dinner43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, I am rack-of-lamb-guy and I think my thread touched on the answer to OP's question.
Professional chefs hate the fact that amateurs can enjoy their profession as a hobby, and often create dishes on par or even exceeding their talents.
And yet crumbed lamb cutlets are one of the most popular lamb dishes in existence. But I guess you know better...
Also I did indeed list my recipe here >>3987439
and it comprised of not just breading, but a kind of "stuffing" consisting of feta cheese, honey, herbs, and bread crumbs.

Thank you for your interest, if you are lucky I will post the 'pulled chicken curry' I am preparing tonight.

>> No.3989609

I've been craving shrimp for days. DAMN IT

>> No.3989641
File: 63 KB, 704x766, dinner29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite is probably coconut prawns with chilli-lime sauce

>> No.3989648
File: 462 KB, 922x691, dinner45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or perhaps wrapped in bacon with tartar sauce

>> No.3989651

Looks great!

>> No.3989654

Some /ck/s also lament /b/astard invasions as a reason for cunty cooks, but I think some anons are just cunts.

>> No.3989677

OP, if you learn to write properly, more people will take you seriously. You come off like a retarded fourth grader that just helped make some Shake n' Bake.

I am one of the "chefs" that OP is hating on. I have been the chef of a pretty high volume bar that did some good food. I currently work at a Michelin starred place, and have been cooking professionally for 11 years. OP's post is absolute horseshit, and I would have never responded to it, but this guy really fucking irked me

What the fuck are you talking about? Do you seriously believe what you just wrote? You have no idea what it is like working in a restaurant. The biggest challenge is making dishes that can be replicated quickly and consistently hundreds of times. Working in a restaurant isn't about cooking as much as it is about consistent product. It's more like a factory than a home kitchen, and that's what most of these home cooks just don't fucking get. You think that just because you made a good dinner for 2 that you're on par with people who make their living, spend 80 hours a week around food. Here's a tip: you probably wouldn't last 5 minutes in a professional kitchen.

Here's a tip: your plates look like shit. Your lamb was overcooked. Your breading procedure was backwards and won't hold the crumb properly. The blood on the plate means you probably didn't rest the meat long enough, and nobody has served lobster in the shell since the late 80's. Oh, and those shrimp look overcooked as hell.

Yeah, I'm mad. Every fucking hipster that comes into the restaurant and talks like they could come do my job, every time somebody looks down their nose at me when I tell them I'm a cook, every fucking "self taught" cook that comes in to stage and embarrasses themselves, it makes me angry.

>> No.3989682

Well put, sir.

>> No.3989710

Fellow cook here. Thank you. Thank you so fucking much for taking the time to put force an eloquent, reasonable, and emotionally truthful argument.

>> No.3989717

>Working in a restaurant isn't about cooking as much as it is about consistent product. It's more like a factory than a home kitchen
I agree. We both share a love for cooking, yet I am free to do so at my leisure whilst you are forced to do so in a much more industrial, and less free-willed, setting.
Your attacks on my dishes are evident of a love of food that has become distorted, or stained, by the commercial culinary industry. For example:

>your plates look like shit
you imply artistic plating is a requisite of home-cooked meals
>Your lamb was overcooked
That is a matter of personal preference, and is hardly deducible from a photo taken in low light
>Your breading procedure was backwards and won't hold the crumb properly
It held the crumb fine, perhaps not in a commercial kitchen.
>The blood on the plate means you probably didn't rest the meat long enough
It was well rested. The juice was due to the quality of the meat and preparation.
>nobody has served lobster in the shell since the late 80's
Maybe not in a "Michelin starred place", but this is home cooking and I enjoy lobster in the shell.

>> No.3989720

This fucking guy doesn't stop. You're an asshole. Shut the fuck up. You have been outed.

>> No.3989726

Seconded. I see a post full of excuses rather than rebuttals.

You have made a meal perfectly fit for personal consumption or even impressing a friend or date, but please let it drop. You are miles from home.

>> No.3989730
File: 44 KB, 533x400, l[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First you say you don't want to focus on plating and don't care about visual presentations, yet you come here and post pictures, and then say you like your lobster in a shell (clearly a presentation move). Which one is it?

Quality, well cooked meat won't run on a plate like that. My restaurant serves dry aged prime steak every day, and you won't see that much runoff from a single cut, ever. The picture I attached is a medium rare lamb chop, anything over, specially with that cut, is a fucking mess. Your cut is high medium at best. Yes, it's preference, but a shitty preference if you really like it that way.

Breading meat always starts with dry on wet. Meat is wet, throw it in flour then in egg. Wet sticks to dry, etc, etc. Egg right on meat will make your breading fall off way too easily. My attacks on your food are because I love food, and hate seeing you destroy it and pass it off like you are some sort of genius.

>> No.3989740

Louisiana here:


>> No.3989754

Same reason why most of everone else on 4chan is.

>> No.3989800

>why are all the professional chefs/cooks on this site (/ck/) such cunts?

75% of chefs are like this.
The other 25% have the genes or personality or whatever to not get stressed by anything.

>> No.3989819

I see a thread full of samefagging from (my guess) an angry chef who hates his job and cant stand that people enjoy cooking as a recreation.

>Egg right on meat will make your breading fall off way too easily.
except for the bit where I didnt use flour and the breading didnt fall off.

>> No.3989846

Even now, somebody with a lot more experience than you is telling you how to improve your dish, and you are ignoring it. You don't know everything, so stop acting like it.

>> No.3989849

>yet you come here and post pictures
I post pictures to stimulate discussion

>then say you like your lobster in a shell (clearly a presentation move)
nope, how else would I bake chopped lobster, cream, capsicum, spices and topped with cheese? In a fucking ramekin?

>> No.3989853

I dont pretend to know everything, but some pretentious faggot saying my lamb rack is "disgusting" and "would not eat" reeks of emotional pretense

>> No.3989905

That's just the way it is. Just like about 95% of photographers suffer from narcisstic personality disorder. Some jobs simply attract assholes.

>> No.3989917

Because it's the internet where people are anonymous and they can act like dicks without repercussions

>> No.3989943

Not OP but Marco Pierre White likes his lamb well done. Also, Guy who made lamb's lamb looks tender and juicy. What a self-entitled cunt you sound like. Remind me never to visit the shitty restaurant you work at. In fact, I Think I'll post some fake reviews on Tripadvisor to fuck with your shitty restaurant's shit.

>> No.3989960


>and nobody has served lobster in the shell since the late 80's

guy making shit up as he goes along detected.

>> No.3989967


he isn't ignoring it, he's being attacked by a pompous person. anyone who posted something they were proud of and then got excoriated by someone with an obvious advantage in terms of credibility would do the same thing.

chef guy doesn't know everything ever. he is talking about 'correct technique' and all this other is/ought bullshit about his profession. he hardly has the socratic wisdom of a truly experienced chef.

>> No.3990018
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>>cooking is a science
No preparing inedible food is a science. 'Cooking' as a ubiquitous term for assembling meals from scratch is not and any idiot can do it, prepare inedible food from scratch that is, not cook.