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3982339 No.3982339 [Reply] [Original]

>I'm a vegetarian but I still eat fish!

As someone who is not a vegetarian, can someone explain this one to me?

If it's for religious reasons or beliefs, I can understand but the only veggies I've met that follow this strange doctrine are ones doing it for moral reasons in that they can't bring themselves to eat animals and/or support some of the more cruel farming methods. Surely those apply to fish as well.

>> No.3982347

fish aren't cute so it's okay to eat them

>> No.3982353

I mostly eat a vegetarian diet but I do eat fish, eggs and milk.
My one and only reason is that I refuse to eat something I wouldn't or couldn't kill myself. Killing and preparing a fish is easy. And yeah a lot of that is because they don't look cute and don't scream or do anything else uncomfortable when killing them.
I'm a pretty bad example though because I also used to work on the fabrication floor of a slaughter house and if I had a shotgun wouldn't have a problem taking a couple pheasants per year in the fall. and anytime I help a family member process one of their free range (as in just living in the mountains over a few tens of 1000s of acres their entire life) cows I usually take a little liver and other bits of offal to eat around christmas.

>> No.3982356

>My one and only reason is that I refuse to eat something I wouldn't or couldn't kill myself
Not a vegetarian but I have the same rule. Try to avoid veal and lamb because of it, I just wouldn't feel comfortable killing them myself.

>> No.3982359

pretty much this

>> No.3982374

they die of anoxie. have you tried it bitch

Cutting the carotid is more humane

>> No.3982387

your assuming I don't immediately kill my fish with a very sharp knife through their very tiny brain and spine

>> No.3982400

more retarded version are vegans OP

>> No.3982462

holy shit this
and did anyone ever meet a vegan that didnt spend 5 minutes criticizing you or tell you about being vegan like its a fucking accomplishment

>> No.3982465

Well, speaking as a vegetarian. Fish is vital for your health, if you do it because of that it's understandable.

If not... you're just silly. Being a vegetarian is about not eating dead things.

>> No.3982499

I'm a veggie but I eat fish.
The reason I am a veggie is because I wouldn't kill most animals in order to eat them so why should I let some abattoir do it for me?
However I would catch and kill a fish because I used to fish all the time as a kid and eat what I caught so I've grown to not see an evil side to it.
I do like meat, I just wont eat it for as long as I couldn't bring myself to pull the trigger/push the knife/press the button that zaps them/cut their throats etc etc.

>> No.3982502

The point is that you're not a fucking vegetarian if you eat fish. You're a pescatarian, keep your terms straight.

>> No.3982509

I know this, but most people don't know what that is.
If I say to someone 'I'm a pescatarian' 9 times out of 10 they'll ask what that is and then i have to explain. Then some ask why I eat fish but not meat and then i have to explain that too.

>> No.3982533

This. People think pescatarian is a religion half the time. It's easier to say "vegetarian but I eat fish".

>> No.3982534

vegan reporting in. i apologize for those vegans. i have a lot of strong opinions regarding my diet and reasons behind it, but i do not appreciate being bombarded with opinions that are opposite of mine, so i make it a point to keep my veganism to myself unless asked about it. i'm sorry a lot of us are so pushy, but we're not all that way when unprovoked.

>> No.3982544

Why are you a vegan might I ask?

>> No.3982584

>vegetarian but I eat fish
>straith but I take it in the ass

>> No.3982587

I can understannd other things, but why don't you guys drink milk?
my captcha is a phone number. wtf

>> No.3982590

That's actually possible though. Next you'll be telling me that liking traps makes you gay

>> No.3982592

Not him and not vegan, milk is gross.

>> No.3982593

they are actually pescetarians and not vegetarians

>> No.3982594

>sticking your penis into another make
>not gay

>> No.3982599

Because vegetarians are retarded, hence the reason they're vegetarians, and don't realize that fish don't grow on trees.

>> No.3982600

fish are healthy because of these fatty acids that can also be found in most nuts.

farmed fish is purely disgusting and anything but healthy. caught fish is bad for the sea and polluted with mercury.

to OP
people who eat fish but not meat for any other reason than taste are not vegetarian, they're retarded.

>> No.3982603

>straight but I take it in the ass

well, not so strange for females

>> No.3982607

should've called and said it must be fate because captcha

>> No.3982610

They dont eat or use ANYTHING unwillingly taken from an animal...hence why they can consume human semen because its willingly given.

>> No.3982613

you need to put things in order.
annoying and stupid people are always annoying and stupid, they'd annoy you with anything, not only veganism.

>> No.3982614

>human semen

I think all semen should be fine ;)

>> No.3982617


>> No.3982622

>fish muscle
>not blatantly meat
>not blatantly an animal

You're not a fucking vegetarian if you eat animals. If you want to say "the only meat I eat is fish!" or "I would be a vegetarian, if I didn't eat fish!" fine.

>> No.3982632

What's worse is "I only eat fish or chicken!"

>> No.3982646
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If you're a vegetarian because you're against the meat industry, you can still eat wild fish. This also opens up for eating wild game, but usually fish is easier to get. Ecological goods are sometimes okay by this rule too. It's how I try to live. Because quality of life is more valuable than life itself.

>> No.3982651
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>"I only eat fish or chicken!"

So basically what you have no problem eating meat and probably eat it regularly even, you just want it to be low fat

You stupid fucking cunt

>> No.3982656

what about if an animal drops dead?

>> No.3982658

The animal didnt say it was ok to eat it's body, so no.

>> No.3982659

But it's fucking dead, he won't even know.

>> No.3982662

You aren't allowed to classify yourself as a vegetarian if you eat animal flesh O.o fish are animals. Plain and simple.

>> No.3982666

I didn't make up the rules!
Unless consent is given from the animal you can't eat it.

>> No.3982676

I dont classify myself as a vegetarian, because I eat fish and meat. I guess it's just common for people to think of fish as lesser animals because we can't relate well to them. The truth is that they feel pain just as much as we do, but I don't know of any experiments where they've tested if fish experience happiness. They probably do.

There are lot's of interesting experiments on how memory works in aquatic animals, including fish. And did you know that fish are genetically as diverse as mammals? Their interestingness adds to the taste ;)

>> No.3982686

Those people are not vegetarian, they are pescetarians. My grandad is a pescetarian, but only because he dislikes the taste of all other meats.

>> No.3982692

Sorry I meant that as a general "you".

>> No.3982964

Pretty much this. I stopped eating red meat a while back just to see how it went, and I haven't been into poultry anyway. Fish is a meat that I actually enjoy and it's a primary part of my diet. It's not because of ethical reasons, it's because of taste.

>> No.3982979

Morally, the dairy industry can be really exploitative and it's horrible to see how some cows are treated. I don't drink it for health reasons (I prefer soy, or almond milk in taste and for my diet)

>> No.3982980

They're just mixed up pescaterians.

What I don't understand is pescans, apart from the health benefits, I guess. But someone being a pescan for moral reasons? No clue.

>> No.3982986

My roommate says she still eats fish because "they don't feel pain"

>> No.3983104

It's okay to eat fish because they don't have any feelings.

>> No.3983147

i'm a vegetarian, not pesc, for moral reasons but i wouldn't have much of a moral issue with killing a fish to eat. mammals and poultry are much less alien then fish. they seem more aware and more like they have feelings we could understand. fish are not like this. when you think ofr a chicken dying, it seems a lot more upsetting then some fish. technically i suppose they should be regarded the same morally, but in reality the feeling is just not there.

>> No.3983154
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>> No.3983156

It is called "ignorance", because to be vegetarian means not eating meat and fish is a type of meat. The people you are referring to are pescetarians and practice pescetarianism.

>> No.3983157

hey, sorry - was offline for hours. i am vegan for moral reasons; i disagree with farming animals, putting them in horrible conditions, and killing them just because i might want to eat a burger (again, just my feelings). however, i only ever took up vegetarianism in the first place because i thought, what the hell, how long can i go meatless. it just turned more and more into something else over time.

>> No.3983159

vegan from earlier - sorry for the time it took to respond. i don't drink milk because milking them and repeatedly impregnating them is torturous and unnatural (just my opinion).

>> No.3983165

I love how apologetic you are. I'm a vegan myself, and it's kind of amusing that the backlash from preachy vegans has gotten so bad that we now need to defend ourselves before anyone has even replied just to prevent being immediately disregarded.

>> No.3983172

Vegan here. A lot of my friends don't even know I am one because I don't talk about it much; just if they see me eating food they might be like "whoa you're eating tons of fruit and veg what aboot meat anon?"

Unfortunately some vegans are pushy about their own feelings. I became vegetarian when I was about 12 because I heard they lived longer and that they were usually skinnier than meat-eaters. I essentially replaced all my meat with tons and tons of dairy, so my weight didn't go down very much. I gave up and went back to meat-eating for a year and gained the amount I lost back, plus some. Then I removed all animal products and lost 60lbs. I just do it for health. For me it's easier to just not even bother touching animal products and choose between fruit/salad or some pasta and whatnot rather than have the option of eating fast food or tons of really high fat high calorie things. Once in a while I'll have a vegan donut or something of the like, but they aren't as readily available so there's little to no temptation around me.

>> No.3983176

>Vegan here. A lot of my friends don't even know I am one because I don't talk about it much; just if they see me eating food they might be like "whoa you're eating tons of fruit and veg what aboot meat anon?"
Wow, so you are a closet vegan?

lol grow a pair. If your friends don't know about your eating habits that is kind of weird man.

>> No.3983247

But these things aren't humans.

>> No.3983254

Some do it for moral reasons, others do it because fish is the healthiest kind of meat with the least negative effects on your body. I love beef and pork but I don't eat that stuff anymore since it's really not so good for you

>> No.3983268

Meat-eater here, most vegetarians and vegans I know are actually quite moderate in their views, in the since that they don't try to force them on anyone. If anything, meat-eaters tend to give them a harder time than veggies/vegans do to them. Maybe this is an anomaly, but it's definitely my experiences.

>> No.3983277

My experience, too. I think the whole 'all vegans are preachy judgemental fucks' idea has come from horror stories passed on to others, and a small number of vegans trying to convert people on the internet (potentially trolls, of course).

And then there's the fact that people will have interacted with others that they didn't know were vegans, and it's only the vegans who feel compelled to tell everyone about it that get noticed.

>> No.3983278

I don't mention vegetarians because, in my experience, they're generally treated with indifference due to their rising numbers.

>> No.3983283

correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that called being a pescatarian or something?

>> No.3983305

It's because fish aren't cute. Pretty much the only reason.

>> No.3983334


Meat-eaters tend to be selfish assholes who get insecure when they see someone doing something good and go into "YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER THAN ME JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE BEING A BETTER PERSON THAN I AM?" mode

>> No.3983344

I only eat PeTA approved beef and chicken.

>> No.3983346

Never had that experience before. Then again, I've never met a preachy vegan before either.

The only thing I've ever seen that came close was when my sister decided to go vegan (didn't last long), and while we were on vacation my grandmother asked her how she wanted her bacon cooked. My sister tried to explain the whole concept of veganism to her, but it just confused grandma and she patted her on the head, saying she'd cook some turkey bacon for her instead.

>> No.3983348

That makes absolutely zero sense. Have you been drinking?

>> No.3983350

That's awesome. God bless your grandmother.

>> No.3983354


>don't kill and eat animals because I'm a good person
>this angers people who do even if I don't say anything to them or call them assholes for doing the opposite

>> No.3983369

By saying "I'm a good person because I don't eat animals" you're automatically implying that you think everyone else who does is a bad person. If you don't want people to overreact don't say condescending things like that.

>> No.3983375


You can do bad things without being a bad person in general. Good people usually try not to do bad things though. I don't tell people not to eat meat, but I atleast ask that they man up and admit that what they do isn't the nicest thing

>> No.3983385

>but I atleast ask that they man up and admit that what they do isn't the nicest thing

Only in your opinion. I can't tell you what to think, but I don't have to man up and do anything if I don't agree with you.

>> No.3983386


>murder isn't bad

No, man up and admit it

>> No.3983391
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Can't force your opinions on me, bro.

>> No.3983389

Same here
Its called pescetarian
I personally think that meat is disguisting not because of the dead animal just because of the look and the scent
Fish is okay though

>> No.3983392


Okay, Jeffrey Dahmer

>> No.3983395

Cool ad hominem. You're only making vegans look even more preachy at this point.

>> No.3983399


And you've got the insecurity I talked about. You're seriously saying that murdering other conscious beings because you like how they taste is just fine and dandy because you're not man enough to admit that when it comes to food, you're greedy enough to take a life for a luxary. Call that preachy if you want, but it's a damned good thing to be preachy about

>> No.3983401
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>ad hominem

>> No.3983402

So I guess all carnivorous animals are evil then? Cool story bro.

>> No.3983404


They can't help it, their body is designed entirely to eat meat and to catch prey. You don't have to rely on meat at all but you choose to because you like the way it tastes. You're not a carnivore, bro

>> No.3983408

No, he's right.
>ad hominem (plural ad hominems)

> (logical fallacy) A fallacious objection to an argument or factual claim by appealing to a characteristic or belief of the person making the argument or claim, rather than by addressing the substance of the argument or producing evidence against the claim; an attempt to argue against an opponent's idea by discrediting the opponent himself.
> A personal attack.

>> No.3983422


It's only an ad hominem when they use it in place of an argument. The guy had an argument and just decided to call you a name too. That's not an ad hominem.

>> No.3983429

That particular response that they gave wasn't an argument. If they had responded with the argument and called me a name at the end, that's not an ad hominem. But just calling me a name is no argument.

>> No.3983434

What insecurity?
>Meat-eaters tend to be selfish assholes who get insecure when they see someone doing something good and go into "YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER THAN ME JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE BEING A BETTER PERSON THAN I AM?" mode

I don't know if you're the anon who wrote this, but yeah, I'm going to get defensive if somebody calls me a selfish asshole for having a different mindset from them. Preach all you want, but at this point you're as bad as a fundie forcing their religion on atheists.

>> No.3983437


>having a different mindset from them

"Hitler's not a bad guy, he just has a different mindset! He killed all those jews because that's HIS choice! Stop being so preachy!"

>> No.3983441
File: 4 KB, 300x163, haw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, Godwin's Law too? You're pulling out all the best logical fallacies tonight, anon.

>> No.3983442


It's pretty damn comparible in this case. Hitler had an estimated 6 million jews killed at the most. 10 billion+ land animals are killed each year

>> No.3983443
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>nothing is allowed to be compared to Hitler or else it's a logical fallacy

>> No.3983445

Animals aren't people. Stop trying to make them out to be equal.

>> No.3983448


We used to say the same about blacks to make ourselves feel better about what we were doing to them

>> No.3983451

It's a logical fallacy when the person has no argument to fall back on and is forced to result to it. Anyway, I'm still standing by my original argument - think of me and call me a bad person all you want, but I don't have to admit or believe that I'm bad just because I'm not a vegan.

>> No.3983455


Comparing two mass murders is a sound argument, the fact that Hitler has existed and did things in his life and is a perfect example to use for arguments doesn't mean he's a logical fallacy

> think of me and call me a bad person all you want, but I don't have to admit or believe that I'm bad just because I'm not a vegan.

Alright, but understand that you're in effect saying that people like Jeffrey Dahmer aren't bad

>they just want to eat some human meat, what's wrong with that?

>> No.3983456

You can't mistake any animal we eat for being human, so that argument kind of falls apart. Animals =/= people.

>> No.3983457

>Alright, but understand that you're in effect saying that people like Jeffrey Dahmer aren't bad

Considering animals aren't people? Not really.

>> No.3983458


If it's fine to kill anything that isn't equal to us mentally, are you fine with the idea of killing and eating anyone who can't beat you at a game of chess?

>> No.3983460

If it doesn't have the same brain and cognitive functions as a homo sapien and doesn't fall under that branch of species, then yes.

>> No.3983462


Why are humans the only thing on the planet with a right to live?

>> No.3983463

I'm not a vegetarian but I haven't eaten meat since last february, just because I didn't feel like it.

why don't you try to deal with it?

>> No.3983464

I never said they didn't have a right to live. It's not like we're slaughtering every single infant animal as soon as it comes out of the womb.

>> No.3983467


10 billion a year

>slaughtering infant animals

Speaking of, the meat industry likes to take male chicks and grind them alive since they're only interested in hens

>> No.3983472

And how many are left on the planet? Are we really killing so many animals that the cow or the chicken is going to go extinct soon?

But I don't agree with anything the current meat industry does. If I eat meat or animal products, it's either going to be something I killed/raised myself or locally bought.

>> No.3983474

>As someone who is not a vegetarian, can someone explain this one to me?
People who don't know what vegetarian means

>> No.3983477


It's not about driving it to extinction, it's about respect for human life. They''ll never go extinct because they're bred in the billions to be used mercilessly in the egg and dairy industry and then slaughtered in a factory. All this suffering and death happens because people are greedy. That's my point. I won't call you a bad guy for being part of it but admit that it's not a nice thing to be a part of

>> No.3983478


>human life

Fuck, I meant animal life

>> No.3983560

The amount of stupid in this thread is overwhelming.

>> No.3983571

If you eat fish you're not really a vegetarian. The term to use is peskytarian.

>> No.3983620

yeah but, well, cows actually need to be milked. not milking them is basically torture.

>> No.3983648

I'll remember that next time I want to fondle a big breasted woman's boobs.

>> No.3983649


The term to use is hipster faggot, and "liar".

>> No.3983656

OP, I wish you'd get over it. Veganism is fucking insufferable, but I have no problem with ovo/lacto/pesco vegetarians because they're not retarded and arbitrary in their diet.

>> No.3983671


Woah, this guy is an idiot. Well, not necessarily an -idiot-, but definitely around average whilst believing to be some logic maestro.

Don't you realise your logic doesn't apply unless you force assumptions that are not concrete? We don't even know what consciousness is, let alone whether animals have it or not. Calm your tits, bro.