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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3981027 No.3981027[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm throwing an "Apocalypse Wow!" party on December 21st to celebrate the.end of the world, which we know is coming because people who couldn't foresee the destruction of their own civilization several thousand years ago totally said it was happening next month.

What dishes go well with Armageddon? Ragnarok? Sudden heat death of the universe? Your eschatological outcome of choice?

>> No.3981052

I lol'd OP.

Funny how the whole 2012 thing kind of died down lately, eh?

>> No.3981064
File: 845 KB, 2404x2092, 1351569922007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>end of the world
It's just a new era, pleb.

>> No.3981068

man the mayans never said shit about the end of the world, they were talking about the end of an era.
it's about as portentous as that bit in your calendar that says "December 31st"

>> No.3981074

>implying I don't get anxious every December 31st

>> No.3981101
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The world can end if I damn well want it to. Having exactly zero evidence apart from being a crazed motherfucker didn't stop Harold Camping last year, did it?

I figure we're in for each and every apocalypse. Simultaneously. At least. Gonna be a hell of a party, bro.

But more importantly, aside from copious alcohol to help distract the party goers from the certain knowledge of their impending demise, what should we consume while awaiting destruction?

>> No.3981163

Can I come?

>> No.3981165
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A couple friends of a friend is throwing one of these parties too (except they legitimately thinks the world's going to end). They said to bring whatever ingredients you would want for your last meal and they'd cook it to order, since they're both chefs.

The concept is really silly but I'm actually kind of looking forward to it.

>> No.3981217

make some classics from fallout 3

blamco mac n cheese
wasteland ommelete
crunchy mutfruit
iguana on a stick
mirelurk cakes

this will make sure they're ready to consume the horrid food of the future.

>> No.3981220

That actually sounds like a good twist on the potluck.

Many of my friends can't cook worth a damn, or just can't be arsed to make anything.

>> No.3981235
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>Americans still think Ragnarok = Armageddon

>> No.3981896
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I see no reason the fire giants of Muspelheim can't breach the Bifrost at the same time Jesus Christ returns to earth to fetch his faithful, at the same time Cthulhu rises from his slumber in sunken R'lyeh to summon the great old one Yog-Sothoth.

Seems like the most convenient moment for all of them, actually.

>>make some classics from fallout 3
Good idea, and of course Twinkies should feature prominently.

Oh, and spiked Koolaid.

>> No.3983273

Still alive, huh? I like how slow this board is; most others I have to bump every half hour.

>> No.3983522

yeah I mean they could go out drinking on their road trip, see all the sights, it will be like that movie Ferris Euler's day off or whatever.

>> No.3983534

But they didn't fucking say it was happening next month. The Mayan calandar doesn't take into account leap years, so the world actually ended about 9 months ago.

Fucking grow up, all of you.

>> No.3983577

I think the point was that Ragnarok wasn't Armageddon; humanity survives.

>> No.3983604
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Starring Matthew Rodrik.

>> No.3983641


Dude what. For one, destroying Bifrost is a sign of Ragnarok, not Ragnarok, and Ragnarok has already happened. Armageddon is going to happen. Only the gods died in Ragnarok. Midgard (earth) is left untouched.

>> No.3983644

not to mention that their calendar jst restarts

>> No.3983645
File: 4 KB, 118x127, 60n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


About the time Mitt Romney started running for president...

Holy shit

Obama fucking saved the world.

>> No.3983646

OP, I like your image. Any idea who drew it?

>> No.3983647


It's called reverse image search.

>> No.3983654

>What dishes go well with Armageddon?

As we all know, Armageddon is the battle of the end times. Mount Megiddo is in the middle east in northern Israel, so if the site of the end times begins there, then help yourself to some Israeli cuisine.


Now, Ragnarok is a series of events, but the true beginning of Ragnarok proper comes right at the end of Fimbulwinter, a winter that lasts three years with no summer. Ragnarok's true beginning is therefore the start of the last spring, announced with the horn-blow of Heimdall that will be heard in all corners of the nine realms.
Start of spring foods would be good, then, and it might be a good time to celebrate your final Chinese New Year with some hot spring rolls.

>Sudden heat death of the universe?

Sadly in this event there will be no matter left to make food from, as it has all decayed into radiation. Your options of catering is limited strictly to varying levels of energetic photons.

>Your eschatological outcome of choice?

A meal will be served during the Frashokereti, when the great lord of light Ahura Mazda finally casts down the incarnation of darkness, Angra Mainyu. Ahura Mazda and the seven Amesha Spenta will prepare a sanctimonious dish of Haoma (a divine plant) for all mankind to eat, which will be healing, nourishing, and delicious, and all righteous people who eat it shall become immortal. Bringing your own food might be rude to Ahura Mazda, and might be considered unrighteous.

>> No.3983655


Not quite. At the final hour of Ragnarok, Surtr casts his flaming sword Lævateinn into the heart of Yggdrasil, killing effectively everyone. In the original myths, this is the final hour of all time, and Surtr's hatred successfully kills the world. It was only in later myths, cross-pollinating with Christianity, that added Baldur (the Jesus figure) reviving after the end, and Líf (Adam) and Lífthrasir (Eve) surviving to repopulate the world.

>> No.3983657

No dishes. they would have been evaporated. Also noone at your party can leave alive. not even you

>> No.3983659

No. It's called not being a complete cunt and using this imageboard to exchange information with people as is its intended purpose.

>> No.3983694

>to exchange information

he exchanged the informartion with you that you should use reverse image search

>> No.3983695

But Dent Arthur Dent survived and even had a good meal!

>> No.3983702

No. He (probably being you) acted like a snotty sixteen year old who belongs back on >>>/r/ drowning in the depths of the internet in the perennial search for pornography involving children.

This is /ck/, and here we politely ask the poster a question and wait patiently for a reply. If someone posts an image it's always more convenient for everyone involved to just ask them any questions relating to it - which is fine given that it's an imageboard you fucking sarcastic cretin.

>> No.3983704

>No. He (probably being you
> acted like a snotty sixteen year old who belongs back on >>>/r/
if you want sauce on an image go to /r/ yourself newfag or just reverse iamge search

>acted like a snotty sixteen year old
you act very much like a butthurt 12 year old

>> No.3983717

I didn't want "sauce" though, I wanted a quick reply if the OP knew the answer. If he didn't I wasn't particularly bothered either way.

I've been using 4chan for years without any aspie fucks like you trying to get me to /r/ a very simple question on a blue board. I'm serious, fuck off to wherever you came from or lurk and adjust to how the rest of this website works.

>> No.3983724

watch out we got an oldfag here who is sticking it to the MAN.

butthurt much?

in case you did not know newfag: the official 4chan extension lets you find the sauce of any pic with just one click you lazy fag.

why would OP know who made this?
i am not writing down the name of every fag who made a wallpaper i have and i have 500 wallpapers.
why would you expect anyone to know the artist?

people like you are the reason this site sucks.
go be a newfag someplace else

>> No.3983739

I can already hear the sounds of your victory fap having satisfied yourself that you are now King Anonymous, Crusher of Oldfags, Bringer of New Ways. The point still stands that I asked a very simple question with one ortwo word reply and had you or your likeminded friend just ignored it as you should have in the first place we wouldn't be having this mind-numbing discussion. Bear that in mind in future.

>> No.3983796

welcome to 4chan newfag

>> No.3983807
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