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3974152 No.3974152 [Reply] [Original]

How do you drink your coffee?

For me it's straight black

>> No.3974177

If it's a light roast I'll drink it straight almost always. Darker roasts I'll drink black or with a little cream and only enough sugar to taste.

>> No.3974179

My favorite coffee is the turkish coffee.

>> No.3974186

Black mostly, occasionally cream, never sugar.

>> No.3974192

the taste of coffee and the taste of sugar are like antithetical in my mind, is this something i need to try?
i don't get it

>> No.3974196

Same here. When I was working for one of America's richest families, our outpost was stocked with nasty assed 8 o'clock coffee. The only way I could drink that garbage was by cutting it with 50% water. It would tear up my stomach otherwise.

One of my co-workers was married to a Colombian. They flew to Colombia once a year. He always brought back the best coffee I'd ever tasted. And it was filled with a hyper level of caffeine. I drank a cup of that (black, of course) and was jolted for the entire night.

>> No.3974197

Black or some cream. Never sugar.

>> No.3974202
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Lots of cream, lots of sugar.

>> No.3974212

Coffee black with sugar tastes somewhat strange to me. I mean with just sugar, no cream. I can see why people don't often like it that way. I taste it like that before putting cream in. I'm not sure what it is...

>> No.3974214

if it's good quality, black.

if it's not, a little cream or milk.

>> No.3974215

Hot = black
Cold = ice, dash of cream, and some sugar.

>> No.3974229

It tastes great to me.

>> No.3974247
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Black in the morning.

Creams and sugar any time after 7PM.

>> No.3974249

I buy san francisco bay french roast in 3lb bags. When I open that shit, I vacuum seal a canister and the rest in a rival bag. After every use, I re vacuum seal the canister. This ensures my coffee will never get oxidized and taste like shit.

I'm a supertaster, all you plebs would never understand.

>> No.3974254

every time you break the seal air rushes in to fill all the little depressurised gaps between your beans.

>> No.3974265

>french roast

Pick one.

>> No.3974297

ITT: everyone claims to drink coffee black

coffee tastes like shit whether it's with sugar and cream or not it's always shit

>> No.3974307

Some people are born with taste buds, others are not. I'm sorry to learn of your ailment.

>> No.3974318

nature makes things bitter so you don't eat them
normal humans don't like bitter tastes
weirdos enjoy them and slowly kill themselves - you know every mg of caffeine adds 2 beats per minute to your heart which equals about 600 beats per cup of coffee.
your heart can only beat so many times so you're taking off about 5 minutes of your life with each cup of coffee you drink

>> No.3974326

If you're drinking bitter coffee, you're a cheap bastard. Spend a little coin and enjoy a cup of actual coffee.

>> No.3974329

>normal humans don't like bitter tastes
Yeah, no one likes wine, rapini, spinach, kale, swiss chard, radicchio, tea, beer, olives, citrus peel, cocoa, etc.

>your heart can only beat so many times so you're taking off about 5 minutes of your life with each cup of coffee you drink
Dat broscience bro.

>> No.3974341

>your heart can only beat so many times so you're taking off about 5 minutes of your life with each cup of coffee you drink
You can only breathe so many times so every time you breathe you are taking time off of your life. If you breathe half as much you can live twice as long.

>> No.3974348

that's actually true too as long as you're able to get the oxygen another way, scientists found some chromosomes in DNA that prove a heart can only beat X amount of times until it just stops, same goes with lungs but that depends on each individuals' lung elasticity and density of blood vessels inside the tissue that makes up the lungs and is much harder to determine than a heart's cut off point.

>> No.3974349

>scientists found some chromosomes in DNA that prove a heart can only beat X amount of times until it just stops

>> No.3974356

You really need to kickstart Broscience Magazine.

>> No.3974357

Yeah, uh, all my nope.

This would mean you could effectively test at birth to determine how many beats are supposed to occur before that person dies.

>> No.3974360

Literally every sentence he typed made me laugh a little.

I would subscribe to Broscience Magazine.

>> No.3974363
File: 922 KB, 240x180, 1323847395771.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll be the new Mad or Cracked. It'll sell so well they'll even be able to afford to print it!

>> No.3974362

Black tastes disgusting unless it's strong, and has a little froth on it

If it's weak I'll drink it with some half-half, and if it's super cheap I'll get vanilla/hazelnut mixed with 1/2 - 1/2

>> No.3974371

dunkin donuts and just go 'regular.' beats the fuck out of starbucks or your turkish shit

>> No.3974374

Fair enough

>> No.3974376

>american coffee better than turkish

>> No.3974379

See I'm the opposite. But then again, I've bought some light roast recently that's surprisingly complex, so I feel kind of stupid putting cream and sugar in it. I feel like a bold black coffee is a better mix with cream and sugar. But I only do this if I know the coffee is terrible.

>> No.3974385

at home black. if I drink coffee at work I use vanilla creamer (hospital coffee sucks)

>> No.3974392

I hate coffee, fucking caffeine addicts.

>> No.3974397

Caffeine doesn't do anything to me. I just enjoy paying 3 bucks for a warm cup of flavored water every once in a while.

>> No.3974475

Lotsa sugar and lotsa milk cause' I'm a tasteless faggot

>> No.3974488

Cream and hella sugar. Why would anyone drink black coffee? It's like black tea, but shitty.

>> No.3974497

Coffee tastes fucking gross. It smells amazing but i'll never understand how anyone manages to put that putrid toilet water into their mouth.

I have too much respect for coffee culture to just load it with cream and sugar and chocolate and frosting though. I just don't drink it.

>> No.3974503

Normally black but when I'm at home I've been getting into these Thai powdered coffee shit with sugar and cream in them
That is some strong shit tell you what
Sometimes I make like 2 packets add some milk and ice and drink it like that
Other times I use it as flavoring for making coffee milkshakes

>> No.3974536

With whiskey.

>> No.3974633

Double espresso, about 1/6th cream and one teaspoon of cane sugar.

>> No.3974694

double shot latte. no sugar.

>> No.3974801

my nigga

>> No.3975004

I like my coffee how I like my men: pale and sweet.

>> No.3975033

oh ok

>> No.3975034

>I like my coffee like I like my crude, thick as tar and black as the devils soul

>> No.3975038 [DELETED] 
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Looks alchemical, or something

>> No.3975075

What you do is, you start off with black. You take your time smelling the aroma and sipping it until it cools off enough to drink.

Then, after you've downed about a quarter of it, you fill it up to the brim again by adding cream, then down the entire cup like that.

And that's how it's done.

>> No.3975089

things like cream and sugar are to make up for lack luster coffee and or brewing techniques

it's the same with tea--if you add that shit to high quality coffee or tea, which was brewed properly, you're ruining what people pay a premium for, just because you are doing automaton shit.

>> No.3975097

Espresso can do no wrong in my book.
Usually add honey, cardamom, and cinnamon to my morning brew. Only add cream if it's bad coffee.

>> No.3975106

Yeah, I've heard that. I'm using a dark roast, and it tastes amazing with just that little splash of h&h, but I should really try a light sometime.