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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3972731 No.3972731 [Reply] [Original]


>These pictures show the disturbing moment a truck crammed with 500 cats was stopped during a routine check - as it made its way to restaurants across China.

>The neglected and hungry cats were piled together in cages as the truck seemingly made its way to food outlets to sell the pets as meat.

>Luckily, the animals, some of which had been cruelly stuffed in bags, were rescued thanks to vehicle checks in Xuzhou, in the eastern province of Jiangsu.

>> No.3972735

> dailymail

thread hidden

>> No.3972737

>filthy chink barbarians

Now see, kids, this is what alarmist rednecks would like us to believe, that cultural practices different than those of ours partaken of by a small portion of a foreign civilization defines the entirety of the group, and that with this singular anecdote we can freely demonize and de-humanize the entirety of them. These are practices no different from what we do to our pigs, cows, chicken and other domesticated animals. The real purpose of this post is to rustle jimmies and direct the resulting infuriation towards innocent, if not foreign, people in an attempt to foster an atmosphere of hostility ripe for exploitation for OP's own backwards, violent and opportunistic mentality.

>> No.3972745

>buttmad slope

>> No.3972750

>These are practices no different from what we do to our pigs, cows, chicken and other domesticated animals
Read the article, you illiterate blowhard.

>> No.3972754

> illiterate
> reads the daily mail

Just because you can technically sound out the words doesn't exactly make you "literate" by 21st century standards.

>> No.3972755
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That's what I thought.

>> No.3972784
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>Hurr read the dailymail and larn.
Its a tabloid you moron, even /pol/ doesnt consider it a real source of information.

>> No.3972788

And so I had done. This is in no way different from the more industrial treatment of cattle in western nations. They suffer, they are neglected, they die, and then they get eaten.

What makes a significant difference in terms of this thread and this article is that it is directed at the Chinese in the form of "filthy chink barbarians". As a carpet statement that the entire Chinese populace is somehow inferior, less civilized, and undeserving of being considered equal as human beings to whatever global minority you represent. It is an attempt to scandalize and marginalize people, whether by intent to profit of the negative sentiment, or whether to just satisfy one's own perverse need to elevate one's own confidence by degrading another demographic. It's shameful and disgusting, and at the very root the sort of behavior distrust, disrespect, war and breaches of human rights stem from.

Also, it has fuckall to do with food and cooking.

>> No.3972792

You live a sheltered life, my long-winded and boring friend.

>> No.3972793

If you're going to make fun of Mainlanders and their eating habits, at least make fun of how even when they're richer, they still act like dumbshits and buy animal parts like horns as opposed to Viagra.

>> No.3972817

You do realize how backwards that sounds when at the same time you're screaming bloody murder about people eating cats on the other side of the planet?

>> No.3972819

No. He's the one that makes the claim that China is the paragon of civilization when in fact, I've actually been there.

>> No.3972846

That's exactly the thing. You're scared to death of Chinese people from what little you've seen of them. They're just people, and you feel the need of parading around screaming they're such horrible barbarians, while in the end they're at the worst not very different from fucking Manchester. You're just showing how sheltered you in reality are by shitting your pants in public about the "evil chinky barbarian savages" because your closeted little white bread mind couldn't handle the idea of foreign, different human civilizations.

>> No.3972851

>Never heard of battery farming

>> No.3972857

Mean while foie grasis just one example. The whole world is messed up you know. Nothing else to say.

>> No.3972889

Most chinks are slaves to different of corrupt leaders and we care more about cats?

>> No.3972945
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I have a cat less than two feet from me and I still don't give a fuck.

Do you have any idea what we do to our farm animals? They have to feed them a constant stream of anti-biotics just so they'll live to see the slaughterhouse. They are raised in pens so small they must remain unmoving and standing and they still come to the killing floor with uncountable injuries sustained from they living environment or the cruel way they are thrown around before being killed.

That being said, what do you expect when you have this many damned people?We don't give a fuck about the welfare of our food, because it's already dead and shrinkwrapped in our heads.

But god forbid some yellow bastard wants to eat a PET. I mean, here in the US where stray cats and dogs are rampant and pounds are overflowing, we understand that even unwanted animals deserve to be humanely euthanized and then have the body thrown in a dumpster and left whole, uneaten and untainted.

>> No.3972957

Most rational people care more about animals than dirty chinks

>> No.3973081

This. It's retarded to say that people are 'cruel' for eating animals we consider pets, and it's hypocritical to say they're 'cruel' for how those animals are treated when we treat the animals we eat the same or worse.

>> No.3973084

>Implying 'dirty chinks' aren't rational
That must be why they're kicking the asses of every western country right now, right?

>> No.3973088
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>Murrica crams cattle side-to-side in holding cells like sardines
>Bitches when China does the same thing with a different animal

>> No.3973091

>1.3 billion brainwashed slaves
once the zombie virus takes hold, we'll see who kicks whose ass.

>> No.3973097


Even Chinese people don't want to live in China.

>> No.3973113

>nation of 1.3 billion people that still believe things like snake oil work as medicine.

and to think people call Americans stupid

>> No.3973116

you see this cute moferfucker
yes we eat them in STRAYA CUNT!

>> No.3973117
File: 30 KB, 363x560, mad_20cat-933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get thee the fuck out of here.

Food is pretty much the only thing that keeps me sane from this fucking fucked up fuck world full of fuck, and I can't especially deal with cruelty against helpless animals, so get fucked.

Yes I mad, you sonofabitch. FUCK. Saaaaggggeeeeee.

>> No.3973119


Well, a lot of we Americans believe in Jesus, Mohammad, Yaweh, and other imaginary friends. That's pretty stupid.

>> No.3973120
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forgot pic

>> No.3973128

careful you don't cut yourself on that edge of yours

>> No.3973156


>That being said, what do you expect when you have this many damned people?

To not waste resources on meat and spend the land and labor to grow more plants for eating

Meat is a luxary. If we're talking survival, you have to go with plants. That's why all the Feed The Hungry type foundations are completely vegan, it's way easier and more abundant to feed people with plants

>> No.3973158

This makes me wonder how Indian people view us. We slaughter billions of cows every year

>> No.3973162

Indians are even more filthy than chinks if that's even possible.

>> No.3973165


It's like crucifying Jesus 3 and a half million times a day

>> No.3973178

Entomophagy - It's the way forwards!

>> No.3973182

>Filthy chink barbarians

You know what website you're on, right?

>> No.3973186

An American site.

>> No.3973196

You mean vegetarian surely, vegan people cannot survive without vitamins and such.

>> No.3973202


No, they don't bother with eggs and milk and all that, they feed entire populations with just rice and vegetables

>> No.3973207


Yeah, and they die at 35 as well.

>> No.3973210

small favors

>> No.3973212
File: 28 KB, 120x149, 1265507509933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>average lifespan of an asian person is 35 years

Go to any asian country and they eat pretty much entirely rice and vegetables. They're healthy and lean no matter how much they eat

>> No.3973215


Name one such country.

Vietnam? Nope, they eat lots of fatty pork, duck, fish. etc.
Korea? Nope. they also love their pork, beef, fish. Japan or Malaysia? They eat just about any animal or fish you could name. India? Pakistan? They love goat and lamb. Thailand? Damn, they even eat insects there, in addition to anything else that swims, crawls or flies.

What is this mythical asian country you speak of where they eat no meat?

>> No.3973216

Ugh they eat plenty of fish and chicken and shit

>> No.3973225


It's called China, maybe you've heard of it

>> No.3973228

Fish, cat, beef, pork and chicken, try again.

>> No.3973231


Eaten by 0.5% of the populace

>> No.3973235

No, how many times have you been to china?

>> No.3973250

Which is still 6.5m people.

>> No.3973256


Yeah, all the unhealthy people in China. Most asians eat strictly vegan diets, a handful of heart disease ridden stragglers don't make up the majority population

Look at Thailand specifically. The poor and middle class eat vegan and are lean and healthy as fuck, while the rich eat meat and ice cream and are fat and diabetic

>> No.3973263

Watch out bro, you're going to make these fatties even more upset. They'll start throwing burgers at you.

>> No.3973261

>lean and healthy as fuck
You mean malnourished and sickly.

>> No.3973264

Only first world morons think poor people in Asia eat vegan diets.

>> No.3973272


The niggers climb 50 foot tall trees with ease. They don't have giant hulking muscles but they're in great shape

>> No.3973307

How do cat and dog taste?

It's something that I'd really like to try someday.

>> No.3973316

Chink here. Never knowingly ate cat or dog myself, but when my extended family raised chickens, pigs, and cattle at least those were given enough space to walk around and were fed with actual plants.

>> No.3973320

You shouldn't lie about eating meat. Everybody knows that China is 99.5% vegan

>> No.3973324

Even if meat consumption on the average is low, it's not because people are vegetarian by choice, but because some people are too poor to afford it. You're wrong anyways.

>> No.3973330

You can't come up with a rebuttal so you resort to using a meme?

>> No.3973334

This. I grew up in Asia. I've never met a single Asian who was vegan. Not a one. Even vegetarian Asians eat meat! I'm not even kidding!
They call themselves vegetarians, and according to religious doctrines, they are (since shrimp and clams are not considered to be meat), but no one and I mean no fucking one is vegan in Asia. It just doesn't happen. Everyone eats eggs because everyone has a hen or two then, when she gets too old to lay, ya boil the bitch and eat chicken broth.
Even India isn't vegan: butter, butter everywhere.
You're stupid and white. Stop being one of those things. Fucking Khnom.

>> No.3973338

Are you white? I'm Asian and I've never met an Asian vegan. Hell, I only know a few Asian vegetarians.
Fuck off if you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.3973359


>ping pong bing bonb
>ping pang ching chang

Speak English

>> No.3973362

Not Asian. I'm white, just grew up there.

>> No.3973395

Veganism was thought up by some retarded Brit. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veganism

>> No.3973402

If you have a problem with eating cats you shouldn't be eating meat at all.

>> No.3973413

I disagree.

>> No.3973464

I find it sad that I will never be able to eat cat or dog because of the west's hypocritical morals.