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3970799 No.3970799 [Reply] [Original]

I make pasta sauce a lot and I'm not the best at it, but yesterday I decided to make it with fresh tomatoes and fresh herbs and it was the best sauce I have ever eaten

The only problem is it took like 4 hours to make and the tomatoes were about double the price of the same amount of canned sauce. Any freshbros out there got any advice for speeding up the process?

>> No.3970803

deep fry the tomatoes first

>> No.3970817

Find a decent brand of canned whole tomatoes and don't look back.
look for the words san marzano

>> No.3970830


I used Centro brand San Marzano tomatoes and they taste really nice but they didn't make THAT great of a sauce. They're the only tomatoes I would drink straight from the can though

>> No.3970842

Go to a farmers market and buy your tomatoes in bulk. Take them home and make a big batch of your sauce. I would imagine sealing in individual bottles and freezing would give it a shelf life of a couple of months.

>> No.3970847
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>cost more for fresh tomatoes than for canned


>> No.3970853

Grow your own tomatoes, they grow like a fucking weed if you take care of them.

>> No.3970858


Roma tomatoes were I $1.69 a pound. I bought a bit over 5 pounds and it simmered out into about as much sauce as you'd get from a $2 can of crushed tomatoes

>> No.3970862

Cut a cross in some roma tomatoes. Salt, pepper, olive oil and broil for 5 minutes or so. Peel tomatoes and smash them in a pan with some garlic, oil and whatever herbs you like. Add some pasta water after pasta is done and season and you got a fast, easy fresh tomato sauce.

>> No.3970863


>> No.3970866


I was actually looking into this the past few days but I know nothing of gardening and don't know if it's too late to start growing them due to winter coming and all

>> No.3970882


I blanched and peeled them but spent some time cutting them. Would they be alright if I just throw them in the pot and smash them up? I don't care about seeds at all

>> No.3970883

>over 5 pounds and it simmered out into about as much sauce as you'd get from a $2 can of crushed tomatoes

That is FUCKING BULLSHIT and you are lying.

Not helping you now.

>> No.3970891
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Buy a high quality, large food mill (pic related).
No more worrying about skins, core, seeds, etc. No blanching, shocking, peeling, coring, straining, mashing, pureeing, etc. etc. etc. Once you've settled on the screen size for the consistency you like, just rip off any vine, wash the outside, drop it in the food mill and grind it through. Catches all the skins, seeds and filth and lets the good stuff drop through. It's a bit pricey, and a little more to wash, but it takes only slightly longer to mill your tomatoes than it does to open a can.

>> No.3970896
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>> No.3970898

ItaliAnon living in the US here.
At first, I let my snobbery get the better of me and I only purchased imported S Marzano here in the US until a day when I'd sent my assistent to the grocer to pick some things up for me. He called me to let me know that Hunt's tomatoes were on offer at extremely reduced price: four for a dollar. I thought "what've I got to lose?" and had him pick me up a few tins. Worst that could come of it is that I'd be out of a dollar.
So I made salsa napoletana (ragù without any meat) from one tin and so impressed was I with the outcome that I used the remaining three to make a proper ragù alla napoletana with stewing pork, beef brisket, sausages and garlic-and-cheese-stuffed roulades.
I was surprised that it was every bit as good as the S Marzano and, since the regular price is one dollar per tin, at less than a fifth the cost.
Long story short, buy tinned tomatoes, whole, peeled, plum-shaped ones in juice, not in purée, with or without added basil (I prefer without in case I want to use it for other things). I used whole as I find the crushed ones from tins to have something of an acrid taste that I don't enjoy and the whole ones to be sweeter.
I recommend Hunt's as it's the best bang-for-the-buck tinned tomato I've used thus far during my time here in the States.

>> No.3970904
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>sent my assistant

Check out this motherfucker

>> No.3970905
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>>3970898 helping the help do their help

But then they're not the help anymore.

>> No.3970907

A full fledged greaseball wop recommending hunt's brand tomatoes?
I'm scared.

>> No.3970919

I prefer the term "greasy wop dego." I use it jokingly in reference to ItaloAmerican friends and acquaintances. I'm just Italian.
Terrone might be the disparaging term you can use for me: it means "dirt eater" and it comes from the idea that people from my region are generally impoverished in comparison to the north, though my family is not itself poor.

>> No.3970926
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OP here

Finishing off the last of my sauce in some al dente pasta with fresh grated, imported Parmigiano-Reggiano

>> No.3970936

we honestly don't care.

>> No.3970940

I'm interested in what he was saying, actually. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.3970957

Food processor.

>> No.3970960

Start a garden next spring... Less than a few bucks for a shit ton of fresh tomatos, basil, and whatever you want to grow. They're not too picky and pretty hard to kill. Just give them a good place with direct sunlight and water them regularly.

>> No.3970964

This. I put 6 roma tomatoes in a blender after removing the top of the core and cutting the whole things into 1/4s. Blend it up and pour into pot with oil, herbs, etc. Simmer for about 2 hours. The width of your pot and how much you fill it will decide how long it takes. This is important to consider.

I get lots of sauce from this amount. I don't know what the fuck you actually did if you got like one can's worth from five god damned pounds. You must have been high.

>> No.3970965

Grow your own tomatoes and herbs. Apparently it's not difficult.

>> No.3970973


I'll grow YOU some fucking tomatoes. Get out of here